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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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1 minute ago, xxPeepsxx said:

You regret what? You regret not learning Korean? Or French? Because if you regret not learning Korean that's a bit funny. You can start now too!

I speak french, learned alone english not long ago. And it's not too late but it is. You don't just learn a language like that.

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4 minutes ago, yusefull said:

I speak french, learned alone english not long ago. And it's not too late but it is. You don't just learn a language like that.


Yes you do. If you work at it hard enough. Seriously. Trust me. Give that website a try. When taught this systematically and logically, you just get it. After all the k-dramas you watch, you'll learn!!!!


And by the way, I really want to learn french. I really do. I really did. BUT IT'S SO DIFFICULT, LIKE ENGLISH. Why can't you pronounce like you write???!!

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15 minutes ago, yusefull said:

I speak french, learned alone english not long ago. And it's not too late but it is. You don't just learn a language like that.


My friend learned korean. You can do it. 

She took courses in INALCO ( if you’re from Paris) or any school. 

She began on her own ( she bought an korean textbook) and free korean courses with an association. She watched a lot of YouTube videos. 


@xxPeepsxx lol completely understand even as a French I know sometimes it doesn’t make any sense. 



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1 minute ago, cherryblossomkawai said:

My friend learned korean. You can do it. 

She took courses in INALCO ( if you’re from Paris) or any school. 

She began on her own ( she bought an korean textbook) and free korean courses with an association. She watched a lot of YouTube videos.

I am the kind of guy that once I start something I go to the end of it but I need so mutch to start. I don't really have the time now.

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I tried the second time around (just cheating myself while waiting for the sub to come-out LOL) and still got the same answer.  Hahahaha!!!!


You are Ma Sang Goo (Park Byung Eun)!
You’ve pretty much got it all. You’re driven, smart enough to achieve your goals, and you’re also a total charmer. You don’t have any problems socially, and you’ve got a good solid group of friends who enjoy your energetic and hilarious company. Once you set your sights on something, it’s hard for you to let it go, which is how you live your life and are able to be so successful.


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31 minutes ago, mapleoaks4 said:

Oh gosh. This is me with my kids now. I keep trying to get them to speak Korean with me, but they use English all the time. They're still quite young, so I still have time! (5, 3, and 1) whenever I speak it with them the 3 year old is always "no umma! No korean! English". Gosh never thought I would turn into my parents, by saying stuff like "you're gonna regret not learning Korean when you're older" 


Love this. I am this way with my 11-year old son and learning Filipino/Tagalog. He can understand it perfectly but hesitates to speak it (feels embarrassed with his accent). He’s growing more confident now since he sees how much the Elders love it when he replies in Tagalog. 


Also, we are learning Korean together. He started watching some dramas with me (Goblin, Weightlifting Fairy, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon) and is picking up bits and pieces. We had a stopover in Seoul in August on the way back to the US and the Halmoni hanbok rental shopkeeper hugged him hard, beaming when he thanked her and bowed. 


Thanks for the personal stories about language learning! @mapleoaks4, @xxPeepsxx, and @yusefull!

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My goodness. This episode. Wow. I wasn't able to catch it live since I was knocked out from earlier in the day, but thanks to everyone, for the clips and for our awesome translators! Just a few thoughts based on what I've seen and read (awesome comments and analyses guys!) so far!




Like most of us, she made me nervous! But not that much, because when I first saw her, I immediately liked her. She's beautiful, and her face is fierce but kind. After seeing the clips with her with JH, I must say, I like her now. And I'm so glad she's helping JH fight for herself and for all the wrong that's done to her. I also believe her knowing about SH and JH won't change anything about what she decided so far. She decided to help JH and her writing career. I believe she will go through with that.


JM's pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage (?)

Based on the several trans, this part is still unsure. However, if she was indeed pregnant, I believe the stress brought about by SH's family may have contributed to it. This might explain how hateful she was when they broke up. She did not just lose the love of her life, she also lost her baby.



