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[Drama 2017] Temperature of Love 사랑의 온도


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1 hour ago, angel2013 said:

Haha yeah...I will sit with @Jusyed soon...blue mountain coffee? kyaa wait that'll only add to SJ advantage..hahaha

lol...are you crossed JS didn't fully utiltised his bed fully? well at least the only time we saw him used it was with HS.:lol:

Hey not fair! you have to stop doing this..luring everyone away with gifs of JS..I am at a disadvantage since I cannot do gifs!:wacko:

You're contradicting yourself! you just said you would be annoyed if SJ doesn't do one! I'm sure there will be chinese translations from the chinese side and you would be able to read it if he does one. Oh wow jusyed is even willing to pay for trans of SJ interview! Why do I feel I am fighting a lost case already? Big Sighhhhhhh...


Pardon? I don't know what you are talking about. batting-eyelashes-yahoo-emoticon.gif?130angel-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948989


I'm crossed he didn't use it enough (with Hyun Soo). We totally could have another bed scene when everyone was in the kissing mood that night! Instead, they just sit at the table and sip tea... what is this? Byeontae club of TOL does NOT approve!


HyunJin Light will probably translate parts of it soon if there's anything new mentioned in TVDaily. I google translate and see a lot of mention of Hyun Jin in that article.


Hahaha, well, even if he does one there isn't enough fans to translate them all. Some individuals might do a couple, but resources are still scarce.


@Jusyed Se Jong says: "Good girl" 





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1 hour ago, mademoisellesia said:


Pardon? I don't know what you are talking about. batting-eyelashes-yahoo-emoticon.gif?130angel-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948989Acting innocent?


I'm crossed he didn't use it enough (with Hyun Soo). We totally could have another bed scene when everyone was in the kissing mood that night! Instead, they just sit at the table and sip tea... what is this? Byeontae club of TOL does NOT approve! This I have to agree...I wish that JS didn't have to go back to attend to his mum that night that JS went to HS place too...they could use HS bed too hahaha


HyunJin Light will probably translate parts of it soon if there's anything new mentioned in TVDaily. I google translate and see a lot of mention of Hyun Jin in that article. Oh I'm sure if she mentioned HJ, HJ Light will translate it, I can count on that. :)


Hahaha, well, even if he does one there isn't enough fans to translate them all. Some individuals might do a couple, but resources are still scarce. I think you are looking down on the fan power of YSJ..I think he has quite a huge following isn't he? maybe YJS baidu bar will do it if he does one.


@Jusyed Se Jong says: "Good girl" LoL you did it once again<_< I wanted to call on @supergal99 to do some HJ gifs but I realised she is also queuing for Mr Cute...I feel so outnumbered!




To divert, talking about the dancing animation, so they only let SJ dance with the instructor to do that animation? It's such a waste of HJ talent, here a video of HJ practicing for the sambal dance, she not only can sing, she can dance! (ok she learned dancing for 10 years) in spoiler mode. SBS doesn't know talent when they got one.





Found another video, mash up of TOL,Duel and even MTG from Voice! *shudders*


That's it for today, will start on mademoisellesia 'homework' tomorrow :rolleyes:

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3 minutes ago, mademoisellesia said:


Huh? What made you think SJ dance? Both dancers are professionals, they just made it into animation and replace their faces/heads.


I'm not looking down on his fandom, it's just ATM they aren't resourceful and quick in these stuff. Even updating they are days slower than individual fans :mellow:

Really? I thought someone mention on IG that SJ did the dance practice with the instructor no? Ok maybe I got that wrong:blink:


haha how fast do you expect them to do? YSJ fandom is new, give me time and they will catch up. but i have to agree HJ Light was pretty strong right from the start. but thanks to them, I can get trans quickly. 


Haha throwing another video before I say good nite


Video cut of OnSoo moments...almost 19mins of it! time to go down memory lane..

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With regards to ranking the kisses, that will be awfully hard and since my brain cells seems to have dried up from too much analyzing, I just decided to make my top 10 TOL favorite moments based on your quiz. :D And also added the memorable dialogues that touched my heart. Since I couldn't possibly be able to explain in detail why exactly I chose a particular scene...I'll just say my heart wants what it wants. :wub:


10. The Car kiss and the Fridge kiss. No explanation needed. 


9. The cutest was when JS turned away his head when HS was about to kiss him. Another cute scene for me was where Kyung was fangirling from the backseat. There were too many cute scenes to choose from though. All their eating scenes during the early episodes and their first bike ride were cute,too. Another cute moment was where JS took her jogging.  

q8EqHrJ.jpg"Should I tell you what I do when I feel sad?"





