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20.10.31 16th year idol, out to look for “little Shinhwa”


JTBC “Shinhwa Broadcast” season 2
Instead of fooling and playing around
meeting the stars of heartwarming and moving stories

"Cause of laughter is different every episode"

(From left of photo) Shinhwa’s Shin Hyesung, Andy, Eric, Junjin, Lee Minwoo are out to look for small heroes from around the country in “Shinhwa Broadcast”. Kim Dongwan is missing from this program because it clashes with his musical schedules.

On the 21st, under the blazing autumn sunshine, a yellow tent was set up in River Han Park near the vicinity of the Seogang Bridge, Seoul, and from within, familiar voices flows out.

"We are Shinhwa."

Even if they each start out differently, they end together perfectly. They are 16th year idol group Shinhwa, who’ll complete the phrase in chorus just by hearing the “we” word. About 2 months ago, the members completed their 11th album promotions and have once again gathered together for “Shinhwa Broadcast” (every Sunday night 11pm), that starts anew on the 3rd of next month.

Looking at River Han Park, you’d think they’d have a bout of running around but sitting inside the tent, the members are looking quite serious. They’re receiving information on “little legends (Shinhwa)” through SNS. There’s also a camping car parked next to the tent. Female high school student Hyemi’s information on 2 aunties who’re leading a difficult life because of the animal shelter they run with their own money halts the members’ jokes with one another. And the words that comes out after a short silence. “Hyemi, thank you for the information. But which member do you like the most?” (Junjin)

◆ Looking for small happiness and laughter = the title for Shinhwa Broadcast this time is “The Little Legends that Shinhwa Looks For”. Shinhwa goes looking for the heroes who have small and warmhearted strength to rock South Korea. In the first episode, the little legend was decided to be Incheon’s animal shelter “Angels of the Wild”. A place that takes care of abandoned animals so that they can be adopted. In future, Shinhwa plans to ride their camping car to meet little legends and help create happy events.

Looking at the concept alone, it is indeed warmhearted. To the extent it is foreign because Shinhwa has mainly shown themselves as running around, annoyingly joking around in variety programs up till now. What will Shinhwa’s style of kindhearted variety be like?

"We thought it’d be good if it was as meaningful as the new start. Although it isn’t a concept that doesn’t exist, it’ll be a show with Shinhwa’s unique colour." (Hyesung)

"A variety where we act young is a little worn-out. Now, where all the members are in their 30s, we want to create a variety where there is a sincerity fitting with our age." (Minwoo)

However, it isn’t just seriousness throughout, and it doesn’t seem that is possible anyway. Just like what Andy said, “While having a different cause of laughter each episode, we’d like to touch and entertain”, halfway through the interview, the members start to hold hands with Eric as the center. When asked why they did that, Eric answered seriously and the members laughed. “We hold hands when we feel a little uneasy. Because this is the first recording.”

◆ Shinhwa Broadcast’s 2nd year = Shinhwa Broadcast, which started airing last March, has been as varied as the 6 members’ colours. They’ve tried “A different variety show with no rules” that had various concepts such as show, documentary, comedy etc, a new form of tutoring variety show “Private Tutoring” which tries to learn anything etc. Shinhwa, getting into their 2nd year of the program, picked Eric’s hidden camera in “God of MT (aired 16 June last year)” as the moment that left the deepest impression.

said, “Because the members knows each other so well so a hidden camera in itself is not possible but the members, crew, managers etc started working together 2 months prior and so I was completely tricked. After that, I suffered from the aftereffect of being suspicious if something felt wrong.”

If you include their trainee days, Shinhwa has been close friends for 18 years and are like “brothers”, “air” to each other.

"It’s hard for even close friends to be together for so long so honestly I’m a little surprised. I’m thankful just being able to have such good friends in my life." (Minwoo)

"They’re like air because it’s such a given that we’re with each other. If we were marginally close we should be giving each other presents during birthdays but actually we don’t give each other birthday presents. Just like how you don’t call your mom often." (Junjin)

As Korea’s longest running idol, they have lots of worries about their future too. Although we’re called an idol group but being singers is a lifelong occupation for us. We’re always thinking about how we can continue on for a long time and in the end, protecting our original intention seems to be the most important.” (Eric)

Reported by Han Eunhwa (Joongang Ilbo)
Translation by malpabo


"If you include their trainee days, Shinhwa has been close friends for 18 years and are like 'brothers', 'air' to each other." ~ They last longer than most marriages nowadays tbh....