Oh our SH, how can I love you more?! He's slowly showing his feelings. Bit by bit we see how deeply he cares for JH, even with still a few remnants of self-doubt and fear. He's braving through them though, and the appearance of JM will definitely help with that! I somehow believe the knowledge of how successful JM is now may have contributed more peace in himself. For the past 12 years, he has been beating himself up with guilt, but once he sees JM doing well, he'll be glad and will have more courage to approach their closure.


I believe SH will know about JH's sexual assault from JM. The text preview mentions about both SH and JH going to bed with their heart heavy in worry after knowing each other's secrets. SH's secret is JM was his ex. JH's secret is she was sexually assaulted that night he found her. This is just a guess though.



My baby, JH. I love her. I just do. She's strong and I believe she's going to handle all the Room 19's opening in front of her really well. Also, I want her to punch Director Jo's ugly mug.



My heart keeps breaking when it comes to these two. It's because I somehow see myself and my current bf in them. It's not that we don't communicate, rather, it's hard to do so regarding a few things. Like HR & WS, we have been dating and living together for a long time. Although I never plan on getting married, there are still things I expect from my bf that I find hard to communicate.




I haven't even watched tonight's episode fully yet I'm already wanting the next episode! :D I'm feeling wistful that this gold of a drama is gonna end soon. Ahhh I'm tearing up.



@xxPeepsxx Thank you so much for the link! I've been wanting to learn Korean but I get overwhelmed with all the different resources I find on Google. :D


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So curious what SH want to say about "uri" in the ending for tomorrow episode, did he want to confess to JH. from what i saw from the episode 13 preview. They still talk to each other after the church, maybe SH just acting like stranger to JM. and SH don't talk about his past. Thats why JH little bit upset. When SH ask JH to sleep in the same room again after that, But i think JH refuse since they sleep in the different room. And when i saw the preview again, when JH look like refuse when SH want to hold her hand its maybe after she saw SH meet with JM secretly in the Book Store thats why JH think SH not seriously like her and make her sad and upset. But after that????? so curious... :D:D I won't give any speculation again ..... but it's fun things to do to thinking about what happen next ,right? :D:D

Its look like SH taking care JH without saying anything. :D:D, when someone have some character like that, it's look like cool person, but sometimes thats just give an understanding to each other. since he want to help you without saying anything, but you as a woman just curious why he don't talk anything, why he don't explain anything right?

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I got JH:
You are Yoon Ji Ho (Jung So Min)!
You are the dreamer, Ji Ho. You’re a dreamer and definitely have the brains to achieve your dreams, but you are most likely to fall into some bad luck. You don’t have much life experience because you’re busy trying to achieve your goals. People may take you as a pushover, but you do a good job of sticking up for yourself when you’re being mistreated.
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12 minutes ago, mapleoaks4 said:

whoops @teep523 just saw your translation above. Your Korean is so good!!!! Are you a native Korean speaker? 


awww thanks for saying that! I still have lots to learn in Korean though, there's a lot that I;ve forgotten haha I'm not a native speaker :) 




ok I think @angelflower might have done all of the clips that I;m gonna do but I really love all the moments in this ep so I'm gonna do the ones I really like again. love this episode ep so much. fav ep so far, but tomorrow's ep is probably gonna be the new favourite again tmr haha



LOl ok so this scene is especially funny/awkward/cute cos JH is treating SH like he's a visitor to her home. Thats what korean homeowners usually do.. bring out something for their visitors to eat, usually fruits, as a show of hospitality.


and it's interesting how they focus on the different ways JH & SH peel their tangerines. I have never seen anyone peel tangerines like SH lol he just kinda smashes the skin open. is this supposed to say sth about his personality? JH peels like anyone would normally haha.


SH: It's my first time being in your room after we got married

JH: Yeah it is.. Ah.. if I knew this was gonna happen I would have cleaned up in advance..

SH: No, I like it though.. (The room) is like you.. and it smells like you too..

JH: I... smell..?

SH: Huh?

JH: No.. I mean..

SH: Ah.. no.. /picks up book/ To Room Nineteen?

JH: It's a book that I liked while I was in university. It came to mind again recently, so I'm reading it again.

SH: What is it about?

