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[Drama 2018] Good Witch, 착한마녀전


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Ok, I have to give my two cents about the last two episodes this week. 

I think that the reason SH came as DH was because no one was taking her seriously when she told them to stop and get out. With SH they feel that they just railroad over her because they have not only no respect for her, but over the years she has shown herself as being powerless. Also, she had to do something about that situation right away as her daughter was literally just outside and of course SH would not expose a child to such awfulness... But DH they fear and listen to, which is exactly what SH needs them to feel in order to gain control of the situation. So her using DH identity to first get them out of the house and secondly get the divorce is I feel a good thing, because it is getting out of a terrible and abusive manipulative relationship and all the people who have been holding her back. 

But this terrible relationship does highlight how wonderful a relationship with WJ would be. The biggest thing is how he respects her. And yes it is in part because of her DH act which has forced her to become more aggressive, bold and less of a doormat, but a great part of it is that WJ after sending so much time with TH (who is BTW a seriously screwed up psychopath in my opinion) He values kindness, sincerity and compassion so much more... realizing how precious such an trait is and treats her as such. 

But I love how both SH and her daughter both already look up to WJ, follow his guidance and seek his approval...slowly integrating himself as a true father/husband figure...though they don't realize it yet. :tongue:

Lastly, about what is going to happen with DH waking up. DH has to wake up here soon and we are starting to see signs, but I have wondered...DH has had brain surgery, right? What if that has changed her personality or caused her to lose her memories? So far we have been just seeing SH grow and change... but what about DH? Will she have a character growth opportunity? Or will she remain as the selfish and flat "wicked" witch?

Any thoughts?

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@guinearoyal You are right about SH. Her husband and his mistress would overlook her all this time, it was as if she wasn't really there or she was made speechless.

But SH isn't just positively influenced bw WJ, the latter has changed thanks to her as well. He is less arrogant and self-centered too which he recognised. 

The good thing is that WJ's mother seems to be different from the usual future mother-in-law. She doesn't care about gossip and even felt sorry for her friend hence I don' expect any trouble coming from her part like she doesn't want SH as daughter-in-law because she is a divorcee with a child. 

Striking is that OTY accepted this situation quickly and decided to protect SH which shows that he still wants to date and marry her. Hence I am hoping that WJ will react like that as well, once he discovers the switch. Honestly, I am looking forward for the next episodes.

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3 hours ago, guinearoyal said:

Lastly, about what is going to happen with DH waking up. DH has to wake up here soon and we are starting to see signs, but I have wondered...DH has had brain surgery, right? What if that has changed her personality or caused her to lose her memories? So far we have been just seeing SH grow and change... but what about DH? Will she have a character growth opportunity? Or will she remain as the selfish and flat "wicked" witch?

Any thoughts?



With just 10 episode left i mean 20 episode of 25 minutes left DH having memory loss is not possible.Even DH character has to learn her lesson too.She is too cold towards world.Learn to appreciate her sisters kindness towards her and also be warm towards her mom.Also it depends in which episode she wakes up.

I thought the sister will exchange when JYB will come to know, when the moment comes when she will try to prove its SH but it be real DH something similar to that scenario.Also SH will see DH doesn't really like WJ if they exchange there places.Although with just 20 episode i don't want things to be too rushed story wise.


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On 4/2/2018 at 8:09 AM, apqaria said:

I wonder if they will let WJ ignorant about the switching till DH is actually awake and he know the difference himself. May be also SH won't discover her true feelings about him till that time when she has to give him up to DH when she wake up too??


I am really curious how they will handle all that in the time we have left!! Hope things won't get so rushed at the end.

Same here! The realisation by WJ will be the highlight of the show. Hope the writer doesn't mess it up.


Either WJ will find out that SH has been pretending to be DH all this while and will be really hurt by it initially (he also has to accept the fact that SH is married / divorced with a child but will get over it eventually); or


DH wakes up and pretends to be kind like SH while SH keeps her feelings to herself. WJ finds out about the switch through his own realisation.


Which scenario would you all prefer/make more sense? 

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1 hour ago, ELY_397 said:

DH wakes up and pretends to be kind like SH while SH keeps her feelings to herself. WJ finds out about the switch through his own realisation.