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2013.11.12 News photos

I haven't seen the translated article for this yet
But here's the gist I got from some one based on the Chinese translation

Shinhwa went to a dog shelter for this week episode as the above article said
They'll each pick out a dog and will have a fashion show together later (probably next week episode)
Eric's dog Ari, has problem with human interaction due to isolation when he was in a puppy mill before
The below pics are probably how Eric tried to warm Ari up to him.





2013.11.03 jTBC Photo Update

The Myth finds the little Myths begin
Today at 11:00 PM

Source: Shinhwa Broadcast

That pic is probably when they dressed up for the dog fashion show the next night.
I think'll see that next week cus the dog shelter is in 2 episodes from what I hear


Here is the Naver live stream link.
Don't forget to tune in.
Today, NOV.03 at 11:PM KST


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2013.11.02 Shinhwa Broadcast Ari Caught Eric's Heart?


Eric’s gaze never once left an abandoned dog called Ari ever since he stepped into the dog shelter. Ari was almost sold to a dog dealer hence its very cautious towards humans. Only those working at the shelter are able to get close to Ari.

Eric slept together beside it and took good care of the dog and showered it with love and care.

Will Eric be able to make Ari start to be less afraid of people? Tune in to Shinhwa Broadcast Sunday 3rd Nov 11pm

Source: wstarnews
Translaton by: @6legends


2013.11.03  “Shinhwa Broadcast” first broadcast today, mischievous Shinhwa has become kindhearted?

Music industry’s famous pranksters Shinhwa has returned with a kindhearted variety.

Prior to their first broadcast on the 3rd, JTBC’s variety program “Shinhwa Broadcast - The Little Legends Shinhwa Finds” announced their intention of returning as a kindhearted variety. In this season of “Shinhwa Broadcast”, they intend to create a kindhearted variety through finding good deeds or beautiful heartwarming stories from around us by receiving information from the viewers.

In the first episode, it is the finding of a “Little Legend” by visiting animal shelter “Angels of the Wild”. The mischievous members showed their sincerity towards the abandoned dogs that is said to surprise not just the representatives of the animal shelter but also the production crew, and the anticipation towards the new format of “Shinhwa Broadcast” is increasing.


#Shinhwa’s raw charm, will it shine in a kindhearted variety?

If you’re a viewer who has watched season 1, you’d have been enthusiastic over Shinhwa’s raw charm. Going at each other, naturally and unabashedly accepting the members’ physiological phenomenon, these are laughing points that only Shinhwa can create. Whether it is knowing who it is just by smelling the top of the head of a member or embodying a 4-dimensional variety sense by planning a hidden camera with Girls Generation, many years their junior, as the target. Not just that, cooking battle, learning voice imitation, battle for the opposite sex etc, the best concepts for Shinhwa members were created. Back then, at a time where it hasn’t been long since general entertainment channels started, the influence of “Shinhwa Broadcast” was quite considerable.

In this season of “Shinhwa Broadcast”, instead of Shinhwa’s rawness, they’ve put up the word “kindhearted”. “Kindhearted” is a word that can be seen as a substitute for “not necessarily having to be funny”, and it is worth watching how “Shinhwa Broadcast” will position themselves as such. In the teaser revealed prior to the show, it left the impression of separately having laughter as well as touching moments. Anticipation was raised through the joy that was created through a party with the participation of the abandoned dogs and citizens, as well as the moving moments while cleaning the cages of the abandoned dogs.

#Shinhwa without Kim Dongwan, will they be able to bring out their full power?

The variety is kindhearted but Shinhwa’s unique humorous character isn’t going anywhere and is expected to stay intact. Their wit and the expert variety sense of 15th year idols is expected to lead “Shinhwa Broadcast”. Unlike last season, with Kim Dongwan sitting out in order to focus on acting and music activities, it is seen that the members mutual understanding of each other will be further upgraded.