JH: Hmm.. there's a couple.. they're the perfect couple. To others, they seem like there's nothing that they lack. They were also a couple that were satisfied with their own lives. But one day, the wife wanted to have a space of her own. So the husband made her a room on the 2nd floor of the house, and labelled it as "Mom's room". But as time passed by, the children were brought into the room.. and other family members too entered and left the room.. and that room became another living room after all.

SH: Hmm.. so what did the wife do then?

JH: So, the wife went to a hotel far away from their house and rented a room without her family's knowledge. And so sometimes, in her free time, she would stay in that room, just doing nothing in it. Because she feels happy just by being in the room.

SH: Because that room is wholly hers alone. (SH gets it T__T as someone that values my own personal space and time a whole lot, this book also speaks to me on a personal level. Has my preference for my own space affected my relationships with other people? Will it be better to have your own space when in a relationship.. or will it be better to have none at all, because space breeds secrets and distance..? I love how the writer provokes our thoughts with these stories.. I mean, the wife in the story could be JM, it could be SH, it could also be JH. but that's for another post haha)



SH: Because a marriage might take away one's personal time and space. Fortunately, it's possible to be happy even with those taken away. It's sufficiently possible. It's a good story. (I kinda feel like SH is talking about himself here and is trying to say that he knows he will have to give up certain things like his time and space in this marriage, but he will still be happy even then. Trying to lift up the mood through his rationalising haha)

JH: I think it's a sad story too. Actually, I thought of you as I read that book. Because you said that you're only able to take responsibility for this house, Cat, and yourself in this life. And you said that's also why you're not going to get married. At that moment, what you said made a huge impact on me. I thought.. was I in a state that would allow me to take responsibility for this one room? But.. wouldn't you be lonely if you lived like that? Have you ever thought that you were lonely?

SH: I'm not sure.. I think I lived by not thinking of being lonely at all.. Instead of going through all that.. I just thought that it would be better to be alone.

JH voiceover: I wanted to ask him that...

SH: Having loved once in your life would be enough.

JH voiceover: If that once-in-a-lifetime love has passed for him.. and if it has passed, will you not love again? (I thought the change in pronoun use here was interesting too. JH addressed the question to SH directly instead of speaking to us or herself)

SH: Shall we sleep now? It's late..

JH: Ok

SH: I have to go get my pillow  

JH: Ok



I wanna see SH's prep for the first night too!! haha I bet he also gave himself a pep talk in his room too and was freaking out. Who takes that long to get a pillow in a room just like 2 metres away? lol Please please please give us a flashback to his prep in the future haha. 


JH: (Talking to snail) That;s what I'm thinking too.. Ah.. should I have had some alcohol or something? No.. Why should I have alcohol, I'm not a kid.. Right? (LOL JH are you saying SH is a kid for needing alcohol later? haha) As an adult, in an open and aboveboard manner, maturely...


SH: JH, are you sleeping?

JH: Hmm

SH: Okay

SH: JH, can I hold you?

JH: Okay

SH: It smells like you

JH: I have a smell?

SH: Specifically, it's something called body odour. or you can also call it a fragrance. (LOL body odour. I can't believe SH defined it for her he;s such a dork)

JH: Ah.. so you mean it that way..


ok so the rest are as translated previously haha i feel awkward watching this kiss scene. it seems so private. I'm gonna skip and go to other clips now. oh but I also love how JH asks him for permission to kiss him! i mean, idk i feel like she could have just kissed him without asking and it would be fine. but its sweeter cos she got verbal confirmation. And yay JH initiates their 2nd kiss! and I have a thing for their hands on each others' necks and ears haha love it @Jillia or @kelmaoneko gif maestros, please spoil us with all the gifs from this ep hehe



For this clip, I really appreciate JH's voiceover narration.


JH Voiceover continued from prev clip: Everyone has their own Room Nineteen. No matter how close you are with someone else, a room that you don't want them to know about.


fast forward to the convo infront of SH's room

SH: JH.. about that drama.. although I don't know very much about it.. it didn't fall through because of this marriage right? (he's talking about her first work that she stopped producing cos of the sexual assault)

JH: Huh?

SH: So.. what I'm saying is... if this marriage somehow affects your future.. I don't want it to do that. As I have promised, I don't want to be an obstacle to you.