I think this will be an interesting scenario, mostly because they have mentioned several times why WJ even likes SH as DH... and it all has to do with her heart. Perhaps they will have a switch, but I think that WJ will be able to tell rather quickly that something is not right as DH has never really been shown to have been good hearted at all. Plus, there are enough differences between SH and DH personality...including likes that will tip him off. 

But while It could be possible with SH keeping her feelings to herself...I think this actually would depend on her character growth. I can see this with SH personality here at the beginning of the show...but SH is already changing into a more bold, confident woman who can stand up for herself and not take peoples crap.

What could be possible is that DH sends her away and takes back her identity without letting SH know what is going on. 

Just a thought.

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@emok oh happy to see you back. Good that you were able to catch up to that much. Waiting for next week is always hard in Kdramaland and that is why I don't usually watch airing Korean dramas unless at least they are half way (in case I was really interested in it) or wait to marathon it after it is done airing but when it comes to Dahae, I can't prevent myself from watching live since I am always missing her on my screen :D 


Some subbed cuts ^^





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:grimace:erhm... ok guys...pardon me... before DH wakes up, we need to get this 'pyscho witch' to wakeup from her crazy idea:


(Omo... she sleeps over at the sharehouse:wacko:)


:tongue:Ok chill... i think even if DH wakes up she will probably be blurry about whatz happening so our SH continues to use her identity untill our little puppy accidently let the secret out to Captain Muscle ? *scratching head*:huh:hahaa


Ahh.. oh about that last scene, gosh ... that mistress really knows how to make the 'gigolo hubby' turn on ..ops... i mean turn his back on SH.:blink:


(His eyes $$ *kaching!*  -> eyeing on her money... )


*whisper* @ELY_397 maybe maybe our SH turned DH might zerg zerg zerg ... his ...his... (ops... PG heeee):grimace:



Ok ok juz for laughs hahaa:lol:



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I think the husband will agree to a quick divorce now that the mistress has the inheritance. He might even get married again right after the divorce. Despicable man!


Our little puppy will keep SH’s identity a secret because he wants to protect her. He really is so CUTE! He won’t tell WJ about it either (what if he likes the real Sun Hee too).


Tae Yi doesn’t stand a chance with Woo Jin. She serves as a plot device to create a misunderstanding between SH and WJ, a la K drama style. :wink:


@supergal99 how I wish to see more skinship too! I will settle for Sun Hee wiping sweat off a feverish Woo Jin’s even if he is semi conscious, haha! 


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:lol: ahhh... @ELY_397 ok ok... after seeing those cuts posted by @apqaria  i can imagine our SH staring at that 'psycho witch' and says her favourite line: " shut it!/forget it!" (Sounds like Daekor?? Haaaa)

*poke* @Annya actually i like the way she says --> daekor !!    :glasses:


Psst talking about skinship.. *cough* we need feverish hot kisses ...heee... :tongue:


See... i keep rewinding the only kisseu scene... hahaaa :blink:


Our captain's lips getting itchy...ops!

Ahhhh... ok ok ... i need to chant with our lovesick puppy



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catching up on good witch from last week and am amused by our puppy. so he thinks that his romance style is better than woo jin who has no experience? and yet he suggests that do hee and him become like siblings? hahahahha... does he not know that friend/sibling zone is the kiss of romantic death? how was this guy getting girls before? :sweat_smile:

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Read this on dramabeans Just sharing here.




Tale of a Good Witch I’m sad to say goodbye to Woo-jin’s “Abstinence Blue” outfits, but he’s hilariously sweet when he’s trying to understand and help out the girl he likes, even if he found her sharpening a cleaver “for triceps exercise” at midnight. Maybe growing up with Oh Tae-ri made him calm in terrifying situations, because she’s the cruelest chaebol heiress I’ve seen in dramaland. Seriously, she terrifies me. *watches clips of Yoon Se-ah in Just Between Lovers to sleep better at night*


@Lmangla  That scene even i was wondering what was he thinking ? :unsure: It would have been better to say friends rather then siblings.

