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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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As always, watching the episode with subs is just more full of impact than anything else. What I really like about this episode is that although the general theme is romance, the author did not forget that this is still a feminist work. We were given the characters' situations where some were sexually harassed daily and nearly raped. SJ finally did something towards her co-worker. When the cordial way did not work, she tried another method that really sent the message well. When JH finally disclose her experience, JM's company filed for a lawsuit. When SH discovered for himself, he did not hesitate to give the jerk a piece of his mind even though it involves throwing punches, something he said he does not do. With that, she found people who avenged her. In  saying these, the author also presented us on how they fought back, that if someone has experienced this, these are just few of the options to fight back. There is always a way to find justice, whether you find it yourself or someone will for you.:grin:


On JH & SH
 I really hate seeing JH & SH like this. There are too many words unsaid and there are only 2 episodes left. I don't want the remaining episodes to feel rushed.  Although I feel like the ending might be something I don't approve of, I will put my trust on the writer that she will wrapped everything up with a beautiful happy ending.


On HR & WS:
HR finally met someone who's on her league when it comes to marriage. Both she and WS are trying to move on. Although this is the case, IDK but I still want them to end up being together or is it just me? 


Anyway, an episode full of angst is not what I signed up for after the last episode ( with all the fluffiness in their bed scene :heart:) but if it takes their relationship to a whole new level, I'm in. :blush:

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SH has been very straightforward with whatever he wants but why didn't he tell her he love her when he had the opportunity? Why the delay again? This lady has been very open for him to read. He knows she loves him.

There is a probability that she will know that JM is the ex he talked about cos they are now going to work together. For a sharp minded guy like him, he would have done the needful cos delay will be dangerous. Why hesitating . I don't seem to get it. Even to hold her hand was hard for him to do. So all the holding hands before was not done with love that was why he was able to do that.


And that conversation with JM is so out of point. It rather made me angry. Just not more  than 5 minutes is OK to end their story. He seems and behaved like a jerk. So self centered. Assuming that lady turned out bad because of what happened to her, i wouldn't blame her either. Writer please don't make me hate SH character 

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Just finish watch Ep.14 sub and would like to say this before back reading



Love every episode but ...


This is like WOW

I'm not good in writing, explain how i feel and share insight (my lack of English)

I have worries before watch this Ep. even I found Ep.1-13 not disappoint.

now I believe that it going to be great in EP.15 en EP.16


Thank you so much to ALL first lifer here.

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10 minutes ago, darr said:

SH has been very straightforward with whatever he wants but why didn't he tell her he love her when he had the opportunity? Why the delay again? This lady has been very open for him to read. He knows she loves him.

There is a probability that she will know that JM is the ex he talked about cos they are now going to work together. For a sharp minded guy like him, he would have done the needful cos delay will be dangerous. Why hesitating . I don't seem to get it. Even to hold her hand was hard for him to do. So all the holding hands before was not done with love that was why he was able to do that.


SH did not seem to realize how powerful words are. He's someone who does not think words are that important seen in the scene where JM said he did not confess to her and even now in a new relationship he is still the same(kudos to JM for pointing that out!). Being physical was really difficult for him and being able to express his feelings in words eloquently must be even tougher.  

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52 minutes ago, Jillia said:

I think I really stand by my opinion - and please don't hate me - that Se-hee and Ji-hoo need to break up. They need to leave the contract marriage. Because despite the fact it was a contract marriage in the beginning. The problem always is, first of all, the heart. It's unpredicatable to see how feelings are going to develope. I remember Ji-ho and Se-hee saying that if one of them would fall for the other it would lead to the termination of their deal. They were also pretty confident they're not eachother's type. And look where we are now.


The other problem is: with marriage come expectation. From family, from the society etc. It was shown in the way how Se-hee's father is seeing his daughter-in-law and how her mother-in-law is seeing her as well. She is Se-hee's wife and they have certain expectations, like Ji-ho having a child. Same goes the other way around.


