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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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Hellow guys,so many pages to back read....thank you so much for the translation,infos and tidbits,, you know guys who you are..hugs and kisses for you..

@siena glad to know that im not the only one who feels that KNG  admires her  since the beginning,yes his eyes can't lie, theres this  bts when their bidding goodbye,i think its the one where HI followed YK in the washroom,his smile and gazed totally caught my attention, and other one is when they came back to seoul the second time, when his watching her saying goodbye to the staff,..

I will ship them untill they found their other half,,

( and the other half of me said that they already found them):lol:


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50 minutes ago, siena said:

While most of you guys said it was AJ who has feeling for him since the beginning, from my perspective it's NG who admires her so much since the very beginning. It's pretty obvious from the earlier bts, after the director said "cut" he stared at her waiting for her to say something to him. There's that one bts where HI saved Hara from cardiac arrest then the misunderstood YK slapped him, after the director said "cut" his expression was like a kid after being scolded by his mom, staring pitifully at AJ, then AJ patted his arm and his expression changed.


His eyes couldn't lie......the sparks in his eyes when he looked at her....he is smitten by her.


From one article translated by @etherealk408 AJ said NG didn't joke around her, I think it's because NG was being careful. Jeon Do Yeon and Moon Jeong Hee said they kinda felt iritated because NG always joked around, they didn't say that they dislike him....it's only because he joked too much. Once in an interview he said he likes mature woman, it's obvious that AJ is very mature. So imho NG was being careful by not joking too much when he must act with her so she wouldn't feel iritated. AJ was very in control tho', in the earlier episode I can not tell if she has feeling for him but towards the middle to the end of the drama it was obvious that she admires and likes him.


Her interview was a pandora box, it tells so many thing about her.......what she likes to do in her free time......been single for 5 years.....the type of guy she likes.......and "I want to get married not dating". It's like she's conveying a message to someone.


About NG, I think in daily life he's a very serious person. I saw some clips where he told his fans not to scream when they waited for him at the airport, not to make noises and take too many pics (in the theatre). And looks like he's been volunteering (with the police) for safety campaign in school.


I think it is safe to say that actually they have feeling for each other. Their interviews scream that feeling out.


Hi @siena agreeeee!! I noticed from the latest BTS which was shared here yesterday or a day before... definitely KNG's gestures to KAJ was the real trigger of the incredible chemistry between them. KAJ's reaction took some time, she's someone who needs to make sure her own heart that KNG is a man she can trust to. Remember, she prefers a reliable man to be with. 


Comparing to other actresses, maybe KAJ is a calm person so KNG must be careful in front of her by not being over mischievous.  However, why did KNG urge himself to act differently when being around her????? WAE WAE??


Another question...as @lyserose said... why did he mention KAJ when it comes to 'crying moment'??? If she's not in his mind at all - INCLUDING at the interview moment- then her name wouldn't come out easily. You know what I mean? We never mention someone's name right away if we rarely think about him/her.


Then...emptiness?? the sky and mountain?? Hmmmm...he must feel so lonely or miss someone so much. Indeed...a BIG hole in his heart for missing 'her'-you-know-who-she-is. BUT still ...I feel it's weird since he is a professional actor, yup talking about human, it's natural...still it's not a common thing happened to someone like KNG. Unless, LUTYN is his turning point to see 'LIFE'.


I don't blame the reporter since he/she must need to confirm something or dig more about his characters. When someone has a cheerful character, there must be hidden sad moments that no one knows or some people aware 'bout it. So, the reporter needs to ask him to get the fact.


For KAJ?? I have no doubt she's in her happy moment. NO more to say, it's so obvious. 


Dear @etherealk408 thank yoooouuu again again for the translation :) 

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Hi hi Chingus! It suddenly dawned on me that we need to congratulate ourselves at this point! Haha!


Cos all our analyses of them falling in love while filming is quite proven with KNG’s interview. Haha. The fact that they both can’t move on. Means all our theories about them in bts were correct! Haha! We are great detectives! They really felt a lot of love for each other while filming! No kidding! 


