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Guest lilangelover

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Guest riehae

They will probably pass 1million mark...

i wonder how many album sales they will have for this year...

with their dfferent releases...

just everything that they had sold for this year under their group name...

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Guest artful_DODGER

"With 『Ash!ta no Kioku/Crazy Moon』 and 『Believe/Kumori Nochi Kaisei』 Arashi already had a monopoly on the 1st and 2nd spots of 2009's first-week-sales ranking, and on the 19th (Wednesday) their album 『All the BEST! 1999~2009』 sold a record 753,000 copies - also a personal best - and took the Album Ranking's top spot. Until now, the record for highest-ranking first week sale for '09 was held by Mr.Children for 『SUPERMARKET FANTASY』 (released December 2008) with over 708,000 copies sold.

『SUPERMARKET FANTASY』 already broke the million barrier, but if Arashi can achieve a million in sales, out of all the albums and singles they have released since November 1999, this will be the birth of their first million selling work.

This is a 2-disc compilation including all singles from 1999's 『A.ra.shi』 to this May's 『Ash!ta no Kioku/Crazy Moon』. Along with the headline songs, the members penned the lyrics for a new song named 「5×10」 which expresses the gratitude they feel for these past 10 years."


Translated by arisan at Livejournal.


Orisuta (August 2009) - Sakurai Sho Part 5 Translation

Orisuta (August 2009) - Arashi Part 6 Translation

Poor Nino and his IV drip. T-T

Weekly the TV (August 28, 2009) Translation

Such a cute photoshoot. ^^

Q: What’s the most important thing for you?

Aiba: For me, it’s laughter. When all of us are together, we laugh so much more.

Arashi's heart and soul~ His hair color changed again. I think it's back to black. Very hot. ^^ Jun was sporting a bit of stubble on AnS #148, lol.

"My Girl" Staff Diary: 8/11/2009

"My Girl" Staff Diary: 8/23/2009

He's such a sweetheart. <3


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Guest lisaaa

i knew they could pass 700k+!! i'm very happy for arashi <3

i also can't wait to receive my copy of the LE (thanks to my amazing friend :wub:)

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Guest depressionalism

wow if they pass 1Million sales i'll be so proud of them..i hope it does..

hehe abt Jun, wonder why he is keeping his moustache and beard for???

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Guest lisaaa

i personally hope jun gets rid of that beard ASAP, lol. i really don't like it on him :(

i doubt he has it for a drama or something, though. he just forgot and didn't shave? :P

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Guest depressionalism

but it seems he's keeping it quite a long time already as seen frm AnS and HnA....and during HnA one, it seems to be growing much thicker....

i doubt he forgotten to shave it....

yea he definitely must remove it...cos it just turns me off

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Guest depressionalism

wowo 200 000 more!!!

1 Million mark..

i hope during the 5x10 tour it will increase more...*cross finger*

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Guest artful_DODGER

Ah~ I'm patiently waiting for Kokuritsu concert reports! A fan has posted some pictures of the concert venue with the Arashi 5X10 flags here. Fans heard them rehearsing "Everything" and "5X10." zomboid has scanned her tour goods clearfiles here. They look so pretty. It's so cute how they each are themed after their hobbies, lol. I'm so jealous. I will probably never in my life be able to go to an Arashi concert. They are really cracking down on re-selling tickets and such. T-T

Wink Up (September 2009)

Aw, Nino~ He wants Ohno to be the first to go see his stageplay. AND LOL TOMA AND OHNO ARE STILL GOING BACK AND FORTH WITH IKEMEN AND FISHERMAN. <3

Popolo (Offshot)

It's just a little snippet, but it's very cute. ^^

Popolo (September 2009) Sakurai Sho

And my parents had said to me, ‘If you stay back a year, you pay your own tuition,’ and I definitely didn’t want that to happen, so I was determined to graduate in four years. The option of quitting school didn’t even exist in me.

3 MORE DAYS UNTIL JUN'S BIRTHDAY! ARASHI'S YOUNGEST TURNS 26. <3 It's also the last day of Kokuritsu! I hope they celebrate on stage. ^^

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Guest artful_DODGER

The boys are not only #1 on the Oricon Charts, they also #1 on the Global Album Charts


YESSSSSSS. They are amazing. I'm so proud of them. <3

Aiba's drama, "My Girl", airs on October 9th!

Arashi's 10th Anniversary 5X10 Tour Setlist (8/28/09)

So, each of their solos were songs from their past dramas. So cute.^^

LOL I'm curious about the see-through outfits for "A・RA・SHI."

Ohno had tears! <3

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Guest depressionalism

yeap..there's a fan acct


and i must say i realli realli wish i was there

haha not only did they wear that costume..they dance with veggies again!!!!


and Riida wore his Yellow Uta no Oniisan costume for his solo..haha

and Nino stumbles on his solo..haha

but the best is the 5x10 perf. cos evryone is tearing up...T-T

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Guest artful_DODGER

I am still dying at the fact that they did "A・RA・SHI" in their debut outfits, lmao. They're such good sports. I'm glad they are having fun with this tour. It sounds like a blast. I am SO in love with the Aiba/Ohno moment. It makes me smile. lol at the fireworks interrupting Nino's speech. Of course he was witty about it. <3

There is another fan account here.

lol at Nino forgetting a part. I am dying to see the VTR. I hope a fancam surfaces sometime soon. It sounds beautiful.

