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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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But does JP want a replica of his mother or someone closer to like his sister? If he wants a replica of his mother, JK and any other chaebol heiress will do. He wants more and expects more. To me, he doesn't want someone like his mother. He wants softness and warmth. Someone who is going to be his partner in building a family and be there for him. Someone who wants him for himself and not the trappings that he will bring. Yet, still be her own person. JD is going to make waves because she is a commoner. But her warmth and determination can win over maybe even the toughest of upper crust.

Bottomline: JD could and would still love JP even if he loses all his money. That is why JP wants her and loves her.

We're just talking about "Who has the more manner (suitable) to be the Shinwa's mistress.". LOL. Not about the love of JP

We totally understand that JP does not want money or Shinwa. He definetely can give up everything just to get our Jandi...

That's why we all love him so much. My lovely Goo Jun Pyo..

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Guest mysticalz

And someone mentioned this before, but there's a lot of different themes that pop up that have to do with "chance" in love. It's possible to love more than one person in a lifetime, but the "real" thing comes only once in a lifetime, right?

sory to cut ur post...i agree with what you are saying...just take Bella, Edward and Jacob love triangle (twilight series--A BIG FAN).....bella is inlove with both of them and she admits it.so its possiblye to love two people at the same tym..it just the matter of choosing who do you lyk to spend the rest of ur lyf with....i think JD is also inlove with JH.she just dont realize it coz she is currently preoccupied with JP at the moment but is she really thinks about it she will definitely realize that she has feelings for JH too ( im sorry if im so internalizing the whole thing but it is a possible scenario)....in this drama its just JP is the one JD wants to spend the rest of her lyf with and not with JH but it doesnt mean she doesnt like/not inlove with JH.......i think somewhere deep inside JD's heart JH is occupying it...whether she knows it or not......we all know JH is a big part of her lyf without him things wont be the same........JH forevahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :w00t:

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Guest your_sheroe

I thought Yijeong was such a jerk.

Gaeul might be rule number 1 & 3 but she is definitely not number 2!

I couldn't stop rewinding the part where Jihoo links his fingers with Jandi... as every fan (or most) I had to picture my hand in place of JD too... LOL

JK... that girl... in the beginning... like most of you guys already expressed about her and was quite frankly true, I just have to add my share. She's got problems!?

If I was JP... what she did in that pool would make me put a restraining order on her or something?

I was deeply touched at the scene where WB came and saved YJ.

That's some true homies right there~!

I found it cute how JP was sleeping with that cat-doll that JD got for him on his b/day.

I loved the noodle eating scene -


"Yours look tastier."

"What? Did I cook mine from a different pot? (something like that)"

And he takes the lid from her and eats up the noodles... lol...

The bug scene was priceless... Minho/JP did an awesome job!


I have to say... JH has the most elegant-loveliest sleeping form ever... or maybe just b/c I'm a big fan and I think so or what?

He... is by far still my favorite.

He and Woobin are my favorites in this episode!

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Guest ginny_potter

ITo those who wish for a Ji Hoo and Jandi ending, you need to ask the PD to make a new drama for them because it's not going to happen here.

Sorry to cut your post, but this situation reminds me a lot of All About Eve before. :sweatingbullets: Rumor has it that Four Sisters was conceptualized because viewers were bummed that Han Jae Suk and Chae Rim's characters didn't end up together in AAE.


Funny how one post here compared Jihoo to Edward Cullen. Hmmm, must be because he seems so perfect. So, does that make Junpyo=Jacob and Jandi=Bella? :)

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Guest peanutboy

I think that JK is a selfish person, she already knows that JP has feelings for someone else, but she doesn't care. I also think that JK knows fully that JP is in love with JD, hence the cruel comment about the historic night together. However, JK chooses her own happiness and doesn't seem to care whether JP is happy or not. The PD is making me incredibly angry by having all those scenes of JK grabbing/touching JP. The PD should have ended the fiance arc at the kiss. I thought that it was weird that JK smiled after JP kissed her, she seemed happy instead of shocked and disappointed.