So they're under a certain pressure which can only be resolved when they stop this whole contract marriage and start over like a normal couple would do. Only then Ji-ho doesn't have to worry anymore, thinking "this is a contract marriage" and with that she may think Se-hee isn't on the same page as her. Meanwhile for Se-hee it's all pretty clear when in the end it's not. So in a way, and while there is so much angst, Ji-ho did good to ask for their contract marriage to be terminated. This way they will be separated but in the end they will come back together.


I hope I make any sense. :D


That actually reminds me a bit of one of LMK's previous series, Dalja's Spring. There's a scene, around one of the middle episodes, where LMK's character gives the female character (Chae Rim) her money back, he was paid to be her boyfriend, and said that essentially anything he would say would only be worth the amount of money that he gave her. As in like the fact that she paid him would always be the barrier in their relationship, she would never be able to take anything he said as his serious feelings because she could feel like he was doing it out of obligation to their contract. I sort of feel like that is the same thing here.


When I first saw the ending scene of episode 14 I did think that perhaps JH wanted to say that they should stop their contract, but not their relationship, since she only mentioned the contract. But I wonder if maybe SH will jump to the conclusion, being the logical person that he is, that she means she wants to stop everything, and perhaps say something about canceling the contract altogether and bring up money or something, signaling that it seems he is fine with giving up everything. Of course JH could mean that she wants to stop everything and sort of evaluate where they are, sort of get herself together first, but with SH's logical brain, he may end up saying something that's far worse, or maybe mention that clause about them developing feelings, perhaps going back into a defensive mode.



In the episode we were able to see that SH isn't someone to express himself with words. We could see it when JM mentioned that he never confessed to her and he wondered if he needed to do such a thing. They're people who have different outlooks on ways that things should be done, and that's kind of been evident throughout the entire series. I do wonder if, based on the preview how SG brings SH home drunk, if SG will talk with JH about him. I wonder if he'll say something about SH to JM, perhaps about something regarding the past or the way that SH acts, like he did with SJ when they were eating, the episode with the kiss. I really loved that part of the episode, where SG gave some insight into SH, because it just showcased their friendship, even though we may not have seen many scenes regarding it.


Who knows, maybe JM will be the one who convinces JH to kind of go back. Maybe she'll mention something about SH coming to speak to her about JH and about how much it seems like he cares about her. That could possibly give JH the peace of mind about SH that she may be experiencing. However, it's probably best if the words and story come from SH himself to give her the boost of confidence in his feelings for her.

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In every episode JH is shocking me. How clear his thoughts and heart are, it is overwhelming

I don't remember the last time some shows or movies spoke to me in a such eloquent way

I really needed BTIMFL in my life right now, I was felling like I was stuck in my own room 19

I am loving every steps SH is taking, with JH. It's almost like an healing experience for me ahah


I think this was a great episode, even if I, a part of myself, hated almost of it ahah 

They showed us only some time of a conversation or a scene that they unfold in the next episode. In fact, I think we only watched like 70% of the real time. The conversation with the father was totally cut off WTF COME ON GUYS 


This tragedy was necessary and I have great expectations for next week.

I don't know but this episode felt almost like a Shakespeare's play (?!)


ps. Will Mr. Park sue SJ??!

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46 minutes ago, qynn said:
1 hour ago, Jillia said:

I think I really stand by my opinion - and please don't hate me - that Se-hee and Ji-hoo need to break up. They need to leave the contract marriage. Because despite the fact it was a contract marriage in the beginning. The problem always is, first of all, the heart. It's unpredicatable to see how feelings are going to develope. I remember Ji-ho and Se-hee saying that if one of them would fall for the other it would lead to the termination of their deal. They were also pretty confident they're not eachother's type. And look where we are now.


