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[Drama 2018] Live 살다


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^I don’t think the pick pocketing was a club operation. Seems only the bouncer was involved with an outsider.


The wait was so long and painful. Finally it’s the day for a new episode!

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1 hour ago, scout said:

I don’t think the pick pocketing was a club operation. Seems only the bouncer was involved with an outsider.

Oh, that makes sense. I thought the guy in the suit who takes the stolen stuff from the pick pocket is the owner. Thanks!

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21 hours ago, lollyminx said:

Anyway, despite this, I agree that IF EVER they include romance in this and make the characters get into a full on relationship, MH and JO are better partners, and SS can be with HR.


The kiss in 8 seemed questionable, so I can see why the Korean Metoo came after it. First of all, he didn't establish he had feelings for her to her. Secondly, he did it when she wasn't looking, so the consent isn't there. Thirdly, he's an elder/senior officer which makes it pressured, especially in Korean contexts where elders/seonbae have power over you.

There isn't enough background right now on anything to really make emotional connections, so the romance feels a bit forced at the moment, which makes that scene more creepy in some ways than romantic. I'm still waiting for that thrust from the characters rather than the events.

For example, we found out why that one officer was playing laid back, but I thought it could have used more thrust. It was supposed to be a big reveal, but it wasn't more than any of the other characters, so it kinda seems like a let down. That's when you put in the hooks and put up something creative. It doesn't have to be a huge trauma, but it should come out of the character's real desires--say, he's been trying really hard to have a family and this is his first child sort of hook--so he really wants to see their face. It kinda pulls the rug out of the tension when it was just his wife that asked him to not get killed. No personal motivation, so I felt a huge disconnection rather than a connection.

I want that sort of emotional connection to the characters, so when their emotions match on screen, I feel like they match romantically as well... haven't gotten that feeling from any one of the characters. I know the actors can deliver it, the writing just needs to trust them enough to get it there. Give the characters meat. The writer might benefit from learning rapid characterization techniques too, but I'm getting into technical writer talk...

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I know I said that I didn't mind which way the romance falls :wink: but it's a bit much when the show trots out not just one love triangle but two. It's rather taxing quite frankly... and stretches incredulity in unnecessary ways. I'm fine with coppers young and old having struggles with home life like the three cops that have to be hauled up to internal affairs for letting the con man slip through their fingers but yeah... the two main females (great characters incidentally) who happen to have a past connection happen to be objects of jealousy and romantic rivals. Although I like MH as a character and I'm not especially barracking for SS who tends towards overreach at times, I have a thing for underdogs... and right now... just because we're being forced to take sides... I'm just a little bit more sympathetic towards SS. :wink: The reality is though, I don't want to take sides because I want the Hongil patrol division to win and the romances feel like a misguided distraction. Honestly, I don't see the point of a love triangle among the senior officers just for conflict. I'm sure there's enough baggage between those two guys to sort through without having to use JM as a trophy. The way the Asst Chief talks about giving way to YC in the past gives me the heebie jeebies.


That aside, I'm really enjoying the hum of the squad dynamic. The clash of egos, the challenges in working in pairs, teamwork in the solving of cases, mentors-mentees and dealing with the perpetrators as well as the victims. The last two episodes really reminded me of US cop shows from the 1980s. TJ Hooker, Hill Street Blues, CHiPs etc. The most heartening thing is seeing SS and YC's relationship advance in increments. Also for YC to set aside all that inner frustration and settle into his role in the patrol division as well as being a better mentor to the rookies in general. 

Glad also to see some teamwork happening with the apprehending of the night club thieves and foreign prostitution ring. It took everyone a little while to get their act together and set aside their egos but at least they finally got there. It is nice to be able to see them all do their part like a well-oiled machine. Although I don't think HR should have announced her presence to the accomplice so soon... or at all!


While I'm happy to have this show available on Netflix, some kind of independent vetting of the subs is definitely needed.

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43 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

The reality is though, I don't want to take sides because I want the Hongil patrol division to win and the romances feel like a misguided distraction. Honestly, I don't see the point of a love triangle among the senior officers just for conflict.

True! I agree with this very much, it feels like it would be better if there was no romance to begin with, that it was neither hinted nor explored. In this way, we can focus on the unit as it is and how they deal with the struggles of being police officers, having each others' backs, etc.


I think the writer is going for different outcomes, such that if that happened with JM and YC and the other guy, what will happen with JO, SS, and MH? Will history repeat itself or? I just want to see the ending, but I don't necessarily want to see how their romance unfolds. I just want to see who ends up with who maybe, IF they're trying to add romance. But I'd entirely be okay if the show had zero romance.