"Shinhwa Broadcast’s" first recording created a harmonious atmosphere on set. A representative said satisfactorily, "Resuming filming after a long time, it wasn’t completely without any concerns. There has also been a change in concept but the members led with a cheerful atmosphere right from the start. They worked well together and it was as if we had a recording the week before."

It is said that it is worth looking forward to the rather “awkward(?)” situation where the members stare lovingly at the abandoned dogs while taking care of them and doing dirty work.

"Shinhwa Broadcast’s" PD Yoon Hyunjun too showed his confidence when he said, "In the first recording, the Shinhwa members created a bright atmosphere with their unique cheerfulness even when doing dirty work. Shinhwa’s style of kindhearted variety is worth looking forward to."

"Shinhwa Broadcast" was known to be coming back in October with season 2 after season 1 ended earlier this year. However, due to various complex reasons like Shinhwa’s schedules, circumstances within the TV station etc, the show was rescheduled to the first week of November.

Even under such circumstances, the anticipation of the fans is immense. And that is something the program personnel feels. Releasing an album and completing their Asia Tour successfully and the advantage of being Korea’s peerless idol group, created by the strong and solid fandom, have also contributed.

The anticipation is high, and Shinhwa has a guaranteed variety sense. Hence, the biggest reason to watch “Shinhwa Broadcast” shouldn’t be “Will it be funny?” but “How much funnier will it be?”

"Shinhwa Broadcast" airs every Sunday, 11pm (KST) from the 3rd.

Translation by malpabo.tumblr.com


Shinhwa Broadcast without Dongwan is missing something but they'll be doing fine. They had been through that already during the Home Cooki (Mother's Touch) segment. 

It's imminent that in the future, members might take time off Shinbang like Dongwan has.  Whoever left will manage  Like last time Junjin had to be off Shinbang briefly (2 episodes?) because of his back surgery. Can't wait to see them popping on my screen later today <3 <3

More news preview photos

These ones, they seem to have problem with SNS... (can't comprehend much with google trans :P )
Remember they asking the public & viewers for the Little Legends?
It was about communicating with suggestions that poured in...

Here are the articles if any one can do a quick trans jo!n News  jTBC News

Credit: Jo!n News + jTBC News

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It's so awesome Shinhwa Broadcast upload the full episode on their YT and it's like just shortly after the live broadcast!!

2013.11.03 Shinhwa Broadcast Season2 EP.01 in Full

Credit; ShinhwaTV

Some screencaps
























Credit: as tagged on photos

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2013.11.04 Shinhwa Eric at Actor/Comedian Jung Jin's Wedding

Jung Jin is the one playing Eric's (Kangho) friend in Super Rookie (the book-smart guy)
He also played an officer in Strongest Chilwoo with Eric as well.

The news article teases Eric is a 'nuisance guest' cus he takes attention away from events XD
That reminds me of Kim Tae Hee teased of being 'nuisance guest' when she was at Lee Byung Hun & Lee Min Jung's wedding

I love Eric's casual open collar shirt in a suit.  It's a bit less formal, yet still appropriate
Love love his smile!!! and do I see dimple? :)

Credit: Naver News

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Done watching the episode.  It sure not as funny as the very first season but kinda expected knowing the new theme.  That said, it's interesting to see something different. There're some small laughs but they also make me cry at the same time. They were funny when they tease each other during the RV ride to the shelter. It was such a bumpy ride in that RV. You can see trash cans moving all over the place and stuffs fall down from overhead cupboard

Minwoo didn't have much screen time this episode and was more quiet, probably cus car sick from the ride in and his allergy...
It's good they got a vaccination before starting to work at the dog shelter. I completely forgot about that :D

Eric really touches my heart how he zoomed in on Ari and tried his hardest to make Ari to warm up to him & human interaction again.  When Eric got in the cage and tried to get to Ari, I was scare Ari would jump on him and bite if she felt space was "invaded".  The moment Ari took that piece of dog food from Eric's hand, I cried.  Seeing how patient he was with Ari, he'll be a good dad one day.
"Ari ah Ari ah" I made it to my ringtone, for now :)

Hyesung was so jumpy many times by the dogs & cats. Hope he'll pick up a pet again after the episode.
Junjin looks really nerdy with the spec, makes him look young too with the short dark hair
Andy was so cute. He & Eric got the dustiest job and in such small place, it's hard to on their back to bend down like that

Any way, can't wait to see the dog fashion show next week

2013.11.04 Shinhwa Broadcast Season 2 - EP.01 Production Photos
















Credit: Shinhwa Broadcast

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@phi Just having a minute glance at Eric-Ari clip really shows how warm he is.. & how big his heart is.... such a great personality for a man to have...
Need help... Eric's vest in the opening scene... I have seen that symbol somewhere... Its driving me crazy.. I just cant wrap my head around it.. What brand is it?

