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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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16 minutes ago, littlebluecat said:

She's with the director Kim Hyeon Seok who directed the movie I Can Speak. They used to work together for the movie When Romance Meets Destiny. 


I got the feeling that KAJ is the type of girl who tries to get the attention of the guy she likes by making him jealous. No? 


There can only be two effects from this. Whether the guy will take action or run away. Please KNG just move forward already!


Right! She's not usually like this. The interval of her new IG post from her previous ones takes a week or even a month. HAHAHAHAHA. Too bad, KNG does not have any social media to check KAJ's.. Or maybe his manager can help! Hahahaha 

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18 minutes ago, yoitsmcrt said:


I just looked at the movie ticket and the date was yesterday 10/8/2017 at 10:45 PM. So yes, it's a late post Lol

Park Minsu uploaded his photo yesterday, that's why I assumed it's a late post. Hahahaa. You're so quick for looking at the date on the ticket

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28 minutes ago, littlebluecat said:

She's with director Kim Hyeon Seok who directed the movie I Can Speak. They used to work together for the movie When Romance Meets Destiny. 


I got the feeling that KAJ is the type of girl who tries to get the attention of the guy she likes by making him jealous. No? 


There can only be two effects from this. Whether the guy will take action or run away. Please KNG just move forward already! Why am I the one who's feeling nervous for KNG? Hahahaha

she must be in a really good mood to be posting so often hahahaha. i wonder why :tongue: found new love maybe? hhahahaa and it's reallly daebak that she is still in close contact with this director after working 10+ years ago!!! KAJ must have a good reputation in the industry hahaha hope she gets some good projects soon! 

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7 minutes ago, yoitsmcrt said:


Right! She's not usually like this. The interval of her new IG post from her previous ones takes a week or even a month. HAHAHAHAHA. Too bad, KNG does not have any social media to check KAJ's.. Or maybe his manager can help! Hahahaha 


She surely felt longing for someone.. she is yeon kyung btw.. its harder for her  than us to move on.. its only a week and its still fresh in her mind.. just like her acting when separated with heo im.. uhh.. i can feel d loneliness here..hmmm...

I think everytime she open her insta, LUTYN clips were everywhere.. fans maybe mention her also.. fans comments everywhere about LUTYN.. i wonder if she already watch all eps of LUTYN yet?


All her caption since yesterday.. talk in joseon way.. she said joseon orabeoni (means joseon oppa).. what was her think of.. i'm sure she really missing someone.. i hope kng still in contact with her.. or at least they have a group chat? so all d cast can still in touch..


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oooohhh wooooowww :open_mouth: I didn't visit this thread only one day, and when I check it seems like a lot of things I've missed
let me introduce my self first, I was old member in this forum I was former shipper of old couple like (MinShin couple/JjongAh couple and MasterSun couple) after that I'm being a silent reader, and then I'm out/not active from this forum almost 2 years or more.

this may I call my comeback stage from 2 years hiatus.
thanks a lot for @vangsweetie637 who has make this thread, it's really help for all Gum shipper like me, because I really thirsty for more info and analysis from another people who were love this KimKim Couple/Gum Couple/칼침커플 too


maybe I will not help so much on this thread, but I really enjoyed with every analysis from you all guys


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2 hours ago, Cherrine Kim said:

All her caption since yesterday.. talk in joseon way.. she said joseon orabeoni


I haven't paid attention (too many dirty thoughts thanks to certain people in a certain thread lol), where did she say joseon orabeoni ?

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Chinguuu... I have to read more than 7 pages in order to reply your comments. Ha-ha. It moves so fast...really...

KAJ must miss LUTYN family...or her 'HI'. KNG is busy preparing his new movie (Strange Family), right?


@littlebluecat Yeess...that's what I love about this thread...we can laugh together without being afraid judged by others. About KAJ's kiss on the beach? Oh, I think it was an ad-lib too. It's so spontaneous.

@leba she is unique, smart but at the same time being 'dumb' too. Ha-ha. I often find my friends just like KAJ. They're smart, detailed, sharp thoughts, but also naive about many things. KNG is not geeky, he was dropped out from his first university, then took Chinese Study subject in another univ. Otherwise, he is an art, culture, and social activist by maintaining his own NGO.