8. The funniest was the scene where JS  and HS tried to sneak into her room, and hilariously failed in trying not to wake up Kyung.


7. This is the very moment I fell for the drama. I'm very picky when it comes to noona dongseng onscreen    relationship, but I just love seeing them together.  


"My heart is falling for you. Do you really not feel anything?"


"How can you ask out a woman when you don't even know her name?"


"My name is On Jung Sun. What is your name?"


6. This was the most electrifying OnSoo moment for me. Even without any kiss, the sizzling chemistry between them was just so palpable.





"I'm scared. I'm acting like a woman."


5. The finale scene was frustrating not because I wanted a grand wedding a la AOH. But because they showed us clips from the past when they could have shown us 10 minutes more of OnSoo as a married couple. The only consolation is that there was no accident. No one was hurt and HS's narration gave me comfort.


The woman, who thought love was a choice, and the man, who thought love was a fate, decided to live together.


4. This prelude to kisses galore scenes was so very meaningful since it was the first time JS showed HS a glimpse of the loneliness and hardship he experienced as a young teen after moving to France to stay with his Mom. 




"After my parents divorced I moved to France with Mom and it was really tough. I was 16 years old then. I was really lonely but I couldn't be broken that's why ...why are you crying?"


"I'm not crying."


3. Their Train kiss on their first date is the most heart fluttering. It was shot in a very delicate and gentle way, making it look so incredibly romantic. 




The top 2 of my list all came from the same episode. 


2. Two different scenes from same episode are the most heartwarming, beautiful and unforgettable.

OnSoo couple by the bridge, they were holding hands and HS was leaning on JS shoulder. She softly whispers,

"I wish...time will stop now."


2. HS finally spilled out how much she regretted her mistake in the past. And finally confessed her feelings to him.


"I love you. I'm in love with you."


"I know."







After he said, "Enough talking," and opened his arms to envelope HS into his embrace. Oh the feels. 


As for the most heart breaking and sad scenes, there were way too many to write about. During the early episodes I remembered tearing up after HS was unfairly fired from her assistant writing job. And the last one which made me cry so hard was JS crying in the dark outside HS house. I've already explained about this one on my old post. :cry:


Well I tried but it still ended up being super super long post. :blush:  


@stroppyseThank you, I was about to ask about the images. I was trying to look it up in the rules forum. 

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16 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

Hahaha no, swooning is an easy task when I have love for that person. HAHAHA! I prefer his Sung Hoon's hairstyle more. Jung Sun needed a trim and thining out in latter episodes. The volume is too much for my eyes, lol! All in all, they are still better than Do In Beom's first appearance hairtsyle! rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif  Thank god it grew longer...click on spoiler


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Ohhhh! So you didn't know Se Jong before TOL? @goodsoup Shall we persuade sakura to check out Duel? :D Although the right order is Saimdang, Romantic Doctor, Duel...then you get to watch how much he's improved and grown.


hhhhhhhhhh tell me about it!! :tongue::wink:...yeah Sung Hoon's hairstyle is better :wink: but Jung Seon (Yang Se Jong) couldn't have a rest much less a proper hair cut by the last few episodes so it's ok!! :tongue: and it's deffinitely much better than Do In Beom's hair style, to me at least!! 



no, I actually saw little of him when checking on Romantic Doctor while it was ongoing and I remember I was really mad at his character!! 3 times I think: 1/ when he lied about knowing how to operate on one case when he actually had no experience and loved how doctor Kim called him out on it though I felt bad when he got hurt and sad :tongue: 2/when he told Seo Jung about Dong Joo fainting in the ER to get her place to operate on the chairman!! that was sooooooo low of him <_< and 3/when he got into a fight with Dong Joo and punched him and I remember I was happy he punched him back :naughty: though I don't know if I'll keep this same reaction when I watch this drama fully this time!! :lol: but he redeamed himself by the end as I remember so that's good!! :tongue::D

I had Romantic Doctor on my to watch list for quite a while now but now Yang Se Jong is an added reason to watch it!! :tongue: Duel was too dark for me but now I changed my mind and I'll watch it, at least 1 of 3 has survived though I hate the idea of the other 2 dying ahhhhh, should I watch Saimdang?!! I think it's too long plus not that great drama as I heard, can I just watch Yang Se Jong's scenes?!! :tongue: hhhhhhh



16 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:
On 25/11/2017 at 2:20 PM, angel2013 said:


And did I just here you say that YSJ just took No 1 spot in your heart over my girls SHJ and GHJ? come, come let's sit down and have a good long talk on this....I'll tell you the many reasons why they should at least be equal B)  Hahaha run @sakura2016 RUN! :D


what?!! why should I run!! :o:blink: @angel2013 was talking to @Jusyed not me!! :blink: I'm safe!! :tongue: hhhhhhh I think...:ph34r:


7 hours ago, angel2013 said:

A summary would still be different from the actual, they may like the summary or where it is heading, but for most they may not even know the ending. But for live shooting its always like that, so its always a risk for actors? 



