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[Drama 2023-2024] Elegant Empire - 우아한 제국 - Mon to Fri @ 7:50 KST


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New info about episodes.


  • No episode aired on November 10 due to the broadcast of the KBO 2023 Korean Series, Game 3.
  • No episode will air on November 14 due to the broadcast of the KBO 2023 Korean Series, Game 6.
  • Episodes 59 & 60 will air back-to-back on November 17.

Cr. https://wiki.d-addicts.com/The_Elegant_Empire/Episode_Ratings

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So, the first thing for me to note is that they finally replaced the actor for Flamingo. Though to be fair the scenes that they tried to re-edit him in weren’t all that great especially if we notice the courtroom scene where the female lead ends up with her miscarriage. If we look at that scene, we can still see the original actor in the background. But enough of the mistakes and let’s get on with the show itself.


Folks I really don’t want to say this, but this is actually a good time to drop this show because at this point it is literally starting to get repetitive. Now I know people say that if you have 10 of these shows this is normal but that isn’t what I mean. Over here they are literally reusing the same plots from this story itself. Come on please get more creative. Not only that the priorities of some of these characters are just plain weird. Will also get into that in a bit.


But let’s start with the actor change. Apparently, it came more than just that. He gets not only a wardrobe change but also an attitude change as well. Killing people seems to be a walk in the park for him. Granted he works through a proxy but still. Not sure what I think of him now. But regardless at this point I think that we can all agree that he is a really terrible person who probably doesn’t deserve any redemption. Sorry but I can’t buy the excuse that I was treated terribly so I did xyz.


So now you must all be wondering how the story is repeating itself and how we could have finished it quicker. Let’s therefore start with the fact that he Flamingo is sending one of his companies actress to be with other politicians. The same thing that he did with Eun-Ha. She is also starting to feel depressed because of that. Fortunately, I don’t think that she will die but still. So, I guess we know who is fully responsible for Eun Ha’s depression or death at this point.


Actually, this brings me to another point so forgive me for switching tracks. While reading the earlier comments I noticed that people were guessing who the mystery person was in the secret room. Which we eventually discovered to be the chairman. I have a fun thing to say about it which resulted me in laughing about the result. Like literally five seconds before the reveal I made my guess that it would be the chairman. I didn’t think that they would reveal this so soon. Only to find to my surprise and amusement that I was correct in my guess about the chairman and that they decided to prove me wrong and decided to reveal him at just that moment.


To be honest he was a logical assumption if we base it of a few simple facts.


As pointed out by the posters over here, hiding the identity of the person is a classic trick to not let people figure out who the person really is and from someone we already know. This led to three possible options. Eun Ha, female leads sister and finally the chairman. Following this we need to realize that this show isn’t a horror or sci-fi show sadly so this automatically should eliminate the first two options. Let me explain.


Both of the former two need to be dead for good reason. It is the motivating factor for the actions of CEO Na and the female lead to take revenge against Flamingo. So, in other words their deaths need to be confirmed. This is also seen by the fact that Na rushed both woman to the hospital as well and confirmed their deaths. He was at Eun Ha’s funeral and Flamingo and family were totally unaware of her death until he brought it up. If she was actually alive his revenge would not have so much merit and perhaps the audience might even start to pity Flamingo. The same can be said for the female leads sister. Her death was one of the motivating factors that the female lead uses to get revenge on Flamingo to the point that she is tricking people into believing that her sister still is in the States undergoing treatment.


Actually, do you think that simply sending one Deep Fake video should be enough? She should probably do a whole lot more. But let’s ignore that for the time being.


So, as I pointed out this sort of eliminates these two for the time being. The other point is who would Flamingo want to keep in his secret room as well. Eun Ha would only be there if he had some kind of perverse nature and was keeping her body as a trophy, or in some kind of preservation maybe he wants to clone her body and get back with her. If she was already alive that would make it even worse. So, in other words, couldn’t really be her. As for the female leads sister, we already know for a fact that she was dead. Fortunately, she wasn’t able to be identified but even then, why would he keep her. It would only work if he knew for a fact that the female lead was pretending to be someone else, or she was still alive. Then I could perhaps understand his motivation in keeping her sister as a potential hostage. Perhaps this could even have made the story more interesting. But alas this is not the case. Not only that, he doesn’t even like or have feelings for either sister. Compared against perhaps Eun Ha.


In other words, the only option remaining had to be the right one. But to be fair K-Drama logic should never be compared to actual logic. Because now I am actually wondering how he faked the chairman’s death in the first place. But I guess I will figure it out later on by perhaps rewatching episodes that I missed or fast forwarded.


Now back to things that the show is repeating. Jackie is pregnant. What a surprise. But how she is going about things is amusing to say the least. When the female lead returns with her new identity she approaches Flamingo and Jackie eventually finds her is a sort of compromising position. Well she feels like hey if that trick worked once why don’t I do the same. Next thing we know is she is doing the same thing. Probably worse since she is actually caught kissing Flamingo. regardless of the fact that he was forced to do so. Female lead tried her level best to cause issues between Jackie and Flamingo so that they were forced to breakup. Well, she has been taking notes over here. I will do the same. Will pop up unannounced or leave my stockings to cause misunderstandings etc..