The breakfast scene, I think that JP stared at JK because he pitied her and saw her loneliness because it mirrored his own lonely childhood. When JK said, "You've never experienced this have you?" Clearly he had experienced the warmth and love of having breakfast with JD's family, but he couldn't say that without hurting JK. Someone mentioned that JP has grown up compared to episode 1 and I agree. Also, he has grown up because of his relationship with JD and her family.

If JK doesn't redeem herself in ep 19, I might have to hate her forever. lol

Love or friendhip? I wonder which will each of the J4 (JP, JD, JH, JK) choose?

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Guest aoiyuki291

I agree that being rich and being class are not the same. But I still think that JK has more manner to be the Shinwa mistress than Jandi. Theoretically, JK is perfect for JP, she is the one who understand JP as clearly as Jandi. I think somehow is more than Jandi. She has the same loneliness, boring childhood, strong desire to be loved like him. But she is not the one he loved. That is her tragedy.

But I wonder tho, if JK and JP both share the same background and share the yearning to be loved, then how well-equipped are either of them to enter a relationship with each other? Both want love but how well do either of them know love without having others show them? JP had JD show him what love and family felt like. I feel like the problem with a JP/JK relationship is that they are too alike--they're both very headstrong so when push comes to shove, they'll butt heads. In the JP/JD relationship we see a little give-and-take on both sides. Like in ep 9 when JD went over to his place to apologize and then later in the ep he tries to make up with her.

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Guest 김.현.중.팬

lol i love all u guys who r ranting and summarizing haha

its so entertaining and wonderfullll lol

ok so this is totally random... but...

did anyone else think that when jihoo replaced jandis dropped fork with his own was super cute? lol

cuz i did... haha

i am also getting very tired of jk...

i mean .. gah.... i dont mean to hate on her... but i cant help it either haha

shes so annoying!! i mean seriously.... how can one person's voice be that annoying to listen to? lol

i feel like.. if junpyo met jaekyung first... they might have been really good together

jaekyung is a lot like jandi in a couple ways

just like if jihoo had liked jandi when she liked him. they would have been perfecttt

like seriously... a relationship doesnt get any more perfect than the one between jihoo and jandi haha

it would have been effortless

so i think that maybeee if junpyo and jaekyung met first... they might have been good

but we all kno that junpyo loves jandiii so yay. lol

when that guy stepped on yi jeongs hand... omgosh... painfulness

kim bum is a great actor... he can do cutesy, light, happy acting and intense crying/angst acting. lol

although hes been so emo lately... its depressing. haha

none of the F4 r happy. except jihoo..

but jihoo is more of a... sad happy. lol.

cuz hes spending all this time with jandi... and we kno he wont end up with her...

i also... dont really care who jandi ends up with at this point...


but then again.... it wouldnt be a korean drama without all this pain. lol

oh and btw... i TOTALLY did not understand the scene right after gaeul left yijeongs place...

like when he had a freak out attack and almost slammed the table.

like i dont get why he was pissed....

someone please give their interpretation of this scene s'il vous plait? lol

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Sorry to cut your post, but this situation reminds me a lot of All About Eve before. :sweatingbullets: Rumor has it that Four Sisters was conceptualized because viewers were bummed that Han Jae Suk and Chae Rim's characters didn't end up together in AAE.


Funny how one post here compared Jihoo to Edward Cullen. Hmmm, must be because he seems so perfect. So, does that make Junpyo=Jacob and Jandi=Bella? :)

Haha if that's the case, Junpyo is Jandi's Soulmate! I've always thought that Jihoo is her soulmate so if we're making a comparison to the Twilight series, Jun pyo is Edward and Jihoo is Jacob.

