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[OFFICIAL] ♥Lee Dong Wook♥ Yoo In Na ♥ Pichi Couple/Ointment Couple

Yoo In Na

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Hello and thank you!

Well, I love that our Pichis possibilities for starting a family are even clearer with this excellent news (big family house). It seems to me that Ldw has changed, in every aspect, he no longer flirts too much with his co-actors and he seems more mature & happier, he even said at one point that that he was fine and actually very happy.I think he is ready 'to share' now haha.

Honestly I find this long absence of InNa very strange. And I also remember that Ldw had told us last year that he had to grind his back working without stop until Feb. 2024, I was curios.Some of the answers he has given to his fans, the music on his playlist, Wookdong that has always seemed to me something 'probably (secret)' in common with InNa,a.s.o. Small-big changes.

Hopefully they are together and ready to expect children (or already expecting? lol) 🤭🥰


PS. I also read last year that IU will possible move to a luxus big Penthouse in a new attractive sector, end 2023.(?)


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On 2/22/2024 at 12:37 AM, Lunitaaa said:

Hello and thank you!

Well, I love that our Pichis possibilities for starting a family are even clearer with this excellent news (big family house). It seems to me that Ldw has changed, in every aspect, he no longer flirts too much with his co-actors and he seems more mature & happier, he even said at one point that that he was fine and actually very happy.I think he is ready 'to share' now haha.

Honestly I find this long absence of InNa very strange. And I also remember that Ldw had told us last year that he had to grind his back working without stop until Feb. 2024, I was curios.Some of the answers he has given to his fans, the music on his playlist, Wookdong that has always seemed to me something 'probably (secret)' in common with InNa,a.s.o. Small-big changes.

Hopefully they are together and ready to expect children (or already expecting? lol) 🤭🥰


PS. I also read last year that IU will possible move to a luxus big Penthouse in a new attractive sector, end 2023.(?)



Hi, i’m amazingyooinna please delete your post that you stole from me. I event not post this video in my page only in story because this from goblin dvd cut. I hate people cutted my watermark, i working so hard to translated that video by my self but you not ask me first for this. So please delete this. Thank you!



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HELLO PICHI COMMUNITY and @pichicouple  


This is so unpleasant, such an extreme way of judging before listening to the other part, I am shocked by the aggressiveness and prejudices I find. Well, I DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING AND I EXPLAINED TO HER WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN INSTA.
But here some people are quick to judge, fx.  @Almondcroissant (and maybe ohers too) who apparently is very different from me and makes it noticeable silently.  The video was on tweeter, it was edited from before, I didn't take anything away from it nor did I know it was hers , because I always remember to give her, and others, credit when I see the name.
I looked for it in my accounts and it was actually from TWEETER and was already edited.


The old videos are all published, edited and these found on all Social Networks, also FB.

It is already very difficult to know the Original owner. I understood @amazing's complaint and reacted immediately when entering INST.


I am Latin American from a very different culture than Korean, and I have lived in Europe almost all my life where I'm educated, I have gone to University and worked for many years as professional in Pedagogy, with a  Mention in Psychology, but that HAS NO IMPORTANCE FOR ME when I talk to people. I am a simple person, very relaxed and I don't get upset with such marginal things( and I don't give importance to social status) especially in a light activity like this where it would be good to be more litters and have fun. 

What in one Culture it is highly criticized or not accepted, in others it is not, there are very strict and authoritarian and rule-oriented cultures, more conservative and others not.

The Euro-Nordics (DK) cuture are (we are) very relaxed and social-democratic as you may have heard, It seems to me that Korean culture is quite different from DK.


The matter is already quite trivial, but I see that it needs clarification, which is why I am writing. Of course the goblin video was immediately deleted from my accounts but I am clear that it will remain on the network as it was. It's been a long time and almost ALL the videos and posts are edited many times. That was it. NO THEFT OF ANYTHING, NO BAD INTENTION.
What a shame people are so quick to judge and act without knowing ANYTHING about the other person or the situation, one could ask first. Some people have almost 0 tolerance or empathy, more ego.

Stay healthy, calm and glad 


Lunita (an older lady)

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  • 1 month later...

How’s everyone doing? It’s a Han River and Peach day today as Wookdong answers fans’ questions. I love Wookie so much for doing this - it’s all Inna related. 


