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[drama 2007] In-soon Is Pretty 인순이는 예쁘다

Guest cutegurl87

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Guest noel_zambie

plumangel3: A special parting thanks to you for faithfully providing all those caps in recent weeks.

BUT can it really be that I, as resident token elderly male in this little gathering, am the only one to notice that in your last two batches you skipped the shot that young ladies worldwide are panting to have on their cellphones and their digital photoframes? Namely The Kiss (and I don't mean the stolen peck while rummaging in the baggage for that alternative present). Can this just be an oversight? Or are you really, despite all that generosity with your time, effort and upload space in the past few days, planning to keep that particular moment all to yourself?

I second to this request, please :sweatingbullets:

lol baduy i was actually going to post them up but then i didn't know for sure if everyone would want pics of them kissing :sweatingbullets:

but i'll post them up if ppl want ^^ they prolly wouldn't have fit it in with the caps for ep16 anyways. i already used the max numbers of pics i was allowed.

and if it's not too much to ask, could you please cut the kiss scene only and upload it in YT or else, i'd be forever grateful :rolleyes:

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Guest Ishida21

It's a little weird but I'm not surprised at all by the news of US remake In-soon is Pretty, It's just that the story of this drama is too beautiful and sincere.

Anyway after watched episode 15 & 16, I'm full of sadness and happiness sensations, sad for JA & GS (I'm cried a lot when in the last episode, we see GS smile with JA in GS dream), they are not lovers, but anyway this way is better I think, finally he love her too even if he don't say it, just pure love. And happy for IS & GW, finally they can shares their love, time in jail is less powerful than love.

The scene with the teacher who look through the window is beautiful too, with this little smile...

Really for me, It's the best drama ever, It's like when I finished What Happened in Bali, Feeling both happy and sad after watching the last minutes of last episode.

Thanks everybody, to have make born this topic like that, every times I come here, I'm was excited and I enjoy a lot read every comments.

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Guest plumangel3

thanks to baduy for bringing it up otherwise i prolly would have overlooked it. ^^;

some more pics from Insoon and SW's sweet moment in ep16 :)

noel_zambie i'll try and see what i can do. ^^;










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thanks to baduy for bringing it up otherwise i prolly would have overlooked it. ^^;

some more pics from Insoon and SW's sweet moment in ep16 smile.gif

Well, actually, to avoid getting arrested (or divorced) I'd better point out that I wasn't personally requesting that particular cap or sequence. I was just giving a voice to those who I guessed would want it but were too shy to ask.

From my personal point of view, the real resolution of this drama came a bit before SW's return, in the last scene set in Mom's house, about 50 mins in to ep 16.

The grouping is rather striking. Far over to the left in the opening shot, Mom sits rather primly, back straight as a bolt, in an armchair, smartly dressed as ever, while foreground right Insoon and Jungah sit closeup side by side on a sofa, both more casually dressed and relaxed. Sunshine spills into the room (the winter snows have obviously gone: the stage direction specifies it's spring) and dabs highlights on to all three figures, parts of the furniture and the bowl of blooms on the table. I can't help remarking that the Korean grammar of the stage direction that lies behind this seems to underline the significance of what we're seeing. In English, we'd have to say something like "... Insoon and Jungah are sitting side-by-side... " but the Korean has 선영, 정아와 둘러앉아 커피 마시는 인순, with Mom at one end of the sentence and Insoon at the other, and everything else bound into a single modifying phrase, all attached to Insoon, so that literally it reads "San Young, {Jungah-with together-sittingly coffee-drinking} Insoon. Because what we have here in spatial terms (and even grammatical ones in Korean) is the new stable constellation of relationships that the events we've been following has brought about. Instead of Mom stage-managing first one daughter, then the other and making everyone miserable, she is now relating to a friendly but firm alliance of her two offspring, united in their determination to be their very different selves in their own different ways, but also at one in their love for their rather hard-to-love parent and by now pretty experienced at working as a team to manage Mom's little ways.

Although the words we hear at first seem to show Mom still in control freak mode. She's plainly only just been told that

Insoon and her friend have set up the cafe, indicating that she's neither been consulted nor asked to bankroll the venture. "A business [the word used can generally be translated "shop", but here it's more in the sense of a Mom & Pop-style small enterprise]? It's up to you of course, but a business...? That's a pretty demanding thing to take on just like that." The word she uses can mean "bringing a lot of difficulties" or "unsuitable/undignified" or "go bust", and she may well have all three senses in mind. Insoon chooses to hear the third sense only: "That's right. But I'm going to give it my best shot; I won't go bust". Mom tries a different tack: maybe Insoon herself can cope, but can she really trust that friend of hers as a business partner? After all, she's a convicted fraudster (She puts it more delicately than that: "won't she carry on a similar trade to before?" but her meaning is clear). No need to worry on that score either, Insoon reassures her.