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13.11.04 Shinhwa’s Eric Distracts Jung Jin’s Bride at Her Wedding

Becoming one of those guests who ends up stealing all the attention, Shinhwa Eric became a distraction at actor Jung Jin’s wedding.


On November 3, Jung Jin, who is most recognized as a supporting actor in movies and dramas, tied the knot with his fiancée at the Operta Wedding Hall in Seogyo-dong. As the bride was a non-celebrity, the wedding was closed off to family and close friends.

Jung Jin revealed photos of his wedding on November 4. One particular photo caught the attention of many as the bride is unable to control her bright expression as Eric stands next to her, smiling.

Eric and Jung Jin appeared on KBS’ Super Rookie in 2005.

Other celebrities in the audience included Lee Jae Hyung, As One, Jung Eun Pyo, Bae Geun Ho, and others.

Photo Credit: Lael Wedding
Source: Mwave


Jung Jin also played a fellow officer with Eric in Strongest Chilwoo in 2008

And one more photo from Jung Jin's wedding.
The gals are pretty much looking toward the center :P
I like that Eric has great relationship with his co-actors & actresses in his past dramas.

Source: _324216728
Credit: Ericmun tumblr

2013.10.12 Shinhwa Eric & Minwoo at Hyung Jin Yeong & Seo Woon's Wedding

Handsome CEOs!

Source: jsmy0021004 @ naver

Quick clip of Hyung Jin Young's wedding when RicMin were outside of the hall


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Phi said:

Done watching the episode.  It sure not as funny as the very first season but kinda expected knowing the new theme.  That said, it's interesting to see something different. There're some small laughs but they also make me cry at the same time. They were funny when they tease each other during the RV ride to the shelter. It was such a bumpy ride in that RV. You can see trash cans moving all over the place and stuffs fall down from overhead cupboard

Minwoo didn't have much screen time this episode and was more quiet, probably cus car sick from the ride in and his allergy...
It's good they got a vaccination before starting to work at the dog shelter. I completely forgot about that :D

Eric really touches my heart how he zoomed in on Ari and tried his hardest to make Ari to warm up to him & human interaction again.  When Eric got in the cage and tried to get to Ari, I was scare Ari would jump on him and bite if she felt space was "invaded".  The moment Ari took that piece of dog food from Eric's hand, I cried.  Seeing how patient he was with Ari, he'll be a good dad one day.
"Ari ah Ari ah" I made it to my ringtone, for now :)

Hyesung was so jumpy many times by the dogs & cats. Hope he'll pick up a pet again after the episode.
Junjin looks really nerdy with the spec, makes him look young too with the short dark hair
Andy was so cute. He & Eric got the dustiest job and in such small place, it's hard to on their back to bend down like that

Any way, can't wait to see the dog fashion show next week

2013.11.04 Shinhwa Broadcast Season 2 - EP.01 Production Photos

Credit: Shinhwa Broadcast

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ay1m said: @phi Just having a minute glance at Eric-Ari clip really shows how warm he is.. & how big his heart is.... such a great personality for a man to have...
Need help... Eric's vest in the opening scene... I have seen that symbol somewhere... Its driving me crazy.. I just cant wrap my head around it.. What brand is it?

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@phi Wow... just... WOW... you're so good in this... haha... really...Thank you!! I usually see that Kobe Bryant symbol on Nike shoes... alright.. now I can sleep peacefully...