@ImKyung hmm..I agree with you. Was it because KAJ's knee touch 'his private part' accidentally? If it is so...it is sooo hilarious. :lol: Being shy is what he should be then. But KAJ is KAJ...being 'dumb' :D

I watched AS too in YT link. Is there the eng sub version?
@mantleprey no, that's fine. It could be so...that's also good (the shooting order)... but I doubt KAJ will choose JIS haha...because KNG is similar to her, being activist and always promoting movies.

@bluehopeatm dear, I don't know why but I always laugh on your comments. Oh, I followed your Twitter acc a couple days ago.


@nancy131 The earlier BTS happened before press con. In the press con, KNG told the media that HI was like a child in Seoul because adapting new modern life so YK scolded him a lot, and KAJ scolded him too in real life. The journalists who came to the press con laughed and so both of them.

@sublimelyheureuse about kiss scene...didn't they discuss it first before recording? Usually actors, the director and cameraman do that in order to arrange the video angle. OR...is it ad-lib? Ha-ha. KNG and KAJ must talk to each other what they should do. Maybe because KAJ less experience than KNG, he said 'just follow my moves'? :mrgreen: OR the director let them did it longer than it should be? Let them stop the kiss naturally? Coz it's beautiful...all knetz in DC said so. Do you read the translation of KNG's ep 12-13 script cover? Someone translated it in our main thread. He wrote YK is beautiful...she is mine.

@kooriyuki what country do you live? I check my tvN channel but it doesn't re-broadcast LUTYN...

@siena omoo...KAIST is a univ for smart people, right? KJD must be a smart-witted man too since he is a comedian. KAJ is surrounded by smart friends. Do you notice she never post her pic with KNG in the latest episodes? Only the earlier ones (well well well). Hmm...she loves art? Same as KNG then. And yes I've been lurking into DC and Naver. I translate some comments using Google Translate. :sweatingbullets:

@minbongyi @MitzB HAHAHAHA you should be a journalist, guys.

@Ohsh not all the scenes recorded days before airing schedule, it could be a week or more. Now, check this


Lee Si-eon said he met KNG on the street wearing hanbok. It seems the costume he wore for 'the shy moment in hospital'

@iamemilykay thanks so much for the translation 

@3z3zm3lp see...you also think that KNG is much alike HI and KAJ is YK. As I said before in our main thread...I have a feeling the storyline in LUTYN is quite the same as theirs in real life. They both once had some problems in their life as actor/actress... LUTYN can be interpreted as their healing moment. The atmosphere in the set was different than other projects. I never see KNG laughed out loud because of his co-star (the actress) and also KAJ, her personality is changed, she is more expressive than usually. Speaking honestly both verbal and nonverbal, yes, it's her character. She never tries to hide her feeling...watched BTS ep 12 when YK met the japanese soldier. Omoo..he is a good looking guy (if we compare to KNG). It's normal for her not focusing on the set, distracted by Hiromitsu Takeda.  ^_^

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37 minutes ago, martanur said:

@mantleprey no, that's fine. It could be so...that's also good (the shooting order)... but I doubt KAJ will choose JIS haha...because KNG is similar to her, being activist and always promoting movies.

@nancy131 The earlier BTS happened before press con. In the press con, KNG told the media that HI was like a child in Seoul because adapting new modern life so YK scolded him a lot, and KAJ scolded him too in real life. The journalists who came to the press con laughed and so both of them.

@sublimelyheureuseabout kiss scene...didn't they discuss it first before recording? Usually actors, the director and cameraman do that in order to arrange the video angle. OR...is it ad-lib? Ha-ha. KNG and KAJ must talk to each other what they should do. Maybe because KAJ less experience than KNG, he said 'just follow my moves'? :mrgreen: OR the director let them did it longer than it should be? Let them stop the kiss naturally? Coz it's beautiful...all knetz in DC said so. Do you read the translation of KNG's ep 12-13 script cover? Someone translated it in our main thread. He wrote YK is beautiful...she is mine. @martanur (I didn't realize it can you point out?)

