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Guest Autumn1430263885

OMFG. it's actually ending?? i thought this was a never ending manga...

i remember back 4 years ago i was sooo obbsessed with this. and then i got to that faze where i thought it was completly lame. and now that i think back, i feel like watching the whole series over again and reading it : ) reminds me of my childhood...~sigh

so they're actually going to continue the anime?? : OO Sweet!

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Guest drgnclwk

WOOW I didn't even realize this hasn't ended yet! so it's still been going on and finally ending..I'm amazed! I might decide to pick up where I left off and finish reading the whole thing. I remember when I was all into it waaay back around 8th/9th grade..good memories. :D

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Guest ★ rain-a-sky ★

wow, I remember first reading this in elementary school and now it's finally ending. I really liked the last chapter with the KagomexInuyasha moment (:

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Guest Anri Lin



..FINALLY.. Y____Y..

I can't believe it ACTUALLY resolved itself. Was the "right wish" really that SIMPLE? Like, I made a guess like that even in the beginning. :blink:

And like.. how they met together in the Meidou like in what, 2-3 chapters? :wacko:

I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE its gonna end.. just one more week.

..ONE week more.. and after so many years ...-sigh-. -Unbelievable-

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Guest christin

OMG!!!..i love inuyasha i'm a total fan of his...

i got all season 1-6 i'mah get the rest....

omg it's the bomb.... :D

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Guest baka_dark

I LOVE IT TOOO!!!!! but i never rely did finish watching the movie cause i cant find most of the anime >.<

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Guest Ginoru

LOL and even if you had watched the whole anime series and films (no canon) you wouldn't have finished the story XD Anime only cover up to volume 36 and next week with the last chapter the manga will be 56 volumes as a whole ;)

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wow...I use to be so addicted to this, but it got so long and I got tired of the Inu-yasha , Kagome, and (shoot..forgot her name) Kikiyou (?, please forgive me if I got it wrong... I haven't look at any Inu-Yasha for a long while).

But I can't believe it's actually ending >.<. I read the second to last chapter, I can't wait to see how it ends D:.

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Guest watch.the.sky

It's unbelievable that it's finally ending after all this time. I feel sad, yet relieved. Takahashi really dragged this on for too long.

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Guest watch.the.sky

So did uh...Naraku ever die? I was pissed that he didn't in the anime....

Yep. Took really long for it to happen, though.

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Guest XxAznZtatXx

I can't believe it's ending o__o I can't wait for the finally chapter xD

I remember watchinig the anime and I wish they continued >.< I used to be soo addicted to it...

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Guest Sango2893

I didn't even know it was still ging.

I used to looove it sooo much,and I would go to Inuyasha World everday Lol

Then I guess I got tired and bored of it,now I just watch the reruns on Adult Swim(I can't even tell you how many times they've re-run the series <_<)

and I point out how many chances they had at killing/capturing Naraku lol.

and in the end they did even come close to resolving anything.

But I'm happy it's finally ending so there can be a real solution too sooo many questions,unlike the anime.


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It's unbelievable that it's finally ending after all this time. I feel sad, yet relieved. Takahashi really dragged this on for too long.

I feel the same way. Truthfully, I've only continue reading it until now just for the sake of finishing it. Not so much for enjoyment.

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Guest watch.the.sky

I feel the same way. Truthfully, I've only continue reading it until now just for the sake of finishing it. Not so much for enjoyment.

Me, too. :lol: It bugs me to not know the ending of something.

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Guest xLuckyXMikuzukix

Ch 558 officially out It really amazes me of how Rumiko's most popular work ended. Ever since the anime ended at ch.385 or something (will continue soon) its been like at least 200 more and it saddens me that my(and eveyone who posted) most favorite anime is ending, there were so many characters added, deaths, and tricky plots ^^ its definitely an anime that will not be forgotten for years to come xDDDD though if they use different voice actors for the anime i will scream...

here are my disagreements:

okay sorry for spoilers but I DID NOT LIKE

Inuyasha and Kagome end up together in the feudal era...bleh i cant believe it.....i like kikyoxinuyasha too but since she died.........ya.....

I DID LIKE: that sango and miroku married and had two little surprises ^^

i wish the manga didnt have to end like that...wish it was more dramatic or something...but still

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Guest Ginoru

I hate Kikio with a pasion so her dead was a present for me,

what i don't like is that many things were left hanging and NO KISS

So after 12 years is officially over :(

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Guest Susieque7242

it's amazing!!I finally read the last chapter because like everyone else...i cant not read the ending and it's like everything i wanted to happen did! But of course dang...

I wish that inuyasha and kagome had a little hanyou together! That would've been so cute >.<

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