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Guest putasmileon

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我的妹妹也不叫我「姊姊」. ^^; 可是我叫她「妹妹」.:lol: Even to my parents she goes "Mom/daddy, Mandy 要___." :x

Izam 姐的妹妹很幸運, 我好希望我可以有大姊姊或哥哥. ^^ 萬一我有姊姊或哥哥,也許我不會那麼害羞. XD (Too bad my parent's didn't give me one. :tears:)

Alice~>我觉得简体字好难. ^^; But, you can use a conversion program. xD


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今天我加入了个中文BBS..@_@'' 好多slangs..有些..超怪..不稀饭(喜欢)<--slang

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今天我加入了个中文BBS..@_@'' 好多slangs..有些..超怪..不稀饭(喜欢)<--slang



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^是啊..裝可愛..稀飯算是啦 =T

you seriously don't know how westernized you are until actually go post on chinese BBS..@_@''..i feel so...western..but im not the most cbc..haha..im kinda fobby in a way..

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Speaking very limited mandarin myself (my vocabulary sucks like...well, the CBC's around me that can speak chinese), I'd probably just say:


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Guest pyrochild

you probably would not say that you can speak limited mandarin, but something more to the effect of 'my mandarin is lacking', as in not terribly good. also they like to use 普通话 here in beijing rather than 国语, which i hear a lot in taiwan.

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Guest xinfinite

you probably would not say that you can speak limited mandarin, but something more to the effect of 'my mandarin is lacking', as in not terribly good. also they like to use 普通话 here in beijing rather than 国语, which i hear a lot in taiwan.

you're from beijing? lol, my beijingnese is seriously.."lacking".. probably has to do with being around too many taiwanese/non beijing people in high school. :huh:



今天我加入了个中文BBS..@_@'' 好多slangs..有些..超怪..不稀饭(喜欢)<--slang

which BBS? 啊...到现在我都不知道 "BBS" 到底是什么意思。

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Guest PrincessBoa

sighs* all those chinese lessons for nothing..i can read some of this..but not all..can someone help me translate?

雀盔丛, 轿捞岿靛 秋橇单胶农 轿捞陌 淬寸磊涝聪促.

雀盔丛膊辑 焊郴林脚 皋老 肋 佬绢 好嚼聪促.

巩狼窍脚 寇惫牢 肚绰 秦寇芭林磊 雀盔 啊涝俊 措茄 翠函阑 靛府摆嚼聪促.

雀盔丛, 刚历 夸没秦林脚 何盒俊 措窍咯 档框 靛府瘤 给秦 沥富 了价钦聪促.

泅犁 历锐 轿捞岿靛绰 角疙力甫 扁馆栏肺 款康登绊 乐嚼聪促.

弊矾唱 焊郴林脚 脚盒刘篮 雀盔丛膊辑 啊涝窍角 锭 扁犁秦 林脚 己疙篮

脚盒刘俊 扁犁登绢 乐绰 己窃苞 促弗 包拌肺 沥雀盔栏肺 殿鞭 炼沥阑 秦

靛副 荐啊 绝嚼聪促.

蝶扼辑 颊荐 脚盒刘阑 焊郴林矫绰 锅芭肺框阑 尝媚 靛啡瘤父,

捞肺 牢秦 官肺 档框 靛副 荐 绝绰 痢 呈弊矾款 剧秦 何殴 靛赋聪促.

弊矾骨肺 捞繁 版快俊绰, 角力肺 寇惫俊辑 荤侩窍矫绰 己疙捞 扁犁登绢

乐绰 脚盒刘阑 焊郴林矫芭唱 脚盒刘俊 扁犁登绢 乐绰 己疙栏肺 犁啊涝阑 秦

林角 巴阑 何殴 靛赋聪促.

犬牢 饶俊 沥雀盔栏肺 铰牢秦 靛府摆嚼聪促.

促弗 泵陛窍脚 荤亲捞 乐栏矫搁 攫力电瘤 皋老 焊郴 林矫辨 官而聪促.

青汗茄 窍风窍风 登矫辨 瑚聪促.


-荤捞亮篮 荤恩甸. 轿捞岿靛 -



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Guest sglolligirldd

Speaking very limited mandarin myself (my vocabulary sucks like...well, the CBC's around me that can speak chinese), I'd probably just say:


no...thats not right ahaha. well i dunno maybe cuz ur from china or honkong u say it a different way, in taiwan if u were to say that ur mandarin is limitied, it will be : 我不會太說中文

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You can say it a lot of ways.