The other problem is: with marriage come expectation. From family, from the society etc. It was shown in the way how Se-hee's father is seeing his daughter-in-law and how her mother-in-law is seeing her as well. She is Se-hee's wife and they have certain expectations, like Ji-ho having a child. Same goes the other way around.


So they're under a certain pressure which can only be resolved when they stop this whole contract marriage and start over like a normal couple would do. Only then Ji-ho doesn't have to worry anymore, thinking "this is a contract marriage" and with that she may think Se-hee isn't on the same page as her. Meanwhile for Se-hee it's all pretty clear when in the end it's not. So in a way, and while there is so much angst, Ji-ho did good to ask for their contract marriage to be terminated. This way they will be separated but in the end they will come back together.


I hope I make any sense. :D

That makes sense and I agree. I think they need to end the contract marriage which wouldn't necessarily mean a break up except I think both need some space even if it's only for a few days. They need a fresh start without the contract. That muddied things so much. They are landlord/tenant but also referring to each other as husband and wife to others (and both meaning it) but yet they aren't husband and wife and they are starting a relationship without talking about starting a relationship or what that means. Yeesh.  


"What is normal?" I think this is an overall theme of this show.  Starting with the app - "Dating Not Marriage" (not your normal kind of app), HR - wanting to marry for love and have a "normal" married life and housewife, The S-S couple, having a dating contract (not normal), but SG desiring to have a "normal" dating relationship and SJ fighting against it,  and our OTP - SH marrying to get parents off his back, getting help with house pymt, and because he finds  JH a compatible roommate (she takes out the recycling, feeds the cat, and has a good cleaning habit).  And for JH, its marrying because it provided her with a secure, inexpensive place to live.....


I bring that up because, @Jillia,  do they have to divorce? Did they ever register the marriage in the first place?,   To outsiders they are already married, they don't know the real reason.  Or, can they just tear up the contract and start anew within their own household, or if they need to have a ceremony declaring their love for one another, could it be on a small scale amongst  just those who are privy to their situation.


P.S. I have a feeling that JH's mom already has a inkling to what's up. You can see it in her facial expressions :) I'm hoping to see her give JH some motherly advice in these final episodes. 

Edited by j9sshi
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I caved and watched EP 14 with subs and it was... NOT AS BAD AS I THOUGHT IT'D BE. 

my heart survived. 


Im feeling very optimistic about next week's episode + finale - JH may have said she wants to end the contract now but that could mean that she would want a new relationship with SH to begin that is not contractual. It's a very clever choice to put this scene as a cliffhanger to next week's episode (clever, but so so so painful for us viewers as we anticipate for one.more.week) - I feel that now that all the secret is finally out of the bag (like 80% of it) - SH and JH can finally seek closure about SH's past and move on. 


Also, JH may be oblivious to SH's actions of love for her, but I also believe that JH really loves SH because in the scene where the EX asked her what would she do if she answered YES to JH's question of "will u love the man from the past if you meet him again?", JH answered with conviction that she would still wait for SH's heart to come to her. And this is even AFTER she came to know about the baby, and his past etc etc etc - JH said she would still wait for SH's heart to come to her.


So I am optimistic that both SH and JH will both fight for each other!


I also think in the preview JH is asking SH out on a date since for their first date, it was SH that initiated. 


And I think CEO Ma and SJ will definitely help SH and LH out - I think SH might have asked SJ what's the three best ways to confess to someone (as he's never done it before!) and that's when HR read the text and threw the phone away lol (since HR is in SJ's home and Im guessing it is SJ's phone that she was holding on to).


I also think SH's dad was asking JH about when they are having a baby and saying all that stuff about SH getting older so they should hurry up because I think it's his way of masking his guilt?He might have done something that might have caused the miscarriage to happen 12 years ago and he might want to see SH having a baby again. 


PS: I wanna buy all the books they showed in this series! 

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3 minutes ago, becauselifelife said:

I caved and watched EP 14 with subs and it was... NOT AS BAD AS I THOUGHT IT'D BE. 

my heart survived. 