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Guest lilnahnah

lol i love all u guys who r ranting and summarizing haha

its so entertaining and wonderfullll lol

ok so this is totally random... but...

did anyone else think that when jihoo replaced jandis dropped fork with his own was super cute? lol

cuz i did... haha

i am also getting very tired of jk...

i mean .. gah.... i dont mean to hate on her... but i cant help it either haha

shes so annoying!! i mean seriously.... how can one person's voice be that annoying to listen to? lol

i feel like.. if junpyo met jaekyung first... they might have been really good together

jaekyung is a lot like jandi in a couple ways

just like if jihoo had liked jandi when she liked him. they would have been perfecttt

like seriously... a relationship doesnt get any more perfect than the one between jihoo and jandi haha

it would have been effortless

so i think that maybeee if junpyo and jaekyung met first... they might have been good

but we all kno that junpyo loves jandiii so yay. lol

when that guy stepped on yi jeongs hand... omgosh... painfulness

kim bum is a great actor... he can do cutesy, light, happy acting and intense crying/angst acting. lol

although hes been so emo lately... its depressing. haha

none of the F4 r happy. except jihoo..

but jihoo is more of a... sad happy. lol.

cuz hes spending all this time with jandi... and we kno he wont end up with her...

i also... dont really care who jandi ends up with at this point...


but then again.... it wouldnt be a korean drama without all this pain. lol

oh and btw... i TOTALLY did not understand the scene right after gaeul left yijeongs place...

like when he had a freak out attack and almost slammed the table.

like i dont get why he was pissed....

someone please give their interpretation of this scene s'il vous plait? lol

1) YES. omg. Jihoo giving his fork to her like "Hey, nobody saw that, look! You have a fork in your hand just like you did before you dropped it!"

2) Yeah, I totally agree. It's kinda what my post was about a couple posts back.

Jaekyung I feel would've been good with Joonpyo had Joonpyo never fallen for Jandi.

And of course, we all know that Jandi and Jihoo could be good together if only the timing had been right.

3) Yijung's hand? that killed me too :(


I see a lot of Twilight comparisons LOL

dramalovers26, I guess you can make that arguement.

But if you remember in Eclipse, Bella describes Jacob as "her soulmate" as well. That in another world, another time, he would have been her perfect soulmate. But Edward's existence is just too big in her life in THIS world. THIS time.

Having said that, I guess there really can be a direct parallel of the Edward/Bella/Jacob relationship to the Junpyo/Jandi/Jihoo relationship.

(Except that in Twilight it got a little weird for me when after Jacob being so head over heels in love with Bella he imprints on Renesmee.

Weird. Weird. Weird.)

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Um...while in many ways Jihoo and Jandi would be good together...

it's not gonna happen.

No matter how much they decide to make this drama a little different from the manga, they still have to follow the basic foundation of the story.

And THE STORY...the two people at the VERY CENTER of it all...are Junpyo and Jandi.

:mellow: Sorry...it just ain't gonna happen...

(Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Jihoo. If it were me, I'd totally take Jihoo. But the fact is...it's not happening...)

LOL your comment made me think of something...

I think the original author wrote the Jihoo/Rui character out to be the way he is (utterly giving towards the girl he loves despite knowing that he will ultimately be unrequited) for the readers. Because we'll never be able to have JunPyo(Doumyoji), because he is written to be with Jandi, at least we can still dream of our own cinderella stories with Jihoo... lol

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Guest XiahxTiffany

actually wat some people say are true

if JK doesnt do the right thing in the next episode

shes going to be hated like crazy

so im hoping she will choose friendship over love

but i doubt it soo yea but i wont hate her

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Guest KiBUm_Love

Well... Let's also not forget her voice. Although I do try very hard to forget her voice. I don't know if they purposely found someone with an annoying voice, or if she's only making her voice annoying for this drama. Although, I find that most korean actors and actresses rely on their looks more than any real acting skills. Really, a successful Korean actress is marked by 2 traits: (1) her ability to cry on demand; and (2) her looks. But that's for another discussion....

Continuing on, Monkey Girl is annoying because of (in this order):

1. Her voice

2. Her voice

3. Her voice

4. She's JD's rival

5. She keeps clinging onto JP (did anyone else notice that she's always hanging onto his arm? I wish he'd throw her arm off)

6. She keeps chasing JP even after he's made it clear that he doesn't like her

7. There's nothing about her that makes her endearing to us. She was just suddenly thrown into the story so the audience isn't given any time to like her

8. Given all her advantages (her choebul background) you expect her to have even just one redeeming quality. For instance, the F4 are all smart, JH has his musical talent, and YJ his pottery. With Monkey Girl, we see nothing: no brains, no manners, no close friendships. She seems to be a fairly easy-going person (i.e. she tries to make friends with JD, but then it's only really after she realizes that JD is friends with JP. Seriously, in Macau, did she even bother to ask JD what her name is? I think she only stepped in to help JD because she felt like playing at being a hero that day. And ultimately, what was the risk to her when she had all her bodyguards there to protect her?). But, again, nothing to really like about her so far.

