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Just saw this post :blush:

I've read from IRIS thread that you said part 2 is very unlikely since many actors have signed up to other projects in 2010... heheh any chance you know what future projects awaits for KSY and LBH???

I don't really know about everyone else but the confirmed news is that KSW is doing a movie next. As for KSY, she's probably taking a rest for awhile and then hopefully.. another drama or a movie, perhaps? There would obviously be directors and producers who would like to cast her knowing her full potential is limitless.

As LBH, he is going back to LA to film the sequel for GI Joe. 2010 will be another busy year for him with Hollywood filming and promos for IRIS, too.. when it goes to Japan, etc. I hope KSY plus the rest of the cast will be included in the promotional activities as well. Personally, I don't think LBH would do another IRIS (part 2) because this has already taken a substantial part of his schedule. He's always been more interested and focusing on movies, in Korea or abroad. For fans, IRIS is truly a one-time treat that we actually never expected but maybe the movie-like production was also what lured him back to the small screen.

I really hope there will be another collaboration for LBH and KSY. I have a feeling that both are really so funny and very charming actors.. it'll be cool to see if they'd act in something funny and romantic for a change.

Found a couple more KSY pics from her interview..


Captures copied from yahoo.kr

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Guest gracefulmoonie

Ahahah thanks for sharing SHwa-HJ moments in ep 11 :) I didnt notice that she placed her hand underneath HJ's head, taking great care of him... awww... that just shows how much she cares and feels for him...

hahha you're very observant, rubie :)

Count me in too! I didn't notice that either..now I know why in the BTS pic, we saw KSY and LBH laughing..they must have taken lots of NG shots to get it right :) .Can I declare that Rubie, and CSFan and all of us are OBSESSED with this couple ^_^

I went back to rewatch episode 8 again, and I realized that I had fast forward the scene where SHwa & HJ was running away from two guys after they solved the Iris password. They both hid behind a wall, and HJ pulled her back so that the agents would not see her. Eventhough she knew that he was getting close (hugging her) to her only to protect her, but the look on SHwa's face shows it all .

--due to KSY's great acting)-- I saw that SHwa felt protect and secured w/ HJ. It's like no one has ever treated her this way, and she's just surprised once more by his actions. I know that it seems like I am over analyzing this scene too much. But since we have a lack of SH & HJ scenes, every moment has to mean something, right?

I know that this is a werid question to ask now, but has anyone got a peek at the manga, and does anyone know the ending in the manga? The ending in Iris will most defintely be different from the manga, but I am just curious, that's all.

Also, Thanks Hye Yeon for MV links of KSY and KSW. They look so sweet in the MVs and KSY playing two roles was awesome.

On a related note, (well, sort of related)----I have seen quite a few films of Mr. LBH, and I have to give him the upper hand. In all of those films, his chemistry with any co-star, no matter female or male is always, and I mean always ELECTRIFYING.

It's hard to me to describe that level of intensity, that dedication, that chemistry/ attraction that I FEEL (from mutiple roles from ONE actor (I don't know how to describe it, but I FEEL IT every time I see works of LBH, Jung Woo Sung, or Son Ye Jin) ...that is why I get excited everytime LBH has a new project out. Anyone else feel the same way about a particular actor(s) or actress(es)?

rubie-- just read your last post--

I also hope that KSY does another film with LBH too. It's once in a while that I see something where both actors are on the same level of acting, and they have great chemistry together. Hopefully, if this pair generate enough fan support-- then we could see another KSY-LBH project that is not as dramatic as Iris, something along the lines of a light romantic comedy will do.

That is what happened with CJW--- after the hugely popular BD, CJW and LBH later work together in "Everyone has secrets." I have seen both films, and they should not be compared. I love the modernism in "Everybody...", but I still preferred BD, well until IRIS cam along. the other favorite LBH drama, "All In"--- can't even be compared to BD, in my opinion.

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Heheh yes I think you're right to say Im very obsessed with this couple hehehe

Thanks rubie for answering my qn.. wow Im excited to know that he's back in for the sequel of GI Joe.. I dont know much about the comic of GI Joe but honestly, LBH saved that movie for me.. I felt his character was the most interesting and charming even as a bad guy.. yes also his muscular body and him speaking 'American' was :wub: I was disappointed how his character SS seemingly fell to his death but I guess its open ended there so YES!!! he's going to be back! Thanks rubie for the great news hehehe :D