@mademoisellesia as I know, on going dramas don't have planned ending or even planned story for the far coming episodes!! they only have the 1st few episodes prepared than they keep on creating the rest and changing things if needed while on shouting which is always a risky factor as we know!! surprisingly not even fully pre-produced dramas escaped that kind of risk very well!! 


7 hours ago, angel2013 said:

BTW another video compilation of OnSoo moments and kisses, no one would say no to this right?



who can say no?!! :wink::wub: we were looking for it actually!! :D thank you so much for sharing!! :wub: 


2 hours ago, angel2013 said:

Found another video, mash up of TOL,Duel and even MTG from Voice! *shudders*



is this ToL with thriller/scary side?!! *shudders* 


@htk9207 soooooooo loved your post!! :heart::heart::heart: 


@mademoisellesia that's a looong quiz that needs alot of time and brain and heart use from my side so I'll take my time to reply to!! :D:tongue:  





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Tomorrow is Monday and there's nothing to look forward to anymore... *Insert TOL OST Lost Smile*


On 11/23/2017 at 7:07 PM, Jusyed said:

@goodsoup I forgot the Onsoo in the novel....are they noona and dongseng too? 


Actually, I think they are the same age in the novel. I don't think Jung Sun's age was mentioned at all but then again as you know I did skip and skimmed over some parts so I might've missed it. I asked my friend and she didn't notice either. Maybe there are lurkers here who actually have read it and can let us know. But if I'm not mistaken Hyun Soo was 26 years old 5 years ago.


On 11/25/2017 at 10:57 PM, angel2013 said:

"From the hot summer to the cold winter, as the season changes, I had a wonderful time with On Jung Sun. Even up till now, the reality that it has ended has not hit me and I still feel that I need to go back to work at Good Soup tomorrow." YSJ expresses his emptiness and unwillingness to part with On Jung Sun.


Even in the last BTS clip, he introduced himself as On Jung Sun to viewers, unlike SHJ and KJW who said their real names as well as their characters. Now if only there's a real life one somewhere...


1 hour ago, sakura2016 said:

should I watch Saimdang?!! I think it's too long plus not that great drama as I heard, can I just watch Yang Se Jong's scenes?!! :tongue:


Hahaha that's what I did. I just watched his scenes only, but I still understood the story. In RDTK, I also hated Do In Beom in all those scenes you mentioned! Actually I didn't even like his character at all in the beginning but I noticed he's cute LOL. I think I started to like him a bit when he insisted on operating the taxi driver since nobody else was at Doldam. And I liked him a lot more when he helped Seo Jung and Dong Joo at the car crash site. When he took his belt off for the tourniquet I was like, omo omo I think I like you? And when he flashed his gorgeous, genuine smile for the first time outside Kim Sabu's room, well, I was a goner! :tongue:


@mademoisellesia You know your Jung Sun/OnSoo gifs are awesome and I always stare at them for a while before clicking 'save'. Yup yup I love that one from Ep33 when mom asked him about Hyun Soo. 


I wanted to quote many more posts because they are all super great and do mademoisellesia's quiz but I have to sign off again! 


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@sakura2016, @stroppyse,


Thank you:wub:


I forgot @mademoisellesiahad one last question that I wasn't able to include in my list. That is If I were HS's mom, which man would I favor?


My answer would be: I would initially prefer JW because HS was under his care for the last 5 years. I have not known of JS in HS life and my daughter never confided about her feelings to either parent so practically no one knew. But after JS was finally introduced to the family by HS herself, it will not take a long time for JS to endear himself to both parents because of his gentle and thoughtful personality. In short, JS will win me over. :D

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1 hour ago, goodsoup said:

Tomorrow is Monday and there's nothing to look forward to anymore... *Insert TOL OST Lost Smile*


yeah I was thinking about the same thing!! I'll really miss the beautiful feeling I always had waiting and watching this drama!! :( 




Even in the last BTS clip, he introduced himself as On Jung Sun to viewers, unlike SHJ and KJW who said their real names as well as their characters. Now if only there's a real life one somewhere...


hhhhhhhh that would be great!! :wink: 




