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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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1 hour ago, namoaix said:

This is from the chinese translation from weibo! The post is written in traditional chinese characters and I’m more used to the simplified one, so I had quite a hard time understanding some of the diction! KNG is indeed really funny ㅋㅋㅋ here’s the link: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4169667674838636#&gid=1&pid=1


Question: Just as we start, KNG’s poise of speech eloquence reaches an Auntie level (I’m guessing this meant that he’s really talkative?). Not too long ago on tvN’s lifebar, everyone said KNG is 母胎(no idea what this means, can someone enlighten me haha) sexy. KNG you asked ‘me?’ three times in a row. KNG you must really not believe that you are sexy. Today let’s have KNG answer! (interviewer laughs)


KNG: That video clip has been shared already? Ah ah, how should I say? Audience knows that I’m sexy, but I can tell you accurately that other than my acting, I am not sexy, audiences are only giving me face. How about this? once I was born i’m already very sexy. (I agree lmao) When I’m a toddler I’m already very sexy (he says toddler in a very sexy tone) Doctors screams “ Wow this child is so sexy” “ Auntie this child is way too sexy” (HAHAHA LMAO KNG REALLY KNOWS HE’S SEXY)


I’m guessing 母胎 means born? So it means that he’s born sexy haha


母胎 can mean a mother's womb. So yeah, I think that's what he meant too~ he's already sexy since he was in his mother's womb. HAHAHAHA! :joy: Honestly, I was also confused earlier when I read the translations. I was like what? :D And he made me super curious when he said he's not at all sexy in real person. That sexiness only stops at acting. So, this would mean he's adorable in normal day-to-day life, behind cameras? I would so wanna see! Kekekeke! :lol:


Btw, I'm REALLY LOVING how IT'S HAPPY VIBES ALL ROUND for him! It's like we could all feel his upbeat mood and cheerfulness through this article, despite it being a text and not video. It's clear as daylight that KAJ and LUTYN has had VERY POSITIVE INFLUENCE on him~ He definitely sounds HAPPIER NOW! :heart::blush::wub:


Omo Chingudeul~ that's all for the interview??!! No more? Jinjja?? I thought there is MORE! That's why I didn't think I've lost in expecting more than 3 mentions. :lol: HAHAHAHA! But then again right, if this is all, IT'S REALLY SHORT! And yet, in SUCH A SHORT INTERVIEW, KNG STILL MENTIONED KAJ! That's all that counts for me~ Oh my hearttttt~~~~~~~~~~ *runs wild from fluttering so much* :love::love::love:

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41 minutes ago, minbongyi said:

So guys,  I need to change my avatar for a week right? Please give me Mininister of War pictures and I'll go change into him.  I can't find any.  Lmao


Must it be Minister of War???!!!! :bawling::bawling::bawling: If yes, I'll be joining you @bluehopeatm to cry a river. HUWAAAAAA~~~ :tired::tired:


And yes, greatly appreciate for any of you to supply pictures of Minister of War~ hurhurhur

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47 minutes ago, leba said:


Please tell me we’re not reading too much into his one short paragraph. He definitely is high. And so are we. So we ain’t over reacting rite? Hahaha. 



@leba NOPE, WE'RE DEFINITELY NOT~~~~~ *nods....and repeats again and again to convince oneself* :tounge_wink::tounge_xd::tounge_xd:

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Thank you so much for your translations!  @etherealk408   @siena  I don’t think we would be able to understand much if not for you guys.


Considering KAJ and KNG’s explosive chemistry, I mean, we can tell that they are each other’s best screen partners to date (keeping fingers crossed they will be for life as well), I am wondering why was their chemistry not mentioned/ asked in the interview? Or even KAJ’s name for instance.


And the fact that even when there wasn’t any mention of KAJ in the question, KMG brought her name in, showed that she has been on his mind. A lot.  It felt as if he was wanting so much to talk about her. When we miss someone or think of someone a lot, don’t we normally talk about the person as much as we can?  Of our own accord. Just like what we see in KAJ’s interviews. The feeling is mutual.

Besides, there are other crying scenes that he had in the show other than the ones with KAJ. But he chose to weave her name in…My delulu mind is overdrive now.


I am so happy to read that he felt empty (just like us lol) after the drama ended. To feel empty, means that he is devoid of any interest and purpose of anything in his life at the moment. The drama (and particular person) must mean A LOT to him. For all we know, he may be having a tough time getting into character for his new movie. Well, at least at the start.