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@ay1m you're welcome :D  This one wasn't too hard to dig XD

willenette said:

Hi Phi, thanks for sharing these captures from the show. In the show, they volunteered their time and services, cleaning the shelter and taking care of the animals. Eric especially stood out as he tried for hours to befriend a dog. Since I know all of them love dogs, as you watched the show you could feel their sincerity of doing their best during the filming. They say that the show had both laughter and emotional healing. The program received a rating of 1.084 percent. (Pls. see below -) I read that in the next episode, they will throw a ‘Dog Party’. :))

***Also, thanks for sharing this here. Hahaha – looking at the picture as if Eric is the groom. And look at that smile.......So, that smile alone can make him a scene-stealer, huh? I read that the bride is a non-celebrity. I noticed the she is unable to control her bright expression as Eric stands next to her. :))


[star of the Week] Shinhwa’s Top 5 OTPs

Where there are idol groups, there are OTPs, or One True Pairings, and Shinhwa is no exception.

In fact, as the oldest active K-Pop idol group, Shinhwa′s OTPs are as legendary as the group itself, and we took on the challenge of ranking our Top 5 favorotes below.

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2013.11.07 Shinhwa Dances to Crayon Pop’s ‘Bar Bar Bar’

The legendary Shinhwa members will be showing off their dance skills for the Bar Bar Bar, the viral hit song by Crayon Pop.

The newest episode of Shinhwa Broadcast airing on November 10 will show the members continuing with their effort to help out the abandoned dogs at an animal shelter.


In the previous episode, the members of Shinhwa helped out with taking care of the dogs by taking them out on talks and giving them baths.

For the following episode, the members decided to put on a ‘Dog show’ to raise awareness and support for these animals.

Working on everything from writing the scripts to casting MCs, the members put on the show on October 22 at the Herbland in Incheon.

Each member picked out their ‘dog buddy’ and put on performance to thank over a hundred people who gathered to see the show. Shinhwa encouraged the audience to share their love with these dogs, and made everyone laugh by dancing to Crayon pop’s Bar Bar Bar

The MC of the day, Jang Sung Gyo announcer commented, “Every participant became part of shinhwa (the legend) that night. The show was a big success.”

Check out the episode of JTBC’s Shinhwa Broadcast on November 10

Article credit: Lee Na Rae + Mwave
Photo credit: JTBC


spoiler right there with the dogs XDD  Poor Hyesung with the big dog.

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2013.11.07 Shinhwa FB Update: Long Time No See

[관리자의 전하는 말]
안녕, 오랜만이에요.

[From the Aministrator]
Hello, long time no see

Source: Shinhwa FB
Translation: Mal


I'm guessing that post is by Admin Eric? XD
cus Shinhwa FB has updates pretty much every other day or 2
why "long time no see"? must be Eric then :P

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2013.11.08 Shinnhwa Broadcast EP.62 Preview







Credit: Shinhwa Broadcast


[spoiler READ IF YOU WANT]

We all know what happened to Junjin's dog suni?
She got worsen and passed away just a few days after the filming :((
It's gonna to be hard watching this Sunday episode watching the 2 of them.

On the other hand, that's Ari in Eric's arms.  His patience got through to Ari :x

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2013.11.09 Shinhwa FB Update:

[관리자의 전하는 말]
내일밤(일요일) 11시,
신화와 짝꿍견들이 함께하는 DOG PARTY -
신화방송 작은신화 2회

[Words From The Administrator]
Tomorrow night (Sunday) 11pm,
DOG PARTY with Shinhwa together and their assigned dog partners
Shinhwa Broadcast Little Legends Episode 2

Trans: Mal
Source: Shinhwa FB

Teaser >> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=635207573197961&set=vb.371105676243806

Throw in this cute fanmade comic, ERIC - ARI

If you like it, please give her a thumb up on Mnet fanart submission :D

Credit: as tagged (aka itsyourpainting)

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Want to get your hands on the 2014 Shinhwa - CKMania calendar?
A kind orangie just put up the order for all of us International fans

[ORDER] 2014 Shinhwa - CKMania Calendar

Here's the order form. https://docs.google.com/

I ordered 2013 CKMania calendar from her last year and everything went super well.