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5 minutes ago, Annya said:


@Lmangla  That scene even i was wondering what was he thinking ? :unsure: It would have been better to say friends rather then siblings.

kekeke... maybe he was just revealing his subconscious desire for a family. he is really enamored with her because he was getting a motherly vibe from her when they first met. kekeke... but such a cute second adorable second lead he is. :D

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30 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

catching up on good witch from last week and am amused by our puppy. so he thinks that his romance style is better than woo jin who has no experience? and yet he suggests that do hee and him become like siblings? hahahahha... does he not know that friend/sibling zone is the kiss of romantic death? how was this guy getting girls before? :sweat_smile:


We knew he would fail terribly from the very first attempt of flirting with SH on that plane, loool :D


I guess he always had girls around him just for his money but he is just as inexperienced as WJ when it comes to love, I doubt he ever got to love anyone before but he is even worse than WJ when it comes to life experience so as much as I love seeing him trying in his own way to get the girl but it is sad knowing he won't stand a chance.


But aside from the love line with SH which I can say they aren't investing much in it (I am a bit sad about that actually), I would like to see more of his own growth as a man as well. He never cared about money or a position in the company and I don't think he cares about that even now or care about rescuing the company from his sister's hand so I wonder if we come to see him taking action as well once he see SH more involved in the whole situation, reveal that he is indeed the CEO's son and start claiming his right in the company.


I guess we should see the two men solve their misunderstanding, start getting along and working together at one point ^^ 

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6 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

kekeke... maybe he was just revealing his subconscious desire for a family. he is really enamored with her because he was getting a motherly vibe from her when they first met. kekeke... but such a cute second adorable second lead he is. :D


Yes SH gives him warm motherly warm which he miss can't blame the guy.But his first thought that SH killed DH :lol:But since he knows the secret he has upper hand now.Looks like next week our cute guy is going to investigate abt SH family like husband and everything.


@supergal99 Already our SH is heartbroken becz of her husband and now this OTR sticking to WJ and that fake tears of her :blink:

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1 hour ago, supergal99 said:

Psst talking about skinship.. *cough* we need feverish hot kisses ...heee... :tongue:


I second that, it would be a waste of chemistry if we didn't get some satisfying skinship and kiss between SH and WJ :wink: 

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25 minutes ago, apqaria said:

But aside from the love line with SH which I can say they aren't investing much in it (I am a bit sad about that actually), I would like to see more of his own growth as a man as well. He never cared about money or a position in the company and I don't think he cares about that even now or care about rescuing the company from his sister's hand so I wonder if we come to see him taking action as well once he see SH more involved in the whole situation, reveal that he is indeed the CEO's son and start claiming his right in the company.


I guess we should see the two men solve their misunderstanding, start getting along and working together at one point ^^ 


Even i was wondering OTY is busy in solving SH mystery right now.Is he is going to join One air becz of SH or is he going to stay in Donghae airline.I also want to see SH vs DH too, since SH knows more abt DH now and what she was doing earlier.The speed in which drama story is progressing it quite slow seeing the no of episode left.


15 minutes ago, apqaria said:

I second that, it would be a waste of chemistry if we didn't get some satisfying skinship and kiss between SH and WJ :wink: 


All the skinship is enjoyed by OTR and our poor SH is busy keeping WJ safe for her sis DH.And top of it SH calls him brother in law :rolleyes:


They should give us 2 extra episode as in our drama is short not even whole one hour.


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20 minutes ago, Annya said:


@supergal99 Already our SH is heartbroken becz of her husband and now this OTR sticking to WJ and that fake tears of her :blink:


*whisper* ya.. sooo angry... tsk... ok come pass me the knife


Chop! Her head... oh oh i mean the fish head (to vent my anger...heee):tongue:


Oh talking about our lovesick puppy...hahaaa... he looks like he cant wait to muak our pretty gal... ahh no wonder he wants her to go to the movies... (dark place hahaaaa):glasses:


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@supergal99 I want to see whether they are able to watch movie or not :lol:Between who told WJ abt it ?But if according to SH,WJ is booked for DH then she should give chance to OTY :wink: 



And will we get drunk SH in drama? Although she tried to drink but WJ didn't let her.What if she speak truth after drinking and doesn't remember next day.

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:wacko:omo.. u r right @Annya female leads always get drunk n be aegyo n spill the truth hahaahaaa:lol:

Mmm.. my guess is they wont get to go the movies... ops!:tongue: i can imagine our captain muscle tells him off :"why would my Yeoja go to the movies with u?" :grimace:

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