He is definitely a sensitive guy, filled with emotions. I like! I think that he and KAJ fit perfectly. He needs someone like her to balance his life. I hope that he does not wait too long to take action/ ownership of his longing for someone. :D:)

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13 minutes ago, josung said:

He is definitely a sensitive guy, filled with emotions. I like! I think that he and KAJ fit perfectly. He needs someone like her to balance his life. I hope that he does not wait too long to take action/ ownership of his longing for someone. :D:)


At reading that, I wanted to say -- I LIKE TOOO (!!), AND THREEE, FOURRRR.....FIVEEE.....SIXXX...........SEVEN.........HUNDRED......(okay, I might type till infinity~~~~~~~ :tounge_xd:)


And yes, I'm crying more than two rivers here at my profile picccc~~~~~ :bawling::bawling::bawling: *SOBSSSSSSS*

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2 hours ago, etherealk408 said:

Just by looking at your cheerful side now, it's hard to imagine it, but did you have any experience crying recently?
While acting <LUTYN>. Looking at Kim AhJoong's eyes while acting, the tears came easily (laughs) . After the drama ended, it felt much emptier than how I thought it would be. I was alone and suddenly tears welled up in my eyes. Is it menopause? (laughs) The thing was, since LUTYN had a happy ending I didn't think it would be that way. After the drama ended I didn't want to turn around and look back at it but the aftereffects lingered too long. I looked at the far sky and mountains, listen to songs and got sentimental about it, and after suffering over it like that I feel refreshed.



@etherealk408 thanks for the translation! Seems like KNG is missing LUTYN badly and is taking a little longer than usual to move on unlike his other works. And I like to think that he was alone, thought of KAJ and how he can't be next to her as he is filming his new movie now and tears welled up in his eyes. Even in the mountains, he is thinking of her and can't help but mention her name. :heart:


Don't worry. Very soon you will be back to her arms again! Absence makes the heart fonder, so I hope you realized your feelings for her which WILL NEVER GO AWAY and swooned her off in Seoul. I am sure she is waiting for you patiently.


2 hours ago, leba said:

Catching on his words.... he actually felt emptiness that he didn’t expect to feel after the drama ended! So he really had a great experience acting it. And I feel he talks about KAJ very tenderly. He talks about her eyes and himself crying! How tender and gentle those feelings are! And he talks about missing the series (I bet her as well) and crying when he misses it!!! And it was a happy ending and yet he misses it!!! Oh oh oh! So much love!! 


Anymore stuff from the interview? Never mind if it’s not LUTYN related. We may be able to detect some more hints from him! So exciting! And the interviewer noticed he was cheerful at the interview!!!


My initial conclusion: he still might or might not be with KAJ yet. But definitely, he has changed. LUTYN is quite another turning point in his career and life. Ok ok! Our ship has a bit more fuel to sail a bit further. Hahaha!


@leba I agree he probably is not with KAJ yet but he is thinking of her and crying because he missed her , and it is hard for him to move on from LUTYN obviously because this time he has truly fallen in love with her.


Look at how HAPPY HE IS! He is so high, just like the Ep11 BTS filming at Joseon with the kids and KAJ.


delulu here~~~ and i dont care eh eh eh eh eh eh......

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Our pokemon hasn't moving on yet in my opinion. He should be because of his new movie, but I am glad though. 

At least there is a glimpse of hope and I guess that's a yay for us.

Maybe it's not the project that he miss, but the person along the journey. I hope he will realize this soon. 

Just text her KNG. (Yes, I am being pushy here, I'm sorry.)


When they stand next to each other, it's just feels right. IDK. I rarely shipping any couple anywhere, but there's exception for both of them.


Thank you for the translation guys. Appreciate every single of your efforts.


Now, I'm going to watch the mountain and night sky too, also cry for uri couple.

(Another sensitive soul here. JK)


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Thank you @etherealk408


So from the interview, he is very happy like he is the happiest man even he can tease the reporter with those sexy words :lol: And both of them go to oriental doctor now. Maybe KAJ accompany him learn acupuncture for 1 month or maybe several days.:D And I'm happy because LUTYN make their life change in positive way. And I'm agree with you all I like the way he mentions KAJ, like because no one mention her, I'll mention her.:D And the important part he still can't move on like us eventhough he already shoot another film. *hooray*:heart:

Because he mention about KAJ's eyes, maybe from all of KAJ's, he like her eyes. and because of that  he can cry easily.:wub: And I'm so happy read his interview.:wub:


Whatever they're relationship right now, we still have a chance or maybe they 're already. :lol: So my advice, KNG-ssi, don't lost her, you can meet best partner in work only 1 time.:D:wub:

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53 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:


Must it be Minister of War???!!!! :bawling::bawling::bawling: If yes, I'll be joining you @bluehopeatm to cry a river. HUWAAAAAA~~~ :tired::tired:


And yes, greatly appreciate for any of you to supply pictures of Minister of War~ hurhurhur

Mollayo, is it villain or what? Hahahahaa. Or should I change it into Director Ma? Muahahahaahaa

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13 minutes ago, mushforbrains said:

Hmm...maybe I was hoping for too much...all or nothing...

it saddened me a little when he said he wanted to leave Lutyn behind....

will see how things go from here...


I guess it depends on how we understand it. I guess as a professional actor, he knows he needs to put it behind. But he was surprised by how long the “after-effects” lingered for this drama, some more given that it had a happy ending. He didn’t expect himself to feel empty for this drama that’s why he was surprised too. Not sure if he meant that he want to forget about it. But I take it to mean that, professionally speaking, he needs to move on from it to get into other characters, just that it’s taking a bit long.


