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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2025: The Priest 2 (Dark Nuns) Upcoming Dramas 2025: Everything Will Come True (special appearance) & Show Business


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Since the announcement i wasnt able to watch  kdrama, then i tried to watched the OneSpring night yesterday and i thought i accepted it already, seeing a lovey dovey scene makes me sad.What happened to Hyekyo’s marriage, I felt sad all over again. AIMH was my first kdrama then the one with Choi Ji woo (2003-2004. Then I flew to US and stop watching kdrama. I was following a Filipino fandom in IG then all of a sudden she posted the guy exercising and it says kdrama DOTS.I looked it all up found out SHK was the female lead, that was around April 2016. I watched it in Viki at that time and with all the commercials in 3 days. then i let my husband watched it again with me.He finished it also in 3 days. Then i found out about soompi forum.I became their shipper but I am bias for SHK. When they announced that they being married, i was one of happiest. I said finally the last goddess and the prettiest are finally getting married too. I decided to go to Korea with my family even at that time there is a brewing threat from North Korea, I was crazy like that. First time in my life i followed a celebrity like that. I saw a kababayan and she invited me because she booked a room at Shilla Hotel so we can catched a glimpse of the wedding. So at the 16th floor with my husband and kids and 4 other fangirl like me, we were screaming with glee when they finally walked on the aisle.. I was so happy for SHK.. I keep following them, I was so happy when she agreed to doing a drama again after being married. I thought ah maybe they will both work together first then after they will plan to have a baby.. I loved Boyfriend/Encounter so much their chemistry and the story. I probably watched it more than 10x already or more. Then the announcement, It was my first time crying for a showbiz couple like that, I cant even sleep and eat for 2 days.What went wrong. I felt really sad for SHK esp

what he did to her until the end, no consideration, He is  the reason why she’s getting hammered again by the media and Knetz. I know being married is hard, you have to compromised to each other but if both are not happy anymore they need to let go.. but to announced it like that, like He didnt care what will happen to her like He didnt love her at least once, I hated him. I erased all of their pics and just keep SHK pics. I unfollowed all the shippers because i cant look at his picture. I thought i was ok, that i accepted it all already, her to fail 3x in a relationship, now being a divorcee, how harshed the people on her. Its because of him. I know how strong SHK is with all the things in the past she always shine.. And i really hope she will rise again far better than before and she will meet someone who will love her truly and will never leave her no matter what. Sorry for the long post.#StandforSHK

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Thanks for deleting my first and last post.  Honestly I don't know how to delete because i'm new. I just learnt it.  (Seriously!! There are "Spies" coming here??  My goodness. Why are human beings like that).


I learnt quite a number of enlightening facts from a particular website.  There are, as usual for & against Kyo comments. But most international fans are for Kyo.  I will Not repeat them here - for fear of jeopardising her 


Btw, how do we report or send a slanderous video to UAA.  I tried just now but failed

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Hello shk fans! I also would like to share my story of being an shk fan. I first saw kyo when autumn in my heart was shown in my country (ph). I was in high school back then and I immediately fell in love with shk. Her acting there was so effective and it spoke to me. Also, she is so beautiful, the most beautiful actress imo. She was the one who introduced me to kdramas. After that, I followed everything about her, I watched all her dramas and kept up with her life and projects. I learned of her relationship with lbh and since I really didn’t know anything about lbh, I was not that affected when they broke up although I felt sad for kyo because it was still a break-up. I fell in love with her more in Full House. I admit that I kind of shipped her with hb during worlds within and was happy when they got together. However, I was so sad for kyo after they broke up, not only because of the separation but how he announced it. I too felt he did not handle the announcement and left kyo alone to face all media scrutiny. I was confident though that hye kyo will rise up again.


