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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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On 2/11/2017 at 11:14 AM, pixelsticks said:

hahahahaha...I kinda want to be present if you ever meet Kang Ha Neul.  

Of course i will be a mess if i ever meet KHN, all fangirling!!! i first saw him in Misaeng and he was the man that catched my eyes B) but i'm not talking about KHN, I'm talking about Wook... and if i were Soo i don't think i would fall for his looks only: 1) So's looks are way better than Wook's, 2) In RL i don't fall for pretty faces, i usually get tired of them, i rather have brains and personality... so yes, i would react like a teenager in front of KHN but no, i wouldn't fall for Wook


On 3/11/2017 at 4:18 AM, violina said:

Lol..what to do with you:D(am laughing about that cancelled small text).

How to defend myself? When you watch him in dramas crying you feel like it's for real... and you still find him pretty, because lets admit it, he looks pretty even when crying. so when he cries in RL is the same thing, it's only that you know the pain is real so you hurt more for him, but that doesn't make you blind... just a little guilty for being so shallow. sigh. On a more serious note, let me thank you for your insights about their relationship... but yes, he's so reserved about his private life. not that i'm complaining, i think that's the best for him!


On 3/11/2017 at 12:58 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Fangirling observations and definitely-not-a-review thingy of MLSHR - Episode 4 (Part - 2)


Heheh your partner in crime is right here! hi5-smiley.gif?1292867616

I love how So was quoting Soo already saying “hold more responsibility the higher you are”. 


Don’t they say something like how you fall in love with the person who you saw the first now with, just saying. :wink: He stares again – what lovely smile :wub: – and gets caught again!


You know, for someone who is supposed to not do a review but just fangirling observations you are very detailed and i love and agree with everything you wrote.. your comments about So/Queen Yoo scene really got me... and that comment you highlighted i never thought of that. So far Soo is already shaking all So's beliefs and changing him for a better person... or let me correct myself (because i don't think people change) it's just that all the good things in Soo are surfacing..

Lol that first snow scene reminded me of Virgin Snow and... that you fall in love with the person you saw the first snow with! :D


3 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Maybe that's why he calls us his angels??? Since we are killed by his perfection and have become angels even without realizing it ourselves???? shock-smiley-face.gif?1302011421



27 minutes ago, hiluna said:

I have forged ahead and watched MLSHR up to episode 15 but now I can't bring myself to watch the last 5 episodes knowing I am going to be crying my eyes out :bawling:  I will have to watch it slowly scene by scene and take some breaks in between :grimace:.


Congrats to those who are getting the limited edition package "Thank You Again", I procrastinated and missed the deadline :dissapointed:.

Oh.. i understand you can't help it and watched almost everything, but please comment with us as we are slowly getting to episode 15, and when we are there maybe you'll be able to watch and we could have a cry fest :bawling: (btw i already cried a lot, specially in episode 4!)

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I apologize for being MIA for a bit.  RL is hitting hard and I just got a breather for a bit.  I was hoping for a JG IG post or some nibbles of new info.  But not to be. 


@hiluna Yes, please put in your thoughts about the episodes!!  And have fun ordering!!


13 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

You know, for someone who is supposed to not do a review but just fangirling observations you are very detailed and i love and agree with everything you wrote

I was thinking the same thing.  You have some very astute observations and I love how you even keep finding continuity errors (hair issues, light issues, etc)  I apologize for not getting my post up earlier to help you ....but you don't need my help!!B)


On 11/3/2017 at 11:58 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

Don’t they say something like how you fall in love with the person who you saw the first now with, just saying. :wink:

That was one of the first things I heard when I started watching Kdramas.  And you see these types of scenes often! 


18 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Umm... maybe you guys have already seen this, *side-eyes @pixelsticks

Umm...no....but slo-mo elusive torso????  <<<faint>>> <<<still hate the fog, next role....please have JG completely topless again....Image result for pray emoji and some romance---selfish pixel talking>>>


18 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Hopefully more hot kisses, assuming it’s a cycle. :w00t:

Yes.... I just finished Ruler:Man of the Mask and there wasn't even 1 damn kiss. Lots of pretty love words, but just frickin hugs!  I wanted to throw a pillow at the tv. I may need to start SWWTN to make up for that travesty. 