Hahaha that's what I did. I just watched his scenes only, but I still understood the story. In RDTK, I also hated Do In Beom in all those scenes you mentioned! Actually I didn't even like his character at all in the beginning but I noticed he's cute LOL. I think I started to like him a bit when he insisted on operating the taxi driver since nobody else was at Doldam. And I liked him a lot more when he helped Seo Jung and Dong Joo at the car crash site. When he took his belt off for the tourniquet I was like, omo omo I think I like you? And when he flashed his gorgeous, genuine smile for the first time outside Kim Sabu's room, well, I was a goner! :tongue:



hhhhhhhhhh then I'll do just that!! :D...awwww so he had his sweet, cool and heart of gold moments?!! happy to know that!! :D and yeah that smile is hard to not win our hearts!! :wink::tongue: hhhhhh looks like I'm deffinitely going to watch this drama with different reaction toward his character there!! :lol::tongue: 


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Waaaaa you all become active after I go Zzzz.


@htk9207 First to do the quiz!! Thank you for being a good sport. You've also reminded me I missed out one question, and that's the favourite dialogues. How can I forget that!? Will add the question in the previous page later. I'll join in the fun soon. I was busy with Gif making to tease Angel last night (and swoon at them).


@angel2013 No no, if I remember correctly the IG pic was the lady dancer's selfie and the guy was at the very far end which obviously is not Se Jong. I just thought they are going to be the dance substitute at certain angles when this pic was posted online. So no, OnSoo didn't get involved at all. How quick do I want them be? As quick as HJLight? Hahaha.


@sakura2016 I'd check out ep 1 - 4 of Saimdang where he plays young Lee Geom. Ep 4 was the scene I was really impressed with seeing it's his first drama and he nailed the emotions. Must say the first time he appeared and speak sageuk I was weirded out, lol! @goodsoup I never dislike Do In Beom at all. I see he can be a jerk a lot of the times, but I couldn't be mad at him. And sometimes I think Dong Joo is also being a jerk himself. But of course I agree & shook my head he did some stuff underhandedly, which is why I was super happy he was schooled by Kim sabu eventually... and he realised his wrongdoings even though he never apologised, but you can tell, it's eating him inside and how later on he waited for Kim sabu saying he genuinely wants to help. One thing I do agree with him is the surgeon has to accumulate experiences... I don't agree with lying but I understood why he did it. Sakura, yes please, watch Duel. You won't regret in terms of Se Jong's acting...


@goodsoup Thank you for always supporting my gifs. ♥ I learnt new tricks over the weekend so was testing them all out by making some. Still not very good at it. Some turns out good, some don't. I wanna make more but they are so time consuming. I seriously don't know how the Koreans do it. 

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20 minutes ago, mademoisellesia said:

Waaaaa you all become active after I go Zzzz.


@htk9207 First to do the quiz!! Thank you for being a good sport. You've also reminded me I missed out one question, and that's the favourite dialogues. How can I forget that!? I'll join in the fun soon.


@angel2013 No, the IG pic was the lady dancer's selfie and the guy was at the very far end which obviously is not Se Jong. I just thought they are going to be the dance substitute at certain angles when this pic was posted online. So no, OnSoo didn't get involved at all. How quick do I want them be? As quick as HJLight? Hahaha.


@sakura2016 I'd check out ep 1 - 4 of Saimdang where he plays young Lee Geom. Ep 4 was the scene I was really impressed with seeing it's his first drama and he nailed the emotions. Must say the first time he appeared and speak sageuk I was weirded out, lol! @goodsoup I never dislike Do In Beom at all. I see he can be a jerk a lot of the times, but I couldn't be mad at him. And sometimes I think Dong Joo is also being a jerk himself. But of course I agree & shook my head he did some stuff underhandedly, which is why I was super happy he was schooled by Kim sabu eventually... and he realised his wrongdoings even though he never apologised, but you can tell, it's eating him inside and how later on he waited for Kim sabu saying he genuinely wants to help. One thing I do agree with him is the surgeon has to accumulate experiences... I don't agree with lying but I understood why he did it. Sakura, yes please, watch Duel. You won't regret in terms of Se Jong's acting...



waaaaa one more question?!! I really have a hard homework :blink: but fun one for sure!! :D:tongue: 



hhhhhhhhh you was weirded out?!! was it that weird?!! :lol: but he looked handsome in hanbok as I saw!! :wink::tongue: 


lying about his exeriences on the operating table is a big NO!! yes surgeons needs to accumumulate experiences but not experience on people risking their lives and I was happy he still had conscience enough to feel guilty and be aware of his wrongdowings allowing him to be a better person and doctor that he already is but who needed guidance!!...I will for sure chingu!! :D 


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6 hours ago, sakura2016 said:

@mademoisellesia as I know, on going dramas don't have planned ending or even planned story for the far coming episodes!! they only have the 1st few episodes prepared than they keep on creating the rest and changing things if needed while on shouting which is always a risky factor as we know!! surprisingly not even fully pre-produced dramas escaped that kind of risk very well!! 


