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Posts posted by intrariver

  1. And why they sending Foodtruck TOGETHER while people are speculating about them dating irl? 

    Who does that in the middle of these type of speculations?!?!? THE BOLDNESS :joy:  LOL


    Are they dating, cause if I was them and I was NOT dating I would make sure to AVOID doing this, especially during a time with lots of people speculating, so people won't misunderstand and think we're more than friends:sweatingbullets:





    @gendhisputih of course you can join, the more the merrier YAY more shippers! Welcome


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  2. 1 hour ago, lhynne said:

    he somehow always knows what's happening within the audio team, the production team, his co-stars, me, and even the props... 


    "me" mentioned SEPARATELY and not grouped in with costars havshsjsjsjsjjsjsjs !!!!

    So beside attention to costars as a group, he also pays separately attention only to you YIN, huh..... :tounge_wink:


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  3. 1 hour ago, aveerie said:

    I saw this on IG. 



    Something has changed in those looks. It seems that whatever was there before has gone deeper. 


    What happens when you go from (flirty)friends (then)   to lovers (now). :tounge_xd:


    Their behavioural differences now from Goblin giving shippers hopes ha ha


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  4. Okay let me tell you my point of view on this latest BTS.

    Indeed in it they look only like friends, but the problem is it's EDITED. 

    It's hard to know whether what we see is actually how things are, especially now with very eager shippers absolutely everywhere from all over the world, inetz, cnetz, knetz..  , they may just have chosen to edit it this way to prevent any dating rumor. Whether just friends or more. I was actually starting to wonder if they going to take some methods against dating rumors soon. Cause the way things were going it seemed inevatable theyd get a rumor if nothing was going to be done.


    So i'd say either they truly are just friends or TvN has edited it this way to make it seem like only friends (to hide their romance).

    Its either one of the two LOL.


    Anyway I dont think we should jump to conclusion either way.

    like @Alice Mendoza said, balance out delulu with reality.

    I'm not going to give up and say 100% say they are just friends but I'm also not going to force it say that theyre more.


    What makes me still hopeful and suspect them of possibly more especially is


    That LIVE drama chat.

    Since its live its not edited, so I trust it more than BTS.


    Just a few days ago I rewatched the full thing.

    Their bodylanguage in it so comfortable LOL....almost too comfortable.


    As its been pointed out, YIN was freezing so she started to lean against LDW for heat...like a gf LOL


    When I watched it before I only thought she did this once.  But when rewatched, I realized she did this like 3 times actually lol, each time trying to do it discreetly, holding back, and wishing to do it more than she did but restraining herself wtf


    Is it just me or is this type of thing not something done between only friends? lol

    Granted theyre actors who have worked together before and so have grown a physcial comfort that comes from it, but isnt this just a  bit too much? Even LDW who has done reunions with at least 3 other costars before too didnt show this level of physical comfort the 2nd time he worked with them LOL. So whats with this now??


    Also the fact that Ive seen Inna very unlike Goblin era, suddenly getting shy with LDW lol. Several times, not just in that 1st kiss BTS. And LDW suddenly looking at her differently and more intently.

    ...So I'm just wondering if they are just friends then why they have these type of weird suspicious moments?


    So nope. Not giving up.

    But Im also hoping Inna can be much quicker than that 3 years, so we can know for sure much quicker and get the heartbreak/glee sooner Lol

    The wait is the torture :bawling:

    ....Inna or Wookie how about marriage news with SOMEBODY in 2019 already?? PLEAASE dying of curiosity here lol




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  5. @Iam Fanning  OMG DELETE (edit it out) your comment about the numbers NOW!

    Theres a strict rule not to share the Number outside of Daum.

    Only those who has signed up and ordered can see it on Daum.


    Also follow LeeDongWookAddicts slides all the way to the last, theres the instruction how to do it.

    It's important to follow ALL of them down to the LAST slide, because steps before is signing up and the last one is about Preordering the DVD.  

    I saw that some had failed to do the last step of Preordering DVD, So its importabt to go through ALL slides all the way the the end!


    Also I think AmazingYooInna also has the instructions on her acc too.



    But anyway we neeed WAAAAAAAAAY MOOOOOREEEE preorders for DVD not to get cancelled !!!!




    If DVD canceled Like Leedongwookaddicts_Global says, its bad not only for shippers but LDW , YIN, Rest of Cast, PD & CREW .

    Project ONLY considered a success if DVD is able to be made because enough demand.  

    Dont waste the cast & crew hardwork pleease   ! :bawling:

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  6. @mimima  I don't mind though, I like this monster and what it does ;):yum:


    Please do spam us with maaaany maaanyy pics/gifs, we won't mind drowning in the amount, we're fellow shippers after all. :blush:


    btw Soompi has  a rule of max 3 pics in a post (to save on forum loading time for users), so if more than 3 pics , put the 4th and 5th and so on under spoilertag thanks (I wrote in an earlier post how to put things into spoilertag (or also known as hidden tag)  ).