18 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Maybe that's why he calls us his angels??? Since we are killed by his perfection and have become angels even without realizing it ourselves???? shock-smiley-face.gif?1302011421

But....I wanna be called his "person."  Hahahaha  JG's persons 


13 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

so yes, i would react like a teenager in front of KHN but no, i wouldn't fall for Wook

He seems so humble and sweet in real life.  I just wanted to see how he would defend Wook if you told him what you felt of his character.  ^_^


15 hours ago, hiluna said:

but now I can't bring myself to watch the last 5 episodes

This is me....every single rewatch.....


Off to vote as per @haniiiii instructions. 

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MLSHR – Scarlet Heart Ryeo (Dramafever Director’s Cut)

Episode 4 - Mother’s Little Helper (Even when she doesn't appreciate it)-Rolling Stones

Pixelistic Re(Take) Ramblings - Spoilers ahead!


  • Quick recap of the troubles in the Palace and onto what we WANT to see.  Wang So emerge from the shadows!! wow1 onion headDripping in blood, almost giddy in his approach, expecting affirmation and hearing this….”Hearing you call me Mother makes my skin crawl.” <<<ouch ouch ouchcrazy monkey 135>>> But to even add more insult to his injury…she adds “you are not my son” <<<this biotch sure knows how to hurt a guysad white cloud>>> We learn more about what he had to deal with under the Kangs in Shinju, stories that would make any caring person cringe and empathize, oh onion headbut Queen Yoo holds to her “don’t give a crap”not listening onion head stance.  “You are my shame, disgrace & flaw.” And there it is. pointing onion head He is her constant reminder of that night when she lost to the King.  But she doesn’t have the last word.  Wang So let’s her know he plans on staying put and becoming someone she cannot ignore.cool onion head
  • 8:20 Wang So at the prayer stones. Angry at his mommy and the world.crying3 onion head Yelling and knocking them down. Enter Hae Soo. cute1 onion headAt first, concerned over the stone towers, then changes her concern to Wang So himself.  Wang So hears his first words of true concern from anybody in Songak.  He almost cannot handle it.  desperate2 onion headHer words get rid of his anger, but leave him in a sorrowful mess, kneeling and crying.wait onion head
  • 11:39 Smirking Queen Yoo (oooh I hated her now- nice choice to put her smirking face as the first scene after Wang So’s sorrow- but I'd rather see her like this --->beaten onion head).  King Taejo tries to get to the bottom of what happened. He is told the Monks and the Temple belonged to Queen Yoo.  Yo & Yoo look like they might be in troublelie onion head , but Wang So admits to orchestrating the “Temple of Doom” and Wook infers that someone is trying to get the Royals to turn on each other. Even though the biotch ditched him last night, he still came to her rescue today. She is surprised, but is she moved?silence onion head <<<no>>
  • 13:40 Here comes some comedy again. The palace maids fight desperate1 onion head over who has to deliver food to the 4th Prince. <<me, me….I’ll do it>>> Lady Hae has to scold them and finds the only one who will do it, Hae Soogood job onion head .  Wang So is hilltop, sitting on a rock overlooking the palace. Hae Soo is exhausted climbing to his perch and finds him uncharacteristically calmlonely onion head and lonely. He notices her and tries to be grunt. She notices him and tries to be nice.
    And here we go again, Wang So asks her to forget what she saw…she even mumbles that you constantly ask me to forget all the time. So she changes the subject. But when the discussion gets a little too deep, they both deflect like mad!wow1 onion head <<<from the BTS, I wonder what other dialogue they had in these scenes that were cut…they filmed them eating chicken together, etc>>>
  • 17:39 It is dark now…and it makes you wonder how long they spent together on that hilltop. uhuhuh onion head<<<wink wink>>> The light joyful music plays….her struggles to carry the basket, his struggles to decide whether to be helpful or not….serenade onion head ahhhh my heart!  @bluelilac1214..yes that WS smile here????  Stuff that dreams are made of. 
  • 18:45 Lady Hae is having a bad night. shock1 onion headShe knows it and tells Wook to take a second wife. It’s a painful scene watching a woman talk to the man she loves but knows he doesn’t truly love her. crying1 onion headHow painful it is to love a man who cannot love you the way you want.  I loved me some Lady Hae.angel1 onion head
  • 20:57  Prince Euncute2 onion head finds Hae Soo lamenting over the fact that men take more than 1 wife in this time. He tries to woo her with toys.  She accidentally woos him with questions. He wasn’t ready to take a wife but after that conversation, I think he has picked his candidate!embarrassed1 onion head
  • 23:18 Chae Ryung eating me onion head gets conned into returning the 4th Prince’s butterfly brooch. Princess Yeon Hwa finds her and has her whipped. Hae Soo steps in and when she cannot reason with her, she offers her back to be whipped. Yeon Hwa almost cannot believe her luck! whip onion headShe gleefully starts to wallop Hae Soo when the Princes come around. 
    Look at each one’s expressions!  All are in horror except Yo and Won, who halfheartedly tries to suggest it is enough. And then the wrist grab.  Wang So…”that’s enough now” <<<you already had my heart….>>> She belongs to me?wow2 onion head I was actually surprised at that statement as well, with my supposed modern lady sensibilities.  I almost fully expected Hae Soo to let him have it right there, but she was surprised and confused woa onion head and luckily the other Princes stepped in to stop it. It was here where the brief look between Chae Ryung and Wonwhistling onion head was the only hint you had at their relationship until the last episodes. <<<again, how much of this relationship is on the cutting room floor>>> Yeon Hwa saw that the princes are starting to care for Hae Soo. She even wonders about Wang So’s intentions. He could have been mean here, but he sayscrazy monkey 116 “I’m sorry if I have disrespected you.” And the hand clenched close up! tongue leaf<<<got to have those in every Korean drama>>>