@3z3zm3lp see...you also think that KNG is much alike HI and KAJ is YK. As I said before in our main thread...I have a feeling the storyline in LUTYN is quite the same as theirs in real life. They both once had some problems in their life as actor/actress... LUTYN can be interpreted as their healing moment. The atmosphere in the set was different than other projects. I never see KNG laughed out loud because of his co-star (the actress) and also KAJ, her personality is changed, she is more expressive than usually. Speaking honestly both verbal and nonverbal, yes, it's her character. She never tries to hide her feeling...watched BTS ep 12 when YK met the japanese soldier. Omoo..he is a good looking guy (if we compare to KNG). It's normal for her not focusing on the set, distracted by Hiromitsu Takeda.  ^_^

44 minutes ago, martanur said:

 hmm..I agree with you. Was it because KAJ's knee touch 'his private part' accidentally? *which part? on BTS or drama itself* If it is so...it is sooo hilarious. :lol: Being shy is what he should be then. But KAJ is KAJ...being 'dumb' :D

I watched AS too in YT link. Is there the eng sub version?


I love that.....it's 3:12 AM and I'm reload this thread many times so I though I can find a good news :lol::mrgreen:

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6 hours ago, mantleprey said:


Why must KAJ be down with the flu? KNG will surely be happy with more deep kisses! So will we!! 


I lept looking af those kisses in EP 15 and 16 which KAJ shut her lips tight. It seems HI wanted more.... Hahaha oh KNG, we are going to analyze you so well that you better get together with KAJ in real life before she gets taken up by another hot guy!

LOL! yeahh its such bad timing isnt it?! my theory is KNG want more but KAJ didnt want to spread the virus to him so she shut her lips, such adoreable couple :D 

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5 hours ago, 3z3zm3lp said:



so even the stylist is ship them too? that scene is before the wild kiss right, even her stylist include the lips icon lol! ahh why it feels so nostalgic with ssc.. i keep asking my self is it coincidence or fate.. its just so perfect timing, their close person always post about them, SHK become unusually active on IG, just like our KAJ omg...

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5 hours ago, leba said:

Thanks for the fast-moving thread, Chingus!


But somehow, the pessimistic side of me thinks KNG is not as straightforward as HI. So he may not pursue KAJ even if he has feelings for her. Oh, please prove me wrong! :o

he is indeed not straightforward man i feel he kinda introvert and love to be low profile in public. but i believe he will pursue KAJ. there is several things that can be point out. the latest bts said it all that KNG already fell for her and for me KAJ also has feeling for him so its mutual. and talking about the age, KNG and KAJ is at their marriageable age ( even in the interview KAJ said that her parent didnt push her ). and of course they need time to know each other by dating several months or year, KNG is already 37 ( or 38 in korean? ) and KAJ is 34 ( or 35 in korean? ) so if they indeed date several months or year, they will be old enough and perfect time to married. So i assume our KNG will be more bold on this sensitive age. And as we can see, so many people support our couple even her stylist. The interesting part is they final photo after finishing shooting ( the different between how KAJ hold director and KNG hand is like a hint ) just like when SSC do they final photo. and even after the drama ends, SHK unusually often update her IG and hang out with friends just like our KAJ nowadays. and After drama ends SJK directly prepare for shooting movie battleship island and now KNG is preprare for shooting movie soon too right? ( i see some post before ) thats why i questioning myself is it coincidence or fate? because these sequence look the same. on the long time ago interview SHK said that she didnt want to be married fast, but on the latest interview after the drama ends she said "i will tell the guy to confess right away, im getting old, i dont have time to waste", at that time SHK is 34 or 35 i forgot, love change everything right lol. the difference is SHK always drop a hint about their relationship ( she even upload her picture with SJK just to please SJK fans because he didnt has IG account ). For our couple, i believe KAJ is pay attention to KNG low profilee in public but i dont know if in the future she will upload it lol. But her latest IG post always have relevance with the drama and how she write the hastag its like she pointing out the post to someone lol. so cheer up chingu! dont lose hope and keep faith in them :D  

