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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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8 minutes ago, ummnado said:

Omo, I've gotten so ecstatic & delulu over the fact that KNG's recent jam is a song sung by one of my fav artist about something going on between two people before they actually start dating, specifically, that I forgot to thank @lovelycate for the info.. .__.


Sorry for quoting myself but I literally just posted this this morning..


so truly thank you very much for technically granting my wish, chingu! Are you my fairy godmother or something? ^^

Wow daebak!!,,

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29 minutes ago, ummnado said:

Omo, I've gotten so ecstatic & delulu over the fact that KNG's recent jam is a song sung by one of my fav artist about something going on between two people before they actually start dating, specifically, that I forgot to thank @lovelycate for the info.. .__.


Sorry for quoting myself but I literally just posted this this morning..


so truly thank you very much for technically granting my wish, chingu! Are you my fairy godmother or something? ^^

Wow, It is as if NG was asked that question personally by you and he gave an answer.  Goosebumps.:o Thank you for reposting this to share your insights. I totally agree with you on some1's recent fav song reflecting his true feelings.:blush:

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Thanks @iamemilykay, for sharing with me the similar emotional roller coaster rides of a shipper! Sometimes I feel like i’m going too far, constantly thinking and dreaming and hoping for 2 people I don’t even know personally to get together. And sometimes thinking of them all day and refreshing this thread all day, only makes me can’t function properly throughout the day. Seriously need rehab! Haha. But whenever I get new hints like tonight’s favorite song news, they make me so happy that I feel I haven’t shipped them in vain.


Well, as all of us have put it, whatever the result, we just hope they find happiness in the future and just enjoy the fun of being crazy and delusional and the process of relieving our fan girl years (I think many of us have passed that teenage stage).... hahaha! 


Just wanna thank all of you Gummers too, that all of you are really very kind and accepting and patient chingus. I remember when I was shipping at SSC thread, sometimes doubters weren’t very welcomed at all. Oops! (I’m sticking my neck out to say this. SSC shippers don’t kill me! Haha.) So I feel very comfortable here, because at least we have some room to doubt a bit on some days. And the rest of the strong hearted Gummers will come in to the rescue, with their objective views and convince the weak hearted ones without being unnecessarily judgmental. :) really thanks for creating such an accepting environment here. Really makes shipping them a nicer experience. Oh well, also maybe because we haven’t really seen much of Gum couple in real life to be as vehemently defensive of them as with SSC. Haha. Maybe when we get more real life hints, we’ll also be less tolerant of doubters. Oh but please let’s not be too harsh on doubters cos once in awhile, even the most confident ones of us will have their low days and need encouragement too.  :)


Let’s just continue to be a happy and nice Gum house! We’re doing great here sailing for our OTP and being great chingus to one another! Great place to lurk for a long long time! Hwaiting! :D

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On this topic of to ship or not to ship real people, I guess the way I feel about it is as long as you don't harass or embarrass the star, whatever you fantasize about on your own time is on you. I've written RPF (real person fic) before, and I always disclaim that the events are not real, because no matter how much I want to project my own fantasies, honestly we can't ever truly know how someone is thinking or feeling as a fan, so that's all it is--my own thoughts or wishful thinking. And as long as we're not harming anyone with that, then I say go for it. 

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13 hours ago, bluehopeatm said:

@leba hic hic :bawling: I cry everytime I post here!! Such a lesson for a gambler who always hit BIG like me :)))) 


btw, you can see that Youngmin hyung is also one of us here :))


Sorry I am late. I am actually happy that this King ent CEO liked a post with KNG picture. One of the biggest clue during the SSC courtship was when their managers started to be close with the other camp eg. in social media or started hanging out with them. It was like the OTP cannot be easily seen together in public and like KNG, JK does not have social media so their managers are their link and source of info about each other.


i am not too worried that KAJ is together with this King ent CEO. I don’t think she is attached...yet. If she was, I thought she would have been more cautious with her words during interviews and not be so generous in using the words “Love” as it will for sure induce jealousy. Since she was so confident about describing her feelings in such open manner which she should know would invite speculation, I dont think she has such concerns in mind. 


@iamemilykay I also sense this feeling when the gum couple are together... for me it is more of a feeling of intimacy and familiarity, like they are sure of each other. For the SSC, I can sense slight nervousness and excitement, more on SJk’s end, which I am guessing they were still at the some stage. But similarly, a clue for the SSC was the small signs of intimacy beyond what the scene called for when they are together eg. in a hug scene with the coffee cups, SJK would tilt his head and burrow into her hair. For the gum couple, the date scene when he leaned his entire body into her so nonchalantly while she hugged him close with no awkwardness at all.