Do we really need all these repetitive scenes. I don’t think so. Look I get it that it may seem unbelievable that Jackie is still madly in love with Flamingo even after he tried to kill her and whatnot. But apparently when someone is in love, they do weird stuff. I actually heard something in real life. Someone’s Ex-Wife is contacted to find out that the person contacting her is her Ex’s current wife. They talk. The current wife isn’t so happy, so the Ex advises her to get a divorce and move on. But the wife responds that they have already invested so much in her life she can’t think of not only doing that but that she is sure that it can work out because she loves him. So, Jackie’s behavior doesn’t come of strange to me after hearing such a tale. Had I not heard of it then I would have agreed why does she still want to be with him. Raise your kid all alone like other single mothers or move on.


Okay you must be wondering why the priorities of these characters isn’t correct. The female lead is trying to get evidence to bring Flamingo down. To the point that she decides to move into his house to do so. Okay no problem here but I do wonder about her IQ level at times. First, we have her thinking that she is Wonder Woman. Comes to the rescue of an old lady that Flamingo has abducted of sorts. Nothing wrong over here. But after getting her in the car she notices that she is being chased by Flamingo’s trusted right-hand man/thug. The smart thing to do would be to get into the car as well and escape. Instead, she decides to run away allowing him to nearly expose her. What was she thinking. That she could outrun or overpower the guy because she had superpowers.


Moving on to her intelligence issues. She is searching for evidence in the house, so she uses an elaborate ploy to get a couple of hackers to break into Flamingo’s computer but finds nothing. Okay I would normally have no issues with this plan but that is until we realize she could have done one better. We know that she is aware that the chairman is still alive and hidden in that house. She also suspects where. A better strategy over her would be to try and break him out. All she needs to do at this point is get the chairman to do a press conference and not only is he not protected but his current family can do absolutely nothing about it. I guess they are planning to expose him at some meeting at the company for similar results. But hey you can do both things just go with whatever timing is better.


Don’t say that this isn’t possible. Puppy Oppa’s uncle is a former cop he must know people in this line of work or even a locksmith perhaps who can break down that door. Even if Flamingo has alarms set up by the time he probably arrives or sends someone it should be too late. The more she delays he will have time to set up counter measures. Now people may try and argue that her former MiL is still in the house. I am sure if the female lead was actually smart, she could find some reason for her to briefly leave. Perhaps a decoy message. Since the female lead doesn’t necessarily have to be there for the rescue. Sure, it would help. But even then, she can for instance use Flamingo’s phone and use it to ask the MiL to go get something as it is important, perhaps some documents. Or she could use it for herself. Then while she is out delivering them Operation Rescue Chairman can take place.


Instead, her priority is to find other evidence. Which I don’t deny could be important to take Flamingo down. But let’s see what he can be charged with and what he can get away unless the evidence against him is solid. I think at this point we can all agree that his past embezzlement issues might not be so valid because the chairman foolishly covered it up simply because he was his son or didn’t take any serious actions. Had this been real life and he not be related to the chairman the company could take serious legal actions against him. As of now he probably doesn’t need to steal company funds so we should probably ignore this until proven otherwise.


The attempted murder on people is sadly not going to stick. The chairman is still alive as is the female lead. He could probably be charged with manslaughter I guess for her sister. But even that may not stick. Why is this. Well first of all there is no proof linking him to any of this. Apart from the chairman he was never at the sites of the accident personally. Both of the sisters first accident and her fatal road accident as well. Does he have motive true to an extent but without evidence motive doesn’t mean much. What is worse is that if things seem really bad for him, he can throw the actual perpetrator under the bus. After all he actually did all the dirty work over here. So unless he has some kind of recording or evidence saying otherwise Flamingo is probably going to get away with this scott free.


But when it comes to his father things are a bit different. He has kept his father in captivity for some time now. That is probably a solid kidnapping charge against him. He can’t even lie and say that it was for his own protection because he faked his death. Everyone involved in that committed a crime. Not only that, but it was also a murder case to boot. So, a lot of people are aware that he was declared dead. So, this isn’t going to work. In this case he has to pay the piper. Will he go to jail or be slapped on the wrist remains to be seen. But at this point the sane thing to do is the chairman should get a restraining order against his current family after they are exposed and perhaps even some sort of protection until they are punished properly. Alas this being a drama don’t keep up your hopes too high in regard to this.


So, it has finally been confirmed that Puppy Oppa is indeed the corrupt politician’s son. Now the only thing remaining over here to make it more amusing is the reveal that the politician is also Flamingo’s father. I know that this will never happen. But hey why strike out now with the absurdity factor. But overall, I am not so sure what angle the writer was going with this reveal. I mean sure I suspected that, but the reveal was a whole lot confusing in a way. For instance, I can get why he was the father here and why he may have been sort of hesitant to admit this. Even him wanting to have the kid aborted I can understand. What I don’t get was one of his statements. Turns out the guy was recently married. So, wait he wasn’t living with Puppy Oppa’s mother, was she his girl on the side and she was initially not aware of his marriage. Did he suddenly decide to get married and not let her know until he decided to give her the breakup news and she informs him of her pregnancy? I also understand that would make him look bad if people found out but still.


