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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] Royal Nirvana 鹤唳华亭


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I am usually a silence reader but this drama urged me to post something here. Kudos to @Reverie and @bluehibiscus for your translations and insights! This is an extremely complicated and different kind of C-Drama, which really giving me an inspiration to join this thread.


About your different points on the bipolar behavior of CP, I find myself agreed with both @Reverie and @bluehibiscus. His actions toward Wenxi now become intolerable and difficult for the viewer to sympathize by the first look, with multiple type of abuse (mentally and physically). But I will blame it for the editing/cutting of the series (they are originally 72 episodes) and also there is not so much clear dialogues and self-explanations/interior monologues that we are usually seen in other drama. It makes makes the second half of the drama become a spiral of exhaustion, with repeated torture and failure for the protagonist's side. But with the analyse of @bluehibiscus , I found it reasonable, based on the fact that CP are already are character with inner conflict.


Back in the day, he still have someone he can trust around him (Teacher Lu, Wenxi's father, Gu Feng'en his childhood friend and cousin, his wife). These people are presented as his rare point of consolation, and especially moral compass when he lost his way. But now all are gone: 3 was dead, 1 was sent away. So there is no one there to stop him when he derailed to the dark side of his character, which he took from his father. This tendency become more visible when the drama entered it second half. I think this trait has contribute to his harshness toward Wenxi. Moreover, as explained by bluehibiscus in the previous post, he is also impacted by one side his doubt ans untrust, but the other side a growing affection for Wenxi, which may be the cause of his hot and cold reaction. 


As for Wenxi, I would like to note that she has always have a soft spot for CP, even she has committed to erased it when take the cover of Gu Neiren. She is always a strong and independent character, as she can always save herself out of life-and-death situation. The reason why she still decided to stay in the East Palace, I suppose is a mix between an urge of revenge for her family by the position of a Neiren, and the lingering feelings for the CP, but I suspect that the first reason are ways stronger for her. As what happen in the end of ep 51 (when she knows that CP have planned to covering up for Zhang Lu Zhen in regards of Lu Ying's case), and she has been tied up, waiting for a punishment in the recent trailer, her confronting look when CP comes in... that shows a change of heart and a determination when it comes to the enemy of her family. I guess that she has done something with the message of CP to ZLZ and being busted. When the times come, she will seized it with her keen eyes. No, she have never staying by his side and bearing all those violence only because of her heart, but rather a clear goal to achieved by any price, even it it means to playing behind the back of the one she loves.



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19 minutes ago, fattyfingers said:

I am usually a silence reader but this drama urged me to post something here. Kudos to @Reverie and @bluehibiscus for your translations and insights! This is an extremely complicated and different kind of C-Drama, which really giving me an inspiration to join this thread.


About your different points on the bipolar behavior of CP, I find myself agreed with both @Reverie and @bluehibiscus. His actions toward Wenxi now become intolerable and difficult for the viewer to sympathize by the first look, with multiple type of abuse (mentally and physically). But I will blame it for the editing/cutting of the series (they are originally 72 episodes) and also there is not so much clear dialogues and self-explanations/interior monologues that we are usually seen in other drama. It makes makes the second half of the drama become a spiral of exhaustion, with repeated torture and failure for the protagonist's side. But with the analyse of @bluehibiscus , I found it reasonable, based on the fact that CP are already are character with inner conflict.


Back in the day, he still have someone he can trust around him (Teacher Lu, Wenxi's father, Gu Feng'en his childhood friend and cousin, his wife). These people are presented as his rare point of consolation, and especially moral compass when he lost his way. But now all are gone: 3 was dead, 1 was sent away. So there is no one there to stop him when he derailed to the dark side of his character, which he took from his father. This tendency become more visible when the drama entered it second half. I think this trait has contribute to his harshness toward Wenxi. Moreover, as explained by bluehibiscus in the previous post, he is also impacted by one side his doubt ans untrust, but the other side a growing affection for Wenxi, which may be the cause of his hot and cold reaction. 