I think writer complete as many scripts as possible for the actors, but the actors would also get some sort of extra information about their characters to assist them play the characters. Much like Twilight the movie, the writer wrote a few chapters from Edward's POV to help Robert Pattinson play Edward better. When JCW & PMY prepared for Healer, they visited the writer & asked her lotsa questions about how they should play their characters. TOL might not be the exactly the same, but I would assume something similar and they will at the least be given a short sypnosis of the whole story. The 'details' and 'process' of getting to the end may not be clear, but the writer will at least have a blue print of her story's directions. Like Good Soup Never Picked Up Phone, Hyun Soo has her story, but she decided on the happy ending before it's being produced that sort of thing. Remember HMH already said so wayyyy earlier that the ending of TOL will be different to novel? By that, she definitely would have got her ending in mind and share that ending with the actors/PD and her vision for the show... it's just media play (that damn news article) trying to sway us and make us tune in... this is what I think. 


@InggridI Voice - already saw that when it aired. I even look up The Last Princess and Another Way before TOL aired, but Another Way look too serious and don't want to see more sad KJW at the moment.


@sakura2016 Hahaha I'll join in the quiz soon. The thread was so quiet yesterday after I posted that I felt a whirl of cold wind...thinking, "Hmm... guess no one is interested..."

*Insert my embarassed/dunno what to do Jung Sun gif"


Hahaha yeah I know he's on the wrong for that one. No excuse could get him off the hook. But I understood the reasons he lied; it's coz he was stuck in an environment which doesn't welcome him and he needed to impress because of Dong Joo always provoking him & telling him he's no good, and also uphold his pride/his father's name and so on. He was a conflicted person in earlier episodes and trust come into play too and he doesn't trust Doldam people, he had to help his dad, so he resorted to lying. But soon enough he learnt to love them & saw Doldam for what they are, he changed. That's what I liked about In Beom; he grew up! He's still awkward with everyone though, which is comedic - love E20 when they thought he likes Yeon Hwa, hahahahahaha.


It was weird for me coz I wasn't used to him in sageuk and sageuk tone. He also appeared stiffer and raw compared to RDTK and Duel. His acting is also more "out there" or "exaggerated" in my opinion. It took some getting used to, but after awhile I got used to it. I think his sageuk tone did get better afterwards.


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Big news for TOL instrumental lovers!!! Looks like we have one more OST - I hope we'll get those missing ones in this. @netizendbk I pray they will include that score where you pointed out - HS/JW went shopping and JS crying when he saw them! :) 




It'll be out today, yayyyy

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1 hour ago, mademoisellesia said:

I think writer complete as many scripts as possible for the actors, but the actors would also get some sort of extra information about their characters to assist them play the characters. Much like Twilight the movie, the writer wrote a few chapters from Edward's POV to help Robert Pattinson play Edward better. When JCW & PMY prepared for Healer, they visited the writer & asked her lotsa questions about how they should play their characters. TOL might not be the exactly the same, but I would assume something similar and they will at the least be given a short sypnosis of the whole story. The 'details' and 'process' of getting to the end may not be clear, but the writer will at least have a blue print of her story's directions. Like Good Soup Never Picked Up Phone, Hyun Soo has her story, but she decided on the happy ending before it's being produced that sort of thing. Remember HMH already said so wayyyy earlier that the ending of TOL will be different to novel? By that, she definitely would have got her ending in mind and share that ending with the actors/PD and her vision for the show... it's just media play (that damn news article) trying to sway us and make us tune in... this is what I think. 



well there is times and writers who do have a fixed/planned ending and a vision about the big headlignes but there is also those who build the story and characters as they go on for example W's writer admitted that she didn't think much of the ending till the final came to our horror :o there is King's Love writer (surprisingly she's Healer and Faith writer as well) apparently didn't have a fixed end game in her mind which left the female lead uncapable of portraying her love scenes as she wanted not knowing herself who does her character really love which led to bad result as I heard about!! there is Two Weeks where the writer asked Lee Jung Gi about the ending he would like for his character, that was funny but I liked it and we had a proper ending so we were fine :D there is even fully pre-produced dramas that shockingly led to greater unsatisfaction and made no sense more than ongoing dramas can do: MLSHR was mind buzzling for me and though I sooooooo loved Ruler :wub: I admit it wasn't the drama we were promised and even actors voiced how things turned differently from what they were expecting from the 1st few episodes they got!! but yeah in Temperature of Love case it can be that the writer had a planned ending already, as you said she pointed out that the drama whould have a different ending from the novel) and shared her notes about the characters and story with the actors and director!! and don't think the article was misleading or it's just me reading it differently than others did!! it said that the drama will end differently than the novel or Hyun Soo won't end up with the same person per the novel which is right, in the novel Hyun Soo ended up alone after Jung Seon died away from her but in the drama she got her happy ending with him :wub: and so the ending is different from the novel as the writer and the article said, right?!! :D


2 hours ago, InggridI said:

Also you ladies should try watching Voice's KJW....tho that's not for a weak heart. For those of stubborn hearts Voice is a bout a serial killer anyway...