JH: Ok, I know what you're trying to say.

so much foreshadowing here though???? i have faith in the writing to not go down the noble idiot route though

JH voiceover: Somehow, today seems like a day where both that person and I need to go and rest in our own Room Nineteens.


I love how the writer addresses the topic of secrets, self-care, space, selfishness so seamlessly with her writing. And the directing too.. making them go back to their own rooms for that day because they need some time on their own, this scene especially, with SH expressing his own views without knowing or asking what JH thinks... I think all of us tend to subconsciously go back to protecting ourselves and thinking from our own perspectives even though we might understand the need for honesty from both sides, like SH here. very interesting. he needs some of his own advice, the one that he gave WS



JH Voiceover (continues from the end of this clip): In the novel To Room Nineteen, in the end, the main character's husband finds out about her room. And the woman lied to her husband, saying that she had an affair. When I was 20 years old, I didn't understand the main character. Why was the real reason of why she needed that room worthy of telling such a big lie?

SJ: I get it though. Because that room becomes meaningless the moment someone else knows about it.

JH: She said she has an affair just because of this?

SJ: "I spent all my time in that hotel room. I was happy there. Honestly, if that place didn't exist, I would not exist. She realises how scary it would sound to her husband if she were to tell him these words." You don't get it?

JH: Yea

SJ: So, it's basically... instead of trying to explain it to someone that would not understand, it's easier to seem like a crazy person to that someone. Actually, in this world, there are a lot of situations where doing that would be the more comfortable option. A crazy person is better than a pitiful person right?

JH: Why did I give that answer to that CEO? When she asked why I don't write anymore.. why did I say that it's because I got married?


LOVE this scene and the voiceover narration. I love how SJ gets it cos she understands how it feels like to be in that position. what's funny is what SJ is saying is also applicable to that moment when SJ is explaining the character's motivations to JH. SJ gets it cos she has the experience, and rather than explain it to JH who just wouldnt understand, she could have just given JH a convenient explanation too instead of wasting her breath haha but I guess it pays off when you explain sth cos JH gets it now.. 10 years later. Marriage is JH's convenient excuse for not facing herself and her trauma.




ok I'm way past my bed time now. Gonna wake up a zombie tomorrow. Legit can't stop going through the clips of this episode cos they are so good. Might come back to offer thoughts and translations for SGxSJ and WSxHR clips too cos they were also so good today!! I really like how SGxSJ and JHxSH are facing similar problems in their relationship... that stage when you start to learn more about the other person.. and the writer sort of contrasts different viewpoints through these 4 characters and their relationships. WSxHR's breakup too.. I love that scene at the theatre where WS finally breaks down and calls HR out for just looking at it from her POV. It's the only moment in this drama where I ever felt for this couple. Love the scene and how he says "Do you know how stifling this necktie is??? I gave up all of my dreams for you!!" Ugh, it was so heart wrenching I actually remember the full dialogue now without looking back at the video. lol


more tomorrow!!! see you guys tomorrow :)



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     I don't if someone mentioned this already but if the miscarriage theory is not real, the situation might be the father forcing JM to be a housewife when the subject of babies came up. SH's father might have given her ultimatum or something... but I think that does not rationalize JM's anger when she was ruthlessly spiteful towards SH in the flash black.


     Anyway, I realized another two things that I like about this show (among many other reasons). One is that how the writing does not encourage us to take sides. Like, for example, JM turned out to be a likable person despite the fact that she's an ex-lover. Another anti-cliche move scratch off the list! Two, we're given multi-faceted sides of the stories so that we do not judge a certain situation or a character behaving a certain way. We're given genuinely humane reactions from the characters and it does not matter if it's good or bad what matters is if it's realistic in terms of story-telling. At the end of the day, we're merely spectators and I just can't emphasized enough how I love that the show has so much respect to its audience, treating us like "intellectuals" with regards to the whole execution of the show.