Enough about LBH.... Im just wondering how many viewers have become invested in HJ-SHwa couple? Obviously, its not going to have a bigger fanbase than the main couple, but I hope its big enough for another LBH-KSHwa collaboration B) I think a movie would be nice for both of them, considering LBH's hectic schedule... A movie with LBH would also be a nice addition in KSY's work, it would be a nice platform for more people to recognise her talents :)

I think partly why Im so invested in this couple (although only one sided love) is because of KSY's ability to convey KSHwa emotions so well... And of course, the main reason why I support the couple is their interactions exude so much chemistry... They do not even need to talk and I'm like feeling their chemistry already with their touches and glances and whatnot lol :P

gracefulmoonie, I totally love that scene you described... I love the look she did when he hugged her.. heheh Its like she hasn't felt like this before :D Very intimate in a very non-intimate situation lol Unfortunately, there are only a few scenes which belong to HJ-SHwa so we'd have to cherish these moments before more chaos occurs in the coming episodes..

The manga.. did you mean Shiri or something? I seriously do not know what Shiri is.. Im assuming that Iris attempts to be similar to the manga in terms of the theme and characters (not sure about this)??? Apparently, i think only one poster in the IRIS thread heard about the ending of the manga from a korean friend... But as others have stated, IRIS may have followed closely the first volume of the manga but may not do the same for the 2nd part of their drama... From the poster's comments, it seemed like an unhappy ending for the characters???

heheh a bit off topic here... Well, one of my fav actresses is LDH... well I don't find her chemistry with every co-star electrifying to your extent but I totally love her acting ability and the way she presents herself...

rubie, saw your last post in IRIS- so LBH will be in the movie version of IRIS???? Thats great!! Would his other co-stars be in there as well??? I hope KSY will be in there as well!!!!!!!!!!! *prays*

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Hahaa.. obsessed? :lol: I don't think I am.. *yet*.. although I admit I am very hopeless when it comes to LBH but honestly.. I just lovelovelove the chemistry of LBH-KSY and every HJ-KSH moments in IRIS (even when they first met in Akita). I don't really watch that many Kdramas online (usually rely on what's shown on tv) and usually never root for any drama couples/pairing .. like in dedicated shipper-mode but somehow IRIS is changing all that for me.. never say never. :P It's also the reason why I'm so looking forward for IRIS every time.. for HJ.. and KSH. Funny huh. I've had a good feeling about the onscreen chemistry for LBH-KSY way before they actually shared the scene.. and I'm not disappointed at all. The more we see them together, the more they look so compatible.Totally exceeded my expectation and I'm so glad.

This is of course biased opinion.. coming from me but LBH have always been really good acting with his co-stars.. actresses and actors. He is one who gets into character so good that you don't see the actor but the role he's playing. Even for male co-stars like JJH.. they had the most amazing chemistry with nothing holding them back. As for female leads.. even though there might be something lacking in some ways but LBH would be able to create a good / comfortable mood for his co-stars that they would appear even better. One example is Soo Ae in the movie "Once in a Summer'. SA is a good actress but she was extremely shy (just like KSY).. she wouldn't even look at LBH when they first started filming.. in interviews.. we can just sense her awkwardness. But filming goes on very well.. and by the end of the movie, she's already calling him Oppa so affectionately. And now, she's moving on to be Best Actress in her recent work.

Back to IRIS though.. I'm not sure if the manga (or comic) is the 2-volume novel of IRIS. I'm actually pretty clueless about it all. Novel is.. well.. a novel.. that's usually the detailed transcript of the drama/movie in written format or from where movies are adapted. While manga is like a comic with illustrations that would come out much later written/drawn by a famous comic writer. But I'm really not sure. We should ask joynara for details but I don't want everyone to be even more confused than they already are. :unsure:

csfan.. SHIRI is the blockbuster movie that came out in 1998/1999? that totally rocked the movie scene in Korea because it became the highest-grossing action movie at the time.. literally changing the outcome of the industry to what it is today. The movie is essentially what IRIS is showing in tv now.. with more upgrades of course. While I don't think it's accurate enough but IRIS is touted as the tv / drama version of Shiri. IRIS is in fact.. S I R I spelled backwards minus the H, if that's anything. I really don't know if IRIS would really follow the same ending path as Shiri but I truly hope it won't.

The movie IRIS has or is still being filmed co-currently with the drama version we're seeing now. Taewon stated that it'll be different from the tv version that it won't be just editing what they have but again.. something quite different. But the cast would still be the same as the small screen version. It wouldn't be practical to have another set of actors than those who are already familiar inside-out in IRIS. The movie version mentions more LBH because his name and international status became the "guarantee" for the movie.. but everyone else will obviously be in the movie.. especially the main cast, KSY included. But so far.. Taewon is really good in keeping the surprise under wraps... except what we get to read in articles once in a while.