I'm from Taiwan, but I've spent 14 years without speaking or reading any chinese..so...it's kind of weak at the moment in terms of vocabulary.

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Guest shocking88

sighs* all those chinese lessons for nothing..i can read some of this..but not all..can someone help me translate?

雀盔丛, 轿捞岿靛 秋橇单胶农 轿捞陌 淬寸磊涝聪促.

雀盔丛膊辑 焊郴林脚 皋老 肋 佬绢 好嚼聪促.

巩狼窍脚 寇惫牢 肚绰 秦寇芭林磊 雀盔 啊涝俊 措茄 翠函阑 靛府摆嚼聪促.

雀盔丛, 刚历 夸没秦林脚 何盒俊 措窍咯 档框 靛府瘤 给秦 沥富 了价钦聪促.

泅犁 历锐 轿捞岿靛绰 角疙力甫 扁馆栏肺 款康登绊 乐嚼聪促.

弊矾唱 焊郴林脚 脚盒刘篮 雀盔丛膊辑 啊涝窍角 锭 扁犁秦 林脚 己疙篮

脚盒刘俊 扁犁登绢 乐绰 己窃苞 促弗 包拌肺 沥雀盔栏肺 殿鞭 炼沥阑 秦

靛副 荐啊 绝嚼聪促.

蝶扼辑 颊荐 脚盒刘阑 焊郴林矫绰 锅芭肺框阑 尝媚 靛啡瘤父,

捞肺 牢秦 官肺 档框 靛副 荐 绝绰 痢 呈弊矾款 剧秦 何殴 靛赋聪促.

弊矾骨肺 捞繁 版快俊绰, 角力肺 寇惫俊辑 荤侩窍矫绰 己疙捞 扁犁登绢

乐绰 脚盒刘阑 焊郴林矫芭唱 脚盒刘俊 扁犁登绢 乐绰 己疙栏肺 犁啊涝阑 秦

林角 巴阑 何殴 靛赋聪促.

犬牢 饶俊 沥雀盔栏肺 铰牢秦 靛府摆嚼聪促.

促弗 泵陛窍脚 荤亲捞 乐栏矫搁 攫力电瘤 皋老 焊郴 林矫辨 官而聪促.

青汗茄 窍风窍风 登矫辨 瑚聪促.


-荤捞亮篮 荤恩甸. 轿捞岿靛 -



I changed it to traditional. Yay for HanConv 1.20 again. ^_^

What is this suppose to be? :blink:

雀盔叢, 轎撈巋靛 秋橇單膠農 轎撈陌 淬寸磊澇聰促.

雀盔叢膊輯 焊郴林腳 皋老 肋 佬絹 好嚼聰促.

鞏狼竅腳 寇憊牢 肚綽 秦寇芭林磊 雀盔 啊澇俊 措茄 翠函闌 靛府擺嚼聰促.

雀盔叢, 剛歷 夸沒秦林腳 何盒俊 措竅咯 檔框 靛府瘤 給秦 瀝富 了價欽聰促.

泅犁 歷銳 轎撈巋靛綽 角疙力甫 扁館欄肺 款康登絆 樂嚼聰促.

弊礬唱 焊郴林腳 腳盒劉籃 雀盔叢膊輯 啊澇竅角 錠 扁犁秦 林腳 己疙籃

腳盒劉俊 扁犁登絹 樂綽 己竊苞 促弗 包拌肺 瀝雀盔欄肺 殿鞭 煉瀝闌 秦

靛副 薦啊 絕嚼聰促.

蝶扼輯 頰薦 腳盒劉闌 焊郴林矯綽 鍋芭肺框闌 嘗媚 靛啡瘤父,

撈肺 牢秦 官肺 檔框 靛副 薦 絕綽 痢 呈弊礬款 劇秦 何毆 靛賦聰促.

弊礬骨肺 撈繁 版快俊綽, 角力肺 寇憊俊輯 葷儈竅矯綽 己疙撈 扁犁登絹

樂綽 腳盒劉闌 焊郴林矯芭唱 腳盒劉俊 扁犁登絹 樂綽 己疙欄肺 犁啊澇闌 秦

林角 巴闌 何毆 靛賦聰促.

-葷撈亮籃 葷恩甸. 轎撈巋靛 -

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no...我看得到 xD


我有啊...还是错码 =T

XD 你看的到..那你帮帮这位小姐翻译吧

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