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  7. @Alice Mendoza @mimima  Here's how to upload a pic (this method also works for GIFs) here:

    1) On a phone, use a file manager app to browse through and find the location of your pic. (Any file manager app will do. If you dont have a good one where you can clearly find the location of your image file, install a new file manager app.)

    2) Upload the pic to an image hosting site, I recommend either imgbb.com or vgy.me (both free and require no registration to upload pics!) (but you can use whatever image site you want of course). Now click to upload an image on the image hosting site and go to the location youve found it in on Step 1. and click the image to upload. 

    3) Find the DIRECTlink to the image file you've now uploaded (directlink always end w. the fileformat eg.  .jpg   .gif   ....  if it doenst end with the file format it's not a direct link.

    On imgbb.com you need to go to the image after upload then rightclick on it and click open image in new tab, then it opens the direct link in new tab

     Copypaste that webadress.   

    On vgy.me   the directlink is directly given after upload.)


    4) Now in this forum make a new post or edit a post.   Then click INSERT OTHER MEDIA, then choose INSERT IMAGE FROM URL) :



    5) now paste the Directlink into the box that appears and Submit your new/edited post.   Voila!  :yum:




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  8. So I just ramdomly remembered some interesting info we learned in the Goblin presscon:


    YIN has a big sister Anna who is a LDW fangirl.  (She asked LDW to say a couple of words to her sister who is his fan)


    ....Maybe her sister can encourage these two to finally just marry each other? I mean if I was her sister in this situation I'd put these two on the first train to marry after TYH ends.  I'd be so happy about my sister with LDW who not only has a honest and kind personality, but is so caring towards my sister and is making her laugh so much... and ultimate fangirl dream come true if he becomes your brother-in-law right? :yum:


    and the ultimate fangirl dream is not the delulu dream of fangirl marrying him herself, like some jealous fans who lash out because triggered by a kiss:tounge_xd:   Anna is already married and with children, she'd probably want the same for her sister too soon right?  ;)


    Since these two keep behaving like they do in the BTS, if I was the sister and saw the BTS I'd intervene and call on them to get married ASAP :yum:

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  9. Welcome newbies @mimima  @J-Pooh


    3 hours ago, mimima said:


    I also have a question- are LDW and YIN still filming TYH? Or is filming complete and they are just releasing the episodes weekly? 


    They are liveshooting. So they are still filming.

    In presscon LDW said to cheer on YIN 1 man show because the first 4 episodes she carried it alot. So they seemed to have shot at least 4 episodes at that time.

    Now the upcoming episode (episode 7) was shot on Valentines day (feb 14th), you can see it on the clothes they wear in an upcoming scene, thanks AmazingYooInna/ @pichicouple for figuring this out for us! :kiss_wink:

    So it seems that now we are only around a couple of episodes behind from them shooting them.


    Oh how I wish that the first kiss happened on episode 7, that would mean our ship would have been shooting their kissing scene on Valentines day. :blush:


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  10. 2 hours ago, pichicouple said:


    Here's another great one of your edits!:


    Featuring the moment when LDW unexpedtedly gets too close during photoshoot and YIN gets nervous/shy.

    (Found in KKBS BTS:  https://youtu.be/P2Pe0IfacGg  ) in slowmo with background music.

    Those deep stares at her too.


    I have this one on repeat becuse I'm M E L T I N G over the sweetness  :bawling::heart:waLX1.gif


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    One of my favorite pics of them. Shining so brightly HAPPILY together. :star::love:


    For newbies:

    This is a BTS pic from them filming of their CF after just 2 weeks after Goblin ended. (Yes Koreans liked them soooooo much that they immediately got a CF offer together. They turned into a popular conversation topic among koreans. 


    Goblin overall was talked about everywhere the cast went. LDW and GY both got depressed after Goblin over the sudden intense too-much-fame.

    Keep in mind the main pair of Goblin never got CF, nor did many costars before either...And just 2 weeks after to boot.....Ppl's love for the 2nd lead pairing just suddenly exploded upwards at the very last episodes of Goblin (before this I had been sad cause it seemed not many liked them, but suddenly ppl did LOL) )



    ....Considering the current dismal ratings for TYH, I'm hoping they'll repeat their own history and suddenly have people's love for their drama SKYROCKETING UPWARDS ! 

    #RATINGS INCREASE PLEEEEASEE! (maybe when they start having kissing scenes koreans won't be able to resist their chemistry?? :blush:)



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  12. Okay I wasn't going to comment on the Suzy thing, but I keep seeing people online worried about it. So to anyone worried, LURKERS, @Alice Mendoza @Far^away, New shippers, or people new to LDW, or new to YIN...There's no reason to be worried, read what @pichicouple @Yoo In Na said and also read my take, for clarity on that:




    Yes chingu  @Yoo In Na indeed suspect timing  lol.