About another collaboration between KSY and LBH.. who knows.. maybe.. if there's a chance.. sometime after he had finished his Hollywood sequel of Storm Shadow. By then, he'll (probably) be doing a Korean movie instead for his Korean/Asian fans.. so, we will hope for the best for both of them.

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Fave HJ-KSH moment episode 12 :wub:

When both of them were coming out from the church.. Baek San's men came back to shoot the two. Both HJ and KSH on top of the stairs, KSH was in front of HJ but as soon they know that they're being attacked.. HJ quickly grab/hold KSH's hand to pull her so that they would run very closely. It's not like when they were chased in Japan.. this time HJ was like "shielding" her from the bullets.

It's a good scene / development because it's always KSH following / protecting / driving HJ around.. yes, he does care for her.

Also.. when they went to see the man in the photo.. KSH looks very reluctant with the arrangement.. but she goes along because of HJ. At the house.. she had to wait somewhere else.. she's not happy not seeing HJ. So she followed her guts.. beat up the two security guards and I think.. actually I'm not sure how to read HJ's reaction seeing her (obviously the girl got worried and a bit anxious) .. shocked? angry? not happy? annoyed? but he has to know how KSH feels about protecting him. I can't help but laughed out loud at this scene because KSH totally showed HJ that after all they've been through .. she doesn't like to be left out. :P I would think that she wants to be near so that she knows what might be coming against HJ/them.

About the shoot-out.. it's not KSH being shot.. she's with HJ when he said he couldn't contact someone.. I'm guessing the man they visited before.. which at the same time whose house is being attacked by SW. The man has a number of security guards.. so, it's had to be those men being shot instead of KSH.

I sure hope we will still see KSH in ep 14. Even after the torture scene, KSH is still helping/sticking by HJ. She knew how HJ really feels about the whole thing. It's really hard for him and only she could help him through.

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Thanks Hye Yeon for the ep 11 screencaps!!!

heheh I havent watched ep 12.. will do after this post! ;) Im going to check out the scene you described above hehehe

Ah Im so glad that it was not KSY who got shot.. Thanks for the clarification.. Definitely gave a sigh of relief... i think the camera was so fast and I thought it was her being shot, based on the clothing and semi-short hair :P

Torture scene? Does that happen in ep 12? Anyways will be back to comment more after I've watched raw ep 12 :)

Yep watched ep 12 raw I did not really understand what was happening but yes the favourite scene of mine was when she knocked out the bodyguards to look for HJ.. its like she always worries for him and she needs to 'see' him to feel that he is safe... heheh Im not sure how HJ react to her barging in lol I didnt see annoyance or frustration or surprised... Im sure he'd expected her to come through lol... Its funny how he doesnt tell her to back off or something, Im glad that he agreed to let her stay there, let her in on what is happening hahah Im sure he knows she does not want to be left out :P

Yeah the scene where he grabs her close to protect her from the gunfire pretty much describes how he also protects her like she does to him :) Also the scene at the rooftop.. I'm not sure what they were talking about but it sounded interesting... I feel for KSHwa everytime she sees HJ longing for CSH (in the cemetery scene). I also felt for her when I saw the facial expression of KSHwa when CSH entered the room :( She completely froze and knew that the inevitable had to happen sooner or later. Ouch! :mellow:

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some screencaps HJ & KSH ep.11


credit : tukky/IRIS @ popcorn , KSY @ popcorn

Yup.. this is the close-up of KSH placing her hand behind HJ's head :blush: .. she held him like this all the time trying to revive him from being unconscious. Perfect capture! :wub: I think BH looked like a sleeping baby in the scene. :lol:

Btw.. have you all seen the KBS-IRIS news clip (posted by cutiepie) at the drama thread? It showed KSH's action scene in the ambulance.. and how KSY injured or reinjured her ankle with blood gushing out. Poor girl.. this is the one that had her out of filming for more than a week to recuperate.

Re: episode 12: the scene of KSH barging in..agree with csfan, he's not angry / annoyed at her... yupyup. a bit surprised maybe (but I guess nothing really shocked him too much anymore).. but he knew she would come for him. It wasn't his choice of course, the security guys for the man specifically only allowed HJ in.

KSH is sure like HJ's shadow.

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hehehe I dont have the download speed and capacity to download such clips but I saw the screncaps in it.. KSY looked really determined and focused... I thought the clips were focused btw KSY, LBH and KTH, no? yeah I read several articles about KSY being injured, shows her dedication and her will to do the stunts herself.. must be exhausting work! KSY, Fighting! :)

Yeah no doubt she is his shadow... I really hope she'll continue being his shadow cuz I want more interactions between the two hihihi I'm sure HJ knows the feelings KSHwa have for him...

