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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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@apqaria True! Silence is golden most of the time. The more you clarify the worse it gets in certain situations, but at the same time I don't want the show to be labelled as one for "black sheeps". The fact that KBS is producing this gives me a certain degree of confidence that the writers and PD have a good plan in mind to lure in viewers. They shouldn't have to rely on the popularity of their male guests to attract viewers. Fingers crossed for everyone on the show and for Da Hae especially - she must use this opportunity to her best advantage and reconnect with her Korean fans.

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@ELY_397 Hopefully that is the case and the production team will be able to give us some solid program that feels sincere rather than forced or scripted. I am always eager for womance since we don't see much of it (Bromance is the one that always gets spotlights) so if they can give me some good dose of that I will be happy :) It is surely a challenge for our girl and an experiment for KBS, so if this succeed it will be great.

I am still not into the male guests part or rather don't know how to feel about it. In addition that I want more focus on the actresses but who knows may be that will end up being fun with the mission thing. I will wait and see.

And while thinking about this program, I really want to see those 5 actresses doing some magazine photoshoot together. That would be fun ^^

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A translated article from hancinema


"Homestay Daughters", 5 actresses plus Park Soo-hong and Lee Soo-geun

The first entertainment TV show to be formed on KBS is "Homestay Daughters".

The casting for the show is done and only the recording is left of the show.

Lee Mi-sook will star as the owner of the 'homestay' and Park Si-yeon, Yoon Soy, Lee Da-hae and Jang Sin-yeong will be her 'four daughters'. Park Soo-hong and Lee Soo-geun are also casts of the show.

The TV show will be based in a 'homestay' and various guests or 'homestay residents' will come by to create laughter and fun.

The show has already caught many people's attention with the pure fact that it has a cast almost as good as the Avengers. This is the first time a TV show stars a group of actresses in ground-wave. The actresses are aged from 30 to 50 and their chemistry is expected to increase anticipation for the show.

The target of the actresses in the show is to show viewers that they can get down-to-earth and friendly unlike their professional images on screens.

The TV show "Homestay Daughters" will be released in February.

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Our girl's MGMM Co-star "Hwang Saem" has rejoined girl group Rania and she mentioned our girl in her interview saying that in the drama filming she was having cold and Dahae did called her and brought her medicine


황이나는 중국 드라마를 통해 이다해를 만났으며 첫 호흡을 맞추던 날 감기로 인해 컨디션이 엉망이었다고 말했으며 이어 촬영이 끝난 후 이다해가 황이나를 불러 직접 약을 챙겨주어 따뜻함에 울컥했다고 전했다. onebyone.gif?action_id=136032ff5772d66a59d932c4eb8887a

Also our girl is supporting her and the group comeback on her IG

This is their last MV


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When it comes to Kpop group, my bias is the boys group BTS !. Don't know much about the girls group Rania, but do note the girls look sophisticated unlike the "sweet young girls"of Twice, GFriend etc . 

As fans of Dahae, we know she is a true artist and a generous and caring one even to co-stars irrespective of ranks. Btw what was Hwang Saem's role in MGMM ?. Is she the same girl with the Instagram 8318, who took a pic with Dahae and another several months ago (while filming MGMM)? 

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Thanks God Lee Da hae dating new came out,from this i came to know who are real fans of her and who are not.And i learned lot from it.People were trying to make us there minion,but bad luck we didn't follow.

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I saw some really funny comments on Weibo. Some fans were saying of course they could tell which one in the picture was Dahae, "she is the third one from the right" and then some fans had to clarify that she is not in the picture. :)

So Dahae must have met Saem on the set of MGMM and became good friends. She is an idol turned actress and is now making a comeback with her old group. I hope she updates SNS more often to reconnect with her fans from now on. It doesn't matter if she is in the picture or not, just a simple message like this one will make her fans happy.

