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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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@attriste yeah...high 5 both also worry each other might catch cold during season change...aigoo...so caring...:blush:



@ysrida_ hyunie has send hint to us that this is the flight that we count to take in 2019... hahaha...just extra info plus I too bored now, so i Google about this flight,it known as "seaplane"... it capable to taking off and landing on both land and water... :)


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Our girl already started a new challenge with a goal in mind: finishing her college studies and graduating. She's really an inspiration. I hope she'll get to enjoy her student life and her friends and family and that she'll find joy in her studies. Judging from her message, she's quite busy with school so I hope she won't be too tired and will still give us updates from time to time.

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Hi everybody. First time posting in soompi thread. Have been a silent lurker for several years, logging into soompi just to get an update for the ongoing dramas. However, SP has changed all that. I have been following this thread since the very first page. Trust me when I say that I never ship any OTP before. Since soompi is trying their best to fix things (do not be mad at them, our writing sometimes can be very harsh), and with both JCW and NJH are away with their duties, I decide to post just to fill in the gap. So, please welcome me, welcome me.

Since this is the first time posting, it will be a loooonggggg one. So, please bear with me as I have a lot to share, things that I have been keeping to myself. First, I am a married ajumma. Hahaha, well, do  believe me  as I have been reading your topic about age and stuff. So, I can safely say that I am the oldest here. Since, I am not that young ( but young at heart :D), I consider myself as a rational shipper. Heck, the reason I have never been a shipper before. Before I go any further, i just want to say that you guys are just daebak! With all the theories, investigations findings and analytical comparisons with other productions from various countries. I have learned alot. Forgive me as I could not tag the names one by one, still new here

I recall way back that someone have requested to list down 3 reasons why you ship NamJi couple. I have my own too. Mine will be 3 + 1. The extra is just recently discovered and I believed has not been dicussed here yet. Before that, I would like to stress that between NJH and JCW, I am more towards NJH. She is my fav and coz I am a female, I tend to lean more towards her. You can call me I have my female ego. So, it is only logical if my list is based on looking for proof from JCW side. Hence these are my 3+1 list why I ship NamJi.

1. The 1st BTS kiss. 

Yeah, yeah, I know, it is everybody's fav scene. For me I see the change of the way he kissed. If you look closely, when JCW kissed NJH for the first time, his head is on the left side. To me that is normal acting kiss. Then he change to the right. Still acting kiss. However, sometime during that kiss, if you guys notice he kinda stop and lingers. BANG! That got me. Then he continue kissing her, more tender. Although this was not closed up, but you can feel the raw emotions from JCW. NJH just follow suit, remember this was her first time kissing like that in drama, so she was relying on JCW to guide. And as you know, the rest was history, the other takes (several takes), JCW kiss has become tender and longer. No doubt NJH was surprise but she obviously could not distinguised whether that was real or acting since they are her first, and it is safe to just consider acting from NJH point of view. Remember, you guys have also discussed that NJH is more guarded. And I do believe she is.

2. The name dropping during the Section TV interview.

Phewww! What can I say. This is what we call seal the deal. JCW just wearing his heart on his sleeves. It is not the name dropping that really got me, but the expressions from him while saying it. For a 30 year old to act sheepishly, that shouts "I truly have a crush on her". No need to elaborate on that.

3. Love Game song with 2biC.

Initially, my 3rd point was the 4 best scenes during his concert since I found it rather weird based on the choice and sequence. But I have ruled that out since I read somewhere that the list is based on the audience votes prior to the concert. Hence my 3rd point is the Love Game song. The lyrics of the song seems does not fit with why he was invited by HY sketchbook, which is due to his coming enlistment. We can't deny that the songs does fit NJH. Who else? If there is somebody else he is referring to, he would not kiss as in the 1st point above. 

4. EXTRA point. The earlier short interviews on SP.

Ok this is the one where he is wearing suit, and his back is on a wooden wall on 8th May. When asked about NJH as his costar, he bend down his head and grin sheepishly. To me that is a give away. You guys can find the video somewhere, I can't attached here. And because this is the earlier interviews, you can see clearly his reactions. Compare to the later interviews he is more composed when asked about his chemistry with NJH for SP. Maybe someone here is kind enough to just capture the moment in GiF. i am not good at that, mianhe.

An so, that is why I ship NamJi and continue doing so, until they themselves reveal everything. Frankly, I have my doubts before, but each time I will fall back to the above reasons, which I believe cannot be denied or challenged. I have been looking into his costars in the musical, who also happen to be pretty and funny and easygoing, and I got super doubful. As she has the same hair and bangs, and she go bowling with JCW and his close friends, and JCW did mentioned he just learn how to bowl earlier this year. In one of the Fabricated City interview he also mentioned about going out bowling with the girl and she is good at it. She was also in Jeju about the same time as JCW and the gang if you look into her ig. Wahhh! I think my head gonna explode, but then again I always look into the above reasons why I ship them. And it always come back to NamJi. Anyway, you can find more about the JCW costar in the the musical The Days. She happen to be a nice girl. So don't be harsh on her. It is just weird that nobody mention her, just his costar in dramas when comparing with NJH. 