Im off to watch subbed ep 9... heheheh

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It seems like most of accessories in IRIS like watches, cross necklace, bracelets are being advertised hihii I have to say the accessories especially watches look very modern and techy, definitely fitting in a spy/thriller drama...

I watched subbed 9 and I have to say that scene with the lip touching will be so memorable to me lol He held her hand, told her "Dont try so hard for me anymore" then gently wiped the blood off her lips :blush: He said those words with teary??? eyes.. It feels to me that he does not want her to be hurt yet also does not want her to be close to him??? I mean he holds her back after telling her I want to be left alone then says those words then wipes blood off her lips.. If I was SHwa, I'd be completely confused.. He's sending mixed signals to her heheheh

Also, I agree with you guys (earlier posts) that she does what she wants to do... When PCY questioned her how could she not follow orders and betray the trust that was given to her, KSHwa did not even respond... It shows that she now has her will to do something she wants to do ie help HJ.. Seems like she completely stepped put of being PCY's shadow/subordinate and now become HJ's sidekick as you say :)

I cannot wait until further eps are subbed... Even without understanding what they were saying, HJ-KSHwa interactions would still be intense and interesting to watch.. When you understand their dialogue, it just makes their interactions more dynamic :) But I have to say this pair mostly interact by eye contact and body movements lol When they talk, its mostly about their mission or Baek San or NSS or something related to that hehehe

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Somehow.. I just like episode 12.. for various reasons.. and been watching HJ-KSH moments again.. :blush: ..as their interaction have appeared less formal, in a way..

Another one I forgot to mention.. towards the end.. when the terrorists brought in more men into their group.. there's someone who seems to know KSH quite well from his warm greetings to her. Maybe it's something he said (that's not related) but the look on HJ's face.. is like nothing he'd ever shown before.. where & when KSH is concerned. Curious.. intrigued.. jealous?? :P Of course.. it doesn't matter at all as whatever it was totally vanished the moment CSH stepped into their midst.

Btw.. from the upcoming filming of the showdown scene hints.. KSH is ensured to be around at least till episde 15.. from my own assumption. Beyond that.. I can't help but to prepare myself for the worst. :ph34r:

Just to add though.. the shooting scene at the church.. there're two obvious bloopers with how KSH-HJ exchanged fires with Baek San's men but I guess the production just let this slip-up slipped through. :huh:

1. KSH wasn't holding a gun when they arrived / coming out of the car but the next scene showed she was holding one as they were taking cover.

OOPS -- this is rubie's blooper..

2. Both HJ and KSW were at the driver's side when they were shooting the enemy in the after-church scene but somehow HJ managed to conveniently be at the passenger side to enter the car easily. Both HJ and KSH were in between the black car and their own.. it's KSH who's on the passenger side, HJ was correct. I guess.. she must have moved to the driver's side. Hehee.. sorry.. wrong car. :P

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Hahah once again, you're very observant to have noticed the blooper!!

The first time I watched the scene where KSHwa greeted another person (seems like maybe another agent who used to work with her???) I did not take notice of HJ's expression... He looked curious imo to see who warmly greeted her.. definitely not jealousy although I wish that was to come in the future episodes :P

Oh my.. Im glad that at least KSHwa is still there until ep 16.. Im scared that the showdown may result in death between the 5.. And the way I keep thinking about it is the possible death could only be KSHwa... since the other characters are too 'main' to have an early exit.. BUT i really hope everyone comes out safe (esp KSHwa) out of the showdown... :)

Im quite excited to see the showdown actually.. So its going to be KSH, HJ, maybe PCY vs SW, CSH... i wonder where would vick side? Or maybe he will compete against all? heheheh

Hmm Im excited for next ep yet scared for KSHwa.. I do not like seeing her heartbroken... But it looks like she'll interact with HJ based on the preview.. Im wondering how she'll react to HJ torturing CSH?? Im sure she's smart to recognise that HJ is saving CSH.. Im wondering whether KSH would 'save' her to get even when CSH saved her from NSS????