I also wonder why he would cry, thinking about it. Hahaha. It’s a happy ending that had a settledness for HI and YK. But maybe the bitter sweetness of having had to part for a couple of years and coming back together. But I think more so, he really missed YK. Hehe. And maybe he’s trying very hard not to confuse YK with the real KAJ. Hope that his refreshment from the sky and mountain is only temporary. Want him to go back to Seoul yearning for KAJ! Hahaha

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1 hour ago, leba said:



Oh... no wonder he has so much of the sky and mountains to look at! Omo! I think he hasn’t totally gotten over it yet. He only “feels refreshed” after looking at the sky and mountains, hasn’t moved on. Like us! Haha.


Please tell me we’re not reading too much into his one short paragraph. He definitely is high. And so are we. So we ain’t over reacting rite? Hahaha. 


I wish to join u in the next bet too, @littlebluecat. Haha. But not sure if they will progress so fast, though I really hope they will....


47 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:


@leba NOPE, WE'RE DEFINITELY NOT~~~~~ *nods....and repeats again and again to convince oneself* :tounge_wink::tounge_xd::tounge_xd:

 @littlebluecat @leba Nope, we are definitely not reading too much from his one short paragraph :ph34r: The fact that he is high is further feeding my delulu mind :wub: We are definitely getting happy vibes from both of them so hoping that the ship will sail soon if it hasn't and sail happily if it has :heart:

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Thanks for the translation @etherealk408


The thread been so silence and we all have been waiting for his High Cut interview.


Good to learn that he is in high spirit these days. I have already told myself not to expect much since this is a rare pokemon we are talking about and as I read somewhere, asking questions to KNG will leave you with more questions than answers. I believe this is so true.


The fact is, the High Cut interview did not touched much on LUTYN but more on he himself as an actor. So that is the most that we could get for now. But thankfully, he choose to take an opportunity to thank KAJ. I take him mentioning KAJ as:

1) That she is really a great acting partner and therefore complimented his acting. Her eyes alone could conveyed whatever emotion required of their character and 

2) HI actually cried a lot for YK towards the later episode which also meant, they were heading towards the end of their collaboration. So, is he crying knowing that he could not easily see that girl anymore? That her eyes alone could bring him to tears?


14 minutes ago, mushforbrains said:

Hmm...maybe I was hoping for too much...all or nothing...

it saddened me a little when he said he wanted to leave Lutyn behind....

will see how things go from here...

KNG earlier on said that LUTYN is an easy drama. I bet he did not expect that the after effect would be that long too. And I think it's normal that he wanted to leave LUTYN behind since he has another movie to shoot immediately and therefore needs to get in character asap. But to think that despite him already occupied with new movie, he still think of LUTYN is a bonus. And he DID NOT SAID that the after effect has stopped. It was just that the mountain and the sky helped him to brush the thoughts away (temporary). Probably, he is still suffering (as he quoted it...suffering!!!) the withdrawal from LUTYN.


While I know that SHK has officially married SJK and congrats to both of them, she actually dated Hyun Bin prior to that. I remember she said that it was their separation after their drama ended with him immediately shooting the drama/movie (cannot remember) "Friends, Our Legend" in Busan that made the two of them realized their true feelings for each other and decided to pursue a romance. So, let's hope the same from our Gum couple but with a different ending, a happy ever after.

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I know right, sensitive guys are so rare nowadays. 


@Cynthia kristiani


I think that KNG is drawn to KAJ’s eyes the most somehow, how can one not to, when her eyes are so emotive and expressive. The lips come a close second of course, judging from the ravenous kiss.


For KNG to mention the eyes would mean that they have left a strong impression on him. When I saw KAJ in the earlier episodes, I was drawn foremost to her eyes. I watched her in Punch and 200 pounds beauty but did not recall much of her eyes, other than they are beautiful and big. In LUTYN, her eyes can really talk. They remind me of an old song. “Lost in your eyes” by Debbie Gibson. I think KNG has to be lost in those deep pools. How not to fall in love after looking into those eyes after so many months? Ah, there my delulu mind runs amok again.


You know, I am pretty sure that KAJ looks at him (radiates :heart:) like that during the BTS moments too – outside from the acting scenes as well. And the reason why he can’t hold his gaze too is because he feels the same. When I started dating my husband, he said that I always avoided his gaze. That’s what shy people do, when they like someone, they just could not hold the gaze of their loved ones for too long. Of course, now my gaze has changed to the glaring kind whenever he finds excuses not to do housework.


Being the new age sensitive rare pokemon he is, I am sure KNG is shy to boot whenever he has to look at her. :)


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Me too am drawn to her eyes. They have a unique shape. The ends go upwards instead of down. And they are very expressive. I love it when she started to show she cares for HI and when she started giving him those loving gazes. No wonder he would melt.  Who wouldn’t, when the woman conveys so much love in her look?


If they’re not together yet, do you all think they’re still keeping in touch? Regularly? Haha. Wish there was a way to find out.....Dispatch, hire me! B)

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