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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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According to the news the actors will be playing these characters:


Tsuchiya Tao as Haruno Mitsuki

Kitamura Takumi as Asakura Towa (the male lead that Mitsuki likes)

Koseki Yuta as Kamiya Aya (Mitsuki's childhood friend)

Isomura Hayato as Wakamiya Kyousuke 

Sukino Yosuke as Tada Ryuuji

Inaba Yu as Miyamoto Rui



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I couldn't have guessed it was Yosuke that Tao was talking about either.  Aw, I was really hoping it was Ryota. Not saying that Yosuke isn't good but I was really looking forward to another collaboration between Ryota and Tao. The Japanese fans were quite accurate with their guess about Kitamura Takumi being the male lead though. I'm not too familiar with the other guys. Have you seen them before in other productions? 


Hm, I guess now I can give up on the hope of Tao being in Rere Hello with Ryota? :(


@justananimelover Yes, it is confirmed. The news is out on different Japanese sites. Although Tao is capable of acting in more complicated roles I think it is a good thing that she is on demand right now, that many directors want to cast her in their movies. Like she said she believes every movie and character has brought her something and has helped her become this person that she is now. Hopefully this director and team will do their best with this movie. If the source I read before is correct s/he was the one behind SPEC which I quite like. 

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Heol - I am in shock. So it is Haru Matsu Bokura!


It's a movie rather than a drama so I do hope Towa is more proactive because honestly at this point, I prefer Aya (LOL) .


I think as long as she is still young enough to act in shoujo style dramas, why not. There will be a stage when an actress may move on to other genres.


PS. I am sneaking peaks at Mare and it looks good! But will refrain from commenting further because of you-know-who.

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@Dramanoona  Yes, I agree with your saying that I think it is fine since Tao is still young. For fans who are worried that she will keep being in shoujo manga then the latest article that has just been out (poohwo has posted it on her IG story) may be a relief for you. In the article it says that this will be Tao's last high-school role.  


Regarding Haru Matsu Bokura although the manga itself may not be anything special but the director Hirakawa Yuichiro who will do this movie is very famous and has directed a lot of good movies such as "Crying Out Love In The Centre of The World", "The Emperor's Cook", "Journey Under The Midnight Sun" etc. Being able to work with him will be good for Tao because he might like her after this collaboration and will ask her to star in his future productions. 


I haven't watched Mare yet actually. It is a bit too long for me and because of some fans of you-know-who my interest for it is unfortunately even less. 

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This is sadly a disspointing  news and I feel so weak against it ,many fans said Tao don't deserve to be in this after they watched her in Hachihana and Pluto Stage performance. And it's better if she will able to change her office because they became useless to stable her career for the better. Just because she is young doesn't mean many will love to see her in shoujos and she did enough.Some actress their charms represent in rom-com stuff like Aragaki Yui  even if they are older but it isn't the case with Tao .Suzu Hirose who is younger didn't superpass over 3 shoujo movies while for Tao this is like the sixth when she is more talented. What a waste though 


On the other hand regarding the article  it will be her last project wearing Uniform I was kind of bit happy but my friend told me it's not 100% since Tao didn't stated herself 


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@00lama00  I don't know how many years Tao has signed with Sony. She debuted in 2005 so it has already been more than 10 years. Did she sign a very long contract or has she already renewed her old one? The good thing with Sony is that they are a big company so they have a lot of resources and they don't have that many actresses under them so they seem to be putting all their effort and resources on Tao at the moment. As for the other companies like Oscar Promotions, Stardust etc. they have many artists that they promote so some of them may not get as many chances as the more favoured ones. So there are both bad and good sides with different companies. Since Tao has already been given this job let's hope it will do well. I believe she will do her best and based on the director's earlier productions I have faith in him as well. 


Btw, Tao and Ryota have really a lot of "coincidences"/fate. Last time when the Japan Academy Film Prize award ceremony was held on the 2nd of March it was also Gene's first day of their China Tour. Tomorrow it will be the first day of PLUTO in Osaka and it will also be the first concert-day for Gene in Beijing. 