Makes me think of namsan tower bts where he hugged AJ because she was cold. Now i’m Very sure he did it because he loves her. Not as a friend or colleague or even as Heo Im. He did it as KNG to KAJ because he felt something special for her. And that’s why he stuck out his tongue when he was found out. Yet, he still wanted to continue and he immediately held her hands, interlocking his fingers with hers, and walked on. Hehe. It was love then.


And it also makes me think of the wrap up cake cutting clip. I used to try to convince myself that I was over thinking when I felt he had in-love vibes because of his shyness. I also kept telling myself that he stood so close to her because they had no choice but to stand closer for group photo picture. But now, after his interview, after reading that one line that paid special mention to KAJ’s eyes, attributing his wonderful crying scenes to her great acting skills ( her eyes in particular), I’m getting quite certain that his body language of standing closer to her during cake cutting was because he was physically and naturally very comfortable with her and no other reason. And he was mighty happy that she held on to his hand while holding the knife to cut the cake. Like cutting wedding cake! Haha. And I can even sense his heart racing as they discussed where to cut the cake. That man must have been so happy that AJ couldn’t bear to divide them when cutting the cake. :wub:

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For those who can read Chinese... these are a compilations of all the excerpts of High Cut interview floating in DC Gal (think most of them have been translated into English by he0dang on Twitter). Nonetheless, reading the translations in Chinese might leave you with more vivid understanding


Part 1



Part 2



More photo shots from the mag


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:joy: omg hahaha that part about Anpanman might just make me watch Memoir of a Murderer (I'm very timid so thrillers like this isn't normally my thing), and his reply about his handwriting "I was the class secretary in my highschool days~"... I can just hear him say that!


So glad to see that he's so cheerful after LUTYN :wink:

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Now that I've finally calm down from my super volatile day -- that went from hyperventilating so much to crying more than 2 rivers (because of losing the bet and needing to change my profile pic) and then to hyperventilate again -- I can gather some thoughts and hopefully make some sense in my post. :D


Foremost, @etherealk408 , REALLY TRULY THANK YOU for supplying the translations for HIGH CUT at super speed. If not for you, I wouldn't have been able to fully understand and appreciate the interview and had so much fun. You're really a huge source of happiness to this thread. :heart:


Reading the part KNG explained on how he learned to do acupuncture and moxa treatment in about a month for the drama, I had these thoughts in my mind. Having being the lead actor in LUTYN, he carries a heavy weight on his shoulders to bring the story through. And in my opinion, with all due respect to KAJ as the lead actress and has her part to learn on medical knowledge + skills, the weight on him is a little heavier compared hers. Yet, KNG never mentions this and gave the limelight to KAJ. He directed viewers' attention and appreciation to KAJ by saying that she had the most difficult role to play, when in fact, I believe it wasn't easy for him to learn Oriental Medicine and also pick up on the Joseon dialect. I find this side of him very respectful and SWEET. :wub:


On him mentioning how KAJ could make him cry just by looking at her eyes, I totally agree with Kfans that its his way of saying he loves "CYK" very very deeply. And judging by what what he said, seems like he's caught by surprise as well on how deep LUTYN has impacted him, particularly as he finally can enjoy a good ending where his character lives, haha. My delulu mind really hope that the emptiness he's feeling is not only due to an end of a project he's worked on, but also because he's found a very good 'companion' in KAJ and therefore, not being able to see her everyday in itself creates a vacuum. And this would propel him to take the right step in her direction, if he hasn't that is. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:




4 hours ago, bluehopeatm said:

@iamemilykay @minbongyi Just a villain is ok :))


oh, i saw @iamemilykay has changed to the war minister like me :((( 


:( i don't even want to post this! I don't wanna look at myself now!!!!


Should i turn on my lurking mode for a week? Then, will someone give morning gifts here :(


:bawling: :bawling::bawling:


@bluehopeatm Nooo~~~ you have to stay hereee~~~~ how else will we get those lovely images and juxtapositions if not for you.....andwae~~ jebal, please don't lurk~~~ *serious session of trying to pull you back here :tongue:*


And yeah, I just thought, oh well, let's just settle with Minister of War~ because I couldn't even find or get a good picture of Director Ma, hahaha! Could you find, @minbongyi:)


I've started to count down too! Next Thursday, 9 November, I'm gonna be super efficient at changing my profile pic! B)B)B) Can't wait to send Minister of War OUT THE WINDOW! :tongue: And that time, I'll be sure to put up my favourite picture of our Gum Couple. There's so many to choose from, imma start now. KEKEKE! :wub:



3 hours ago, josung said:


I know right, sensitive guys are so rare nowadays. 


