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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Awww oppa.He really does wear his heart on his sleeve.He was smiling and everything and did well.I am so proud of him.But his eyes from the time he arrived at the venue till the end.They did look sad.But let's be patient, he will surely pull through.If he can perform like with so much energy even when he is like that.I believe with time he will slowly but surely bounce back to the Joon Gi who smiles and radiates happiness with his eyes.

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Originally found it on the China web, but can't link it here. Credit to the owner of the vid.

Our dear boy was teased into laughter by the male dancers. Way to go! Thanks for giving him laughter.

From what I read, he had just cried during his birthday cake segment, and the next segment he danced TT. Normally he was standing slightly in the lead while the female dancers will join him at the back for the TT dance. This time round the males dancers joined him at the back. he didn't see em since he was standing somewhat at the front, until a while later when he saw what they were wearing and couldn't contain his laughter.

This is the original link.


And this is the entire view from further away. I think he really did look twice at the dancers to ascertain what he has saw. Haha


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I don't know who but one of you wanted joongi to perform fiery eyes again, including me lol. Well he finally  did I hope someone will upload a clearer version:D

@pixelsticks I don't think he will do those live water shows/showers anymore, the fans wouldn't appreciate it from what they have told me hahah although I would and his fan service will change cause the dating news is out, maybe in his drama CM we can get some :wub:

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Thanks @Silvermaine for uploading the fan support video on YT, it's much better for my snail-paced internet connection B).

Thanks as well to our fellow Soompiers who have shared their experiences at the FM. Oh how I regret not being able to attend. Sigh. But I'm happy that despite the brouhaha that happened lately, everybody was still able to have a good time.

I really appreciate his decision for not explaining more... sometimes we just need to understand. 'Sorry' and 'Thank You' are powerful enough to make the world more peaceful anyway.

@violina let me answer on behalf of Silvermaine, as I read from an IG post of another fan, the song used in the fan support video is 'Thank You' by Roy Kim https://popgasa.com/2014/10/07/roy-kim-thank-you-bonus-track/



The lyrics are so touching as well.

And can I take some time to express how EXCITED I am about Criminal Minds already even though he only said that his character is 'multitalented'?

I have Dr Reid in mind but his own version of Dr Reid combined with Derek Morgan will just... awwwwh I CAN'T WAIT PLEASE FAST FORWARD TO JULY ALREADY PLEASE PLEASE!!!


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I just saw this clip and remembered.I have heard the song he is singing on immortal songs(Korean Musician Program)before.Its called "Don't worry dear".I found the cover Ali did..see below:But for those who would rather just read the lyrics...I think this is JG's subtle sad but sweet song, that he has been singing to comfort himself, but also as a message to fans and ex fans.To the ones who have left him after all these recent events; he loved you with no regrets.To the ones who have stayed; the past is past.its time to dream new dreams.

"My dear, don’t you worry about a thing.      let’s just sing together. My dear, all of your painful memories, just bury them in deep of your heart."

"Just let the past be the past, it’s meaningful in that way. Just sing to the one who left you, say you loved them with no regrets.”

"You suffered so many hardships, you lost what it meant to be new. Let out all the hardships you went through, let yourself go from the blame."

"Just let the past be the past, it’s meaningful in that way. Let’s all sing together, say you dreamed with no regrets. Let’s all sing together, say you will dream new dreams.”


P.S: If you are trying to sing along to the video with the lyrics written; you will note that toward the end.she is adlib or should I say free styling because that's the concept of the show.Take a legendary song and give new interpretation without distorting it's message.But the above are the original lyrics.


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4 hours ago, girlyponytail said:

OMG violina, thank you for the video. Yes, i've been wondering the title of the song. When he sang it, although I didn't understand, I really touched with this song. Now I understand what he said before singing was reffering to his fans and ex-fans. The lyrics was beautiful. He's indeed a very toughtful person. He said all of us are beautiful please don't hate each other. Awwwww how can I hate people who hate him when he still love them? For those who have been feeling offended by me I am sorry my friends... Lets spread love instead :)


your words is warm and toughtful,too.

waiting for more of words about this FM event.

Lets spread love :blush:

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18 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

I see shorter hair on the sides above the ears...and wispy longer top layer (for bangs).  When do shows start putting out promotional posters etc? When can we expect some Criminal Minds promos?

Have the Soompians that were at the Singapore show compared the overall vibe and fan reaction between that show and this Encore?  We have to remember that not only was this his last fan meet (for a while....:() but it was also his birthday, which also can contribute to the tone of the show.  

@antoniaclamens, they actually dragged people away?  Although I have seen that myself in concerts.  To me, it really depends on the security and ushers in the section you are in.  Some are really militant...others can be accommodating.  But I mean...JG had to have known that person was filming him when he grabbed her hand and sang to her.  He didn't point her out and have her kicked out! 