According to this source, the hidden track is called "Attack it!"

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Guest lisaaa

it's also rumored that these JE guys were at the concert, too:

- Yamapi

- Masuda

- Ryo

- Ikuta

i wonder why massu was there, though, lol. but these fan reports sounded so amazing. i'd love to see some actual footage :(

and today's sales:

1->1->1->1 - Arashi - 28,045 + 33,696 +35,564 + 31,947= 129,252

total: 882,682 :wub:

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Guest artful_DODGER

I hope Ogura-san gets to go! ^^

20090829 ZoomIn Saturday


OMGOMGOMG THEY FLEW. LOOK HOW HIGH THAT IS. I would have been freaking out, lol. I love when Jun starts singing "5X10" all amazingly and then the camera cuts to Sho and the rest of the boys looking all gorgeous. *-*

090829 Zoom


Towards the end of this video, they made Sho stand up on the pedestal because they made fun of him for being scared of heights, lol. "YOU. BAKA!" LOL <3 You can see Ohno trying to keep from crying at 1:18ish. T-T <3

20090829 MezaNyu Arashi


Another concert report for the first day of Kokuritsu is here. ^^

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Guest cassy_clim8

just a little more push before they hit the million sales mark!!!!

sugoi!!!! i'm happy while reading the fan accounts of those who went to the concert last night!!!!

and here's the fancam of their truth performance! sho was just stationary on air while the others were flying all over the place! wahahahaha


lord! was it the zoom in clip where they showed Jun singing his part at 5x10?! he really was singing in a very heartfelt way!!!! and the way he clutched his top.... :wub:

according to some fan reports, Ogura, toma, and NEWS members Yamapi, Ryo, Masuda and Koyama went to the concert yesterday!!

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Guest depressionalism

hontou?!! wow..thanks for the fancam..was looking for fancams....

and yea i super super feel so regretful for not gg to the concert after i read those fan reports....T-T

and Sho adoraby scared face is so lolx...the all so bad

I could see Riida trying to stop his tears too...but yea it is so weird to see another member cry besides Aiba-chan..haha

and yea the flying on the zip line is super kakkoii!!!!!!

and the transparent outfit + veggie dance i think it was expected...wonder why they still could fit in that costume though 10 yrs have passed..lolx...haha

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Guest cheldee

it's also rumored that these JE guys were at the concert, too:

i wonder why massu was there, though, lol. but these fan reports sounded so amazing. i'd love to see some actual footage :(

and today's sales:

1->1->1->1 - Arashi - 28,045 + 33,696 +35,564 + 31,947= 129,252

total: 882,682 :wub:

Massu used to backdance for Arashi at their concerts before he debuted and he did mention he is a fan of them! :)

And today they sold yet another 30,685 copies (so proud of them for their sales being so stable!!!), so they've crossed the 900,000 mark!

Paparazzi photos of the con (including them in their INFAMOUS TRANSPARENT RAINCOAT COSTUMES): http://arashiheartie.livejournal.com/35608.html

This is one reason why I love them so much, they are so sporting! Wonder how they managed to convince Matsujun to wear it again, he mentioned recently that he absolutely hates the outfit. :lol:

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Guest artful_DODGER

And today they sold yet another 30,685 copies (so proud of them for their sales being so stable!!!), so they've crossed the 900,000 mark!

Paparazzi photos of the con (including them in their INFAMOUS TRANSPARENT RAINCOAT COSTUMES): http://arashiheartie.livejournal.com/35608.html

YESSS. I can't wait until they break the million mark! GO ARASHI GO! <3

LOLOL I read in the fan reports that Sho was particularly embarrassed and kept trying to cover his nipples, lmao.

8/29/2009 Kokuritsu Report

The MC sounds really adorable. AH EVERYTHING SOUNDS ADORABLE. ^^


You can see Leader's speech and how he was having a hard time talking. The little laugh he made at the end was precious. <3

It's Jun's birthday in Japan! Happy 26th birthday, Junbug. <3

MORE (October 2009) Ninomiya Kazunrai

He was professional even when he had lymphangitis. I love reading his thoughts and ideas. T-T <3

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Guest depressionalism

firstly Happy 26th B'dae to Matsujun...

despite the hectic schedule i hope he has a wonderful day today..

yea saw the pics of them in the costumes....haha..i also tot abt it too how they managed to ask hym to wear the ridiculous outfit and also persuading each other in doing the 'Allergy' perf. with those veggies again..haha

yea saw the clip where Riida was lost for words cos he was tearing...haiz...

but yea abt 100 000 more till the million mark....lets pray in these next few days the no. will eventually reach that target!!

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