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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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beside waking up at 4am just to watched the eng sub version... watching live streaming using 2 gadgets at the same  time just to make sure i have a backup if one site didnt work... rather than watching other kdrama just prefer rewatching it all over again... thats how crazy i am to this series...


i hope someone from chingus here who can read hangul can translate sehee's DAILY MONITORING ACTIVITIES  of jiho in his laptop coz I find it cute...


Is it just me? or the PD really intended to focus the orange scene where sehee's pounding hard the orange in his hand while jiho just break  it  in the  middle coz for me  R19 thoughts running in mind... its like  for me sehee and jiho are equivalent to those oranges "the pounding and the opening" :lol: ....


im just talking about oranges and nothing else.. right??  :D



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I really loved this episode. 


1) SH is so into JH, I'm not sure if he really understands it at this point. I thought it was cute that he was worried about her getting home. After calling several times with no response, he decided to go look for her. He has it bad already.


2) I truly hope their is no emotions left between SH and JM. I like the way JM and JH interact with each other. They seem like they could be good friends.


3) Just like I wanted JH to kick SH out of his comfort zone, I really like SG kicking SJ our of her comfort/safe zone. I thought he nailed it on the head when he said she kept running away. It's said that she doesn't think she's good enough to marry because of her mom and her being born out of wedlock. In her mind, she could never aspire to marriage. I really love that he's dashing all her preconceived ideas that no man of worth would marry her.


4) WS and HR, what can I say. I went from being painfully sorry for her and angry at him then angry at her and sorry for him. I still can't help but feel upset at WS for stringing her on for 7 years after telling her to wait 5 years. Then he had the nerve to ask her to wait another 5 years. I hope they give me a little back story on the guy that picked her up. I hope it's not the man she doesn't really know who she exchanged a few text messages with. I have a feeling, these two may end up back together.


Good episode....but then, I've loved every episode.

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12 minutes ago, renvic said:

i hope someone from chingus here who can read hangul can translate sehee's DAILY MONITORING ACTIVITIES  of jiho in his laptop coz I found it cute...


Sorry to cut your post, but @teep523 translated it last week when it was shown in the preview:



11/5: She looked at me weirdly

11/6: She got angry when I said I changed it (is this about the house password?)

11/7: She brought the Marriage-Tenancy contract to the cafe

11/10: Today's sea... it's the first time

11/11: She plays darts well

11/12: She snores


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2 hours ago, cherryblossomkawai said:

When you think about it, the wedding and cohabitation between SH and JH was vital.

SH need to face his past and let go to focus on his future.

JH need to face her almost rape to write again. Both moments were so traumatic that JH and SH press pause on their future. 

That’s sad and at the same time beautiful.

They are each other saviors. 


I was afraid that the rape wasn’t going to be resolved. But sometimes I forgot about it when JH took decisions. Everytime, it was in her head. In reality, she was in her room, on her own. I just didn’t realize it. 


You know what I find so interesting about SH and JH both confronting their Room 19, is JM is a key for both of them. She's wanting to help JH write again and deal with he almost rape. We have JM also coming face to face with SH who seems to be ready to move on. I think meeting JM from his past, is going to help him move forward.


In a way, it seems that JM is a key for both of them to move on with their lives.

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Why does se hee keep a daily log of Ji-ho? Did he ever say why? I wonder if they'll address it before the show ends lol. I have mixed feelings about this, like it's cute because it's se hee and he's like the main guy, but it's also a little weird?? like why are you tracking her actions like your monitoring an app activity or something. hmm..

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I love the bed scene and the kiss, much more than the kiss by the beach.


LMK and JSM captured the pensive, tender moments and the longing of their characters so well in this scene. You could almost feel their heart flutters as you watch it.



How it was shot top down, showing their faces only. It's so intimate.

How SH was looking quietly and lovingly at JH when she opened her eyes. 

How SH stopped for a moment before asking her slowly if he can hug her.

How they showed the dynamics of the 2 through the conversation about JH's body scent - SH is so into her, while she was unsure of herself.

How JH finally let go of her shyness and asked to kiss him, because she really had been longing to do it.

The build-up of desire as they kiss. 


Oh, the chemistry between these 2 actors!!



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5 hours ago, Jillia said:

It's making me so sad that Se-hee really thinks their marriage could be in the way of Ji-ho's future. I mean you're worth happiness, Se-hee! You don't need to end it.