    Also other things :

    1. There was NO picture proof whatsoever. Not only no pics but Instead... They used old pictures of LDW hanging out with former costar and friend JessicaJung, claiming it was LDW and Suzy LOL


    2.  If you research his agency KKBS's past you'll see that they have a tendency to confirm dating even without confirming with the stars first. Because less hassle than finding things out for the agency (said by someone from agency!), they simply always say YES to dating rumor whether it's actually true or not LOL.

    Ontop of this lazy confirmations thing, they're also prone to more purposeful publicity stunts like @Yoo In Na said...


    3. LDW is gentleman. Yet when the dating news broke he said nothing. Didn't make any kind of statement whatsoever from his own mouth about it being true. 

    Even when people speculate maybe it's fake he says nothing. True couple's always make statement themselves about it being true and if it' serious say things to protect each other.

     Instead it's like he's unhappily being quiet and annoyed.


    It's like they forced a fake dating on him and he didn't even agree to take fake pics for the sake of the fake dating, so they put the Jessica pics LOL.


    ....and even IF, he ever did date Suzy, and this is IF, a later article wrote they just went on a date/weren't thinking of anything serious but got caught so agencies FORCED them to date LOL.

    Sound just sooooo romantic doens't it? Sounds like they just have sooooo strong feelings for eachother that someone has to force them to date against their will?  LMAO


    Article's wrote super cheesy stupid stuffs too about "honey eyes and feelings" yet even IF they dated they didn't even have serious feelings at all just forced to date LOL. Smells like payed to write fakery... :sweatingbullets:


    About her calling him her "ideal type" in his variety show Strong Heart that he MCed, watch the actual clip. They ask her which guy PRESENT THERE is closest to her ideal. She of course picks LDW when no other attractive men there lol. It's like pick guy a or b, who's attractive. Doeant mean one actually finds one attractive just the best choice of the OPTIONS THERE :sweatingbullets:




    I - Likely never even dated :sweatingbullets:

    II - Even IF they did it wasnt serious and LDW didnt even take her seriously enough to clearly explain which led to comments about Suzy being a player girl (When they had break up news Suzy was called serial Lee dater. No wonder since sudden unserious "relatioship" with LDW). On the other hand he's been far sweeter to YIN, than to his supposed "(ex-)girlfriend" :sweatingbullets:


    III - Even IF true, they barely even dated just very short and very unserious, and then have been broken up for over 6 months after "dating" they got forced into after just 1 date (not even 1 pic of that date, so likely even that 1 date didnt even happen :sweatingbullets: ) anyways LOL

    It's also possible they werent even on a date but it got misunderstood as one and so agencies forced them to date LOL


    ....Regardless, no need to take the Suzy thing seriously, even LDW himself didn't LMAO


    EDIT: Sorry I realized I accidentally tagged @pichicouple not only once but TWICE lol when I meant to tag @Yoo In Na lol sorry :sweatingbullets:. I now fixed it and now tag correctly in this post.



    Now moving on to better things. Just needed to write that out for those people who still take the Suzy thing seriously or believe that he "chose to date Suzy over YIN." :sweatingbullets:




    Dear Wookie, you have 2 Options:

    A) STAAAAAPH smiling at her so cutely :blush:, you're not even shooting any sweet scene yet you shyly smile at her like a cutiepie. My heart can't take it. 


    B  )  B) MARRY. HER. :heart:




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  13. Update from Korean shippers Lol:



    PichiCouple (which is more about Goblin era) has been changed to OintmentCouple now by Knetz.


    Honestly the name itself not so good lol :sweatingbullets: , but please read the explanation about the meaning of the new couple name, on the IG post above.


    The meaning makes it sweeter.


    @Yoo In Na you might wanna add in also OintmentCouple now in the thread title. ;)


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  14. 7 hours ago, Far^away said:


    It all started in 2014 I guess? :)



    Yes they 1st met in  2014 on an award show.

    They have several collabs since then:


    -MAMA 2014  presented awards together

    -Bubblegum cameo 2015

    YIN made voice and picture cameo in LDW drama Bubblegum. Picture cameo as in her pic was hanging on the wall, not as in had scenes other than her voice only.   

    The Bubblegum PD was also the PD of QINM (YIN drama). That's probably why cameo.  3 Years after QIHM ended the PD still had affection for her to have her cameo. Bubblegum casts regualrly meet up. Then LDW & YIN's mutual friend the Bubblegum & QIHM PD sent a foodtruck for LDW & YIN for TYH. 

    - Goblin 2017 + DJing its 2 special episodes together

    CF 2017

    Touch Your Heart  2019



    Here's a cute fanvid about their collabs from 2014 up until 2019 TYH, allthough the maker missed the Bubblegum cameo:




    @Far^away I guess youre new and hadnt watched them in Goblin, since you didnt know about 2014 until you saw that vid? 

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