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@setokaonii  I hope Ryota will watch the movie and give both Tao and Yosuke his support. However, knowing how easily he gets jealous I think it will be tough for him watching this movie :tongue:. So far (chapter 5) there hasn't been any kissing scene yet. I don't know how the story will turn out later on. @Dramanoonacan probably give us some spoilers if we would like to know? ^_^


In this recent interview Ryota was asked what type of boyfriend he is, the cool and proud type or the sweet type who would "sa jiao"/do ageyo (I can't find the English words for this). 


Ryota: "The cool type"


You can then hear some of the member laugh. 



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@setokaonii Kind of mixed reactions many fan were happy because of Takumi and Tao reunion they both used to be in Suzuki Sensei drama other reactions were sad for Tao to be wasted in another LA since her talent got proved  in Hachihana and Pluto Stage by many people that's what I have seen so far. Luckily "Haru Matsu Bokura" isn't on the popular level of Tonari  or Orange where original fans are picky about the choices of the cast. So I didn't saw quiet hateful comments on Tao. I just hope people don't look down on her compared to other actress since she got the most shoujo offers.  

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As excepted I have seen some annoying Yamaken fans complain about her being casted in many shoujos movies when the funny thing he is the blame to drag her in that path since Orange. Such an un-blessing co-star and the worst match for her of all her male leads.

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@setokaonii  Yes, Haru Matsu Bokura is nowhere as daring as the manga of Anikoma. I want to see the whole video too of Gene's interview. Are the members perhaps laughing because Ryota says he is the cool type here but in reality he isn't? :tongue:Regarding souvenirs I also hope Ryota would buy something to Tao. Haha, the thought of them buying wasabi to each other as souvenirs make me laugh :lol:.


@00lama00 When will Kento's fans be willing to leave Tao alone? It has been 2 years now since their rumour. Yes, you are right about how the shoujo manga adaptions started from Orange. This is also a good example of "the pot calling the kettle black". 

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For Haru - only a light kissing scene.....by my preferred character to Mitsuki! (Hahaha). I did mention Towa is slow to realise his feelings. [PS. I paused at Chap 31]

However, being a movie, I am sure it is speeded up.

I suppose it is a good spring/summer romance type movie - light, flirty - not contemplating the end of the world scenario. Sometimes we need light, fluffy moments in this dark world.

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@Transition  I don't want to hate Yamaken but I noticed how he is such ugly fate for Tao in everyway ever she since she co-starred him in Mare , like she started to has a promising career when she was casted in an asadora it was huge step for her but then her drama started to fall down when she end up with YK character bc his character was dislikable there and  many dropped the drama and the ratings didn't do well. And when she started to act again with him in Orange it's here where the hate comments started! his fans complaining about her for being the female lead and why it isn't a diff actress instead and Naho wasn't Tao best role unfortunately . Then she got bashed more after the dating rumor even  2 years after from it she still continue Yamaken path in her acting career the shoujo trend !the influence is so ugly even without his presence ! Not only his fans dislike her but his antis too! labeling her as the YK female version in LA in a bad way and how she is suffering from being typecast in shoujos like him. Like their agency are making some sort of pakage after Orange hit. And now I just hope this ship can sank already and hoping for Kento to confirmed a relationship with other girl so Tao can be out of this. Yamaken just make her the actress who is known for many haters sadly.


And like none of this happened to her with other male lead co-stars! , with Takeru Sato , Tao did able to get a proper role in a proper project after a long time it was stated if it weren't for him she wouldn't get the offer and he helped her a lot in the acting department where people can appreciate her more instead of him , with Kame , Tao was able to be loved in his fandom and his fans send congrats letter after the mini-marathon and rooting her with Kame out of his female leads , with Shotaru Mamiya many loved him with Tao and enjoyed their chemistry in Tori girl  With Ryota  people able to love Anikoma despite it's silly a story with a low budget and honestly if it weren't for Anikoma this thread wouldn't have happened where I can meet many new Tao fans and accepted to love her with Ryota and I'm thankful for the owner and the fans for this thread to make it active (even though I'm more TakeTao and ShotaruTao shipper hahaha don't mind me) but this is a great pleasure from all RyoTao fans no wonder 2017 is Tao favorite year recently she was appreciated in these 4 projects including Pluto stage. 


And I'm sorry with all this babbling , I know I'm annoying but I want somewhere to express my feelings.