Bonus: He says Wookdong’s MBTI is CUTE. This line is from Bora Deborah. Of course Wookie would have watched Bora Deborah hehe. 



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@Almondcroissant long time no post! This site has been very quiet (I've been keeping myself occupied by following the Junho-Yoona ship online). Missed those posts on Instagram, but my work has been keeping me very busy and off social media for the most part (I haven't been able to watch a K-Drama in over a month!).


Those Insta posts are very direct, aren't they? So awesome. Maybe with Seho getting married, LDW has finally decided that it's time for him to settle down, as well.


We can all keep hoping! Thanks for keeping the flame alive!

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3 hours ago, AkiChan said:

This site has been very quiet (I've been keeping myself occupied by following the Junho-Yoona ship online

Hello! It’s so good to hear from you! I’ve been busy too and Pichi has been quiet the past few months so there was nothing to post. With Inna not having any casting news, things have been so quiet. I do wonder why she’s not taking a drama and only doing MC work. It’s low stress I guess and gives her time to do other things like supervise a certain house renovation perhaps? Or wedding prep haha. 

I admire you for having the courage to join another ship. For me Pichi is my final ship, I can’t take the emotional rollercoaster and let downs. Good luck with your new ship! Let’s hope for the final end game for Pichi too! 

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@AlmondcroissantThank you sooo much for your post. For a couple of months I've been awfully busy as well and exhausted.

I've been checking this forum often only to know there was no news.

Photos of peaches make us very happy. Wook must know what "the peach" means.


@AkiChan I totally agree with you!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I'm new here, I just finished watching Goblin and fell in love with the grim reaper and sunny, found out they made another tv show together and I'm obsessed with them, it's been years since I shipped a couple and I don't know what to do, I want them to star in another drama so much =( I only have one episode of Touch of your heart to see and I have no idea what to do with my life once it's finished. Send help!!

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@Ceinwynie! Welcome to our little community! I came a little late to this Forum also (years after TYH aired). I think the original contributors have long fallen off and only us true and faithful still remain (just kidding!).


Go back a few hundred pages and enjoy some of the insights and/or past postings. There's a lot of good information in these pages.


Keep your fingers crossed that we have some good news forthcoming this year!

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Today, Lee Dong Wook chating with the fans. 

"I asked you to look out the window and take a deep breath. Open the window and listen to the recommended song "🌬





from Twt. Lyric in Eng. too



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I'm SOOO happy to report that (US based) Raku-Viki has relicensed Touch Your Heart! I binge watched 7 episodes last night. I had forgotten how much fun the show is and how happy it makes me.


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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@Ceinwynie  Hello! How do you do and welcome.

I know anyone who has watched Goblin and TYH is enchanted by Pichi's chemistry.


@Lunitaaa Thank you for the information. I listened to the song and found  it  good for holidays.


@AkiChan It's a good news that you can watch TYH again. Ep7 and 8 are my favourite.


For these couple of weeks I've been awfully busy and tired and this forum is only oasis for me.


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@ZafiroI have seen that article before. I was trending right after she said it — back when she was on that relationship show with all the foreigner panelists.


Is it trending because IU is in a serious relationship now? Hmmmm? Clearly it is recent since it mentioned the new Gong Yoo/Song Hye colab in the teaser line.


Yes!!I got to rewatch TYH all over again (for I don’t know — the tenth time? I’ve rewatched certain episodes many many times, tho). Episodes 7-8 where they are just starting their relationship are definitely high on my list. I also love Episode 11 and Episode 14. But I just love that entire series. I live Goblin, too—but I have to be in the right mood to watch it, because it’s just so sad on so many levels, whereas TYH (except for episode 13) is just pure happiness.


I know I’ve said this many times on this Forum, but I do think all signs point to this year where we get an announcement that they got married two years ago, or that they got married last weekend. Like the article says, she would only want her closest friends (who wouldn’t betray her with leaking photos), so maybe they already are? And LDW was simply testing the waters as to how his fans would react to the news when he had his last fan meet. One can only hope!



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Hello! So good to hear from you :)

It sounds also good that pichi maybe :wub: could getting married this year. hehe..


I have been thinking that It would be interesting to know news about the 'house', is it real or not? I think that could helps to be more clear ,you know.  