I really want to watch him there because he was really great from the little I saw but I don't know how without having terrible nightmares!! :blink:  


1 hour ago, mademoisellesia said:


@sakura2016 Hahaha I'll join in the quiz soon. The thread was so quiet yesterday after I posted that I felt a whirl of cold wind...thinking, "Hmm... guess no one is interested..."

*Insert my embarassed/dunno what to do Jung Sun gif"

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Hahaha yeah I know he's on the wrong for that one. No excuse could get him off the hook. But I understood the reasons he lied; it's coz he was stuck in an environment which doesn't welcome him and he needed to impress because of Dong Joo always provoking him & telling him he's no good, and also uphold his pride/his father's name and so on. He was a conflicted person in earlier episodes and trust come into play too and he doesn't trust Doldam people, he had to help his dad, so he resorted to lying. But soon enough he learnt to love them & saw Doldam for what they are, he changed. That's what I liked about In Beom; he grew up! He's still awkward with everyone though, which is comedic - love E20 when they thought he likes Yeon Hwa, hahahahahaha.


It was weird for me coz I wasn't used to him in sageuk and sageuk tone. He also appeared stiffer and raw compared to RDTK and Duel. His acting is also more "out there" or "exaggerated" in my opinion. It took some getting used to, but after awhile I got used to it. I think his sageuk tone did get better afterwards.



hhhhhhhhh ohhhh that was bad!! I think I was away by then so couldn't reply and react to your post and same with our other chingudeul!! :sweatingbullets::tongue: but sure thing we're interested!! :D thank you for the quiz chingu and giving us something to help us with our withdrawal for this drama!! :D 



yeah I can see that!! In Beom was/is a good person and doctor or he wouldn't risk his career to save a patient when he had nothing to do with all of that matter but like I said he needed a good guidance to help him work on and dig into his good side and let go of everything he learned while being around his unhuman father!! I loved that Doctor Kim did see through him and helped him become a better person and doctor!!...hhhhhhhhhh they had something wrong in their eyes I presume!! :lol: 


I think it's understandable of him with Saimdang being his 1st role as I saw plus it was sageuk and sageuk roles are known of being hard and difficult and not anyone can be convincing and natural while playing those roles so him taking some time to adapt to the role's needs is understandable I think!! 


@mademoisellesia yaaaaaay that's great news!! :w00t: we had something to look forward to in monday relaed to ToL after all!! :D:wub: 

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2 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

The thread was so quiet yesterday after I posted that I felt a whirl of cold wind...thinking, "Hmm... guess no one is interested..."


@mademoisellesiaI wanted to do the quiz right away the moment I saw your post. But then I realized there were too many scenes or moments that are special to me. It was quite funny when I couldn't make up my mind on which moment to pick for the cutest scenes.:lol: 


43 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:

I think I was away by then so couldn't reply and react to your post and same with our other chingudeul!! :sweatingbullets::tongue: but sure thing we're interested!! :D thank you for the quiz chingu and giving us something to help us with our withdrawal for this drama!!


Just like what 

@sakura2016 said, we needed time to do the quiz. 


@InggridIVoice is definitely not for the weak of heart but KJW's chilling performance definitely was a stand out.

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Dropping this first, watch till the end then you'll get your reward hahaha


Omo..you people are so funny, it was really pretty quiet during the last week of TOL then suddenly the thread comes alive after it! 


@mademoisellesia I wonder if the OST contains only additional scores or the full album plus the additional ones? It definitely says that it will include all scores not previously released.


@sakura2016 right? mademoisellesia gave us such a difficult homework! we need time! 


@htk9207 *gives a round of applause* wow first one to complete the task! well done!


@goodsoup really? HS and JS is the same age in the drama? I thought it was also a noona-dongsaeng novel..I wonder what made the writer wants to write noona-dongsaeng romance as a drama then.


3 hours ago, InggridI said:

Also you ladies should try watching Voice's KJW....tho that's not for a weak heart. For those of stubborn hearts Voice is a bout a serial killer anyway...