  • 29:30 This is when I knew the bromance would NEVER happen.  Even after Wook knows that Wang So saved Hae Soo, and saved his own mother, took full responsibility for the killings, and saved Crown Prince Moo….he still doesn’t like him. Why the HELL NOT???? crazy leaf<<<too much of a threat to your manhood Wook???>>> He calmly threatens Wang So that neither Yeon Hwa or Hae Soo are his to claim and he better leave HIS ladies alone.  crazy monkey 120<<<btw…great close-ups of 2 handsome actors here!!!!>>>
  • 30:30 Wook visits Hae Soo at her bedchamber. He even asks her to forget what happened today. crazy monkey 143 <<<wtf!!>>> Here is where I get worried.  Hae Soo runs out to find him.  He makes a promise <<<4J3iWgH.png>>> LIAR!!! Is he really going to stand up for her now?>>>
  • 34:30 <<<one of my all time fave scenes!
    This was on repeat a lot…I am ashamed to say>>> After the infamous head butt, and a bit of verbal sparring, Wang So finds that Hae Soo doesn’t fear him and respects him in a way…but he better not dare say she belongs to him. crazy monkey 069 He finds that quite amusing and gets in her face…and asks her if he should call her “my person.”  <<<such a flirt WS! crazy monkey 145Side note: I loved the fact that the camera operator framed each person in the irises of the one on screen!!crazy monkey 119>>> Even the music is perfect here. Ahhh this scene. <<off to watch this youtube clip again>>>
  • 36:27 Jung street fighting again. But this time, he gets dragged away by thugs. But not before Hae Soo & Chae Ryung witness. Even Wang So sees Hae Soo run off. The thugs almost cut off Jung’s arm when Hae Soo crazy monkey 188 grabs her courage and runs into battle, cussing, threatening and wavingcrazy monkey 209 her bamboo stick!   <<<ahhh the comedy>>> And yes @bluelilac1214…I did also ask what took WS so long to arrive?  Was he having fun watching it all unfold? Got lost in the woods? 
  • 38:57 Queen Hwangbo, Wook & Yeon Hwa discuss Lady Haegathering-smiley-face.gif?1302011368 . In a brief moment, we get to see the motivations of each character about the future of their family status. Enter Chae Ryung to say Hae Soo is in trouble…not Jung?confused onion head  <<<huh???>>>
  • 39:53 Jung is still an unaware idiot! bled1 onion headEnter Wook…who single-handedly takes out the thugs in quite the dashing fashion.  <<<I almost could fall for you Wookieahaaah onion head>>> He gets surrounded yet again, but this time Wang So comes to the rescue. admire2 onion head Look at Hae Soo’s face. <<<I bet a bit of her wanted to say, YES I belong to you at this time>>> She is so relieved that she hugs Jung and then remembers this is not the Goryeo way. embarrassed4 onion headIt’s so fun to watch her hug another man when the two men who want her are looking on. And look at how they react. Wook doesn’t look thrilled.  So looks amused. And Jung wants to protect and impress her!happy onion head
  • 44:18 Wook is a pissed man. yellow-onion-head-emoticon-01.gif?1301920881Hae Soo plays the injured card to reach him. And finds he was scared shitless that she was really hurt.  He tries to kiss her but other people show up. Wook storms off. Question:  Why hasn’t it been thought of to have Hae Soo be Wook’s 2nd wife already?  To keep faith with the Hwangbo clan. To allow for an heir etc?confused-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774068
  • 46:45 Jung & Wang So have a scene. yes-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774081why-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774081These brothers just don’t see things in the same way.   And such unfortunate timing that Queen Yoo enters right when Wang So slaps Jung. She demandsangry white cloud that Wang So never interfere with Jung again, even with Jung proclaiming it was So that saved him.  Wang So asks Jung when will he stop being their mother’s baby.  Jung is torn.    checks-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774067 <--how poor Jung is treated by his mommy
  • 49:10 Wook escapes on a horse to go cry in the forest. yellow-onion-head-emoticon-14.gif?1301920886He WANTS   but doesn’t know how to GET.  Hae Soo also seems to WANT tv baby 42 but lays in bed. Wang So WANTS sad white cloudto be loved by his mother (he rebuilds the stone towers and cries) but knows it’s not going to happen.
  • 51:15 Crown Prince Moo tv baby 56 asks King Taejo to let Wang So be his person. <<<ahhh:wub:>>> King Taejo minces no wordstv baby 60 and tells So that your mother and brother aim for the throne so what about you?  Between JiMong, the stars and So’s promise…King Taejo declares that Wang So can stay in Songak!!!  tv baby 45Woot woot!!  His grace is immeasurable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tv baby 64
  • 53:45 Seems Wook left his crying spot and came back home. Lady Hae is ever the grown up, crazy monkey 037 unselfish person here. Inviting Hae Soo to dine with them and redirecting their attentions.
  • 56:00 Hae Soo finds Wang Socrazy monkey 057 at the Prayer Towers and accuses him of destroying them again. He tells her he is actually rebuilding them. She is shocked. He tells her that he will be leaving to live in the palace.  They playfully banter a bit before she tries to give him her advice to not be so quick to temper and destroy things. <<<always lecturing>>> But then she becomes softer and hopes he will be able to sleep, eat and dream well in his new place.crazy monkey 173 He is touched.  They marvel at the stars. They watch the snow fall. So cannot stop staring at her.  Wook cannot stop thinking of her. <<<geesh…lucky girlcrazy monkey 169>>>