Im feeling very optimistic about it - SH may have said she wants to end the contract now but that could mean that she would want a new relationship with SH that is not contractual. It's a very clever choice to put this scene as a cliffhanger to next week's episode (clever, but so so so painful for us viewers lol as we anticipate for one.more.week) but I feel that now that all the secret is finally out of the bag (like 80% of it) - SH and JH can finally seek closure about SH's past and move on. 


Also, JH may be oblivious to SH's actions of love for her, but I also believe that JH really loves SH because in the scene where the EX asked her what would she do if she answered YES to JH's question, JH answered with conviction that she would still wait for SH's heart to come to her. This is even AFTER knowing about the baby, and the past etc etc etc - JH would still wait for SH's heart to come naturally to her. So I am optimistic that both SH and JH will both fight for each other!


I also think in the preview JH is asking SH out on a date since their first date, it was SH that initiated. 


And I think CEO Ma and SJ will definitely help SH and LH out - I think SH might have asked SJ what's the three best ways to confess to someone (as he's never done it before!) and that's when HR read the text and threw the phone away lol.


I also think SH's dad was asking JH about when they are having a baby and saying all that stuff about SH getting older so they should hurry up - is a way to mask his guilt because he might have done something that might have caused the miscarriage to happen 12 years ago?


PS: I wanna buy all the books they showed in this series! 

JH just wants a confirmation and a sense of certainty in words. Ever since she started act as a striker(?), she has always been the one who pushed and said things to deliver her feelings even though it's subtle. Allthough SH does it in his way which is more on actions, he needs to step up his game now. 


Also, the author did not make SH does all those thing for JH just to be buried. JH will discover it for sure!!! 


There's still hope. :blush:

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22 minutes ago, becauselifelife said:



I also think in the preview JH is asking SH out on a date since for their first date, it was SH that initiated. 


And I think CEO Ma and SJ will definitely help SH and LH out - I think SH might have asked SJ what's the three best ways to confess to someone (as he's never done it before!) and that's when HR read the text and threw the phone away lol (since HR is in SJ's home and Im guessing it is SJ's phone that she was holding on to).


I also think SH's dad was asking JH about when they are having a baby and saying all that stuff about SH getting older so they should hurry up because I think it's his way of masking his guilt?He might have done something that might have caused the miscarriage to happen 12 years ago and he might want to see SH having a baby again. 


PS: I wanna buy all the books they showed in this series! 


Sorry to cut your post ! 

SH will ask advice from SG and then we will see drunk SH. I am so excited to see how drunk SH is ? 

When he is drunk, she still lives in this apartment. 



But I think HR lives on her own, it doesn’t seem like SJ’s room at all. 

HR throwing her phone at the same time we see SH’s message, is just editing. 

I think she either drunk dial WS or send him a text without thinking. 

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The text with the three questions:  of how to confess to someone without being corny..

1)is it a text to CEO MA from SH?

2)in the preview SJ says to JH "who am i but the friend of the friend of SH".. do you think that SJ is telling JH that SH is going to confess but JH interprets this as SH is actually going to confess to JM!!!  AGGGGGHHH hence her decision to end the marriage

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4 minutes ago, cherryblossomkawai said:


Sorry to cut your post ! 

SH will ask advice from SG and then we will see drunk SH. I am so excited to see how drunk SH is ? 

When he is drunk, she still lives in this apartment. 



But I think HR lives on her own, it doesn’t seem like SJ’s room at all. 

HR throwing her phone at the same time we see SH’s message, is just editing. 

I think she either drunk dial WS or send him a text without thinking. 

hahaha I am also excited to see how drunk SH will get!


soo many possibilities - im now excited!