On to Mom's next issue.

Is Insoon really sure about not moving back in with her? She'll come visit her really often is Insoon's reply. Again, this is not what Mom wants to hear: Oh you're so pig-headed and stubborn (then an idiom I'm unsure about: "내가 두손 두발 다 들었다" =??nothing I say ever makes the slightest difference??)

But though she obviously isn't pleased, she isn't yelling at her daughter like she used to do when making such remarks: instead she's speaks quietly and without looking at Insoon, no longer forcing confrontations, resigned to the fact that she's in effect "talking to herself". Cut to Insoon and Jungah viewed front-on, side by side, both smiling sweetly and gently in their very different but harmonizing ways. They've been here before with their Mom and they'll no doubt go there again many times in years to come, but it's no longer a battleground


In the background of the shot is that large portrait photo of Jungah and her mother that first signalled to Insoon what lay ahead of her the first time she came into the house in ep 3 ("My Mom, my sister", she mused and then in her nervousness came pretty close to smashing one of those expensive bits of pottery even though she hadn't been in the house for five minutes), and that was also placed in shot after her first return home ner the middle of ep 5, between her edgy reunion with her Mom and that unexpectedly warm and heartfelt welcome back from Jungah that moved Insoon to tears of delight.

The business is going really well, Insoon says. On the opening day the place was packed with customers, they'll soon be able to pay off the start up loan and they'll be on course to become a chaebol. Now Jungah slips in the news that Mom has recently take up Yoga "to calm her spirits". Mom doesn't like that remark at all: since when has she needed her spirits calming, it's not like she's some sort of overwrought prima donna. Then suddenly she sees the humor in what she just said, and all her edginess dissolves and she joins with her two girls in laughing with and at herself: all the barriers and posturings are gone, just as they were at that moment when she spotted the first snowfall.

The three of them have finally worked out how to live and love together: they're now not just a family in name alone.

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Guest paulina

I think part of this great drama besides the beautiful scenes (each still looks like a beautiful picture) are the accompanying music which really suits the mood of the actors. I love Cha Dongha's song, uhn je gga ji na, so if anyone has this in MV, can you post it?

I was watching the ArirangTV clip of their interview before this drama's broadcast on YouTube. Sangwoo was supposed to be the extremely sexy guy whom all women love. But somehow I always find that although he's good-looking he still behave rather goofy :wacko: at times (if you know what I mean). Certainly not the "sexy" persona I expect. Probably this is also due to his preference for cute cardigans and sneakers on his tall frame. Hmm... :rolleyes:

I'm going to miss this drama. No more anxious wait for the C-subs every Thurs/Fri late nights. :tears:

On a brighter note. Happy 2008!

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Guest plumangel3

yes, for the record baduy did not request for the caps ^^

now if i could only figure out how to make a clip of them. does anyone have a

good program to recommend? lol i don't think windows movie maker would be of much help to me.

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such an emptiness - not having a bunch of posts to read the past few days-

and then i wake up to meaningful dialogue from soompi friends -

wow - i miss you guys!

i think the fact that a U.S. production company is interested in INSOON IS PRETTY -

says a lot about the fact that this story was:




and above all


I'm almost glad the bloggers missed a chance with this series -

because it allowed a small group - to discuss less "flashy" details

and focus on a good story - and learn MANY new and wonderful things about the

Korean language !

My first toast on New Years Eve will be to all of YOU!

p.s. LOVE!!!!! the kissing captures -

and remember to watch for people wearing SNEAKERS!!

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I love this drama.

Does anyone know the name of songs in episode 16, insoon and sangwoo are embracing?

The song is called "I Love you Just the Way You Are" -

but I'm not sure who the artist is.

(for the older threaders amongst us - this song is NOT the Billy Joel song)

Most lyrics in this tune are in Korean -

Chorus has the English phrase.

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Guest bellegray

I just finished this drama and just wanted to write a bit of what i thought of it here

In the beginning, I thought it was interesting, thus my reason for my continuing to watch this, however in the episode 10+, I thought the drama was starting to lag, however, I still watched, and I believe the ending was very well established.