Let us now discuss about the recent topic, which is the timeline, when he falls for her, are they dating blah, blah. And so, this is my findings  and conclusion from all the readings. 

1. Interview with Volume Up 3rd February 2017

Here, JCW mentioned his ideal girl. Well, his answers are always the same, girl that he can connect with and have conversation bla bla bla. He is pretty consistence in answering this type of question isn't he? But as an extra to his normal reply he said that he find it difficult to find such a girl that fit his ideal type. So, we can safely say that, he don't have a girlfriend and he MIGHT have found somebody that fit the bill but it is struggling to confess. You know what I mean, if you go and see how his reactions when he mentioned difficult. 

2. Interview before the Taiwan Fan meeting 11th March 2017.

He was asked how he would apprach a girl that he likes and he answered that he will tell her directly that he likes her. And also during his visit to Taiwan is when he drew his ideal girl, the infamous ideal girl drawing that has been circling around the internet and social media comparing to NHJ. I am not going to elaborate on the SMA paring and that he drew based on that image. If you realised, NJH has always had bangs, and she like to constantly put he hair behind her ears if she let her hair down. So, basically THAT IS HER IMAGE! So, it is not a surprise if JCW remembers that because they always crosses path in the infamous Saloon.

So, my conclusion, between 3rd February 2017 and 11th March 2017, something significant has happened. Significant here means, confessing that he likes her. Significant here also means he has made the decision to woo her. Why I said that.

- The first script reading on 3rd April. JCW is super excited. He can't wait to start shooting, he can't sleep thinking about the fun he's going to have while filming. Here, I just can't stop thinking that JCW might have someting to do with NJH casting after 2 actresses have declined. Reason: he want to spend more time and get closer to NJH before he enlist, and hopefully get her to like him back. (A little bit delulu here)

- The SP photoshoot. JCW was grabbing all opportunities to touch her and get closer to her. NJh is actually indifferent. To her it is just a photoshoot and she needs to cooperate, and with her natural friendly behaviour, makes things easier.

- His BTS behaviour with NJH are so like school boy having his first crush. Arrgghhh, you guys know better.no need to explain more.

Did JCW confessed to NJH? I believe yes, between 3 February to 11th March 2017, he confessed that he likes her. How about love? Yep, he realise he falls head over heals during the first BTS kiss. Are they dating? No. I still hold to JCW statement that if he has a girlfriend and the news broke out, it will be unfair for his partner while he is in MS. NJH also mentioned that she is still single / no boyfriend in Volume Up. She is not lying there. I also strongly believe that the ball is in NJH court right now. You might say, she has this stylus necklace posted in her ig. To me, it is a confirmation that she likes/loves him back and accepted his feelings. But whether, they decided to continue with the relationship aka dating, will only happen after JCW finish his MS. Hence, the answer to the question during his concert about he will love her while in MS and if she stiil there he continue to love if not it will be a good memory.

Trust me when I say that the ball is in NJH court right now. For JCW, he is clear on what he wants. Heck, he clearly likes her during the KBS award. Maybe he already eyeing her even before that. I will not mention that 8 years thing, as we have not had the opportunity to view the full interview session, it is just fragments here and there. To him MS will not affect his feelings as he already had the feeling for the longest time. But for NJH, she needs to think about the attentions that people aka fans and medias will be giving her. JCW is super famous and his fan base is increasing each day. As we know NJH does not like to be in the limelight. As proven with the recent fancam, she walk faster, or slower to avoid being together with JCW when there are JCW fans and reporters. NJH is a simple girl really, she change to normal attire after the press con, so that she could just slip away easily. She is a clear headed girl. She is down to earth girl, and that is why I love about her. In her recent interview she mentioned she just satisfied with what she have now. That is NJH. And another point, JCW is a jealous type,and NJH is friendly with everybody male or female. See how friendly she is with DH in the wrap up party. Sure that has stirred some jealousy in JCW.

But hey, love conquers all right? So I am praying that things will go their way and they can be together and be married. 

As a side note. Between 3rd February and 11th March 2017, I kind of guessing an exact date. But i will not mention here nor I will personally message you guys, because it is just my findings based on the various article, ig, interview etc. You guys will notice it to (in due time) if you look really closely. if i reveal it, it will be all over the place, and might be damaging to the NamJi ship. As the date will also means the day NJH visit JCW in MS next year as it mark 1 year anni.  So, not going to take the risk. Moreover, it is just my guess, as JCW potrays it in a very very discreet way. It can be anything, just my intuition said that it is the "sacred" date.