Photo credit: CKmania & Shinhwa FB

For those also want Eric calendar (ME lol), there're some fanmade ones

2014 Eric Calendar By DorisMui

She's known for taking super nice concert photos like those below.
You can contact her via Twitter >> https://twitter.com/dorislam1128




Another 2014 Calendar & Photobook by LoveRic.com

It's only sold on Taobao but you can buy from it buy going through a Taobao agent (Chinese equivalent of Ebay)

Photobook RMB88: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.w4023-1264012934.13.muWlJy&id=35434411702

2014 Calendar RMB55: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.w4023-1264012934.8.3oEdSh&id=35432926025

Both Calendar & Photobook RMB130: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35434527861&spm=2014.12440049.0.0

2014 Calendar



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When I watch this week episode, seeing how Eric able to heal Ari and when the lady said she feeds Ari for 5 years but they couldn't touch Ari but Eric managed to do so... I can't help but think, Eric ah, you should really adopt Ari... and he also had the thought in mind

          "Eric: If possible, it'd be nice to adopt 1.
          Minwoo: Isn't it tough even with just 1 now?
          Eric: I'm not confident of taking care of 2 dogs"

I'm so glad he wasn't impulsive and went ahead with adoption just because....
So many people go impulsive on getting a pet because it's cute, adorable or cus it's so pitiful... only realize they can't handle the pet later and abandon it.  Eric sums it it up so well with this at the end:

          "Eric: What is more important than donation and volunteering is not creating any abandoned animals"

So well said, that's really is the root cause.  (all trans of quotes are by malpabo & mal @ twitter)


Ari ah... Ari ah.. ussh.... ussh... Ari ah... :x  :x




I think at the time of filming they know Jin's dog Suni isn't well... I don't understand the convos but see how one of the lady teared up while talking about Suni, it's like she know Suni won't make it long... so sad.

RicJin really took a lot of my tears this episode... Sungie & his big & super hyper dog really make me laugh.  MinDy's dogs are really cute and very obedient.  Oh if last week it was lot of RicSung moment then this week there're lots of adorable RicMin moments in this episode.  I can't help but squeal at their cuteness.




SOOOO many times I said while watching, Eric ah let's just pick an easier dog...
I gave up but Eric didn't.  His patience & persistence is very admirable...  ^:)^

Credit: carmendove tumblr



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2013.11.11 [Review] “Shinhwa Broadcast” Eric’s words that were so touching


"Animal shelters isn’t a place to throw them away. Everyone, please don’t throw puppies away."

"Although donation and volunteering is important, it is more important to not create abandoned animals. Please give them more love."
  - from <Shinhwa Broadcast>

[Entermedia = Jung Sukhee’s That Scene That Line] JTBC’s restarts after 5 months. The first “little legend” that Shinhwa chose is “Angels of the Wild”, which takes cares of abandoned dogs and cats with sincerity. “Angels of the Wild” is a private organization that protects animals that have been severely abused and neglected by humans from being put to death. If sent to a government-run shelter, the animals would, unfortunately, be put to death after 10 days but “Angels of the Wild” is a place that saved more than 50 animals who had been under such circumstances. Of course without any repayment.

However, having received information through SNS, when the Shinhwa members called and asked if they could visit, the shelter administrator Lee Mija said in a soft but decisive tone, “You can’t come to look around. Because this isn’t a zoo.” It was a warning message that although she had no reason to decline visitors, she wasn’t interested in concern just for broadcast. In actuality, how many programs would’ve visited all these while. For the members who just picked the shelter without any major worries, I wonder if they didn’t have a new resolve at that moment.

And so, Shinhwa members’ work as caretakers for the abandoned dogs that lasted over 2 days 1 night started and honestly, I didn’t anticipate much initially. It isn’t the first or second time that animal shelters have appeared on programs. The members crowded in and helped with the work while chatting and listening to the unfortunate stories of the animals, presenting very much expected scenes.

However, oh my, I don’t know why so many words and images are left imprinted in my head and heart after the program ended. More than anything, placing the focus on the shelter administrators Lee Mija and Danny as well as the other volunteers and the abandoned animals from start to end, is why after the program ended, a talking point is written indelibly in my heart and I’d like to give praise for that. Usually, if it’s a reality program of a popular celebrity, in a rush to chase after the celebrity, the work of the main star isn’t conveyed. It is because of the pressure of ratings but despite that, it is a relief that they didn’t cave in and lose their initial goal.


What I’d like to especially give high praise for is the sincerity the Shinhwa members showed. Perhaps it is because most of the members have raised dogs so they understand animals well, that’s why they didn’t participate superficially but gave their sincerest effort and that was good.

