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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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8 minutes ago, parootpatootie said:

Or marry her then date her to make it even shorter. Lol. Good thing, she's willing to give up her career for love. Not everyone can do that. You found yourself a gem. Don't lose her. Even better if you make baby gems with her. :D


I like this idea too lol. Marry then date all you want :D

Anyway at least they already tried dating while shooting :D 

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Here are some old question to from DC for KNG:


DC: Regarding studying in university, what do you most looking forward?

NG: Female students from same batch and seniors.


DC: Living at such a fashionable place like Gangam, why is it that you cant be seen at trendy boutiques there?

NG: Dread the trendy, also only walking or cycling the path from workplace to home, home to workplace.


DC: Of all the characters that you played that died in show, which do your heart still ache when thought of it?

NG: Bidam, Queen Seon duk


DC: Why do you choose Chinese languages?

NG: Related to own country's culture, filmmaking and  likes, Hollywood is slowly declining and China's gradually developing  momentum,   had me decide to study Chinese languages.


DC: Why do you represent a NGO?

NG: I originally had a lot of negative thoughts about doing good work. It seemed to me that my family staving and helping others.I went to disaster relief site in Indonesia on 2010. It is a shooting volunteer activities was like a show or event. When the boardcast went out, I was surprised at the reaction. This is an opportunity for others to join in and to rethink the influence of the actor.


DC: What do you usually use, call or text?

NG: Text


DC: How is your health now? Have you been eating well?

NG: My body had seriously overwork and in bad condition, internal organs and all are in bad state. Now i have to visit hospital a lot and continue taking medicines. The body is giving me lot of problem and  i feel very tired easily. But now since i try to eat well, I getting better.










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33 minutes ago, leba said:


Yeah it will take some time to date, marry and have kids. 1 kid per year? That will be 3 years. If the wife is KAJ, her age is catching up too. Haha. He needs to date her soon, marry her even sooner and faster have babies.  :lol: KNG-ssi, u can date and marry within 1 year! That will shorten the time. Haha.

Why dont try to have triplets? The older the women age is the bigger chance to have multiple pregnancy. Haha. Try to Imagine them with triplets:D


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2 hours ago, umiuni147 said:

I think he is a straighforward person, he didn't hesitate to said that he need award so hard, almost all actor need it too,but only KNG who bold enough to said it in front of tv camera. 

Yeah.. I remember when he received an award for QSD he said in his speech about how he had some qualms with the writers and express his disappointment with the ending they gave for his character....hearing that made me worried that some people might find him rude but at the same time I'm amazed on how he didn't hesitate to voice out his opinion lol.


Then in one of his previous movies he was asked about what can he say on having people say that they are the perfect couple and he was like "Shouldn't you be asking those people who said that?" lol And he never hesitate to said that he was sad that people don't recognize him on the street nowadays and that he will be happy if they will. And when asked about the dating rumors between him and Jang Nara, he was like "That's ridiculous" He seems pretty frank.

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1 hour ago, umiuni147 said:

Hahaha....I know what you want to say. Initially I want to bring that also but we already discuss it a lot in previous pages and yah we dont need to bring "that name" again.

A girl who can't be named. Lol


4 minutes ago, shiqin3381 said:

Why dont try to have triplets? The older the women age is the bigger chance to have multiple pregnancy. Haha. Try to Imagine them with triplets:D


Kim Triplets. Maygad! Hahahahaaa

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1 hour ago, shiqin3381 said:

TRIVIA: Kim Nam Gil when asked:

DC: Do you refer son or daughters? Have you thought about children when you get married in future? Do you want to have son or daughter?

KNG: Compared to daughter, I want son more. Having to raise a daughter in this world is a little dangerous. What would happen if she were to meet someone like me. for me, I want to have three kids, the first must be a son, second I want a son as well, third a daughter, this way there will be there, haha.