I hope that once she lets go of JP and joins the JP-JD supporters, we will begin to see more of her better qualities. For instance, her antics may be interesting to see when she tries to outwit JP's mom. Also, that type of story arc will allow for her character to develop more; we would be able to see her loyalty to JD as a friend.



SHES A WITCH and a word that rhymes with WITCH.

after she knew that junpyo and jandi liiked each other, she still clung onto junpyo, and even worse, she clings onto jandi too like she has no feellings about whats going on between them right now.

and the way she LIED about JK and JP's "historic first night" , wow i wanted to punch her in the face.

no wonder she didnt have any friends before, she has "no brains, no manners" and basically possesses no human-like qualities which makes her "monkey girl".

... come to think of it, what did the monkey ever do wrong? poor monkey.

and to think of it, shes really NOT good at anything. except maybe fighting/martial arts so yea, way to be a big mean bully.

omg and she touched junpyo's (hot hot hot HOTTTTT sizzling) abs like 2 times.. for like 10 seconds each time!! wtf and then she slapped his butt too.

thats called a death wish.

and if she clings onto his arm one more time, i swear, i'll throw her off

im already pissed shes breathing the same air as him -___-*

and im really pissed right now that she has that necklace. the J<3J kissing star necklace that belongs to jandi.


and did i mention she has REALLY bad taste in swimwear?

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Guest polaris

lol i love all u guys who r ranting and summarizing haha

its so entertaining and wonderfullll lol

ok so this is totally random... but...

did anyone else think that when jihoo replaced jandis dropped fork with his own was super cute? lol

cuz i did... haha

i am also getting very tired of jk...

i mean .. gah.... i dont mean to hate on her... but i cant help it either haha

shes so annoying!! i mean seriously.... how can one person's voice be that annoying to listen to? lol

i feel like.. if junpyo met jaekyung first... they might have been really good together

jaekyung is a lot like jandi in a couple ways

just like if jihoo had liked jandi when she liked him. they would have been perfecttt

like seriously... a relationship doesnt get any more perfect than the one between jihoo and jandi haha

it would have been effortless

so i think that maybeee if junpyo and jaekyung met first... they might have been good

but we all kno that junpyo loves jandiii so yay. lol

when that guy stepped on yi jeongs hand... omgosh... painfulness

kim bum is a great actor... he can do cutesy, light, happy acting and intense crying/angst acting. lol

although hes been so emo lately... its depressing. haha

none of the F4 r happy. except jihoo..

but jihoo is more of a... sad happy. lol.

cuz hes spending all this time with jandi... and we kno he wont end up with her...

i also... dont really care who jandi ends up with at this point...


but then again.... it wouldnt be a korean drama without all this pain. lol

oh and btw... i TOTALLY did not understand the scene right after gaeul left yijeongs place...

like when he had a freak out attack and almost slammed the table.

like i dont get why he was pissed....

someone please give their interpretation of this scene s'il vous plait? lol

haha~ I almost went blind from reading your font. ^^

The part where YJ went nuts after GE left was because GE confessed to him that she liked him. Then he basically says 'thanks but no thanks' for three reasons.

1) He doesnt mess with nice girls

2) He doesnt mess with dumb girls

3) He doesnt mess with girls who know (or are involved in any way) with his friends.

He tells GE that she belongs in all three categories.. basically saying sorry we can never work out. he said "My answer is no.. you know the way out right?" (yikes)

GE looked quite shocked and left.

After she left.. YJ showed that he hated himself for hurting her like that. He wants to induce pain on himself and almost went to slam his injured hand on the table but instead picks up something and breaks all his pottery. He probably feels so bad for letting things get out of hand with GE ..to the point of making her fall for him. Also he hates himself for not being able to reciprocate her feelings...since he is controlled by his own "rules".