Although I’m thankful to all but the one who left the deepest impression on me was the sincerity leader Eric showed. Because of the hurt received from humans, an abandoned dog “Ari”, of Jindo dog descent, didn’t let anyone by its side and perhaps because Eric kept thinking of it, he even laid down beside it, and put in lots of effort for a long time. At the end of a long push and pull, “Ari” cautiously climbs into his arms and that moving moment is still fresh in my memory. Not just that, it was also because it was very obvious he was careful about each and every action, from hugging “Ari” who was sensitive to going up on the fashion show stage, to dancing with moves for “Ari”. It was that difficult to have “Ari” start to open its heart and I’m curious to see whether it’ll be able to do well with other volunteers after Shinhwa leaves.

Also, it is also meaningful that many people voluntarily helped out because of their sincerity. People readily donated food and pet products, people participated in the pet fashion show on that day after seeing the notice, I hope that concern isn’t just one-off.

The first broadcast of finding “little legends” has ended successfully in a warm atmosphere but my heart is heavy because of Danny’s words, “Animal shelters isn’t a place to throw them away. Everyone, please don’t throw puppies away” as well as Eric’s words, “Although donation and volunteering is important, it is more important to not create abandoned animals. Please give them more love”.   I could not readily decide to bring home an abandoned animal even after seeing such touching scenes and hearing such touching words, even if it is to enlighten and brainwash people like me, there is a need for more programs that looks for “little legends”.

Columnist: Jung Sukhee @ Entermedia
translation by malpabo.tumblr.com

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2013.11.11 [Review] “Shinhwa Broadcast” idol Shinhwa makes the word “disbandment” pales in comparison


Shinhwa that doesn’t “disband” is beautiful.

On the 10th, JTBC’s “Shinhwa Broadcast - The Little Legends That Shinhwa Finds” showed the process of preparing for a dog party that was meant to be a volunteer’s night for the abandoned dogs.

On this day, the members showed their pro-activeness by personally visiting the hardware store, animal hospital, pet accessories store etc and personally bought the necessary items for the angels of the wild that lived in poor conditions.

However, shall I say I’ve realised that much time has passed? I did not see their original beastly-idol side. Junjin and Shin Hyesung went to the hardware store and they were not the stars of the SF comic image and Little Prince image that made young female fans cry in 1998 and instead, what stood out was the image of them being used to the current change and were normal guys in their mid-30s in 2013.

Junjin and Shin Hyesung were excited with wearing overalls and while following in Deuce’s dance steps, had an enjoyable dance time on the streets like it was nothing, a big step away from what we usually think idols should be like.

It is said that as time passes, it is hard for an idol’s life to last past 5 years. Naturally, as they approach their mid or late 20s, many problems make it easy for idol groups to disband, such as each member having their respective contract problems, or wishes to lead a new life and not that of a celebrity’s etc.

While not promoting any longer, g.o.d or Fin. K.L doesn’t use the term “disbandment”, continuously appear on TV, release special albums and also work hard so as not to be forgotten by fans, but when g.o.d. or Fin. K.L members have their solo activities, one is no longer reminded of that group.

Under such “disbandment” problems for idols, Shinhwa acts as a good role model. If not, would so many idol groups pick sunbae “Shinhwa” as the role model they’d like to emulate the most? What Shinhwa is accepting isn’t the grand title of having debuted for 16 years but the natural changes of time.

Typically in dramas, he either plays characters where his strong masculine image shines, or moves the hearts of females with glib lines such as “Don’t you smell something burning? My heart is burning”, but at least in “Shinhwa Broadcast”, Eric makes natural ad-libs, and even shows his never-ending lazy attitude. Also he shows an excessively cool side where he curses the members without restraint, and showed that he is no longer an idol with a secretive image.

Shinhwa is showing good sides that fits with the changes in time. 16th year since debut, not disbanding and consistently releasing albums, seeing them win on music programs, they look awesome.

Shinhwa does not go with the word “disbandment” and it’s fine even if they don’t look like idols so I look forward to them becoming a true long-running idol group through their natural sides, just like now.

Source: Reviewstar
translation by malpabo.tumblr.com

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