As for Wenxi, I would like to note that she has always have a soft spot for CP, even she has committed to erased it when take the cover of Gu Neiren. She is always a strong and independent character, as she can always save herself out of life-and-death situation. The reason why she still decided to stay in the East Palace, I suppose is a mix between an urge of revenge for her family by the position of a Neiren, and the lingering feelings for the CP, but I suspect that the first reason are ways stronger for her. As what happen in the end of ep 51 (when she knows that CP have planned to covering up for Zhang Lu Zhen in regards of Lu Ying's case), and she has been tied up, waiting for a punishment in the recent trailer, her confronting look when CP comes in... that shows a change of heart and a determination when it comes to the enemy of her family. I guess that she has done something with the message of CP to ZLZ and being busted. When the times come, she will seized it with her keen eyes. No, she have never staying by his side and bearing all those violence only because of her heart, but rather a clear goal to achieved by any price, even it it means to playing behind the back of the one she loves.



Yes i agree with you..

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Zhang Luzheng is in a comprised state by either side. His involvement with Prince Qi is one with his current antics,  the murder of Wenxi father and brother. He has boxed himself in. If he frames the CP for the murder the minister that left is a witness to his crimes. As he showed the book of a list and CP figured it out. He might be exposed on that front. On the other side of it his antics with P. Qi. I think its just boils down too a bottom line. Who throws who under the bus first. Either Minister Zhang Luzheng is screwed. As CP teacher once said. "He is capable Minister but is a man who lacks virtue." And his son the less said the better. One word though "Idoit". I think that says it all.

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4 hours ago, bluehibiscus said:

CP: True, it’s not the same. Since you’ve eaten 5 pieces, why don’t ...

He places his hand on her blanket as if about to tug it away.


Thanks @bluehibiscus!!


Was I wrong in thinking that CP is suggesting she becomes his concubine, with his words above? I can’t wait for tonight’s episodes. :)


Happy New Year, my fellow drama lovers!

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2 hours ago, Rose Antwi said:

In Ep 50, when CP is laying on the bed wounded from his punishment. CP is holding onto Wexi had and they are speaking does anyone know what they said to each other? Please anyone. 


That was one heck of a scene. Their mutual pain of seeing the other hurt.  The tears. The feels. Our OTP was so on point in the scene. No words needed in their pain and love. 

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5 hours ago, DramaLover said:


Thanks @bluehibiscus!!


Was I wrong in thinking that CP is suggesting she becomes his concubine, with his words above? I can’t wait for tonight’s episodes. :)


Happy New Year, my fellow drama lovers!


He was definitely making her think that but he was just teasing her for her impudent words. She’s not in a fit condition for any activity of that sort then.


Happy New Year To You too!

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15 hours ago, DramaLover said:

I also tried Ming Dynasty. I couldn’t quite see the chemistry between the OTP, and gave up after the 5th episode. 

I know what you mean. It took me about 10 eps before I could feel that OTP. :P:P 


I think Tang Wei/Ruowei's styling as a "man" and her hairdo as a rebel lady aren't well-done (surprisingly by award-winning Chang Suk Ping, although she does look much better as Empress Sun). Zhu Yawen/Zhu Zhanji's styling is fine, except that in some scenes, his hair is quite disheveled, not sure if that's due to styling or filming condition. However, they are both my bias, and I like that era, the plot and the cast. TBH, I really needed a distraction from the angst/torment in RN. lol.


Now (the drama, its witty language and) they (the OTP) grow on me. I could count over a dozen scenes to date where they and their lines moved me (and from postings of Cnetz, them, too):wub:  Love it!





11 hours ago, bluehibiscus said:

Hehe :wub: Is it that windy in there? :P



8 hours ago, Reverie said:

How are viewers supposed to root for a character who brought a tragic ending onto himself?

This is so true. It would be very difficult if the ending were to follow the novel to a T. Thankfully, the screenwriter and PD have promised viewers a different and more satisfying ending.


Although I feel it's too little too late at this point, it would still be way better than the original (novel) ending. Of course, no thanks to the censors for messing up (to quite an extent) this wonderful drama. If left alone in its original schedule of 72 episodes instead of editing and cutting down to 60, it would have been a much better presentation of an otherwise good, interesting plot, as well as allowing some characters/incidents to develop more plausibly and satisfactorily. Still an awesome drama and a good watch for anyone who's still sitting on the fence. 