Episode 4 was filled with repeat-worthy scenes.  As evidenced by the many Dramafever youtube clips for this episode alone!!  JG showed us all the range of his acting in this one episode alone.  Devastating pain, tears, anger, flirting, strength, swagger, vulnerability.  Wang So is LOVE! Next episode...the tone starts to change....deep breaths....



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HELLO :D i don't post often in the forums but i enjoy reading every line you guys write about this amazing actor.... now the reason i'm posting is because i need help and i don't know  where else to ask :S 


i want to buy the CD "Thank you again" from his latest fan meetings but i'm having trouble placing the order specifically doing the payment, if anyone can understand please tell me how, i want to pay by credit card but that part doesn't come with english instructions ... anyway here's the link...   http://thankyouagain.co.kr/index.html


Thank you a million times 

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46 minutes ago, kiotzo said:

HELLO :D i don't post often in the forums but i enjoy reading every line you guys write about this amazing actor.... now the reason i'm posting is because i need help and i don't know  where else to ask :S 


i want to buy the CD "Thank you again" from his latest fan meetings but i'm having trouble placing the order specifically doing the payment, if anyone can understand please tell me how, i want to pay by credit card but that part doesn't come with english instructions ... anyway here's the link...   http://thankyouagain.co.kr/index.html


Thank you a million times 

Hello Kiotzo. If I'm not mistaken, when the payment window pop up, there is a little american/english flag in one of the angle of the window (I don't remember if it's at the top or at the the bottom). If you click that flag the payment method will be translated in english.