So, that's it guys. Continue with your spazzing, I love reading them. Limit your byeontae, if you really love them, as it is quite damaging to their clean image. We do not want to be the reasons they decide to go different ways. And just take note, not all articles, reactions, interview, attire, friend are related to NamJi. Sometimes it just what it says, no hidden message whatever. You can connect the dots when the dots are actually there. But you can continue your delulu, no harm, its shipper heaven here. Just that my posting here is more rational as I am ajumma. I only make my opinion based in a valid things that I see. Feel free to refer back here, if you find something interesting to relate.

As for me I will hold to my opinion and thinking as mentioned above, until the truth reveals. And that might take several years or never if they decide to go their own ways. Ji Sung and his wife manage to keep theirs nicely wrapped up for couple of years before announcing, right? So pray hard they ended up together for real.

Love you guys. 

Edited by weiyo
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4 hours ago, Loyal_ss520 said:



Reading her message at fancafe make me cry... miss her so much!! At the same time feel glad seeing her doing so well in her studies...:D

Btw did you guys feel same as me... I feel the sound so similar between Hyunie and Wookie letter... am I over delulu? Hahaha....

Omg...today is any special day? Hyunie change her insta profile pic... no longer her cute face...

I am with you and @purebliss12, i feel like tearing up a bit too reading her message. I have mixed feelings re her message. Im happy for her that she is doing what she wants but I feel sad because I miss seeing her on screen and seeing her beautiful sunshine smile.

She is the first actress that has made me feel this way.

When i listen to love songs, I think of them and the difficulty they face being apart at such an early stage in their relationship. Thats why I think she chose a new profile pic, to express a longing. One of a plane in the sky. Why do we sit on a plane, because we want to be somewhere else. Somewhere else that makes us happy such as a holiday or to fly us to be with someone. I was in a long distance relationship and seeing her profile brings back memories of me/us making those trips to be together. 

Welcome @weiyo. Please continue to share with us. 

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3 hours ago, riririru said:



Thank you :D

  Hide contents






That acc is actually my twt acc XD

I added mine, you can check namjihyunact and otpshits' as well :D


Oh and guys how do you give a like/give a reaction to a post? Do i need to change the theme?

But if i change to default it become sooooo slow cries


I saw it!! Thanks my dear~

Edited by tomago
Argh.. space
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1 hour ago, weiyo said:















Hi everybody. First time posting in soompi thread. Have been a silent lurker for several years, logging into soompi just to get an update for the ongoing dramas. However, SP has changed all that. I have been following this thread since the very first page. Trust me when I say that I never ship any OTP before. Since soompi is trying their best to fix things (do not be mad at them, our writing sometimes can be very harsh), and with both JCW and NJH are away with their duties, I decide to post just to fill in the gap. So, please welcome me, welcome me. 
































Since this is the first time posting, it will be a loooonggggg one. So, please bear with me as I have a lot to share, things that I have been keeping to myself. First, I am a married ajumma. Hahaha, well, do  believe me  as I have been reading your topic about age and stuff. So, I can safely say that I am the oldest here. Since, I am not that young ( but young at heart :D), I consider myself as a rational shipper. Heck, the reason I have never been a shipper before. Before I go any further, i just want to say that you guys are just daebak! With all the theories, investigations findings and analytical comparisons with other productions from various countries. I have learned alot. Forgive me as I could not tag the names one by one, still new here
































I recall way back that someone have requested to list down 3 reasons why you ship NamJi couple. I have my own too. Mine will be 3 + 1. The extra is just recently discovered and I believed has not been dicussed here yet. Before that, I would like to stress that between NJH and JCW, I am more towards NJH. She is my fav and coz I am a female, I tend to lean more towards her. You can call me I have my female ego. So, it is only logical if my list is based on looking for proof from JCW side. Hence these are my 3+1 list why I ship NamJi.
































1. The 1st BTS kiss. 
















Yeah, yeah, I know, it is everybody's fav scene. For me I see the change of the way he kissed. If you look closely, when JCW kissed NJH for the first time, his head is on the left side. To me that is normal acting kiss. Then he change to the right. Still acting kiss. However, sometime during that kiss, if you guys notice he kinda stop and lingers. BANG! That got me. Then he continue kissing her, more tender. Although this was not closed up, but you can feel the raw emotions from JCW. NJH just follow suit, remember this was her first time kissing like that in drama, so she was relying on JCW to guide. And as you know, the rest was history, the other takes (several takes), JCW kiss has become tender and longer. No doubt NJH was surprise but she obviously could not distinguised whether that was real or acting since they are her first, and it is safe to just consider acting from NJH point of view. Remember, you guys have also discussed that NJH is more guarded. And I do believe she is.
