@Cynthia kristiani


I think that KNG is drawn to KAJ’s eyes the most somehow, how can one not to, when her eyes are so emotive and expressive. The lips come a close second of course, judging from the ravenous kiss.


For KNG to mention the eyes would mean that they have left a strong impression on him. When I saw KAJ in the earlier episodes, I was drawn foremost to her eyes. I watched her in Punch and 200 pounds beauty but did not recall much of her eyes, other than they are beautiful and big. In LUTYN, her eyes can really talk. They remind me of an old song. “Lost in your eyes” by Debbie Gibson. I think KNG has to be lost in those deep pools. How not to fall in love after looking into those eyes after so many months? Ah, there my delulu mind runs amok again.


You know, I am pretty sure that KAJ looks at him (radiates :heart:) like that during the BTS moments too – outside from the acting scenes as well. And the reason why he can’t hold his gaze too is because he feels the same. When I started dating my husband, he said that I always avoided his gaze. That’s what shy people do, when they like someone, they just could not hold the gaze of their loved ones for too long. Of course, now my gaze has changed to the glaring kind whenever he finds excuses not to do housework.


Being the new age sensitive rare pokemon he is, I am sure KNG is shy to boot whenever he has to look at her. :)


SO.TRUE. Sensitive guys are definitely a rare breed and hardly found at this time and age. That's why KNG is a rare Pornstache-mon. And a very handsome Pornstache-mon at that. We waited so long to catch a glimpse of him and finally our wait is paid off with such good looking pictorials in HIGH CUT. I could stare at him ALL DAY ~~~ :relaxed:


On avoiding gazes, YES YES YES! From what I see, KAJ has been doing it ever since the LUTYN Press Conference itself. :love: And right, I wonder if I'm becoming more delulu (if that's possible given that I'm already VERY delulu), but I find that KNG already started his gaze-avoiding behaviour during the side commentary hosted by PKL. I was rewatching that segment again and found that KNG was 'trying' hard to not look at her and put on a professional side. But at the times when it's her turn to either do heart signs, or flip her hair, or talk, it seems like he tried hard not to look into her eyes. Even if he does, it would only last for a while and he'd quickly shift his gaze. But in that split second moment when their eyes meet, its like he has a different gaze at her. Hmm.....am I the only one who's feeling this? Do I need to join the rehab line soon? :astonished:             

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 Before I call it a day to go sleep (it's past midnight here again and I'm still at this thread.....:tongue:), @fans123 I wanted to give a special shout out to you for posting on KNG's hips~ muahahahahaaha! You literally fished out the little secret in my heart where I found his hips attractive.....omo, I can't believe actually saying this! Am I turning pervy???:o:unsure: :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


I completely LOVE  his clean-cut sleek look when he momentarily went dark~ that white shirt plus green checkered pants really accentuate his nice body proportion~ at full body shots when he's dressed like that, I was all :love::love:  :love:~~ TEEHEHEHEHEHE! For the sake of eyes-feasting, I must post such related videos here before I say goodnight~~ :tounge_xd: 





Good night Chingudeul~~ ! :relaxed:

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@siena, i need to watch the wrap up cake cutting clip again to hear the giggle and the clang! Haha. Great detective work! Hehe.


i think i’m beginning to see your point too that KNG was the one who initiated being friendly and was probably attracted to her first. By the time we watched press con, they have already finished filming first 4 episodes and AJ already broke ice with him and probably having crush

on him too since she was so girly and shy that time. 


Thanks @YuKo Wong! The Chinese translation does add a few layers to what we read. The interviewer asked,


”You look cheerful. Have you experienced any crying episodes lately?”


And his first answer was KAJ’s sorrowful eyes before he went on to say he cried when he was alone after LUTYN ended. I mean he really didn’t have to bring up KAJ at all since it wouldn’t have directly answered the question. But he chose to bring it up. Shows that it WASN’T the drama alone that was giving him withdrawal symptoms but it was mainly KAJ that was linked to the tears shed after LUTYN ended. 

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