@shiqin3381 was this interview taken recently? oooh 3 kids ya? In the BTS in Joseon, he was hugging the boy really tight and flinging the girl upside down. He is so ready to be a dad, just have to find the right woman that's all. :grin:


1 hour ago, sight_stv said:


i know right! i know you already now so we can said the same about him being straightforward lol! in that interview he is so bold though hahaha so i wonder if he interviewed now, what will be his best answer  


@sight_stv chingu, what interview was him been 'bold' at? Any links or just a short summary? *although I am covering my ears and eyes and don't want to hear if it is related to ahem*

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1 hour ago, shiqin3381 said:

TRIVIA: Kim Nam Gil when asked:

DC: Do you refer son or daughters? Have you thought about children when you get married in future? Do you want to have son or daughter?

KNG: Compared to daughter, I want son more. Having to raise a daughter in this world is a little dangerous. What would happen if she were to meet someone like me. for me, I want to have three kids, the first must be a son, second I want a son as well, third a daughter, this way there will be there, haha.


Lmao I laughed so hard at this ":lol:What would happen if she were to meet someone like me."

How can a woman resist his sexiness?

I'm not shipping them but ...talking about making babies and sexual stuff...hey that's totally my department


Shall we dig into how many bro and sis our gummies have? And more importantly her "butt shape"....can really tell the future of all the lovely little Heo Im nNbKaE0.gif


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Just now, fans123 said:

Lmao I laughed so hard at this ":lol:What would happen if she were to meet someone like me."

How can a woman resist his sexiness?

I'm not shipping them but ...talking about making babies and sexual stuff...hey that's totally my department


Shall we dig into how many bro and sis t our gummies have? And more importantly her "butt shape"....can really tell the future of all the lovely little Heo Im nNbKaE0.gif



LOLL we getting more heat in here.. we need more some pervert content to be byeontae right now

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3 hours ago, Kkeom said:

You can buy online on the website :):)

The brand also shipping international 



Here's the link of flagship store in seoul.



@ey27 yup i bought mine in that website. :) They shipped internationally and also they sell their products to different store outside korea. You can check their website to see the available countries :) 

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@mantleprey the interview was few years back. KNG really love kids. He was ready to be a father long time ago but havent meet the right match.:) 

I remember he babysitted his friend's son. The baby sleep in his arm easily.


@fans123 @sight_stv i remember posted here about pisces and libra are both good at bed that can make magic in bedroom. So there will no problem in this area.:wub::D


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3 minutes ago, shiqin3381 said:

@mantleprey the interview was few years back. KNG really love kids. He was ready to be a father long time ago but havent meet the right match.:)


@fans123 @sight_stv i remember posted here about pisces and libra are both good at bed that can make magic in bedroom. So there will no problem in this area.:wub::D


Oohhh this magic is different. No one wants to stay in the same roof with them and hearing....



I felt so bad talking about them now :tongue::relaxed:

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I wonder what KAJ thought of the CPR scene. I wish somebody asked that question in one of her interviews.


Also, can you imagine what the scene would be when CYK goes to labor? It would definitely be more hilarious than when Heo Im carried CYK to the hospital, honeymoon-style. Lol.

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8 hours ago, shiqin3381 said:


They also look great in tense drama. There are from drama Shark and Punch.


Chingudeul~~ I've missed all of youuu~ don't have time to read thread earlier today~ and am actually stealing some time while waiting for my family to reply~ heh heh~ 


And I wanna say that they even look SOOOO ALIKE in the cover of this video! Their features + expressions~ SO SO ALIKE! :heart: 

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@butterflysaga please dont quote the image chingu :D kindly reminder, because its violation soompi rules and make the thread can be suspended and slow :D we dont want that happen right, especially not before our couple announce their relationship lol :D 


3 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:


Chingudeul~~ I've missed all of youuu~ don't have time to read thread earlier today~ and am actually stealing some time while waiting for my family to reply~ heh heh~ 


And I wanna say that they even look SOOOO ALIKE in the cover of this video! Their features + expressions~ SO SO ALIKE! :heart: 


so its destiny and they both meant to be together right? LOL the atmosphere in here is kind of pervert at the moment do you want to join? :D 

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Delurking because i heard there's some pervert talk going on here... hahaha...

I have only been able to read a few posts here and there since page 103. So apparently there won't be director cut, @Kkeom already received her Ost album (still waiting for mine, hopefully it'll reach Iceland by Christmas...) and there's a bunch of perverts here. Did I miss anything ? :tongue:


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