I'm so sick right now so I'm sorry if this post is so random. Again, thank you to the early bird team of subbers!!! Different translation, different perspectives, different angles to look at it!!! Anyway, I really have to stay away from my laptop or phone. All those staying reading your comments and waiting for subs might have contributed to my cold. :sweat_smile:

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2 hours ago, ahhhjummahhhjo said:

I just realized that I got my wish. We have a good and proper hug. I love how Ji Ho fits Se Hee in that hug!!! And I love that it was a proper hug...not some awkward mess of limbs that we get to see in some dramas. 


My next wish—cuddling on the couch or Ji Ho in Se Hee’s room. Possibly seeing the 50 shades book and having a laugh about it and genuine concern for his intimate expectations. Too much? LOL


No!!! haha I dont think it was a proper hug. I want a proper like full on body to body, super tight, slightly-swaying, standing, kinda hug.


and I neeed some lighthearted convo between the 2 of them lol. I feel like every convo they have is so serious, deep, and meaningful.. I want them to have cute bickering and friendly debates about Arsenal. Or just something lighthearted.. JH teasing him about sth perhaps?

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8 hours ago, teep523 said:


No!!! haha I dont think it was a proper hug. I want a proper like full on body to body, super tight, slightly-swaying, standing, kinda hug.


and I neeed some lighthearted convo between the 2 of them lol. I feel like every convo they have is so serious, deep, and meaningful.. I want them to have cute bickering and friendly debates about Arsenal. Or just something lighthearted.. JH teasing him about sth perhaps?


I agree. Hehehhe. Since they are all about the books that they read, I hope Ji Ho sleeps in his room next time to be fair. And then she spies the 50 shades book. 


“What is this?!” Ji Ho says, eyes wide in disbelief as she snatches the book from his headboard shelf. 


Se Hee’s eyes widen in horror. He attempts to snatch the book from Ji Ho’s hands but she ducks out of his reach. “T-that’s nothing. That’s not mine! Give it back!”


Ji Ho leafs through the pages, laughing. “Wow, Se Hee ssi. I never thought that you of all people...!” Ji Ho starts and she lands on a line in the book and starts reading it aloud, laughing. 


Se Hee gives up trying to get the book instead gives her a back hug, his chin resting on her head as she reads and gasps in mock horror at what she’s reading. 


“Let me go. I was just getting to the good part.” Ji Ho wriggled and Se Hee hugs her tighter. 


He then bows his head next to hears until his lips nearly touches her ear and whispers. “Well, would you rather read about it or...” he trails off, smiling. 




sorry got carried away. :wink:


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I am a coward. I am going to wait for ep 14 to watch. I have been reading your post and I am afraid that my heart could be in pain.


I am afraid that Writer nim gives us an open ending OMG I don’t want that. SH has to talk with JH about her ex and tells her everything and after that JH can feel free to work with her or not. I don’t want SH to suffer anymore because he has had enough for the last 12 years. I don’t want JH heart to be broken, they deserve to be happy.


This drama is an amazing one and can’t think that the writer is thinking to mess it in the end, at least I hope so.


BTW: I want JH going to SH room and be activate-aggressive. I think I want her to be the who that looks for him.  Ah… I am happy that nothing happened between them because is better that they can have everything clear about their feelings and about SH past, without any doubt between them.  :flushed:

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9 minutes ago, camichi said:

I am afraid that Writer nim gives us an open ending OMG I don’t want that. SH has to talk with JH about her ex and tells her everything and after that JH can feel free to work with her or not. I don’t want SH to suffer anymore because he has had enough for the last 12 years. I don’t want JH heart to be broken, they deserve to be happy.

That would make the drama that is for me the best ever (if the last 3 episodes are as good), one of the worst.


I am afraid that the end of the preview SH say if she think they should divorced for her career.

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16 minutes ago, yusefull said:

That would make the drama that is for me the best ever (if the last 3 episodes are as good), one of the worst.


I am afraid that the end SH say if she think they should divorced for her career.


Totally agree that the last two episodes can make this drama become the best or the worts or at least for me  the most disappointing.


I need to think that JM needs to be here to be her who gives JH her side of the story because now she is more mature and maybe she is ready to let it go definitely, I want to think that her presence in the drama is necessary to make SH free without any guilt that he can be holding till now, To make him realize that it was not his fault but theirs. 

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