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8 hours ago, Kim Yunmi said:

I can see why the Korean Metoo came after it.

I forgot to reply to this part.


It's a good thing you raised #MeToo because this is really a problem in SOME Korean dramas and other dramas around the world. There are obvious abusive behaviors (i.e. lack of consent, stalkerish behavior, violence against women, etc.) that are portrayed as romantic. Personally, I don't mind it that much - me, alone as an individual - because I am fairly confident that I can identify what those abusive behaviors are and I'm able to avoid being put in such situations or call other people out when it takes place. Hence, I can enjoy the show but also feel frustrated by some of the abusive behaviors. However, it is worrying that others do not seem to recognize it as much, and then these abusive behaviors are normalized so others think they are acceptable.

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ep 9 spoilers ahead!!!


Haha so MH's background was pretty straightforward/obvious. His previous love, a peer cop, died trying to save someone and he rebelled for a while due to grief and only recently rejoined the force, which is why his rank is lower than his peers'. Hope we can get a flashback at least when MH is telling JO in ep 10 in the car (they are both wearing casual clothes so hope they're on a date! lol).


JO also shares some of her story with SS after the domestic violence and attempted rape cases. Guess she related to the beaten wife's daughters and was angry that the woman thought she could protect her daughters. I'm wondering if JO had a stepdad who sexually abused her and she ended up getting an abortion at that shady place in the flashback where she met JM?


Also, the aftermath of the cheek kiss was so anticlimatic. JO just pretends like nothing happened and seems worried about the rumors affecting her career, which is understandable (although she does smile when remembering the kiss). She outright rejected SS but she didn't say anything to MH so I'm wondering what happens in ep 10. SS mentioned to YC that he heard MH is from a good family when he was comparing his specs to MH's. KInda sad how MH was fleshed out in such a unceremonious manner through other characters talking about him.

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@scout Hah! I was not expecting that. If that's the case, will his past experience be an issue for him then? Like, he'll fall in love with JO, and then when things are going great, he'll remember how painful it is to lose someone you love because you're both facing the dangers of being a cop, and then he'll back off, like what usually happens in dramas? Leaving SS to pick up the pieces? Or will MH do the opposite? Hmmm...




By the way, I just remembered something since we have been talking about romance in Live. One of my favorite romantic narratives is between the leads in Secret Forest. I remember loving it then because the slow burn progression of their relationship. Also, it was so subtle, and yet you can feel that they both are developing a deep connection. I also loved that the resolution of their relationship was not fully shown, that their ending was ambiguous but still you know that they kind of end up together, or at least, reconnect again. This was what I was talking about earlier that I would have been okay if the romance is not the focus of the story at all, and that the romantic relationships are simply resolved in the end. Or, the progression of the relationships are subtle and implied. In this way, we get to focus more on the story of the entire patrol unit.


P.S. Sorry for posting so much on the forum! :lol: I just have so many thoughts about this show.

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3 hours ago, lollyminx said:

I forgot to reply to this part.


However, it is worrying that others do not seem to recognize it as much, and then these abusive behaviors are normalized so others think they are acceptable.

I agree. It's really troubling. But I've also noticed Korean dramas have been getting better lately. Jugglers was really good in this respect and when it got slightly questionable, it still was self aware of it, highlighted it and worked really hard to show consent, as well as making fun of some rom com tropes where there isn't consent. Radio Romance had stalkerish bits, but the female lead never gave into it and instead the male lead stopped doing it--it was properly labeled as "childish" etc. This is quite an improvement from even 5 years ago with all of the arm tugging, wall slamming and so on. And what I term melting female leads. (seems strong until she gets forcibly kissed and then melts into a puddle of Stockholm Syndrome--which I should be clear aren't really "traditional" Korean values either. Before the Imjin war... we had rights that outmatch many women today.)

The particular scene I highlighted, I still kinda felt iffy because they put romantic rather than neutral music behind it. I'd rather they choice something more neutral as an outro. I'm still not convinced that there should be romance this late in the drama.

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1 hour ago, triplem said:

I also like how  OYC & SS’s relationship is improving , as well as the growing Father- Daughter bond btwn Hye Ri & her mentor.

I like this part as well, especialy HR and SB's relationship. I love that HR slept at SB's house, and that they had good team work at the club.


1 hour ago, triplem said:

Funnily I’m actually a bit more invested in the relationship btwn OYC & AJM.

Haha same! Before they got divorced, I was so not interested in their relationship. I was like, "Just get a divorce already!!!" I thought their story was boring. However, after getting divorced, I became more invested. Haha! I want to know what will happen between them, and I like seeing YC being worked up because his wife doesn't seem to care about him anymore. :lol: LOL at the birthday lunch scene where YC's is quietly asking JM to give him food.