I think this is one of the best endings I have seen to a drama, because usually, some dramas don't have enough time to tie the knot to their stories and just leave people hanging (of course sometimes this is done on purpose), but I believe this finale episode really tied the knot to all the viewers and it gave me a really happy/comfortable feeling that finally In soon can leave in peace, without her past trying to be in her present life.

I have to say I will miss this drama :]

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Alright, I found out the meaning of the idiom that Insoon said in her rejection of going to America with Sangwoo.

"Don't worry. Haha, I'll be waiting without selling one eye."

It means she won't let her eyes stray/wander around, i.e. she will be faithful to Sangwoo.

And the second idiom baduy pointed out below:

On to Mom's next issue.

Is Insoon really sure about not moving back in with her? She'll come visit her really often is Insoon's reply. Again, this is not what Mom wants to hear: Oh you're so pig-headed and stubborn (then an idiom I'm unsure about: "내가 두손 두발 다 들었다" =??nothing I say ever makes the slightest difference??)

"I raised up both my two hands and two feet," means "I give up." Just imagine her, seated, with both hands and both feet literally raised up in the air in resignation/submission. Both translations courtesy of my mother. (You sure can't find those in the standard dictionary!) :P

Thanks once more to everybody who has helped us overcome the language barriers once again for this last episode. I think we've all enjoyed a drama that was outstanding in so many respects, not the least of which was the quietly beautiful visual design (right through to the end: those sunflowers from the street art where Insoon was sitting desolate on the steps because she can't go back to her friend's flat until the boyfriend has left find their way into the name and the decor of her cafe)

A few very minor quibbles and disappointments.

We never really got to find out about how Insoon came to be "abandoned", despite quite numerous hints in the opening episodes that there was some sort of story there to be unearthed (and which when unearthed would affect the relationship between mother and daughter for the better).

And part of that particular theme-complex: was Insoon's Mom ever married to her father? In the first two episodes he's referred to as her first husband and she speaks of her in-laws as treating her badly; but at the press conference where she reveals Insoon's existence, there's no mention of a previous marriage, and Insoon's father is said still to be alive and in Italy. The last bit is of course just an invention along with the rest of the Italian stuff, but if she had been married then widowed, when why not say so when going public about Insoon and thus avoid adding illegitimacy to Insoon's other stigmas? If Insoon were indeed born out of wedlock, then the idea that having her disappear to improve her mother's marriage chances would make a lot more sense, (as would the granny's reasoning that it was best for all concerned if Insoon believed her mother was dead, because otherwise her existence might give her some awkward explaining to do). And how do we square Mom's (presumably not completely unfounded) intense bitterness towards the family of Insoon's father with the completely lovable and devoted granny and the plainly well-meaning if rather scatty aunt?

Then, as others have already asked today: what really did happen over the accusation and the trial? We know now

that GS killed the girl, but by what sequence of events was Insoon proved guilty of culpable homicide (as she must have been to get a sentence of that length?) And what did her aunt mean by saying that she made things worse for herself by being stubborn, and indeed what did Insoon herself mean by saying that she would have stood up for herself at the time if only she had had a mother's support?

These questions seemed to have been written in to the earlier episodes to be taken up later, but then dropped.

Insoon's last meeting with GS does shed some light on her acceptance of her sentence: though

she couldn't see how what she did had brought about the girl's death, and though the blow she stuck her wasn't with murderous intent, there had been times when she had really wanted to see that girl dead (and told her so in the message her mother found). So she had inwardly come to terms with what happened, seeing it as punishment for her intentions, though not for her actions, and not seen it as a fundamental injustice in a moral sense, despite the damage to her freedom and prospects, even if her sentence and punishment were unjust in legal terms. That also adds a further reason why Insoon was so adamant she didn't want to contact the girl's family and re-open the whole matter. She had inwardly passed sentence on herself (a sentence she now repeats in GS hearing) and did not want to appeal.

There are a couple of other loose strands as well, though not ones that seemed to have one end sewn firmly into the earlier episodes then just left dangling like the ones directly concerning Insoon.

Given the two very strong references Jung Ah makes to her father and her love for him (both when she's under the influence somewhat, first to Insoon at the noraebang, then to GS when he's carrying her home and for a moment she thinks she is a little girl again riding on her father's back) I had thought that we would find out a little more about him.

