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Posts posted by intrariver

  1. @LoveBangWon  too many drama OTPs have a rushed start/unbelievable buldup/ unbelievable love which can ruin the couple even if they do have chemistry. I'm glad this OTP will have better buildup by the looks of it.


    I plan to watch that one as well at a later date. Later date because not only am I busy watching other dramas, but also so I'd delay the anticipation / have a longer time to be curious about it :tongue:

    And FYI I don't watch dramas based on popularity, I care about depth and plot. I'll watch TheMoonThatEmbracesTheSun because I like the writer's other works, not because of popularity.


    Yes bring on the 2ndary couple / ghostwriter & female lead's friend! Not only did they look cute in the preview, but that would mean less of a triangle with the main OTP as be'd have someone else... 

    Only...this time, please don't overshadow the main couple! I'm still pissed about the 2nd leads' syndrome on Goblin! However, I don't think they will, OTP here looks promising!

    Indeed, tge Goblin 2ndary couple was beyond great!


    ....SORRY people, I know this isn't the Goblin thread, will stop talking about it now and remain on topic, it's just that I'm still bitter, okay?


    • Like 5
  2. Hello everyone! Been hanging around this thread since before this show started airing, glad to see it finally grace our screens! This is JUST the type of story I'd like...Mystery, fantasy, romance, reincarnation...with unique point of view (1930s era not Joseon or Gyreo)

    Sooooo I watched the first 2 eps and I liked it! I came here mostly for the intriguing and original story. Originally a fan of Lim Soo Jung since I'm Sorry I Love You. So Ji Sub being my bias I was sceptical whether I could like the main 2 leads together in this...however in these two eps their interactions have been very enjoyable, looking forward to more! I was afraid I wouldn't give a bleep about the main OTP this time around too like in Goblin, but I'm pleasantly surprised to say I'm starting to ship them. However, no romantic scenes yet since it did just start, which is good, means there will be proper BUILDUP/believable love this time around...however it also means no definite chemistry measurement can be done yet. But looks promising! Curious about how the FANGIRLING to ANTI-FANGIRLING to LOVE is done! And when/how/why does he start to like her back? And he'll have 3 love rivals for her!!?  I hope she'll be loyal and it won't turn too much into a love triangle/square/rectangle/whatnot! and will the OTP's memories/visions impact how their view each other/their present relationship?...I hope they feeel a genuine and deep connection just by themselves in the present and not just because of their past life!

    And then there's...the MYSTERY! Love a good mystery! The creepy vibes too, especislly that (ghost?)painting with moving eyes! However, I won't speculate on the reincarnation/past life mysteries/ questions that have come up just yet, it's too early, need to gather more info from future eps.

    While waiting for this to start, I began to watch Kill Me Heal Me (for the first time), by this same writer...it has that same Mystery-Romance vibe and complex characters with believable buildup and character stories...Chicago Typewriter will likely have same excellent buildup....Next week, will you please hurry here palli palli!


    This scene was my fave from ep 2...Hope to see more of this!:


    • Like 7
  3. 8 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

    you know what these posters remind me of?


    Running man episode - champion of running man.. when they are all spies and go back to 1942.. and in new era they got reincarnated.. and no one knows who was what in last era..


    final name tagging between garya nd KJK.. and it was soooooo fun


    Wow sounds like really fun episode/s!  What episode/s Nr was that? Please tell so I and ayone else interested can go and watch 

    • Like 2
  4. @glee77 wow that's bad, liking everything/everyone BUT him! I personally really like him based on those teasers, here's hoping you'll start to like him too once the show starts airing! Who knows, the teasers could be misleading/just lame...

    What is it about him specifically that's off-putting to you? (I'm curious)

    I'm also very happy to see Im Soo Jung unnie back in dramaland! However, hopefully this drama won't be too lighthearted for me (I prefer darker/melodrama tone), that they focus alot on the darker mystery aspect.


    • Like 2
  5. Okey so after first being very skeptical/put off by Yoo Ah In's hairstyle, after watching the teasers...I completely changed my mind! It suits him and his character. After coming here for Im Soo Jung unni I'm already liking Yoo Ah In...he has charm! ISJ don't look like she's aged at all these 13 years, despite the age difference, they don't look awkward together at all...me likey!

    • Like 2
  6. Lee Dong Wook ideal type:

    Eats well, is wise and can communicate well with him. Straight from his mouth on his Seoul fanmeet.

    Question to long time LDW fans: 

    Has he said anything before /another year about his ideal type? The above description is kind of vague... Any long-time fans have any information on this?  (Googling, all I could find was his Taxi IV about a Curvy woman, that's all.)