I followed her international career and was so happy again when she announced she would do TWTWB. I love jo in sung and I have always wanted them to work together. Then came DOTS. I liked sjk in innocent man so I thought it would be a great pairing. I shipped her with sjk too since I thought their chemistry was great. That was also the time I finally joined soompi. Like all kyo fans, I was so happy when she announced she was getting married. I thought, finally she had found the one. I was so happy for her and prayed so much for her happiness to last forever.


I admit I already saw some signs that her marriage was on the rocks prior to the announcement of the divorce. There was no sighting of ssc for so many months. Shk deleted her private instagram account. She did not mention her marriage in her interviews. She traveled and had vacations with friends as if she was trying to relax, forget and move on. I also thought there was something wrong with sjk’s answer when asked about shk during the presscon of his new drama. I thought his answer was too standard, same as shk’s answer during encounter’s presscon. And then the announcement happened. I was heartbroken too, although I know I am merely a fan. Like a normal person, I immediately asked why are they divorcing and I was so sad, especially so for shk. However, her agency said to refrain from speculating so I want to honor her wish. Speculating will do no good especially since we do not personally know what really happened and it is hard to know what sources are reliable since everyone seems to claim to be an insider when they clearly are not. As details are being added by so-called insiders, I was disheartened as her past relationships were brought up by nasty netizens and suddenly, all the blame is being placed on shk. The horrible issues thrown at her in the past were being brought up again even though they were all baseless and proven to be false. I think this is what saddens me the most about their divorce. People who know nothing at all about their marriage are spreading rumors and presenting them as facts to the prejudice of shk. Some comments about shk are so vile and misogynistic I cried and I felt so so sorry for kyo.


I admit that this divorce could have been handled better. I too am not fond of how sjk announced and filed for divorce. Imo, a joint statement would have been nicer and would have prevented so many speculations. However, we cannot do anything about that anymore and I dont really like to blame him. I am an outsider when it comes to their relationship and the most I can do is to respect their decisions and hope for the best for both of them. I know that I cannot persuade everyone but I hope we, fans of shk, can follow her example and take the higher road regarding this divorce. Let us respect shk’s silence and avoid hating on the other party. I think it is in a way already showing support to her. We can all support her and stand by her without being nasty to the other party. Let us not stoop down to the level of shk’s haters who are having a feast day fabricating false stories about shk. Speculating and pointing fingers only make the process harder. I doubt shk will speak her truth as it is not her style. I just pray that their divorce go smoothly and peacefully, like shk wants. As her fan, I believe she can stand up again, move forward and live her life happily.


Sorry for the very long post. I just wanted to express my feelings as I think it will really help me accept what happened to kyo and to move on as well. Let me know if there is some way I can help in making sure shk knows she is loved. To shk, we love you and we will stand by you.

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What can we do to show our support to her? Looks like korean really doesn't appreciate her and put blame on her.

I hope she migrate to country that loves and appreciate her work & job. Hopefully she remain strong with the support from her closed friend and us as a fan. Definitely she will shine again later.

I'm sure she already notice and preparing herself to accept this. She's a strong woman. 

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I don't post much on soompi anymore, but I'm always here for Kyo and only for her. She'll get past this and be stronger than ever.  


Just a word of advice, be careful who you trust out there. There are a lot of shipper fans who ran IG/twitter accounts (some even focusing on her only) who are trashing her in private and spreading rumors while pretending to be sad and upset in public. Some very popular ones too. 



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Edited because related post was deleted.


Please post positive, accurate information about Ms Song Hye Kyo.  



Her husband’s camp and fans are spreading many many malicious rumours, and most netizens are buying into them.  


You think we should believe he is “innocent”?! How about believing SHK is innocent too. 


It was extremely bad luck marrying into that family and we wish for her to get rid of them as soon as possible. 


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29 minutes ago, ahdrianaa said:

 this is the direct result of what the other side has done.




Source: Sports Korea via Nate

1. [+1,390, -377] Our Hye Gyo tried to act so clean and proper on the outside... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ but her reality is that she got caught for tax evasion and eating up every male co-star ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ poor Song Joong Ki, he was too naive for her...