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Synopsis of Episode 45 (Part 1 of 2):


Chen asked CP about the cloak he said he had lost last time (this was the cloak he had given to Wenxi but was returned by Lu Ying). He just made sounds of affirmation to her questions without elaborating. CP was practising his calligraphy on the Chinese character for clothes. Chen praised his calligraphy and asked if he could give her a few. After thinking for a moment, he wrote:

Clothes are not as good as new

People are not as good as old

Chen was pleased and asked if “old people” meant...(the scene fades out).


Chen walked into CP’s bedchamber where he requested her to comb his hair for the last time. They reminisced over the old times when he was a fidgety boy and few maids could comb his hair save for Zhang Shang Fu (the one who died in the scroll debacle) and Chen. When he asked Chen if she had any last request, she said she wanted to explain and beg for forgiveness but the fact that he was willing to meet her one last time made her grateful and she did not want to appear pathetic.


He asked her why she had chosen to betray him when she had been with him for the longest time. She revealed her family members were in Qi’s hands but then said it was an excuse, not the reason. There was no reason, just like although she had known him for the longest time and was the nearest to him, he chose to give his cloak to others who came after her. She advised him not to give Gu Neiren any chance to harm him just as he had not given her any. He left in anger, saying he would take them as kind words by people who were about to die.


Chen was presented with a strip of white cloth and a flask of wine. She chose the cloth. “Who said there was no choice?” When informed of her demise, CP indicated she should take along the calligraphy he had given her before.


Gu Feng En bumped into Li Mingan on the street by accident


(actually this was not by accident)

. He expressed his dislike for Yang Duyu and revealed he had witnessed Yang not pursuing the leader of the enemy when he could have captured him.


Wenxi pretended to be asleep when CP entered her room. He asked her to stop pretending and get up on her own as he was tired and not in a good mood that day (Chen had just died). When she did not obey, he said, “Your heart is not a mat. It cannot be rolled. But you can be,” and proceeded to carry her over his shoulders to the Crown Princess’ chamber where servants were awaiting with a bowl of medicine. He told Wenxi she was still a suspicious character and he was merely changing the place of her punishment. Someone as crafty as her needed to stay under his watchful eye. He ordered the servant to give her the medicine but did not allow her to have some preserved fruit to chase away the bitter taste of the medicine. Wenxi said despite her low station, she was not his plaything. At that, he dismissed the servants and cupped her cheek, stunning her. “Who would dare treat you as a plaything. Aren’t they afraid of being bitten?”


Wenxi clarified that the object she had protected so tightly was not a love letter. He took her hand and contemplated it for a while before saying flippantly, ”Whether it is a love letter or not, what has it to do with me?” He made to leave but Wenxi clutched a corner of his robe tightly and refused to let go during her sleep. Left with no choice, CP had his study table moved beside the bed so he could still work. Wetting a brush with his left hand as his right hand was hampered by Wenxi’s hold on his robe, he muttered to himself, “What’s the point of leaving? It’s still the same as when we were at Zong Zheng Si.”


Wenxi managed to get Xi Xiang transferred out of the laundry department by saying she needed an assistant. Xi Xiang was very happy. They were walking when they ran into Shaoyun who was there to pay respects to CP as well as take the chance to see Gu Neiren. Wenxi was very scared of the caterpillar he was holding. When Shaoyun wondered why it hadn’t turned into a butterfly yet, she said it would not be able to. CP witnessed the scene. 


CP praised Zhang Luzheng on the work he had done for the Xian Fu Li ceremony. When Zhang said he would serve CP on this matter to the best of his ability, CP corrected him that he was serving His Majesty (this was because the ceremony was traditionally the domain of the Emperor and CP would not have been involved had the Emperor not insisted on putting him in charge). He suggested that he get Shaoyun a wife since he was not getting any younger. Zhang Luzheng replied that he was aware of his son’s shortcomings and that he would not be a good match for any lady.