Share when you can!  So glad to hear you connected and had a great time! 

One Soompian commented certain people at certain area on the venue didnt really anticipate the FM. Meaning, they sit quietly and didnt scream or sing along. But overall, the vibe was good. But she did told us about the security dragging some fans out from the venue because they tried to take picture :crazy:

@ohgee OMG! The video he wink and kisses!! Hye Bin is one lucky girl. :love::heart:

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11 hours ago, girlyponytail said:

Hi pixelstick, today is D+1 after his Fm, and i'm still experiecing an overwhelming feeling, I try to answer your questions. I think it's better to answer now when I have a fresh memory of him LOL

Well, we're all in standing section. Same with Antoniaclamens (who's standing in B / right section which is in different section with me ( i'm in A / left standing section) I also saw 2 ladies were caught and dragged out because they were taking LJG picture. The securities frequently walked around among the audiences, so I didn't want to take a risk for taking picture during the show. I admired people who was brave enough to take pictures. 

I think the show lasts for 3 hours and 10-15 minutes. He opened the show by running from main stage to the center stage, singing and dancing Lost Frame. Then I forget the title of the next song he sung. After greeting and some chat with his fans from all over the world, he sung accoustic version of I'm Yours and My Lady ( brilliant combination of accoustic and dancing version) he expressed his fondness of local songs during his visit to other countries in Asia Tour, so he started to sing some of them such as Taiwanesse May Day Song, Leslie Cheung 'A Better Tomorrow' Cantonesse Song, the famous Teresa Teng 'Moon Represents My Heart' Chinnesse Song (he told fans how to use the 'instrument toy, you simply just shake it thus create noisy sound', giving instruction of the rhythm beat (he won't stop to teach us until he found the exact rhythm beat that he want LOL) , then he asked us to play that 'instrument toy' during Teresa Teng Song, next he sung Japanesse songs that I don't know the title, and the others Korean songs that I don't know the title also. Anytime he sung foreign song, the foreign fans who familiar with the language, sung together with him. It's not a common fan meeting concert, it's an international fan meeting concert! Fantastic!

After Thank You video, in the middle of his song, fans started to surprise him and take out the happy birthday slogan/banner (provided by his FC) , then his FC showed surprise video to him on the central big screen. It's a video of his picture from little kid LJG  to Wang So. He was touched, he said never thought it's been so long being together like this, his life must be blessed with all the love and support that he's received (he tried hard to hold his tears and so do I -what a touching momment) the fans begun to cheer him up and He promised to do better to repay us. Then it's fans' return to sing him happy birthday both in Korean and English version. He was very happy and showed us a bit of his sword martial art skill before cutting the cake. Very cool LOL

Then he continued to sing his own songs, sorry I only remember some of the title. Fiery Eyes and the Giving Tree. When he sung The Giving Tree, fans start to throw the pink paper plane with 'Always Here and I'll Keep You Here' phrase printed on it (provided by his FC) toward his stage. He, after picking one of the paper plane and read it, was touched again by his fans. 

I believe everything will be fine for him. He knew already how much fans love and support him during Fm. He said he didn't expect all of his fans sung together with him, even he couldn't believe we all jumped together and  He definitely could see our enthusiasm during the show!

Oh yeah, for me he looks OK, he is fine. I have no thin or stress-face-look issue of him. He is extremely handsome, he is billion times more handsome in real than what i've seen before from any media LOL His skin was shinning brightly. I could spot where he was even when the light turned off LOL. 

Just love all of his interactions with his fans. He grabbed every gifts, dolls, hat, even wore that funny blue paper hat when cutting the cake although it ruined his hairstyle LOL

During the Q&A a fan asked him 'what role did he play in CM' and He said sorry he couldn't tell his fans about his role, and I couldn't hear what the interpreter said later because people around me keep screaming LOL in the end he said to wait his performance in July. (please correct me if someone understand what he said better than what i've heard)

Oh I forget to mention the song 'Now'. I also love to watch him singing and dancing 'Sexy Back'. He danced crazyly during BigBang medley: Fantastic Baby, Good Boy, Bang Bang Bang, continued with Gangnam Style, and finished the show with 'Together'. Yes we can do it together now and then!