However, SSC shippers had an advantage because the couple had more activities after the drama ie interviews together, red carpet where we can observe their rl body language more. For me the most telling sign was when they were at the Baeksang red carpet. The way he held her was so sure and possessive that I knew they had confirmed their r/s. For gum couple, we can only speculate.

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8 hours ago, martanur said:


Oh, SOME by Bolbbalgan?? Yup, it's one of relationship types which Korean always use to describe the unclear-relationship-status-between-man-and-woman ... Here is the complete lyrics:


Isn’t this how love starts? (me: YEEESS!!)
Maybe it’s like hanging half my heart on you
Even though it feels like you’ll reject me
I’m gonna give it a try once more (me: YES, COME ON KIM NAM GIL!!)


Starting from today, I’m gonna have something with you
I’m gonna call you every day




HAHAHA :mrgreen:



thank you @martanur and @Kkeom for translating the lyrics! Loving it and ya, that is what I will do as a Piscean to listen to such songs in my exact state of mind. LOL I certainly hope after filming the movie, he couldnt take it anymore and runs to KAJ. He tried to forget her but he couldn't and it turns out to be how love started. :heart:


Sometimes, love happens at the right time, right place with the right person. And many of us believe in their chemistry. Yes KNG may be friendly to many of his co-stars but that does not mean he cannot fall in love with anyone which comes along into his life at the right time. That is why shipper threads exist. Even if they end up with other partners in future, we will still be happy for them, but at the meantime, let us continue delulu ourselves giddy with all these signs and discussions. :D

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@capristar ur right! Maybe AJ recommended this to NG :D. So this is couple pants? :)) 


Big hug to everbody i just love how mature  we gals are in shipping. Its true, on some thread, doubters are sometimes not welcome. But here although we sometimes go to delulu mode but we are still logical and very much support gum couple eventhough we are not sure they will end up together - this makes shipping here fun!

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Delurking because..... we've reached 200pages!!! Woahhhh!! You guys jinjja jinjja jeongmal!!!! Hahahahaha. Keep the ship sailin' :heart: Thank you for always making my day as you share your pervy thoughts and analysis between our OTP, even making collages of them with the same poses!!! They're both such beautiful creatures of this planet earth. LOL. you guys are the best of the bestest hehe :wub:


OMO OMO KNG'S HC MAG WAS OOZING HOT!!! I kept on swooning over his poses and outfits!! I'll surely buy it in Korea this Tuesday. Yayyy!!!


KNG's dropping his fave song and AJ with her manager's in a picture are indeed hints there's something going on between them!! The manager posting their pic together has that "My daughther just got a lover. She has grown. I'm proud of her" feels. It's like he's more than willing to give her to anyone. No, not to anyone, but to KNG. hahahahaha. 


Anyway, as much as I want to post here as often as I used to, work won't let me so I just always backread. I'm so missing you guys~ too bad I missed the betting game :( hopefully I can join next time :wink:


congrats guys!!!! :D 

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Someone in this thread mentioned before about how we tend to listen and love a song as we can relate to it and I think it is quite true. KNG is probably still feeling the high from the good vibes from LUTYN and his acting partner :wub: The fact that the character was his own making is probably making him think it might not be a bad idea after all to put his heart on his sleeve (delulu mind talking hihi :blush:).

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49 minutes ago, 3z3zm3lp said:

Ohhh so he knew it wont be a happy ending :D meaning originally it was to be sad ending :(



yeah, the writer is really planning to give us a sad ending (realistic) even KAJ talked about it on her interview, good thing the gum couple received so much love. :lol: That's why we get the Happy Ending! :wub:

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10 minutes ago, ravairie said:


yeah, the writer is really planning to give us a sad ending even KAJ talked about it on her interview, good thing the gum couple received so much love. :lol: That's why we get the Happy Ending! :wub:


I also think that the love affair was supposed to be secondary only. And not so much lovey dovey scenes if it followed the original. Hehehe i bet they really did not expect to invest so much in the love part of the story. :))

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25 minutes ago, 3z3zm3lp said:


I also think that the love affair was supposed to be secondary only. And not so much lovey dovey scenes if it followed the original. Hehehe i bet they really did not expect to invest so much in the love part of the story. :))



Agree, it's more about them being doctors but they did not expect the chemistry to be overwhelming that people fell in love with their tandem. 






I'm loving these OST songs more with the English translation. I missing them, gonna re-watch it again. How to move on? :lol:




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