Yes, about IU it goes back yo that Show and she also said that if she wanted to get married obviously she would do it, she would not let it go.


This ship is the first and also the last one for me, it has been too many years and one somehow gets involved in the topic which makes it exhausting lol. my first and last Korean ship. I haven't been excited about any other drama. They don't surpass Pichi haha :heart2beat:
For me, pichi really fell in love and it was very obvious, I can't imagine Ldw without Yin, I think he would never leave her, it's just my wish:love:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all PICHI shippers! This is going to be a long post, and been thinking in my head over n over again whether i should make a post here? so feel free to skip below, all i wanted to say is how this forum had brighten up my days, and how i was amazed by all of your eagle eyes and analysis. FOR A HAPPY ENDING!!! 

I'm a second-gen kpop fan since early 2000, watching k-variety, k-drama, thou i'm super picky.... *wiNkz*


Being new here, and been reading (back readingggggg) this forum for the past few weeks. After i rewatch 도깨비 after so many years, and of coz cried a river again. i had fall in-love with PICHI since Goblin day, but went into motherhood right after that, and i must said i stopped watching k-drama all tgt due to the craziness of having 2 young childrens.... till only this few months that i start picking up drama again.. and rmb i had yet to watch TYH!!!

Thats why i decide to rewatch Goblin becoz i want to prep my heart and get ready to watch TYH, i'm crazy to had waited this long..... and i had rewatch at least 7 times just this past few weeks... its treasuree i must says...

Like many of you said, the little little details BTS, interview between uri wookie and inna unnie is just pure love. 

What really strike me is, if PICHI has no meaning to them, wouldnt it be awkward for wookie to keep mentioning how he lovesssss peach and the way he crafted wookdongie? heehee

*raise hand - confession time* I had a hard time watching TONT bcoz of the FL (oopss), i'm stucked at EPI 2... struggle for a week before i tried to watch again... i just managed to finish watching it by skipping most of the middle part especially where the FL appears... but still i cried so much at the end... more for Yeon n Rang!!! 

i'm gonna slowly catch back the dramas i had missed.

Lastly, lets all wait patiently for good news, i believe in the power of positive mind!! 

*hiding back into my cave* annyeong~~~


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On 5/18/2024 at 12:38 PM, xiahtism said:



Welcome back :)

It's good to read new comments.


We've been waiting for them in a long time, it's true, our Pichi couple is adorable and I also think that all this cute stuff about the 'peaches' and wearing 'similar colored clothes' points to the fact that they have a lovely relationship.
I like we can support them and comment freely with patience and pleasure what we think in this Forum.

Yes, they are the 'peaches' and also the 'strawberries' lol, with which DongWook has been teased very often by friends on TV and this continue to these days. 


The silence from them can sometimes tell more than words.

I have the feeling the relationship has not always been easy for them, let us hope they soon can give us happy news  :)


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wookie came onto bubble today as well, talking about ended his filming earlier today. chatting with fans on how he always came onto bubble on monday, and maybe he should log onto bubble on other day of the week instead, naughty as usual. 

and he left w today song recommendation -
Nothing To Be Scared Of by Kacey Musgraves

and left the chat with "오노추를 남기며 총총총 🍑"

ending w a peach... a peach... a PICHI~~~~ this boy~~ kekeke

Sorry i did not screenshot like how @Almondcroissant did as always, i'm not that professional...

coz bubble apps pop up w a warning!! 
so i'm not sure can i do that??? mianhae~~....

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18 minutes ago, xiahtism said:

ending w a peach... a peach... a PICHI~~~~ this boy~~ kekeke

Sorry i did not screenshot how @Almondcroissant did as , i'm not that professional...

coz bubble apps pop up w a warning!! 
so i'm not sure can i do that??? mianhae~~....



Hello! And welcome to our humble thread! So nice to have new shippers here!!


He talked a lot about Monday didn’t he? Because Inna’s detective program airs on Mondays that’s why haha. He knew we clever shippers would catch him so he said he will come to bubble on other days instead of Monday. Please Wookie, no need for that, we know how transparent you are lol. 

Happy to oblige with the peach screenshot. I was so happy to see it too. Mind you, this time it’s Dong Wook and peach, not Wookdong and peach haha. Our boy sure has it bad lol. 


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