Also, just how easy is it to find dirt on other politicians yet none of his rivals have ever decided to do a through background search on him. Just how well has he been living his double life. It should be fun when Flamingo discovers this plot and tries to blackmail him with said details.


Flamingo revenge plot is way to weak on CEO Na. He is just bitter that Na reported him to his father, so he decided to ruin his life and steal his girl. Oh, please grow up. It will certainly be more amusing if we later on discover that Na wasn’t even responsible for that in the first place.


Now remember when I earlier brought up the fact that the corrupt politician and Flamingo could be related. Sure, I was joking but one can’t deny the fact that they have similarities. Though to be fair that can probably be explained by the fact that the politician was grooming him for ages by taking advantage of his insecurities and all. But if you don’t like that then one can assume that they are so close because they are related.


Do we think that the female lead sort of feels bad for Jackie at this point. I really hope that she tries to at least beat some sense into her. After all, after her sister’s death she at least managed to wake up. I do wonder what could snap Jackie back to reality. I can totally understand why she suddenly values family but even then, this is too much.


So here is what I suspect is going to happen by the end of the show. Jackie is probably going to end up with Na. They do tend to care about each other to an extent. While he doesn’t get the girl he liked he will end up with her sister. They can quietly raise her child and look after her mother. Be happy I guess. She also will apologize to the female lead for trying to ruin her life.


Bitna is harder to figure out at this point. Regardless of her actual parentage I doubt that she will end up with Puppy Oppa. Perhaps when she figures out that her dad was responsible for both his upbringing and what he did to his mother she may even decide to help them out get crucial evidence against him. Remember the Female Lead has pointed out that criminals can never trust each other and that they always have some kind of insurance plan to use against their partners if things look bad for them. In this case she is certain that both Flamingo and the corrupt politician are the same and she is searching for them. It would therefore make perfect sense if Bitna was on their side because she has no means to get said evidence. Unless Puppy Oppa decides to pretend to like Bitna just to get access to her house. That would be cruel on a whole other level. Therefore, I can see Bitna be more willing to help them for her own reasons and the best way would be her discovering her fathers’ actions. She is already sort of against him because she has a general ideal of what he is like.


Senior actors might end up back together because the corrupt politician needs to go down. To be fair his wife can also join team Female Lead/Puppy for a few reasons. Especially if she discovers her husband’s betrayal. But also, because senior actors current love interest has terminal cancer. This means that she may last till the end hopefully. But her time in this world is limited. If as some people are suspecting that Bitna is the Senior actor’s daughter then it is another reason for him to get back with his Ex-Wife. Plus, that is something Puppy Oppas mother would approve of. Him taking responsibility for his actions. Come to think about it, Bitna is probably indeed their daughter. She doesn’t seem like her father in any way so far. She doesn't approve of his lies. Well, she did lie about her identity but I guess we can give it a pass since she didn’t want to live under his roof. Even if they don’t end up together, I guess they can at least remain as better friends at this point.


Though to be fair how is it that these women managed to get pregnant with other people’s kid and weren’t the wiser. I mean Flamingo’s mother always thought that her kid was the chairman’s biological kid until she decided to get a DNA test which said otherwise. What got her suspicious enough to do that. Was the chairman not aware that she was initially seeing someone else. How soon did she break up with Flamingo’s father and marry the chairman. Sorry but I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. She seems to have passed on her ruthlessness onto her son. She has said so that if the chairman doesn’t treat his son properly now, she might do something extreme. Her son has already crossed that line.


Other than that, the only other plot line that really needs to be resolved is the one regarding the hidden CCTV that the chairman gave to his granddaughter for protection. Who is going to discover it first and how. Also, just what is on it. Frankly it better be more than Flamingo attempting to murder the chairman. At this point I want him confessing to numerous other crimes of his when he thinks that the chairman was sleeping and not aware of his actions. That would be way more fun. Also, I just realized that the chairman should have dementia or the starting of it. It was after all one of the reasons why he had that secret camera installed and whatnot. Also, why he wasn’t taking such an active part in the companies’ management. Yet now it seems like after his coma he doesn’t have amnesia, but his mental state seems to be a whole lot better. The joke of the magic IV makes more sense now.


Anyway, I have to go now. Have a sort of mini headache. So will go rest. Till then take care all of you and keep posting. Though I am seriously thinking about dropping this show at this point. I just don’t have the time I once used to have.

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56 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

Finally she catch him on act


 Flamingo's response


Hallelujah it is a miracle my father is still alive. this is a miracle.

Female Lead you are magic. Had you come sooner what other wonders could you performs for us


Her response

Really is this some kind of K-Drama I would have suspected that this would be a revenge genre. but I must be mistaken


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