All of people in front of me were jumping and screaming alot, and never put the 'Thank You' light stick down from our hand during the show, LOL. I even admire Thai fans. They danced full of power just like LJG hahaha I really have fun with him during the show. I recall there were 3 times confetti fell down and 2-3 times I saw pyrothechnics, and colourful laser also frequently used during the show. What a show. A really really a good show. A very entertaining one.


thanks for sharing your beautiful memory :blush:

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My friendly reminder....(and easy links so busy people can participate)

please VOTE for :heart:Lee JOON Gi:heart::

https://www.dramafever.com/dfa5/#best-actor      PLEASE VOTE as often as you like...just keep clicking on the link. Dramafever did have award shows in the past, but not sure about this year.  

https://www.dramafever.com/dfa5/#best-bad-boy     VOTE as often as you like...just keep clicking on the link

https://www.dramafever.com/dfa5/#best-historical-drama  VOTE as often as you like...just keep clicking on the link

https://www.dramafever.com/dfa5/#best-ensemble      VOTE as often as you like...just keep clicking on the link

http://voteformost.net/most-handsome-men-in-the-world-2017-poll/?fv-page=1   Once Daily - Now on page 1 but there are some crazy vote totals for some of the top people. 

http://voteformost.net/most-handsome-korean-actors-2017-poll/  Once Daily - He is #4 now... Only 1200+ more votes to #3. 


Gotta love the onstage perspective from the Director Of Soul!

And this person cleaned up with goodies I'd say.  I see the banner in there.


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Thanks to everyone sharing the pics and vids.

(As some of you from JG Concert SG might already know,) I bought the ticket to seoul and encore concert, but couldn't get out of my investor meeting in Vancouver till Thursday night... and without teleportation ability, I couldn't get myself there on time, so I sent my little cousin there. She couldn't get me much of anything in terms of pics/vids because security was tight, and it was her first concert so she was scared to use her phone to record. Sigh.......

Anyway, still feeling down that I couldn't be there. And very very sad (and kinda feel empty inside) without an IG update from JG after concert. I wonder how long this SNS chokehold will last. I hope not long. Truly truly hope there will be an update soon, because my life isn't complete without the goofball JG on IG/Twitter.

A lot of fans are commenting now on his last post on IG about how much they miss him, and how they all hope he will update us on his birthday. I left a note or two there too. Maybe, some of you can lend a voice too, if you want? Hoping that if they realize that how much fans are looking forward to it, they will relent on the SNS ban.

Fingers crossed. Toes crossed.

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On 4/13/2017 at 9:57 AM, lyserose said:

Just to get some clarification here.....I never watched season 1 of My Ear's Candy but I read from fellow commentators at AKP that in Season 1, the program featured Seo Jang Hoon as one of the participants and you can check his profile - the guy is MARRIED. So, I don't know where this basis of "single status" came from unless TvN's MEC team decided to change the contract clause and specifically mentioned that MEC Season 2 to comprise of only single participants.

And not to blindly defend LJG, but single status should refer to permanent status. Unless that he is married, he is still legitimately single but not available. So, there's no breaching of any term there, if there's any.




Edited by zahraaajoongi
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On 4/13/2017 at 6:27 AM, NoonaE said:

I wonder why Namoo hasn't thought of 'selling' the merchandise online at an accessible platform like for example 'Koari', especially since JG has his official Japanese fanclub (Splendor). I used to buy a lot of merchandises, CDs and DVDs there and to be honest, the proxy services for buying stuffs from Japan are more easily reached than the ones for Korean stores/ websites.

I saw his latest pic on IG before it was deleted. To me he just looked tired and I just hope that he'll be able to sleep better after the FM. I always love his figure back in 2015 with rounder, chubbier cheeks and some more kgs. his recent look is too thin for my liking even though I have to admit that his abs are quite toned now hahaha thanks to the sneak peek he accidentally gave us during the Singapore event lol. But I think he'll adjust his look for his recent role. I am sooo curious to see which CM character adaptation he's going to play. I'd love him to be Dr. Reid but Morgan is also fine.

@jade715 this was exactly what I've been saying to some disappointed fellow fans who talked to me after the dating news. I was like: It's ok to be upset but please spare the dude the benefit of the doubt! I know some of them might have thought that I am such a foolish, blind fan who seems to be okay with every little thing JG does but seriously... it's not like he's committing a very serious offense anyway. I would be furious if Dispatch revealed not only his secret dates with JHB but also his other secret dates with *insert co-star names here please* at the same time! lol... that would make me truly disappointed. But no, it's only this one lady lol... and it's not something 'new' for us anyway, it couldn't have bothered me anymore lol and I have peacefully moved on. The uncalled hatred, though, is the one that saddens me the most from this situation. But just like what you and everybody else here have said: this will reveal the true, mature fans of him.

I hope we'll get some updates on his FM on Sat. I have missed our actor's presence so much.

And thank you for the voting links... will be voting daily now.

Have a good day, fellow JG angels! :wub:

Sorry iam new here but what do you mean by secrets dating with his other co-stars ... you mean during his relation with jhb or before... sorry but iam feeling misled here

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