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Frankly I really don't like speculating the worst especially for KSH but it's the only way to see it rather than thinking all will be rosy for her & be crushed later. The showdown in episode 15 will definitely have some very dramatic (and tragic?) impact on the whole series considering how dangerous the level of espionage that has escalated in the last 2 episodes. I really.. really hope there will be a twist that might save KSH.. yet so far.. she and Vick are the two who would most likely be eliminated first.. if the storyline calls for it. Arrghh.. this is so depressing. :wacko: :

You're right, csfan.. KSH would definitely know straightaway that HJ would do anything to save CSH. No other in the gang knew about the lovers' relationship except KSH.. isn't that such a cruel position for one woman to be in? But I guess she would still go along to help him as she had decided long before.

About the "debt" between CSH and KSH.. maybe I'm the one not seeing it as valid anymore :huh: .. but should she save CSH.. it's obviously of her deep feelings for HJ who obviously had suffered a lot. There's just no fair game in love triangles, huh.

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Btw.. have you all seen the KBS-IRIS news clip (posted by cutiepie) at the drama thread? It showed KSH's action scene in the ambulance.. and how KSY injured or reinjured her ankle with blood gushing out. Poor girl.. this is the one that had her out of filming for more than a week to recuperate.

I saw it! Must've been very painful! :(

Love reading all the discussions~ :D

Ep 9-12 gifs




























Credit: cyworld.com/shipper79


Don't think these were posted before...

<Esquire> Magazine 2009 July






Clip on the photoshoot- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC6eoavHRKk


2009 Jun 5






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Whoa.. sexy and sultry So Yeon, she's always full of surprises! :wub:

I just love all the HJ-KSH gifs, too.. if only they're not too large to be used as siggies. Sigh. But shipper79 must be an ardent fan of Kim So Yeon. We're so lucky to be able to have these IRIS goodies to look forward to.

Thanks lilcrash, really appreciate the cool sharing. Hope you'll get to watch IRIS / clips soon after your exam. Must be too tempting huh! :lol:

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Wow KSY looks so sexy and feminine in those magazine shots... She looks so good :blush: Her poses are sexy yet elegant too hihi imo, she looks much better in short hair than long hair.. The short hair really bring out her features :)

Yeah I have to agree with you that KSY and Vick are likely to be eliminated before the other main casts... I seriously hope that is not the case... I'm trying not to think too much about it and try and enjoy the next 2 eps before the ultimate showdown.... Hmm but if KSHwa does supposedly die, then that means KSY cannot be in the movie version??? Isn't there a dilemma if any of the main casts die, they would not be in the movie version? If I read correctly, the movie version would not be a reproduction of scenes from the IRIS drama but possibly a sequel??? Or is it some mission that takes place in the middle of the drama??? Hmm I seriously do not know how the movie is going to work out....

Thanks lilcrash for the gifs and sharing of her poster shootout! Good to know that there's an avid fan of KSHwa who's good in making gifs :) Those gifs show that KSY kicked richard simmons in the drama :wub: Thanks again for sharing it with us! Hoping that after your exams, you'll be able to watch IRIS and hopefully input your thoughts on KSHwa-HJ moments :P

Cannot resist.. going to try and put one of gifs in sig!!

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I tend to have the impression that whatever happened in the drama version will not affect the movie version because it wouldn't be too interesting if the same situation is repeated in the silver screen feature.

Uhh.. the gifs if used as siggies.. they'll be taken off by the Moderators, unfortunately.. because the 400KB size is way too big than the allowed 40KB soompi rule. I'd be the first to use them if it's not the case. ;)

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yep saw your reply.. haha thanks for the heads up.. I'll support them another way then! :)

Do you know when the movie version would come out? Im sure it'd come after the drama ends... Im wondering what they have in mind for the movie version ;)

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Guest gracefulmoonie

Didn't come back in two days, and the thread is full of goodies <3 it....Thanks Lilcrash and rubie!

My favorite is the one with KSY in the red/blue stripe dress, and the one of the close up of her face. This short hair really suits her. I am just so used to seeing her with long hair, so the short hair looks even more amazing on her.

In episode 12, my favorite scene was at the beginning at the church, when HJ immediately grab SH's hand when the men started shooting at them.

Episode 12 seems to be the starting point for SH's cycle of sadness, since CSH is alive and she has to bear seeing HJ feeling hurt. I felt her heartache when she saw HJ watching CSH at the cemetery from afar. It's so heartbreaking... :(

And the part where the man comes in and greet SH. I agree with csfan, that HJ was just probably curious to see who it was, no jealousy there at all.

And also, you guys brought out some really interesting points to dicuss, If there is a showdown, and if there are casualties, SH and Vik will probably be the first to die. CSH, HJ, PSY, SW are what I considered the main characters, so they won't die yet. Hopefully SH will still be on til ep 16 or 17. And if she does die, please give her a proper send off, I don't want her to just die.

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