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On a shallow note, I think our girl have a nice and somehow cute taste when it comes to choosing the blankets she uses to warm up while filming (or may be some of those provided from the staff) I did like the patterns in the one she used in HK and the ones in BL ^^


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I am very excited to hear Dahae's going to be in a variety show for not one time but a few months!  However, on another hand I'm a little bit worry.  We all know our girl is very straightforward and she might expose something about other people unintentionally.  If the director thinks that's funny and don't want to edit that out, Dahae cannot have any choice.  I found Korea is a very conservative country,  they like your image to be modest, considerate and make sure don't remind people that you're rich.  Even though you think you're good, just show people that you have no confidence, that way they'll be happy! :confused:  I'm like her mom, I can forgive and contain everything she does but the other people may not, especially the antis.  I'm with you @apqaria, worried about everything of her!:sweat_smile:

I think I got this from you blog @apqaria, I don't remember seeing that before!  Sorry don't know how to make that smaller!


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@emok I am more worried about her looking too "pretty" on the show, ie. attracting comments about her being vain and all that nonsense. I hope she is confident enough to show her bare face, like SJH on Running Man. Her boyish and fun loving personality will surely come out and go down well I hope. 

I remember Park Min Woo said something bad about someone on Roommate and he was pretty much ostracised for the rest of the show. From my observations, viewers in general don't like whiners or people who are overconfident, lazy, vain, selfish, boring or those who live an extravagant lifestyle. Frugality is an old Korean virtue so even if you are rich you are not supposed to flaunt it. The same goes for talent and achievement.

The challenge is if she doesn't speak freely she will be accused of being fake, but she if she says the wrong thing even if it is slip of the tongue she will be criticised. I hope we are worrying too much because she has guested on variety shows many times before and apart from one occasion, her performance has been well received. :blush:


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As the saying goes " You can't please everybody". We all know that Dahae is very kind, generous, simple, frugal and down to earth but others still criticize her. She doesn't flaunt on how rich is her family that up to now there is still no confirmation on her family status and business. In that way alone we can assess that Dahae is very secretive when it comes to finances and her family. She wants people to like her because of her talent and who she is without any pretentious. People who are close to her married or unmarried/ girl or boy loves and consider her a great friend even many years has pass. She does not choose people on their status for her you can be her friend as long you're sincere.

As for the variety show I hope the PD will show the true Dahae that does not only smile but who can be hurt when people make false accusations and criticize her without any basis. She is also human like us that have fears, dreams and wishes to be love and be accepted.

Very excited to watch her often in a TV show. Hope they will guest Lee Joon Gi (her friend in My Girl - the chemistry is so great ), Hyun Bin ( her partner in Memory - hope she can do a drama with him because their chemistry is so undeniable), Lee Jong Suk ( his popular right now and it will be great to see them together on screen), Kang Ji Hwan ( a friend that was given a different interpretation by the media), Jang Hyuk ( is a friend that is like a true brother to her ), Song Joong Ki ( once her co-host), So Ji Sub ( a good actor), Joo Sang Wook ( a good and mature actor ), Lee Dong Wook ( her chemistry with him is explosive ), Lee Min Ho ( really like to see their chemistry on screen ), Ji Sung ( a great actor ), Gong Yoo ( another good actor ) and Se7en ( to observe how they interact to each other). 

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Am looking forward to the reality show to get to know more about Dahae and hopefully clear some of the malicious intentional or unintentional comments by so called fans, critics, etc. Agreed Dahae is a private person not craving for attention, and what we know thus far from pro and / or anti fan base are mostly based on assumptions, derivation of coincidence, associations, pictures, here say, biasness, etc etc. There maybe some truth on these assumptions on her relationship with a past lead actor and as both did not confirm it, for reasons best known to them, we should leave it as it, unless Dahae wish to shed some light to it. In a reality show the inner most sensitive hurtful feelings will be revealed when the heart cord is hit unprepared. Dahae being a seasoned actress would be well prepared to be careful with her words comments and is not a person to comment flippantly on others. I guess when a hurtful subject is brought up Dahae will be quiet with tears swelling in her eyes. Dahae fighting and be strong in the variety show. 