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Episode 45 (Part 2 of 2) - First Kiss:


Night fell. Wenxi stood by as CP finished his work in his study. A prior scene seems to have been cut here as CP stopped Wenxi from leaving by saying they should continue the conversation they had in the afternoon. He pretended he wanted to punish her and asked her to stretch out her hand. She did so reluctantly, closing her eyes in dread. Then he mischievously put a caterpillar on her palm. When she opened her eyes, she screamed in fright and instinctively flung the caterpillar away. Both of them started looking to see where the caterpillar had gone. She couldn’t help bursting into laughter when she realised it had landed on CP’s head. CP took offence at that. When he plucked off the caterpillar and moved towards her, she started screaming and running around the study to get away from the caterpillar. 


“Your Highness, don’t come over! Your Highness!” 

CP said, “Stop shouting. People will hear.”

She screamed, “I’m scared!”

Outside the study, servants were standing by with CP’s dinner. One of them said, “No wonder Chen Neiren wanted to...” They exchanged knowing looks with one another and smiled.


Wenxi leaned against a bookcase, trembling in involuntary fear. She confessed, “I’m really scared.” 

CP concealed the caterpillar within his sleeve. “Is it really that terrifying?” he wondered.

She cried as he came to stand before her, “Your Highness...”

He waved his empty hands in front of her and said soothingly, “It’s gone. It’s gone.”

He placed his hands reassuringly on her shoulders then put one finger on her lips to indicate that she should keep quiet. Then his hands went back to her shoulders. Wenxi suddenly felt trapped. She tried to calm herself down.

“I won’t scream anymore. Will your Highness let go of your hands?”

Looking intently at her, he said, “So there really are things you are scared of.”

“I was pricked when young and I’ve remembered it ever since,” she said.


Outside, the servants greeted Commander You who had just arrived. He was about to proceed to the study when an attendant waylaid him, “Commander You, it is not convenient for you to enter right now.” Barely concealing a smile, she cast a meaningful glance at the doors, where the profiles of CP and Wenxi were silhouetted clearly against the paper by the candlelight inside the study.


“When did you get hold of it?” Wenxi asked, referring to the caterpillar.

”When you went out to fetch something.” Seeming to have discovered something fascinating, he moved closer to whisper to her ear, “Your ears quiver when you are scared. What are you still afraid of?”

“That’s the only thing left.” She made to escape out of the room but he caught her about the waist and spun her neatly around, bringing their bodies  into contact. Her spine went ramrod straight.

”What about this?” He moved closer until his lips hovered over hers. Her heart began to race madly and she closed her eyes in shock. In anticipation.

When nothing happened after what seemed like an eternity, her eyelids lifted and found CP’s mesmerising eyes looking at her.

”Your Highness, what is this...this for?”

”I just wanted to try and see between the caterpillar and me, which are you more afraid of.” His eyes searched her face.

She felt foolish and something akin to disappointment. “Your Highness, please don’t play such a joke on me.”

“Will you really remember it for very long?” He asked in a tender voice.

Flustered, she said, ”To someone who has been pricked before, this is not all funny.”

She made for the door but found herself once again locked in his embrace. 

“Then take it as you’ve been...” His lips sealed over hers in one heartstopping moment. As her head tilted back, her cap fell off and her long hair cascaded down like a waterfall. Time seemed to stand still as both became lost in the kiss. When they finally parted, lthey stared at each other in breathless wonderment.


When the doors of the study opened, Wenxi’s hair was once again neatly coiffured under her cap. Feeling confused and embarrassed, she hurriedly returned to her room. Xi Xiang asked her why her face was so red. Without answering, she clambered into bed and wrapped herself completely with the blanket. Concerned, Xi Xiang asked what was wrong. Wenxi’s muffled voice sounded from beneath the blanket, “I’m fine. I’ve just been pricked.”


“Why did you eat so little again?” Wang fretted as dinner was cleared away. Ignoring him, CP started playing with the caterpillar with a stick. “Why hasn’t it metamorphosised when it’s already this season?”

“There will always be a few remaining,” Youming replied.

“Do you think it will turn into a butterfly?”

“It probably won’t now that the cold season has arrived.”

“Wrong. If I want it to, it will change, ” CP said.

“Yes, yes, it will,” both Wang and Youming immediately placated him. 


