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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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Funny, I'm watching Dong Yi right now, just about the point where Queen Inhyun is getting ousted despite Dong Yi (HHJ)'s valiant efforts to prove her innocent. It is rather satisfying to know that Inhyun's actress is getting a happy ending (with a guy she DOESN'T have to share), even if Inhyun didn't have the happiest life ever. Also nice to see that HJ and PHS are friends enough in real life to celebrate together today.

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Good day hyolics! Congratulations to Park Ha Sun...i'm glad to see that our hyojoo attended her wedding! It's a sweet reunion for Dongyi family! :)Dongyi is definitely one of my favorite kdrama! :heart:

Our girl will start shooting her new movie by the end of this month right? Hopefully she can relax and gather enough strength for her upcoming hectic schedule! So excited for her new movie! 

God bless everyone! God bless to your hyojoo! As our girl's always wish to her fans,

"Be Happy Always Hyolics" :heart:

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@keisha15 On another thread I saw a comment that they started filming the other day. But the source was an instagram post from someone on the filming crew?? and the person later took it down (the IS post, not the Soompi one). And around the same time, I saw news that yet another person had been cast for the movie. So I am not really sure when filming starts for real, but I assume it's around now.

I've been watching a lot of HJ's older work this winter (where I live is COLD, and you're basically trapped inside for large swathes of time), and I'm impressed at the quiet but consistent girl power in the roles she chooses. I didn't expect to see that in some kinds of things (like saeguks). I really hope she has more than just a small cameo in this version of Golden Slumber--she has so much talent, I hope they put it to good use!

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I know you guys already saw these , I just want to update here.hahaha

Dong Yi days feels, huh..



Cute fan art. 


I  read on ig that she was spotted filming last week. With regards to her new hairstyle,  I think it would be better if it's black. She looks matured with that hair color..

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I'm sad to see you go @kaz11 :( I hope you change your mind or at least bless us with your posts every now and then! It's always fun discussing the more serious topics with you lol.

Anyway, sad to see the bangs back lol. but her new hairstyle is the same one from W, so not really new... She looks gorgeous in the new ads tho :D 

I miss seeing her face consistently so I hope we see more of her real soon. 


Thanks for all the updates everyone! I'm the worse thread leader ever haha but I really appreciate you guys for updating this thread in my absence ^_^ 

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Happy New Year everyone :) 

I love seeing HHJ and PSJ together LOL. But speaking of Beauty Inside... Hollywood's adapting it and Emilia Clarke will be playing Hyo Joo's role. I hope Hyo Joo will get a cameo as one of the Woojins :3

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8 hours ago, ohnoitscindy said:

Happy New Year everyone :) 

I love seeing HHJ and PSJ together LOL. But speaking of Beauty Inside... Hollywood's adapting it and Emilia Clarke will be playing Hyo Joo's role. I hope Hyo Joo will get a cameo as one of the Woojins :3

Apparently NEW (production company of BI) is also thinking of a drama remake of Beauty Inside.. they are still discussing.. but I can't think of anyone else as Yi Soo. Lol

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Hahaha isn't China doing a remake of Beauty Inside as well? I remember reading Hyo Joo was supposed to make a cameo in it. I'm happy for everyone involved in Beauty Inside because it must feel so great being greatly acknowledged on an international level like this. 

I miss our girl T-T I want to see a photo of her with Kang Dong Won already lol.

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Wow that would be a good news for our girl! I'm also waiting for her cameo role for BI chinese version :)

Hoping also for more news and photos of our girl while filming GS....^_^

I love her Basic House photos!... such a gorgeous lady, her long legs is to die for! Haha....

Have a Good day hyolics, hope our journey w/ our dear Hyojoo this year is much more colorful and enjoyable! Glad to be part of this precious thread! Thank you for all your updates!

@ohnoitscindy i think i haven't thank you yet for creating this thread! Miane... Thank you so much our dear Leader! :):blush::heart:

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A US remake of the popular 2015 Korean film ‘The Beauty Inside’ is in the works and recently cast none other than the ‘Game of Thrones’ star Emilia Clarke.

Clarke will play the female lead role originally portrayed by Han Hyo Joo.

Amelia Clarke, Beauty Inside

‘The Beauty Inside’ movie poster (photo credits: Yong Film)

Fox 2000 successfully won the rights over five other competitors, including Universal, Sony and Lionsgate to produce the remake of the Korean movie. They acquired the rights for $2 million.

Reportedly, a stellar team will work behind the scenes of this American rendition.

The creative minds from ‘The Fault in Our Stars’, Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber will pen the script. Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey, the producers behind hits ‘Maze Runner’ and ‘The Twilight Saga’ will also join the production.

The film is about Woo Jin, a man with a unique fate of waking up as a different person every morning. Then one day he falls in love with Yi Soo, a woman he met along his everyday journey.


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