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@Transition, @setokaonii, @justananimelover

Thank you for the warm welcome :)


Tao bought mustard(マスタード)for her family in Belgium.  Not WASABI:tongue:       

I think it’s Tierenteyn-Verlent.  This shop was established in 1790. Famous mustard shop.





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@Dramanoona Okay, now I understand why you are saying that Towa is slow. Mitsuki (and probably Towa as well) already had feelings for each other since chapter 4 and they are still not together yet in chapter 31? Yes, hopefully the pace in the movie will be faster. Since the other guys except Yosuke and Takumi are all "new" for me I'm looking forward to see Tao with Takumi more at the moment. Although my opinion might change after I have read more of the manga when the 2nd male lead appears. 


@00lama00 2017 is indeed a prosperous year for Tao. Being able to challenge different roles and also trying out different fields (movies, stage-show, dubbing and singing) and meeting all these good co-stars. Although I like Ryota and Tao the most I'm glad that she bonded well with all the other actors as Kame, Mamiya and Takeru. I think among all co-stars Kame is the one who can really make her feel very relaxed because he is outgoing and knows how to make conversations and interviews flow well, which is exactly the part that Tao lacks confidence in. I'm not shipping them though I just simply like their relationship as costars and friends. 


As for Kento...yes, let's hope he will find a girlfriend soon so people won't always link him to Tao.


@cwkwkhp2 Thanks for the correction! So it was mustard that Tao bought? That makes more sense. Haha. Wasabi can be bought anywhere in Japan so we thought it was funny having it as a souvenir. 


You guys probably know that there are a lot of polls in Japan. Tao came on first place for the second year in a row in the poll "Ideal kohai" among women in their 30s, 40s and 50s.


(Kohai is the opposite to senpai. It is a term that you use when talking about someone younger than you). 



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@setokaonii  Feel free to share the videos on your IG :)


In Tao's latest IG post she posted a picture of herself and her name. Apparently, the place is a temple/shrine in Kyoto (it says "Kyoto" on the wood too, just above the name). A fan was there a few days ago and s/he took this picture. Do you spot Ryota's name to the right and Tao's on the left? I don't know how these exactly works but I think the artists who have went to this temple/shrine can get their names written there. Speaking of fate :)


Note: There are more than 400 shrines in Kyoto. Going to the same shrine and having their names written so close to one another as well, isn't an easy feat. Unless they went there together :tongue:.




Credit: 是蓝莓酱哦 at weibo



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What a coincidence! I spotted the generations but never realized that the names were that close! :D


@Transition.. thank you for the video! So he said daijobu quite a number of times.  I also teared  up during the letter scene... and then he gave her the handkerchief. I didn’t realize that guys still had handkerchiefs!

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Here comes the part of Ryota and Tao reading their letter to each other. Hopefully you can read the subtitles despite the Chinese in the background. 


@setokaonii Thank you too for making more people know about the existence of the video :). I was glad too when I saw Ryota and Tao's name so close to one another. I wonder if they were surprised themselves when they saw this. They can't possibly have missed that when they were at the shrine. 



@Dramanoona Yes, I didn't know that guys are still using handkerchief either. Hihi.

I like the fact that Tao mentioned in the interview that she thinks the words that she finds important (heartfluttering) are "It is okay" and that it makes her feel calm and then in the letter she wrote that Ryota has said those words many times before and that she would feel calm hearing him say that to her.


This part with Chinese subtitles has been posted on bilibili quite recently. Among the comments there were a few comments that caught my attention.


"Ryota is really reliable, the content of his letter matches with his perspective about love."

"Ryota's liking for this girl isn't only a little..."

"This is the-long-denim-skirt-look that Ryota likes."

"I won't call Katayose "Onii" anymore because there's already one person (who calls him that), it belongs to her."


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@setokaonii Yes, feel free to share the video on IG :)The fans are probably right about Tao and Ryota having talked about this shrine before because when I googled to see how many shrines there are in Kyoto I got shocked when it said 400. 

Apparently, these name tags will change after 2 years. Aw, I was hoping their names will be always close to each other. 


Yes, I found the comments on bilibili sweet too. I forgot one more comment.

"I won't call Katayose "Onii" anymore because there's already one person (who calls him that), it belongs to her."

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