Youming submitted the records of entry and exit for CP’s perusal. CP flipped through the book cursorily before setting it aside. Youming was about to ask CP about Wenxi’s exit permit but thought better of it. As he was leaving, he heard CP asking Wang about his replacement private seal. When Wang replied it was still being made, he stopped in his tracks and asked if CP had issued a handwritten exit permit a week ago.

“My handwriting? 7 days ago?” CP repeated.

Youming could not remember what the attendant looked like but he had thought it unusual that she had red painted fingernails.

“That person’s boldness is large enough to cover the sky. Such a thing warrants the death sentence.” Wang commented.

As CP’s mind connected the dots, his heart went cold and a combination of icy fury and excruciating pain coursed through his veins. A sudden piercing sensation shot through his finger and he dropped the caterpillar. 

Wang cried out in alarm and wanted to check his finger but he strode out of the study, his mouth set in a grim line. He tossed the stick away.

“The doors are about to close for the day. Where are you going?” Wang cried out.

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On 1/2/2020 at 12:49 AM, Rose Antwi said:

In Ep 50, when CP is laying on the bed wounded from his punishment. CP is holding onto Wexi had and they are speaking does anyone know what they said to each other? Please anyone. 


On 1/2/2020 at 3:12 AM, DramaLover said:


That was one heck of a scene. Their mutual pain of seeing the other hurt.  The tears. The feels. Our OTP was so on point in the scene. No words needed in their pain and love. 


Truly, that was a scene of communion between their souls. Only their hearts speaking and no walls between them.


WX: Your Highness, you’re awake. You’re finally awake.

CP gestures for her to wipe the tear that has trickled from his eye due to the pain of his wounds. She complies.

CP: You are clumsy.

WX: Yes, I’m clumsy. I only know how to embroider quails. How is Your Highness feeling currently?

CP: I’m smart, right? Planning for a rainy day. (He’s referring to the ointment he gave Wenxi)

WX: Smart at what?

CP: You’re crying.

WX: I’m not.

CP: I made you suffer so much in the past. I guess we’re even now.

WX: So many things have happened. How is it possible to be even?

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And here some spoilers photos of ep 53 (?), also digged from weibo :D



Looking like the sad recognition scene, and our boiz are in full regret and remorse thinking back when he's been cruel to her. I should go to hell but it is so satisfying.

But it seems that our Wenxi are beeing slapped (again)...













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1 hour ago, bluehibiscus said:

WX: So many things have happened. How is it possible to be even?


The director was playing with our emotions exactly at this point when WX was saying the words above. She pulled away from CP disentangling his fingers from her hand and the camera angled away from him (indicating she’s leaving) when in fact she climbed into bed with him and laid her head on his arm. Both had tears streaming at her gesture. 


A brilliant layering of subtleness that could play either way for us audiences. We could accept WX leaving as there’s so much that had happened between them and she’s set on revenge on one hand, and on the other, WX still love CP.


I interpret her gesture of climbing into bed as her accepting her lingering and now blossoming love for CP.  Despite circumstances tearing them apart, Destiny has other plans for our OTP; hence the angst and agony for them (and us!)

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Can anyone explain the preview for 57-60. Both wenxi and Zhang luzeng guy are in jail. Damn I tot he would be dead but at the end he seem to come out. Prince Qi seems to be in trouble as wenxi tells something to emperor, but eventually she goes to jail again?

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Wenxi seems extremely disappointed in ep 52 and at the end she throws water at him. Why it is? 


I know she is disappointed bcoz he is giving free pas to luzheng guy. And I think she is setting a trap for both Zhang guy as well as CP ? Is that so?


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2 hours ago, fattyfingers said:

spoilers photos of ep 53 (?), also digged from weibo :D


  Reveal hidden contents

Looking like the sad recognition scene, and our boiz are in full regret and remorse in flash back when he's been cruel to her. I should go to hell but it is so satisfying.

But it seems that our Wenxi are beeing slapped (again)...


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Remorse is hitting CP like Tsunami and yes Wenxi like don’t even touch she is super mad 



And given up on CP until she sees the painting? Is that correct inference?


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