Hope it helps you :):)

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Dear all, to those whom have yet to order or who are facing some issues in placing an order, please find hidden below a rough guide for overseas order.


Please feel free to share to help boost up the second release sales.


Thank you! 


@kiotzo here is a rough guide to order JG's THANK YOU DVD set. Hope it helps. 

























There is also another not so new voting event for JG, he is a Rank 2 now. 



If possible, please support him at AAA at well! (ends 13 November, he is a Rank 7 now)


Many thanks JG's Angels!!!

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1 hour ago, LadyOne said:

Dear all, to those whom have yet to order or who are facing some issues in placing an order, please find hidden below a rough guide for overseas order.


Please feel free to share to help boost up the second release sales.


Thank you! 


@kiotzo here is a rough guide to order JG's THANK YOU DVD set. Hope it helps. 










In addiction to the excellent guide that @LadyOne create , I would only add that if you didn't find your country after select "EMS", try with "EMS Premium".

My country, Italy, is listed only under "EMS Premium" for example :)

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3 hours ago, LadyOne said:

There is also another not so new voting event for JG, he is a Rank 2 now. 


You can vote 10x/day!!  Done!


This made me laugh out loud.

This is probably what he would deal with if he lived in the US. :tongue:


Remember to also stream his Ma Lady video to get it to break 1 million!!  It's at 935,770 views now.



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So quiet!  


I have a question.  About Episode 4 MLSHR.  Pertaining to Wang So's inner monologue during this scene....


Maybe I should call this O Caption, My Caption!  Caption this scene! What is WS saying in his head each time you see him?





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On 11/7/2017 at 3:17 AM, pixelsticks said:

So quiet!  


I have a question.  About Episode 4 MLSHR.  Pertaining to Wang So's inner monologue during this scene....


Maybe I should call this O Caption, My Caption!  Caption this scene! What is WS saying in his head each time you see him?





I would like to reply to you in italian, using the Roman dialect, but I'm sure quite nobody will understand what I'll say.


It will sounds like "C'mon girl"... and then... "What she's doing? No way....", but in roman will have much more fun :D:D:D:D 

Edited by LyraYoo
please do not quote the images ,thank you
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6 minutes ago, glassnokamen said:

I would like to reply to you in italian, using the Roman dialect, but I'm sure quite nobody will understand what I'll say.


It will sounds like "C'mon girl"... and then... "What she's doing? No way....", but in roman will have much more fun :D:D:D:D 

OOhhhh  type it...I want to read it!B)


Question:  Was his "C'mon girl" supposed to tell her to walk ahead without carrying the basket but when he looked back and saw she was still trying to grab her skirts and get it done....that is where the little laugh comes from? What about that eyebrow raise before the vocal utterance?  It seems to be he's shocked.  Am I reading too much into all this??

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32 minutes ago, pixelsticks said:

OOhhhh  type it...I want to read it!B)


Ahahahahahahah!!! Ok I'll try to, even if I don't live in Rome so I don't really know if I'll write correctly :)

"E Annamo no?!?!? e datte 'na mossa!!!! ..... "Ma che sta a fà?!?!?!?! Anvedi questa..." :D:D:D


Question:  Was his "C'mon girl" supposed to tell her to walk ahead without carrying the basket but when he looked back and saw she was still trying to grab her skirts and get it done....that is where the little laugh comes from? What about that eyebrow raise before the vocal utterance?  It seems to be he's shocked.  Am I reading too much into all this??

For me he doesn't mean to tell her to walk without the basket but only to move fast... and He wasn't shocked... only surprise in my opinion... perhaps he never saw a girl do something like this until that moment  :P

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Here is translation of the small card that was in the Thank You Again box (cause it was only in Korean haha) :wink: It was quite a long time since I wrote "translated by Hani" somewhere hahaha. Where are those Criminal Minds translating and subbing times... :D 


Fotka uživatele Lee Joon-Gi 이준기 International Fan Club.

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Regular reminder   ❤️  Don't forget to vote for our oppa (10 clicks for each of them):
The Most Handsome Kdrama Star 2017 (currently 2nd round) http://namesns.com/entertainer/view.html?num=194620&star_num=171&share

and The Best Kdrama 2017 (currently 1st round)



photo source: @diamondtear3 

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