2. [+1,352, -305] I saw Song Hye Gyo's face on an ad at Incheon airport and it just put me in a weird mood.. she looked so different after the scandal. I guess this is why celebrities will put their lives on the line to protect their image.

3. [+1,147, -241] I came across Song Hye Gyo's Dyson CF on YouTube and the whole thing just put me off, she just seemed so fake. I think it's true that her image has hit rock bottom now. None of the products she sells looks luxurious at anymore.

4. [+145, -39] I never cared enough to hate or like her... but after hearing all this stuff about her, I just feel turned off whenever I see her in CFs anymore.

5. [+115, -24] Song Hye Gyo will lose more CFs than Song Joong Ki since she's the one being divorced and there are more rumors going around about her now than him

6. [+106, -11] ㅋㅋ It's funny how Song Hye Gyo isn't putting out any news about herself, probably because she knows that people are just going to accuse her of things in the comments ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+92, -16] Song Hye Gyo's career is pretty much over in Korea. She was able to recover from her tax evasion scandal with media play but now everyone knows the extent of her media play and own't fall for it again. It's also going to be harder for dramas to cast male co-stars for her anymore since they all know they're going to end up in a scandal with her one way or another. This divorce has also just cemented her status as the most disliked celebrity in our country, which means all her CFs are going to get cut off. She's also hitting her forties soon, so...

8. [+84, -24] Brands are better off swapping her out for someone else

9. [+83, -17] Song Joong Ki's image hasn't been affected by this at all whereas people definitely think there's more to Song Hye Gyo than they're letting on

10. [+81, -8] Lotte Mall used to have a super big Sulwhasoo ad with Song Hye Gyo but they took it down ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ her image has hit rock bottom

Are we all going to do something only once she loses everything and sent into exile again? 



Let them be we cant stop them.  The best weapon to this basher is to pray for her and post inspirational quote to them dont answer them and post happy moment of kyo like gif or video of her this issue will soon end. If all her cf will remove her then its their lost not her. Always think positive and let us all see her that all of us are not affected with this issue and pls if you dont like all the comment about her then dont go there cos if you see all this harsh comment about her you will be affected, guys we are the only hope of Song Hye Kyo. FIGHTING GUYS 

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We don’t have to get into fights with people but we can contact the companies via SNS ..these companies that she is representing and let it be known to them that us fans who spend money on their products is because we support and trust the product quality because of Kyo.


I for one would not like it if Kyo loses a single penny because netizens who probably don’t even support or buy the products are running their mouth.


like @thepixies mentioned, Kyo is still an ambassador for Chaumet.



thanks to all the fans who have been so actively supporting Kyo during this time. You’re all absolute rockstars!! 

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Reading  all those comments make me hate him more, they are all siding with him. I cant believe they’re culture sometimes. It is really a mysogynictic country. Its better for SHK to migrate and proved her worth. There are so many international fans that love her.

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In Boston, USA’s Museum of Fine Arts, there is a gallery housing some of Korea’s finest decorative art outside of Korea itself.  Please feel free to explore here: https://www.mfa.org/collections/featured-galleries/arts-korea


The establishment of this gallery was made possible by the support of the Korea Foundation. Additional support provided by the Samsung Foundation of Culture. Support for in-gallery multimedia from Song Hye-Kyo and Seo Kyoung-Duk.”


Today, Kyo’s multimedia box is still being used in the Arts of Korea Gallery. She funded it in 2012, to raise awareness about Korean art history abroad. 



(Photo credit: http://english.chosun.com/m/svc/article.html?contid=2012111400883&Dep0=en.m.wikipedia.org&utm_source=en.m.wikipedia.org&utm_medium=unknown&utm_campaign=english



How is it fair for her soon-to-be-ex-husband’s fans to drag her name through mud, accusing her of all manner of marital infidelity, while you cry in your thread that SHK’s fans are angry with him? Oh boohoo.  I have no sympathy for you nor him.