I hv faith that JH is gonna be the one to tell him that she wants them too. It's not just him that wants them to be tgt :wub:


4 hours ago, aisling said:


LOL am I the only one who honestly thought he got up to get a condom? :lol: Which would totally suit his personality.


LOL I totally thought so too. It would Def be very SH of him to do it. I think he came to a resolution/decided/was determined to do it while drinking his beer :lol:


2 hours ago, lollyminx said:

OMG... So I'm watching the subbed episode and I got teary-eyed when SJ confronted SG.


SJ: Do you know how it feels to live in such a world?

SG: That's why we should live it together... I'll be right next to you in that world.




IKR. SG is like the perfect ideal guy that wouldn't exist irl. Love their progress in this ep.


1 hour ago, renvic said:

@Ayame thanks... i thought  there are daily monitoring activities before the 11/5 date.... 


If someone could kindly provide a screenshot of the scene I would be glad to translate :) 

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Watching every ep, particularly the three

last ones, is like reading a particularly good book. It leaves a kinda heavy but nice feel, a wistful gist, a contemplative mood, a bittersweet yet rich feelings that makes ur heart warm and full. The raw and direct approach the chars and the writer choose might contribute to it, I dunno. But the acting, for sure, is very strong from all the main actors. 



I love that her running theme is transparent, in a good way, lol. Its good that she knows that she has to face her demon eventually, and glad that she speaks it up. Hope her past team at least pay the price! 




Keep replaying their night. Gotta admit. 

Love that the writer goes full steam with the awkwardness, and how cute is that SH tried his best to strike conversation to loosen JH's nerve, and took most initiatives. Lol at JH's attempt to be mature which goes out of the window in just 1 second! Poor snail! Next wud bee....

The bed scene. 

Wow, that hug, that kisses, its very downplayed but its scorchingly hot...esp knowing in mind that both want the next step. SH even got nervous. Whoa..he meant it?? Except our JH totally blown it off, lol, her exasperated expression the next morning...thats some viewers' reaction i might say. And he finds her snoring cute?? Lol, but adorable. Likewise, JH's first reaction to SH's cooking is great, she automatically think he likes it raw, lol. But no ridiculing or feeling embarrassed there. So well matched, these two. 

..Back to bed scene..

But seriously, how fluttering it was the moment she opened her eyes and found him looking directly at her eyes? Rawr...and then him asking to hug her...wooow.. and the hug is so sexy too, so comfy, and SH's face when he held her in his arms, so contented...JH's flippant inner thought, seriously this girl, so cutee...and I fist pump when she finally said her desire to kiss him. Awwww.... (pause, replay, repeat).




What a painful, but needed break up. Finally, their moment of honesty and truth comes up, and its sad watching HR sobbed, and WS talked to himself when he changed the subject, he began to see all the wrong in their relationship. I miss their cute moments, but at this point, the difference is just so irreconciable that its best to end it there and still be amiable to each other later on. HR's reaction kinda surprised me, as she didnt shout back and finally learned and saw WS's true feelings. Their sad but resigned eyes. Their resolute face. I dunno about that man picking up HR and why she decided that way, and I hope to see more or hear more of HR thoughts. 




Aww...the pukka doll, and the apple ^^ Im glad that SJ can open little by little to SG, but still telling him off when he crossed the line, and he accepted his wrong, apologize, promising to honor her boundary, while still be able to tell her his stance of supporting her and share a piece of his mind, for her to face the world more properly. I like his words. At least, this relationship has honesty at its base and both can tell the other freely of their thought. I dont know where it will end, but I can see that if SG can keep his words, SJ will come around and they will be happier. SG got along so well with SJ's mom, so nice to see!


JM (ex)


I hv to admit that she seems to hv a very painful past, but cant judge that its all SH fault. Having a baby and miscarried is another level, not just living together like HR WS. Both she and SH were hurt, neither has moved on properly, at least before SH met JH. Now its time for them to face their room, and proper closure, and live better life, since like JH said, they are nice people. They arent inherently bad, and eventho the fallout was painful, it was a cumulative of many factors, aside of them being nice ppl and loved each other. Maybe they had HR WS moments of realization too. Like waves, some make it to the shore and some break before it. I really hope they can sort it out, and I know its kinda impossible, but I hope, JM can receive some apology, at least acknowledgement from SH family in the end. 