*shudders* brings back dark memories of KJW though he was killing it as MTG...but I do like the chirpy CEO JW towards the end of TOL, I wished we had seen more of him in that rather than the broody/scheming CEO they give us.


3 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:



@angel2013 No no, if I remember correctly the IG pic was the lady dancer's selfie and the guy was at the very far end which obviously is not Se Jong. I just thought they are going to be the dance substitute at certain angles when this pic was posted online. So no, OnSoo didn't get involved at all. How quick do I want them be? As quick as HJLight? Hahaha.



You know I won't ever argue with you on anything regarding SJ bec you know more than me hahaha..


ciao be back again.

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Grrrr~ I saw a new news article and new picture of Yang Se Jong and thought it was post-drama interview. Luckily I checked Google translation! It was just news about him signing on to Leaders Cosmetic. So misleading since he is still in On Jung Sun's looks!


@sakura2016 Oh I think you got the news article I was talking about mixed up? I meant the one released later to make us think Hyun Soo's lover might change. Remember that one? It was so unnecessary, lol. I knew the ending would be HS and JS from day 1!!! It has to!


Did SJN share any Q&A for The King Loves?


I didn't join that drama thread & the show wasn't captivating enough for me and I was disappointed that SJN's name was used for promotion when she didn't really write them. I still don't believe she wrote any of it (by how it was presented in the drama) because I know her writing style based on Faith and Healer. Plus the drama is an adaptation of the novel which I've read a summary/some parts online translated in Chinese, sp I knew the ending that Rin and San have a high chance of ending up together. I shipped Won & San at first, but thought Rin is okay too and San wouldn't be truly happy if she's with Won (coz he's king).


What's MLSHR? I saw Rulers too, it was good but could have been better. I like the villain. He is probably the best villain in all of sageuk story relating to royal family I've watched. The actor actually sent fear down my spine, I love it. 


@sakura2016 @htk9207 I didn't think Voice was that scary, lol! But I admit there was one to two scenes that are eerie so you should watch it during day time. My gripe with Mo Tae Gu's characterisan is I don't feel sympathy for him. I like a good psycho story like I Remember You where I could understand them better :tongue: 

Once again, thank you both for participating, as well as the others who is joining in, like jusyed, goodsoup & angel. I think my time online also different from you all, hence the silence yesterday, haha. :tongue: 


@htk9207 I should have clarified multiple scenes per questions and you don't have to give reasons. I was gonna wait & see if people are interested before jumping straight into it. But ♥ that you have done it already. I anticipated some will be difficult. Feel free to add more later. I'm sure when everyone starts sharing theirs, you/we might all have more to add, hehe. I didn't rewatch so your post already reminded me some forgotten scenes/feels.


Oh my god, so I think this is the real post-drama interview! He looks gorgeous ♥ Swoooooooon





@angel2013 OMGGGG it's flooding in! He mentioned a lot of SHJ (I think). The C-fans need to wake up now. I need translations, hahaha. Google says there are 17 unreleased score for this OST. I just don't know if they included all new ones or some old ones too. It'll be best just new or else it'll come across as trying to earn more $ from fans. Google also said this is released coz viewers request for it. Dont' quote me on the accuracy of course, lol. Aiya, what argue, I'm just telling you what I remember from that post. Anything HJ related, you'll know more than me too, right? :)  Dang it, I'm so distracted... :( 

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@mademoisellesia he didn't mention a lot jus this part which HJ Ligh translated (psst do you think he still calls her sunbae? or only for interview purposes? :o:lol:) seems like HJ is spotted at airport,possibly going for holiday..I hope she did an interview with Harpers bazaar before she left!


Yang Se Jong post drama interview, portion on Seo Hyun Jin



I know you understand chinese, this is for those here who don't kkkk...yeah m like you got distracted...

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On 11/26/2017 at 6:34 AM, mademoisellesia said:

Do you guys wanna do a quiz about TOL? For fun... something like:


1) Rank your favorite kisses in the order of how much you like them (you HAVE to)


• Train kiss

• Teenage, 20s, 30s version

• Fridge kiss

• I Love You kiss (at JS's house, after fridge kiss)

• Car kiss

• Pre-consummate kiss :tongue:

• Forehead kiss (on JS's bed)

• Camping kiss


I rearrange the list based on my favourites:

1. Fridge Kiss - even though it was not steamy kisses but it showed love and happiness.

2. I love you kiss

3. Train kiss, & Teenage, 20s, 30s version & Pre-consummate kiss

4. Car kiss - Camping kiss and Forehead kiss. 


When you put this way - wow they have so many kisses shared together ..he he he.