It is through his insinuations and sly media play that this divorce news has gotten so ugly.  Kyo’s fans are angry because of the horrific rumours spreading from his fans.  So if we defend her, it is our absolute prerogative. 


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OMGGGGG!!!!! I wish I can do something to stop people criticizing her.  This comment make me feel so impotent. Are they forgetting that this is a human being that we are talking about? Yes, she is an artist, but also she still a human being. What's wrong with all this people? Let's think, what can we do to show support to her? 


1 hour ago, gigivillaceran said:

7. [+92, -16] Song Hye Gyo's career is pretty much over in Korea. She was able to recover from her tax evasion scandal with media play but now everyone knows the extent of her media play and own't fall for it again. It's also going to be harder for dramas to cast male co-stars for her anymore since they all know they're going to end up in a scandal with her one way or another. This divorce has also just cemented her status as the most disliked celebrity in our country, which means all her CFs are going to get cut off. She's also hitting her forties soon, so...


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2 hours ago, ahdrianaa said:

 this is the direct result of what the other side has done.




Source: Sports Korea via Nate

1. [+1,390, -377] Our Hye Gyo tried to act so clean and proper on the outside... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ but her reality is that she got caught for tax evasion and eating up every male co-star ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ poor Song Joong Ki, he was too naive for her...

2. [+1,352, -305] I saw Song Hye Gyo's face on an ad at Incheon airport and it just put me in a weird mood.. she looked so different after the scandal. I guess this is why celebrities will put their lives on the line to protect their image.

3. [+1,147, -241] I came across Song Hye Gyo's Dyson CF on YouTube and the whole thing just put me off, she just seemed so fake. I think it's true that her image has hit rock bottom now. None of the products she sells looks luxurious at anymore.

4. [+145, -39] I never cared enough to hate or like her... but after hearing all this stuff about her, I just feel turned off whenever I see her in CFs anymore.

5. [+115, -24] Song Hye Gyo will lose more CFs than Song Joong Ki since she's the one being divorced and there are more rumors going around about her now than him

6. [+106, -11] ㅋㅋ It's funny how Song Hye Gyo isn't putting out any news about herself, probably because she knows that people are just going to accuse her of things in the comments ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+92, -16] Song Hye Gyo's career is pretty much over in Korea. She was able to recover from her tax evasion scandal with media play but now everyone knows the extent of her media play and own't fall for it again. It's also going to be harder for dramas to cast male co-stars for her anymore since they all know they're going to end up in a scandal with her one way or another. This divorce has also just cemented her status as the most disliked celebrity in our country, which means all her CFs are going to get cut off. She's also hitting her forties soon, so...

8. [+84, -24] Brands are better off swapping her out for someone else

9. [+83, -17] Song Joong Ki's image hasn't been affected by this at all whereas people definitely think there's more to Song Hye Gyo than they're letting on

10. [+81, -8] Lotte Mall used to have a super big Sulwhasoo ad with Song Hye Gyo but they took it down ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ her image has hit rock bottom

Are we all going to do something only once she loses everything and sent into exile again? 




There are a lot of trolls on the internet, especially within chat groups. You will recognize them because they say something provocative or inflammatory in an online community and other trolls just repeat what the first troll is saying, just expressed differently perhaps. The above looks like trolling so the best thing to do is, if you're great at humor, reply to them in a humorous way. A perfect example was when Wendy's received a negative review, they turned the tables by responding to a tweet asking, "what should i get at McDonald's" with their own tweet, "Directions to the nearest Wendy's." That's if you can pull it off or it might backfire. But, of course, the best option would be to act quick and be sincere in your words and actions. That's what shk's lawyers and agency should be doing. Palli, palli! Remember, the guy is known to be social media savvy! 


We, on the other hand, should ignore these trolls and just continue to stand by shk i think. 


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