    • Like 9
  7. Other things he said:

    X He's never cried so much for a drama... by eps 13&14 it was really tough.  ;(

    X Hardest scene/line for him to deliver was when he met Sunny again 3 or 5 years later, he struggled to deliver the "Nice to see you again" , it was hard not to cry then/almost cried 

    X After the military....his first project after the military was great, but then the projects following not soo...He said he was in a slump...(..until Goblin?)

    X He said (after playing a Fantasy role) he wanted to play a Realistic role next... His criteria for each role he chooses is that it's something new and different (from what he's played before)

    X Something about his character in "Partner" drama being most similar to him ... and something about some trait X (missed this part) being his Best quality according to Gong Yoo? 

    X He only played Lee Hyuk for about 6 min...dissaitisfied, wants to play him more! Wants investigator role next... or vampire, many have said it would suit him, he agrees.




    • Like 12
  8. Starting from the waiting room, throughout the fanmeet parts seen through V App, he kept saying so many times how he really wanted to play the investigator role next, Lee Hyuk part was too short for him! He REALLY wants to play an investigator. Producers, grant his wish...preferably with Yoo In Na too since he's also complained that they didn't hsve enough lovey dovey scenes !

    • Like 10
  9. Some screenshots of the Fanmeeting through V app that I've taken:


    LDW looking directly at cam / you / me / us! 



















    He also looked at the V app comments. See above pic ^^












    The two MCs who won "Best couple" award ha ha. Above pic 






    When the pic of him sleeping like that was shown he laughed/was embarrased xD  pic above.



    he smiles so cutely!


    Screenshot_2017_03_12_10_26_57.png......ending this screencap pic sequence with a Cutie pie pic!









    • Like 14
  10. Update on Korean Cable Drama Awards 2017:

    Goblin won as a drama, and Yook Sungjae won Rising star award as well as BTOB. Best actor and Best couple categories went to Oh Hae Young Again. Soo uri Lee Dong Wook and PiChi couple didn't win anything. Unclear whether even nominated since the LIVE broadcast was CANCELLED, instead the awards show which took place today on march 10th will be broadcasted on March 17th (7.30 p.m. KST on MBC MUSIC, MBC every1 and MBC Drama). We'll find out then if Goblin cast attended the ceremony. Maybe they went to support Sungjae just like they went to his concert before?






    • Like 4
  11. GOOD NEWS!:

    On march 14th the Goblin cast will gather together and do a DVD commentary!









    Other things to look forward to:

    x Lee Dong Wook fanmmeeting in Seoul on March 12th, also some parts broadcast on his Vlive channel

        EDIT:  At 4.20 p.m. KST (Korean Standard Time) the v live app broadcast will start.  Source:  

    Watch the broadcast on LDW V Live channel HERE:




    EDIT 2:

    X Lee Dong Wook MIGHT make an apperance on Running Man again, as Song Ji Hyo calls him up for a mission. See if he'll appear on the episode which airs this sunday!



    X 12 hours until #KCTA2017 aka. Korean Cable Tv Awards... Soon we'll find out for sure whether Goblin cast was nominated/won and/or will attend the awards!




    • Like 12
  12. So finally Im Soo Jung unnie is coming back to kdramaland...after 13 years away! You gotta wonder what finally persuaded her. I trust her taste. Maybe this drama has a really good script? The plot sounds refreshing, unique and intresting, and finally historical parts of drama not set in Joseon or Gyreo era but 20th century! Also, I live for reincarnation/timetravel stories, this is one drama I'll make sure to watch!

    I resently saw an article of Yoo Ah In recommending all men to be feminists...I haven't watched him in anything but that made him likable in my eyes. Hopefully they'll have chemistry too so I won't find myself catching yet another second lead syndrome.


    ....But.  What is it with that hair! I prefer hairy men, bad physical character trait choice, ugh! Please Hair gods, let it grow fast!

    • Like 2
  13. Hey everyone! New soompi forum user, and So Ji Sub fan. He has the most vulnerable, genuine eyes I've seen on any asian actors, maybe even any actor....His eyes are so heart-melting! I don't care that he's over 10 years older than me...he is very handsome and charming!