See. We have plenty kisses in this show :D  Totally making excuses for writer :tongue:  (what choice do we have have..othwerise spinning our head thinking not enough kisses given to us ..hu hu hu.


2) What is the most electrifying OnSoo moment for you? Why?

There are 2:

1. When JS carries HS to the sofa and both staring each other - but the director trolled us ha ha . But before the trolling,  the scene was electrifying for me. Why? Because the way they were staring each is quite deep and quite a long pause. It is like they want to kiss each other and I really hope it was that happened...

2. On the rooftop scene before the kitchen kisses. Especially when Jung Sun pulls Hyun Soo to his body and embraces her tighly. And they are still in that position when they talk and it is so close to each. I am like oooh when they whisper...it is so romantic and steamy.


3) Which is the most heart breaking scene(s) and why?

There are many huhuhuhu....

All scenes which shows Jung Sun sad and frown and not happy.


4) Which is the funniest scene(s) and why?

Not many scenes I guess - I think probably when Jung Sun offers HS if she wants him to hold her hand while running but HS refuses and he suddenly says he also does not want to hold a stranger's hand..I was like lol!


5) Which is the most frustrating scene(s) and why?

There are many..but the most frustrating one is:

When Hyun Soo goes to GS restaurant to find Jung Sun while he is visiting her mom at the hospital.  After that, they meet in front of Hs apartment and suddenly HS burst out and tells him all her frustration...so sudden change of attitude? After all, JS done to her and her mom? Visits Hs, visits mom, cooks for HS, cooks for mom and HS family? despite his busy schedule?  I start to feel strongly frustrates with HS starting from this point.


And another thing makes me really frustrated is looking at HS seems sane and attitude after she dumps Js the second time and whereas Js is looking sad all the time during the second break up period. I know HS is that kind of person which she keeps boiling inside, but looking her all normal make me frustrated.

6) Which is the cutest scene(s) and why?

There are many but the cutest scene is when Jung Sun tries to wear the unfitted ring to his finger. Even though he knows that the ring won't fit his finger but he still wants to try and gives a cute consolation and appreciation to Hyun Sun. Very cute of him.


The second one, he pouts adorably when Hyun Soo tries to wake him from his nap on her lap. Very cuteeeeee. Totally adorable.  One of the reason is that he rarely shows his boyish attitude to Hyun Soo so this one he really shows it and he is like a kid.....I love it.



7) Which is the saddest scene(s) and why?

Definitely so many scenes. But to name one is when Woon Joo comes to the rooftop and seeing Jung Sun does the gardening all alone and looks so lonely. It tears my heart seeing that.


And one more when omma ask JS on her relationship with HS and we see that JS face is so sad and about to tear up.


8) Which scene(s) makes your heart flutter and why?

When Hyun comes to find Jung Sun after Jung Sun did not call her as he promised. This is after Hyun and Jung Woo comes to have dinner at GS restaurant after meeting Park Shin Hye. When Jung Sun hugs Hyun Soo tightly and speaks in a husky voice to her. It really flutters my heart watching the whole conversation while hugging each other.

9) Which scene(s) is/are the most beautiful?

When they lying on the bed after the kiss. The scene is beautiful in all sense:
1. Their unseparated love.

2. They are making up.

3. They willing to continue loving each other despite still having unsolved issues.

4. The dim ambiance makes it more romantic.

5. Their husky voices when talking about the past and why he will not leave for Hong Kong.

6. Their embrace while lying I feel the closeness.

7. Tighter embrace by JS before planting the forehead kiss.

8. My relief feeling seeing them finally use the bed ha ha ha.


10) If you were Hyun Soo's mother, which man would you favor most?

• Park Jung Woo

• On Jung Sun

• Choi Won Joon

• Other:


I am bias - I will choose Jung Sun right away hehe. Never sway with JW.


11) What are your favorite dialogues?


Actually all HS and JS bickering especially in the earlier episodes. In the later episode, I like the dialogues between JS and HS when JS says he does not like a stirring emotion. In fact I like to see HS and JS expression during those dialogues. Love this scenes.


12. Well, my favorites scenes regardless of categories are 3:

1. When Js dances to console HS sadness.

I love all the scenery, the ambiances and the happiness that shows in JS and HS faces - especially Jung sun very very adorable when he dances.

2. The rooftop scene before the kitchen kiss. They look intimate in that scene.

3. The unfitted ring scene - totally adorable.

4. The scene when JS says he does not like the stirring emotions. (I have explained why earlier)


EDIT: P.S. You don't have to answer all & you can give more than one scene per question if you cannot decide :) 



yes true it takes time to answer @mademoisellesia quizze plus with Sommpi sometimes did not cooperate grrrrrr!


Finally, I managed to answer that :wub:

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