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In Korea, celebrities get criticised left, right and centre. Dahae is not alone. Some people's impression of her is still from her earlier acting days during EoE, Chuno and failed film projects. She has been mismanaged until very recently and her agency/team did nothing to help her image. Dahae is someone who trusts people easily. Hopefully she can make better decisions for herself from now on. She has no idea that the people around her are smiling in front of her but are in fact very rude to her fans, or that her company is ignoring questions from her fan club about her overseas schedule. Which company in their right mind wants to see their artists arrive in a foreign country with no fan support?

As for sensitive questions, I agree with Tey Ling and Arlene that if she shows the weaker side of her, she might gain some sympathy votes, but that's not really how I want the viewers to remember her. I hope she will show her other pictures from her beauty pageant days (not the one that's widely circulated), pictures of her as a baby and of her mum, also also how hard she works to maintain her figure.

I don't think they will ask about her past relationships now that she is in a pubic relationship. Would love to see LJK appearing as a guest too. I was going to say Eric but I guess not given he and PSY used to date. I totally want to see Eric and DH in a drama though!

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Personally I think it is not a good idea to talk about past incidents once again specially if she already addressed them in the past. She can always prove this wrong with her own actions without addressing them explicitly again.

Also showing your weaker side or tearing is actually not a good idea either. People and K-netizens specially don't like to see celebrities whining. They believe celebrities have their life easier compared to them and so they tend to make fun of their whining and just criticize them for it.

In the past when our girl did address such criticism like Chuno days. Although she may have seemed hurt but she never shed a tear over it in public. She did smile and come strong despite it all without trying hard to win people sympathy and that is something I do like about her.

As I said before, I want her to be herself and don't try hard pleasing anyone. Yah she should be careful with her actions and what she says but at the same time she shouldn't behave unlike herself because that would come out as fake. 

Doing this variety show is surely a challenge specially for an actress who is no media or people darling (but on the contrary) and if she get criticized there it won't be about her acting or her drama character anymore but it is her own character that is going to be criticized.

She can't appeal to everyone, that is the way things are. But if she do make people see her in a new light, seeing more good aspects of her character and accept her for who she is right now not what they think she should be, it would be really great.

I wish our girl the best but I will need to have good mental preparation for all possibilities that might come out of this experience :grin:

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Hmm points and posts from all of you chinguss are interesting to read and well said too.Some are worried some are not.Its not she is first time doing interview or variety show.Happy together,Running man i like her in that and not only me i read in youtube even other likes her too.

@ELY_397 I so agree with you."In Korea, celebrities get criticised left, right and centre". And when i read the reason the stars are criticized, i am amazed literally.Although they are stars they don't even have freedom of speech and freedom of life.About EOE DH was not some struggling star in that time she was used for publicity and was hardly shown in episode.Ask me i was so frustrated i use to wait for whole episode to see her scene that too live telecast.If as fan i was so disappoint then as actress, she would have been more disappoint.If male star don't want to have loveline with certain actress don't sign the show.Suddenly the actress whose role was supposed to be small was doing lead there.I still stick to the point she didn't do anything wrong in quitting that series.I was happy that her costar were supportive to her during that time.

And abt this show we don't know the concept of the show so let wait.I want her to be herself in it.I hope her agency get her new PR team.Its not abt her personal life but her professional life should be handled with more interest.Like we saw in BL drama many things goes behind the scene which we don't know about entertainment world.Ely i will say when fan meets her personally they should tell her abt the issues they face to meet her.Give or send her letters with issues regarding her staff is there is any,becz if we don't tell her how will she know? Since i don't know abt it,generally who informs abt star schedules to fans? 

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Just watch this video and i was amazed with the reason the person gave for comments and also the age.I feel LDH should also take strict action against fans and anti who says rubbish abt her and tarnish her image.People were lightly post harsh comments without thinking anything and spread false news abt stars.


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