    Saw him in I'm Sorry I Love You... Let me just say, Cha Moo Hyuk is my ultimate ideal type character. This was also the FIRST EVER drama I've watched, and it's still among my all-time favorites! (Allthough I've only watched about 50 dramas so far, but it's unlikely to change)


    ^^^ Love him even more in this type of beret hat 


    Currently watching Thousand Years of Love, and slowly also  What Happened In Bali; however the latter is very frustrating to watch, I've heard the female lead falls for BOTH men, and I love the destined OTP concept and hate disloyalty...but I'll watch it for Ji Sub. Even though he has to be overshadowed by the other male lead by the writing. :(

    Anyway, SJS was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, EXTRAORDINARY huhgghhgj ijkjjbkjijojlj EXCELLENT in I'm Sorry I Love You!...the DESPAIR of the character really got to me....those eyes, so expressive!  He is an actor who doesn't ACT out a character he BECOMES the character, and I can feel those emotions with him! UNLIKE MANY asian actors, there's rarely any compla nt from me about his acting, he is in a league of his own!

    And he has a genuine, nice, introverted, trustworthy real life personality as well.

    ....Frankly I don't get how he is single!

    • Like 5
  14. Oh and here's the categories for the 2016 awards, just so we can speculate on these upcoming 2017 award wins:

    X Best actor: 1 actor won 

    X Rising star: 3 actors won 

    X Popular star: 2 actors won 

    X Best couple: 1 couple won

    X Best character: 2 characters won 

    X Relatable star: 1 star won 

    X Tasty star: 4 stars won.      Synonym of tasty:  appealing/attractive 

    X Best MC: 1 MC won 

    Source: http://onehallyu.com/topic/304690-soompi-award-winners-of-“korea-cable-tv-awards-2016″-revealed/


    My guesses for Goblin cast wins:

    LDW: Best character, Popular star, Tasty star 

    GY: Best actor, Popular star, Best couple (with KGE), Tasty star 

    YIA: Best character, Tasty star 

    KGE: Popular star, Best couple (w. GY)

    YSJ: Rising star 


    >>>>> HOWEVER, if the award ceremony is FAIR, the winners would be:

    X LDW: Best actor, Best character, Best couple (with YIA) (, don't give a bleep about popularity award!), Tasty star 

    X YIA: Best character, Best couple  (with LDW) (and Best actor if they allow 2 winners this year), tasty star 

    X GY: Popular star 

    X KGE: Popular star (she was better in CITT, that role/potrayal was best actor award worthy!), tasty star 

    X YSJ: Rising star 


    I'll be so annoyed if GY gets Best actor over LDW and/or if boring Shintak couple win Best couple over WangSun couple!


    • Like 10
  15. Hello everyone!

    Screenshot_2017_03_04_12_18_41_2.jpgNew Lee Dong Wook fan here, been lurking here since the last few eps of Goblin, finally I've overcome my laziness to make an account and come out of hiding!

    How I came to discover this charming man:

    I'm still pretty new to korean dramas. Completed watching about 35, dropped about 15 and started about 10. Started my first ever 4 dramas in summer of 2014 (took a break after those 4, officially started continually watching dramas at the end of 2015), this is when I first came across Wook. However I wasn't yet a fan, didn't even know his name, not even that he's an actor! I simply saw him. I'd just finished the drama Flower Boys Next Door with Yoon Shi Yoon and Park Shin Hye and was looking around for BTS footage/IVs with said actors, so I watched Strong Heart ep 159....Which most here probably know is hosted by LDW. I didn't know at the time that he is also an actor, I thought he was just an MC. Anyway, I thought to myself "Wow this MC is really handsome! Then I took a break after those first 4 dramas, forgot about dramas, about the handsome MC. Flashforward to 2015 when I was watching dramas again. I was looking around Instagram, I found this picture comparing multiple korean oppas, the who's you're favorite/hottest type of poll. I looked at the pics, and discovered the one I was most drawn to was this namja called Lee Dong Wook. Didnn't realize it was that same MC! Only  after Goblin did I realize. Anyway, earlier I'd heard of Blade Man, and realized it was this actor playing the lead. So I put Blade Man into my very long list of "Plan to watch" dramas. Then I have to admit I forgot about him. Since there were so many interesting dramas to watch.

    .....But then the cast for Goblin was confirmed in 2016, and the plot was interesting, and the drama had my favorite genres. So I never got around to watching Blade Man, watched Goblin instead....and fell in love with the utterly adorable Grim Reaper and the couple with the sizzling chemistry PiChi couple...and of course, Lee Dong Wook!

    And to make a good 1st impression, I bring some delicacies with me:











    ....as well as some GOOD NEWS! :

    KOREAN CABLE TV AWARDS.......Nominees:


    Source:  https://onehallyu.com/topic/473491-korea-cable-tv-awards-show-2017-line-up-artists/

    (Yes I waited for there to be some sort of good news for me to bring over before I made an account, I admit it ha ha)

    To make it more fun, here's a countdown to the event:

    Link to countdown (10th mars 2017 6 p.m. Seoul time)

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