So happy with this drama, and cant wait for tonite's ep! First lifers, cheers! Yay, the ratings is 4.411 for Seoul area, hope more for this wonderful show ^^

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10 minutes ago, teep523 said:


I hv faith that JH is gonna be the one to tell him that she wants them too. It's not just him that wants then to be tgt :wub:



LOL I totally thought so too. It would Def be very SH of him to do it. I think he came to a resolution/decided/was determined to do it while drinking his beer :lol:



IKR. SG is like the perfect ideal guy that wouldn't exist irl. Love their progress in this ep.



If someone could kindly provide a screenshot of the scene I would be glad to translate :) 


i do have a screenshot.. :)  do you have a twitter account so i can message it? honestly im at my office right now and can't be a productive employee coz my algorithm had drastic change because of this series. and sehee's daily monitoring started at sept 28..  

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15 minutes ago, rembrandtz_5e20 said:

I love the bed scene and the kiss, much more than the kiss by the beach.


LMK and JSM captured the pensive, tender moments and the longing of their characters so well in this scene. You could almost feel their heart flutters as you watch it.



How it was shot top down, showing their faces only. It's so intimate.

How SH was looking quietly and lovingly at JH when she opened her eyes. 

How SH stopped for a moment before asking her slowly if he can hug her.

How they showed the dynamics of the 2 through the conversation about JH's body scent - SH is so into her, while she was unsure of herself.

How JH finally let go of her shyness and asked to kiss him, because she really had been longing to do it.

The build-up of desire as they kiss. 


Oh, the chemistry between these 2 actors!!




I haven't watched the subbed version yet, but have been reading this thread from where I left off last night and up to your post now. Those kiss gifs by so many talented posters here are not helping me be patient at all. I need to wait for another 8 hours before I can get home to watch last night's episode.:bawling:


You have described exactly how I saw the bed scene. Goodness gracious, but SH was so tender with JH. And the kiss... you can actually see SH smiling when JH moved to kiss him... and when they broke apart from the kiss, my goodness, SH was really hot and bothered. Great acting chemistry by both LMK and JSM.

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1 hour ago, lollyminx said:

@renvic Nothing happened with their "oranges" though. I never thought I'd ever feel sad about nothing happening to "oranges" in my life.


"Oranges" should be eaten right? pdnim just teased us... atleast a clip of eating "oranges"....  well definitely because of this series  i will look at all oranges in different light!! :lol:

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1 hour ago, VanillaSalt said:

Why does se hee keep a daily log of Ji-ho? Did he ever say why? I wonder if they'll address it before the show ends lol. I have mixed feelings about this, like it's cute because it's se hee and he's like the main guy, but it's also a little weird?? like why are you tracking her actions like your monitoring an app activity or something. hmm..

He is very logical and analytical, so I think it fits his character.  I am very similar to SH, and this is something I would do. It helps me remember details about people. 

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Thank you @kelmaoneko & @Jillia & everyone else for the gifs  <33 




This is the exact moment that got me going squealing!! The way JH brushes her fingers along his neck.. Lol giiiirlll do you know what you're doing to that man?


2 hours ago, meiil said:

I adore their little noses touching in the first gif.:wub:


Omg thanks for the gifs! Just noticed the noses!! So adorbs


10 minutes ago, renvic said:


i do have a screenshot.. :)  do you have a twitter account so i can message it? honestly im at my office right now and can't be a productive employee coz my algorithm had drastic change because of this series. and sehee's daily monitoring started at sept 28..  


Hmm maybe you can just copy the direct link of the picture and paste it in a comment here? I think I should be able to see the picture. Don't have twitter though! And Omg I feel you so much rn I'm at work too and just soo not in the mood or mindset to work cos all I wanna do is to watch ep 13 all over again haha helpppp

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10 minutes ago, teep523 said:

Thank you @kelmaoneko & @Jillia & everyone else for the gifs  <33 



This is the exact moment that got me going squealing!! The way JH brushes her fingers along his neck.. Lol giiiirlll do you know what you're doing to that man?



Omg thanks for the gifs! Just noticed the noses!! So adorbs



Hmm maybe you can just copy the direct link of the picture and paste it in a comment here? I think I should be able to see the picture. Don't have twitter though! And Omg I feel you so much rn I'm at work too and just soo not in the mood or mindset to work cos all I wanna do is to watch ep 13 all over again haha helpppp


here is the link 


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10 minutes ago, teep523 said:

Thanks @renvic but I think I need a clearer screencap. Can't really read the top entries. Maybe I'll go look for the 1080p or 720p version and translate later. Gotta get some work done first  :lol:

heheh i already download the 720 version of it. thanks in advance and sorry for the inconvenient 

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