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Watching this episode with subtitles has opened a completely different prespective to my previous opinions of this episode. I have to say I am beyond amazed by the writing, I don’t think I can ever say this enough. The writer has done an excellent job at putting such a wonderful drama together, it’s honestly refreshing. I love how each and every dialogue holds dept and meaning behind it that if we don’t watch it carefully we could miss a whole chunk of the story. I honestly love drama’s like this, it keeps me on my toes wondering whats coming next. 


It is a drama that makes me want to dive into literature (not the biggest fan of reading), I have never felt the need to read book but the refereces they make in this drama makes

me want to pick up a couple of good teaching style genre books on various scenarios in life. This drama has taught me so much about life, I am glad to have choosen to watch it at an important turning point in my life.



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6 minutes ago, Jillia said:

They have not registered their marriage. But they did have a wedding with the family, so it would definitely cause problems to be like "hey we don't want to be married anymore". I didn't mean it like that.


And by normal I meant, like I explained, that with dating there are no social expectations - aside from the parents probably wanting the dating to end in marriage. If Se-hee and Ji-ho would've started off as two people who are attracted to eachother and date, they can completely concentrate on that: being in love. Without the expecations for a married couple, e.g. having kids etc.


But when married it almost expects the two people who are married are in love. But Se-hee and Ji-ho didn't start off that way. They did it backwards. They married and now they're falling in love or are in love with eachother. But to Se-hee, he seems to think his actions are enough while Ji-ho still is very aware their marriage is one of convenience and believes she is the only who actually fell in love.


So I think to go separate ways... to leave this marriage of convenience status behind and starting off like a dating couple would be deliberating and making it easier for both to admit we started off with the idea we wouldn't fall for eachother but here we are perfect for eachother and in love.


I mean, yes, talking would help a LOT here! Especially when Se-hee says Ji-ho is so transparent but actually he didn't think he had to confess his love to her when actually it's all Ji-ho needs to realize "I'm not alone in this". So in a way neither Ji-ho nor Se-hee know sometimes what the other person really thinks. And we're here now. With Ji-ho wanting to end the contract and of course my heart wants Se-hee to say no and make a confession. But on the other hand they need to leave this whole idea of contract marriage behind.


it's so sad because they have to learn the hard way. To think from the start, they have always underestimated themselves, like when they said we won't fall in love with each other since we're not each other's types.

I also believe that JH leaving the house is a good thing because IMO living under the same house is something they've both taken advantage of. SH did not see it coming and now that JH decided to leave, he's running out of time. 

And having released from their contract marriage will lessen all the confusing factors, leaving them nothing in between. 

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I think the idea of "marry first, lover later", is kinda sweet and mature. And I see there is no wrong in that. You could develop your feelings from 0-100. You learn responsibility first over love. I know it's a bit 'risky'. But isn't 'normal relationship' risky too? 

I think they gave more screen time for HR and SJ in the last episode in order to focus on SH and JH in the rest ones. I'm so excited. Of course I'd be missing this drama once it ended, but right now I'm dying to know about SH and JH's future.

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2 hours ago, j9sshi said:

There's a reason why I can only watch rom-coms and not melodramas.    My heart can't take all of the angst and sadness (....and this is why we binge watch :))   


Same here!!! My life now is so exhausting with two little kids and full time work that when I get some spare time ( my precious 40 min after 10pm :) ) I really cannot take melo or angst or anything that doesnt put a smile on my face and helps me disconnect. Used to read loads and watch all type of genres, but right now, Im on kdrama survivor mode, aka Romcoms.

However, romcom or not, this show is a real gem, script and acting are outstanding

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28 minutes ago, cherryblossomkawai said:

She is going to move out. 

I don’t see her stuff but with all the sponsors, we can’t see well.

HR and JH can be roommates since they both don’t have home (expect SH’s home = JH’s home in my head)

I'd never thought backs could look so sad and alone. It is like what he was before he met JH but now being alone with kitty in the house is not something he wants anymore.

Edited by Berou
please don't quote pics , thanks :)
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