1 hour ago, isabelly said:

i the only want who want a romance between SS and JO

I also want this because I feel SS's feelings for JO. I can see/feel him falling in love with JO. But I also like MH and JO together, and SS and HR. Haha! I feel like whatever the writer decides, I'll be down with it.

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On 4/7/2018 at 9:39 PM, lollyminx said:

True! I agree with this very much, it feels like it would be better if there was no romance to begin with, that it was neither hinted nor explored. In this way, we can focus on the unit as it is and how they deal with the struggles of being police officers, having each others' backs, etc.


I think the writer is going for different outcomes, such that if that happened with JM and YC and the other guy, what will happen with JO, SS, and MH? Will history repeat itself or? I just want to see the ending, but I don't necessarily want to see how their romance unfolds. I just want to see who ends up with who maybe, IF they're trying to add romance. But I'd entirely be okay if the show had zero romance.

Some shows are definitely better served when there's no romance. :wink: 

I appreciate the argument that romance can bring out certain qualities and personality traits in characters BUT that doesn't always happen and often the introduction of romance can clash with the overall goal and retard the progression of the narrative..


I would have been fine if there was a little bit of UST between SS and JO or JO and MH but as a whole I don't see how that love triangle serves the bigger story. I don't see how it adds to SS, JO or MH's character development in any way that a well-written bromance or platonic friendship can't. 


I agree that MH's peck on the cheek while bubble blowing could be construed as sexual harassment. But more than that, it feels to me to be completely out of character for him to be doing something like that when he's generally very careful about regulations and being considerate about the feelings of others etc. After all the retreat is still a work function so in that context it seems inappropriate on so many levels. It does feel forced no doubt because the writer probably thought that "Well, you know... it's episode 8 now... and it's time we had a kiss in this drama between the good-looking sunbae and the spunky hoobae." :wink:

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SS is such a hypocrite. He complains about how girls don’t like poor guys like him but then here is HR crushing on him and he just waves her off while pining for JO even after she rejected him like three times. Even though he’s an insecure loser who is always badmouthing everyone, I actually like SS as a character because he tries hard to improve and is a total softie. I am 75% sure he’ll end up with JO in the end (or at least have an open ending with her) so I wish he would stop being such a richard simmons sometimes.


I hope we finally get JO’s backstory this weekend. Her finding the girl in the closet reminded me of JM finding JO in the flashback. Also wonder how that all relates to her coldly/abruptly breaking up with HP’s friend in high school and her freezing each time MH touches her (even though she seems fine with SS and even pats his cheek/head).

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^JO finds the necklace with a photo of MH and his ex and asks why they broke up. MH explains that on her way to meet him she saw an accident and tried to save a mom and child but the car blew up and she died on the spot. MH says he had wondered how to mention Hyunsoo to JO. He puts the necklace away and JO says you don’t have to then MH puts out his hand which JO grabs and she says let’s go see a comedy movie (since MH got melancholy).

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You don’t know
How big my love is
My eyes grew red, I couldn’t tell you
I’m still not good enough
But after winter passes and spring comes
Then, then, then



Like the flowers that tremble with the wind
To me, why why why
Even after time passes
I promise my heart will stay the same
When I see you, feels like I will cry
My precious person
To me, why why why
To me, why why why

I’ll hold you warmly
Even after time passes
So my heart won’t ever change
In my dreams, it’s only you
I wanna see you, even as an illusion
You, you, you

Like the flowers that tremble with the wind
To me, why why why
Even after time passes
I promise my heart will stay the same
When I see you, feels like I will cry
My precious person
To me, why why why
To me, why why why

So you won’t get sad
So you won’t ever hurt again
I’ll never leave you

I love you so much like this
But why why why
Are you looking at me with a nervous look?
Just trust me
Forever, it’s only you
Look into my eyes
To me, why why why
To me, why why why






Yoo Ah-in Presents Coffee Truck to Jung Yu-mi and Lee Si-eon

2018/04/08 | 576 views | Permalink | Source





Actor Yoo Ah-in sent a coffee truck to the tvN drama set "Live" for Jung Yu-mi and Lee Si-eon.

Lee Si-eon posted pictures of the truck saying, "Thank you so much Ah-in, from Jung-oh and Nam-il".

Lee Si-eon met Yoo Ah-in in the movie "Tough as Iron" and Jung Yu-mi is known as one of Yoo Ah-in's best friend.

Meanwhile, Yoo Ah-in is looking forward to the release of "Burning", a story about Jong-soo (Yoo Ah-in) meeting his childhood friend Hae-mi (Jun Jong-seo) and getting introduced to Ben (Steven Yeun), a mysterious man.




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