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Guest samgirl

about the shipping here if only JH met JD first before SH i think it'll work out for them

and if only JP met JK before JD they might end up together. but we all know that didn't happen! so woohoo!!

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Guest KristyS

haha, tmr's episode looks fun ! it IS coming pout tmr, right ?!

and hey... does jun pyo not know that it's jan di as the maid ?!

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Guest doremii*

ok I think the JK hate is too much lol I still like her :sweatingbullets: the scene where she was peeling the fish thingy for JP was kind of cute.

I hope Ga Eul goes and finds someone hotter and richer than YJ so he can get jealous and try to win her back :ph34r:

are they going to follow the manga storyline where Yuuki helps Sojiro find that billboard thingy? I hope not, cause that'd make Ga Eul seem really.. desperate -__- (I'm already finding her a bit too desperate in these past few episodes)

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Guest joeydragonlady

and you know what, although wonbin's part is majorly out of the blue, im ghlad they gave him a minor storyline..maybe they should cut down on Yi Jung's story a bit more and give wonbin a little atttention..

and jihoo's character is already big as it is that he doesnt even need his grandfather to be in the drama

I agree. Woo Bin needs to have a story too. It would be intriging if it centers on family since

in the manga, Mimasaka Akira's family is an interesting group. A mob boss married to a

childlike/silly woman and twin sisters. We know virtually nothing about Prince Song.

I want to know more.

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Did anyone post the rating?

Here's AGB's rating for today's episode: Credit Kdramafanusa

1. Cruel Temptation / Lure Of Wife <아내의유혹> (SBS) - 34.2%, 33.3%

2. Boys Over Flower <꽃보다남자> (KBS2) - 32.9%, 33.3% (#1)

3. The Road Home <집으로가는길> (KBS1) - 21.5%, 21.9%


TNS's Rating:

1. Boys Over Flower <꽃보다남자> (KBS2) - 35.5%, 35.7% (#2)

2. Cruel Temptation / Lure Of Wife <아내의유혹> (SBS) - 35.2%, 36.9% (#1)

3. The Road Home <집으로가는길> (KBS1) - 19.1%, 18.1%

congrats on the high rating for this episode. i'm sure it will go up to 40% as Lee Min Ho's wishes. the storyline is going to be more exciting in episode 19, but i really wish JK will disappear before episode 21. she stayed way too long and viewers are getting bored of her character. Looking forward for the maid arc tonight..









yeay..the subbers are really fast in subbing this week's episode.

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Guest seonnie

and did i mention she has REALLY bad taste in swimwear?

Haha, I'm such a post cutter, sorry (: but I totally agree!

I'm glad its ugly though, or else I would've totally ripped her face,


I'm kiddin', I'm kiddin', (:

Haha, Someone mentioned how JH JD JP fall asleep so quickly, especially with each other...

OMG, I just noticed. SOO TRUE. haha XD

When JH started playing guitar I thought she like she fainted or something


Episode 19 Written Preview:

“Jun Pyo. If the person you love is put into a difficult situation because of you… can you let her go?”

OH MY GOD. You go Jihoo, (: Can't wait till this "truth game"

“You…. Do you think you can love anyone besides for Seo Hyun?”

Sss~ Ouch! Just hit the spot. Bringing first love into this.

After running out of the clinic, Ji Hu wanders in the rain, distressed, and then collapses into Jan Di’s arms.

As Jan Di nurses him overnight, her heart feels increasingly troubled

Gosh, poor thing. I can just imagine this.

I can't wait for this strangely, I'm a totall JD JP shipper but I get the chills just reading this description.

When Chairwoman Kang finds out about Jun Pyo’s whereabouts, she orders that he be put on house arrest.

Then pays a visit to Jan Di’s rooftop room. Unable to restrain herself, she insults Jan Di in front of Ji Hu, Woo Bin

What the heck, Nobody gives a flaming rhinoceros about what you think! Go back to where you came from.


Within the harmonious atmosphere they begin to play a game of “Truth”; however, strained emotions arise.

My heart is fluttering already.

JD JH JP JK LOVELOVELURV! Can't wait! Except JK, she needs to go to WB or something. Ugh ;)

PS Sorry for te long posts today ^.^

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