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20 minutes ago, sight_stv said:

he is indeed not straightforward man i feel he kinda introvert and love to be low profile in public. but i believe he will pursue KAJ. there is several things that can be point out. the latest bts said it all that KNG already fell for her and for me KAJ also has feeling for him so its mutual. and talking about the age, KNG and KAJ is at their marriageable age ( even in the interview KAJ said that her parent didnt push her ). and of course they need time to know each other by dating several months or year, KNG is already 37 ( or 38 in korean? ) and KAJ is 34 ( or 35 in korean? ) so if they indeed date several months or year, they will be old enough and perfect time to married. So i assume our KNG will be more bold on this sensitive age. And as we can see, so many people support our couple even her stylist. The interesting part is they final photo after finishing shooting ( the different between how KAJ hold director and KNG hand is like a hint ) just like when SSC do they final photo. and even after the drama ends, SHK unusually often update her IG and hang out with friends just like our KAJ nowadays. and After drama ends SJK directly prepare for shooting movie battleship island and now KNG is preprare for shooting movie soon too right? ( i see some post before ) thats why i questioning myself is it coincidence or fate? because these sequence look the same. on the long time ago interview SHK said that she didnt want to be married fast, but on the latest interview after the drama ends she said "i will tell the guy to confess right away, im getting old, i dont have time to waste", at that time SHK is 34 or 35 i forgot, love change everything right lol. the difference is SHK always drop a hint about their relationship ( she even upload her picture with SJK just to please SJK fans because he didnt has IG account ). For our couple, i believe KAJ is pay attention to KNG low profilee in public but i dont know if in the future she will upload it lol. But her latest IG post always have relevance with the drama and how she write the hastag its like she pointing out the post to someone lol. so cheer up chingu! dont lose hope and keep faith in them :D  

fingers crossed and will keep faith in them . Fighting kimkimcouple 

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19 minutes ago, sight_stv said:

he is indeed not straightforward man i feel he kinda introvert and love to be low profile in public. but i believe he will pursue KAJ. there is several things that can be point out. the latest bts said it all that KNG already fell for her and for me KAJ also has feeling for him so its mutual. and talking about the age, KNG and KAJ is at their marriageable age ( even in the interview KAJ said that her parent didnt push her ). and of course they need time to know each other by dating several months or year, KNG is already 37 ( or 38 in korean? ) and KAJ is 34 ( or 35 in korean? ) so if they indeed date several months or year, they will be old enough and perfect time to married. So i assume our KNG will be more bold on this sensitive age. And as we can see, so many people support our couple even her stylist. The interesting part is they final photo after finishing shooting ( the different between how KAJ hold director and KNG hand is like a hint ) just like when SSC do they final photo. and even after the drama ends, SHK unusually often update her IG and hang out with friends just like our KAJ nowadays. and After drama ends SJK directly prepare for shooting movie battleship island and now KNG is preprare for shooting movie soon too right? ( i see some post before ) thats why i questioning myself is it coincidence or fate? because these sequence look the same. on the long time ago interview SHK said that she didnt want to be married fast, but on the latest interview after the drama ends she said "i will tell the guy to confess right away, im getting old, i dont have time to waste", at that time SHK is 34 or 35 i forgot, love change everything right lol. the difference is SHK always drop a hint about their relationship ( she even upload her picture with SJK just to please SJK fans because he didnt has IG account ). For our couple, i believe KAJ is pay attention to KNG low profilee in public but i dont know if in the future she will upload it lol. But her latest IG post always have relevance with the drama and how she write the hastag its like she pointing out the post to someone lol. so cheer up chingu! dont lose hope and keep faith in them :D  


So many similarities with the SSC! Hope they sail privately till they re going to get married. So many shippers out there who think there is 'real attraction' in the drama. Maybe KNG is trying to distract himself by keeping himself busy with the new movie Strange Family but I hope after he finished filming, he will realized he missed KAJ like crazy and pursue her like sticky gum HI. :blush::D


Wow, this thread moves so fast i thought there was an update on Dispatch catching on them together! :D

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5 hours ago, MitzB said:

Aigoooo I forgot that I watched KAJ movie with jisung. My PS partner? Their BS was so hawt I ended up thinking that her leading man was KNG while they were doing the deed when I saw a video clip of it again earlier. 


OMOONAAA my mind!!!!


I can't bring myself to watch that show where KAJ is kissing anyone else but KNG. Even the BTS of Bad Guy and Shark also make me cringe. No, he can only be close and kiss our KAJ! I must be delulu already! :D


But i realized even SYJ likes to grab KNG's shirt during BTS, just like KAJ. sigh why do I feel jealous for KAJ when i see that? :ph34r: HAHA

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