And last of all, there's Teacher Seo. Apart from his rather fragmentary self-accusation in that memorable "fingernail clipping" scene, we never got to know much about how his wife came to leave, and leave so radically and totally, with obviously no further contact despite that so lovable son of hers. Maybe there's some sort of parallel here between Teacher Seo's self-condemnation and self-punishment and Insoon's private acceptance of the "guilty" verdict, though in a way very different to what the legal sytem intended. Both inwardly accept the harsh consequences of what they regard as their own fault (even if to less rigorous judges than they are those consequences seem much worse than anything they deserve). And that acceptance gives them reserves of inner calm and strength: unlike GS who simply cannot face the thought of what he did or its consequences for the only people who had ever been kind to him.

But anyway: 너무 재미있었어요! Not just the drama itself, but all the insights and responses people have shared here. Thanks for making it such a great ride, everyone, and let's hope we can meet up again sometime soon, when those wonderfully talented and dedicated folk in Korea give us another dramatic treat to delight our eyes, ears and hearts, and get us all talking again around the clock from our different corners of the globe.

Yes, it was a great ride! Although it was severely underrated and there were certainly some things left unexplained, I think the final product was far better than the alternative.

Consider this:

Insoon Is Pretty garners high, double-digit ratings and producers cave in to public demand for an Episode 17 extension, whereby all our questions are answered in an awkward, jumbled mess without the beautiful artistry, music and writing we've all come to love.

Thanks, but no thanks.

such an emptiness - not having a bunch of posts to read the past few days-

and then i wake up to meaningful dialogue from soompi friends -

wow - i miss you guys!

i think the fact that a U.S. production company is interested in INSOON IS PRETTY -

says a lot about the fact that this story was:




and above all


I'm almost glad the bloggers missed a chance with this series -

because it allowed a small group - to discuss less "flashy" details

and focus on a good story - and learn MANY new and wonderful things about the

Korean language !

My first toast on New Years Eve will be to all of YOU!

p.s. LOVE!!!!! the kissing captures -

and remember to watch for people wearing SNEAKERS!!

Ditto! And when I rewatch the series with subs, I will surely be keeping an eye out for the SNEAKERS! :lol: I don't think I can watch it without looking for them, now. Haha.

Really for me, It's the best drama ever, It's like when I finished What Happened in Bali, Feeling both happy and sad after watching the last minutes of last episode.
My experience with WHIB was a little different than Insoon Is Pretty. For me, WHIB's ending left me with more of a WTF? feeling. ;) (Sorry, just my opinion...)
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hjkomo : Thank you (and your mother) so much for those idioms. And indeed for all the help you've given those of us with no, or not enough, Korean. Knowing you (and dramaok before she had to take her holiday break) were around to step in encouraged me for one to venture into spot translations that I wouldn't otherwise have risked in case they were badly wrong and went uncorrected.

Now, how about getting your mother to join Soompi? Age is no barrier...

when I rewatch the series with subs, I will surely be keeping an eye out for the SNEAKERS!

Which is of course yet another reason why we so badly need an election-results-free version of ep 13. In the version we have so far, you never get chance to see anybody's feet, no matter how shod. I bet it will be hard to read subtitles against that intrusive background, too, though some players can be tweaked to put softsubs at the top, or indeed outside the actual frame.

I do hope that proposed rights deal doesn't put a damper on a DVD release.

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Guest Ishida21

My experience with WHIB was a little different than Insoon Is Pretty. For me, WHIB's ending left me with more of a WTF? feeling. ;) (Sorry, just my opinion...)

I know, many people found the end of WHIB very disappointing, but for me it's a great end, I appreciate a lot tragic love story stuff ^^

Ha Ji-won finally says she loved Jo-in seong but it's too late, same things for GS when we see him dream about JA, finally he liked (love? I'm nots sure...) her, but it's too late too.

Just for this point, and not for others things.

hjkomo : Thank you (and your mother) so much for those idioms. And indeed for all the help you've given those of us with no, or not enough, Korean.

Which is of course yet another reason why we so badly need an election-results-free version of ep 13. In the version we have so far, you never get chance to see anybody's feet, no matter how shod. I bet it will be hard to read subtitles against that intrusive background, too, though some players can be tweaked to put softsubs at the top, or indeed outside the actual frame.

About this, that remains me episode 9 of Great Inheritance, with during all the episode, a big blue line with election results too, it's annoying but well what can wee do... ^^

Shirley, thanks for pics of celebration party, If you find others pictures of this party in better quality, post it please ^^

(no Lee Wan?)

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Hi all,

I'm still on eps 14. I have to say the drama is entertaining. I just wish that there's more intimacy between insoon & sang woo. :) Not just kiss on a forehead...

Can't wait to watch the next eps. And thank you plumangel for the pics... that makes me can't wait to watch the next 2 eps.


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