2. The name dropping during the Section TV interview.
















Phewww! What can I say. This is what we call seal the deal. JCW just wearing his heart on his sleeves. It is not the name dropping that really got me, but the expressions from him while saying it. For a 30 year old to act sheepishly, that shouts "I truly have a crush on her". No need to elaborate on that.
































3. Love Game song with 2biC.
















Initially, my 3rd point was the 4 best scenes during his concert since I found it rather weird based on the choice and sequence. But I have ruled that out since I read somewhere that the list is based on the audience votes prior to the concert. Hence my 3rd point is the Love Game song. The lyrics of the song seems does not fit with why he was invited by HY sketchbook, which is due to his coming enlistment. We can't deny that the songs does fit NJH. Who else? If there is somebody else he is referring to, he would not kiss as in the 1st point above. 
































4. EXTRA point. The earlier short interviews on SP.
















Ok this is the one where he is wearing the yellow shirt, and his back is on a wall. When asked about NJH as his costar, he bend down his head and grin sheepishly. To me that is a give away. You guys can find the video somewhere, I can't attached here. And because this is the earlier interviews, you can see clearly his reactions. Compare to the later interviews he is more composed when asked about his chemistry with NJH for SP. Maybe someone here is kind enough to just capture the moment in GiF. i am not good at that, mianhe.
































An so, that is why I ship NamJi and continue doing so, until they themselves reveal everything. Frankly, I have my doubts before, but each time I will fall back to the above reasons, which I believe cannot be denied or challenged. I have been looking into his costars in the musical, who also happen to be pretty and funny and easygoing, and I got super doubful. As she has the same hair and bangs, and she go bowling with JCW and his close friends, and JCW did mentioned he just learn how to bowl earlier this year. In one of the Fabricated City interview he also mentioned about going out bowling with the girl and she is good at it. She was also in Jeju about the same time as JCW and the gang if you look into her ig. Wahhh! I think my head gonna explode, but then again I always look into the above reasons why I ship them. And it always come back to NamJi. Anyway, you can find more about the JCW costar in the the musical The Days. She happen to be a nice girl. So don't be harsh on her. It is just weird that nobody mention her, just his costar in dramas when comparing with NJH. 
































Let us now discuss about the recent topic, which is the timeline, when he falls for her, are they dating blah, blah. And so, this is my findings  and conclusion from all the readings. 
































1. Interview with Volume Up 3rd February 2017
















Here, JCW mentioned his ideal girl. Well, his answers are always the same, girl that he can connect with and have conversation bla bla bla. He is pretty consistence in answering this type of question isn't he? But as an extra to his normal reply he said that he find it difficult to find such a girl that fit his ideal type. So, we can safely say that, he don't have a girlfriend and he MIGHT have found somebody that fit the bill but it is struggling to confess. You know what I mean, if you go and see how his reactions when he mentioned difficult. 
































2. Interview before the Taiwan Fan meeting 11th March 2017.
















He was asked how he would apprach a girl that he likes and he answered that he will tell her directly that he likes her. And also during his visit to Taiwan is when he drew his ideal girl, the infamous ideal girl drawing that has been circling around the internet and social media comparing to NHJ. I am not going to elaborate on the SMA paring and that he drew based on that image. If you realised, NJH has always had bangs, and she like to constantly put he hair behind her ears if she let her hair down. So, basically THAT IS HER IMAGE! So, it is not a surprise if JCW remembers that because they always crosses path in the infamous Saloon.
































So, my conclusion, between 3rd February 2017 and 11th March 2017, something significant has happened. Significant here means, confessing that he likes her. Significant here also means he has made the decision to woo her. Why I said that?
















- The first script reading on 3rd April. JCW is super excited. He can't wait to start shooting, he can't sleep thinking about the fun he's going to have while filming. Here, I just can't stop thinking that JCW might have someting to do with NJH casting after 2 actresses have declined. Reason: he want to spend more time and get closer to NJH before he enlist, and hopefully get her to like him back. (A little bit delulu here)
















- The SP photoshoot. JCW was grabbing all opportunities to touch her and get closer to her. NJh is actually indifferent. To her it is just a photoshoot and she needs to cooperate, and with her natural friendly behaviour, makes things easier.
















- His BTS behaviour with NJH are so like school boy having his first crush. Arrgghhh, you guys know better.no need to explain more.
































Did JCW confessed to NJH? I believe yes, between 3 February to 11th March 2017, he confessed that he likes her. How about love? Yep, he realise he falls head over heals during the first BTS kiss. Are they dating? No. I still hold to JCW statement that if he has a girlfriend and the news broke out, it will be unfair for his partner while he is in MS. NJH also mentioned that she is still single / no boyfriend in Volume Up. She is not lying there. I also strongly believe that the ball is in NJH court right now. You might say, she has this stylus necklace posted in her ig. To me, it is a confirmation that she likes/loves him back and accepted his feelings. But whether, they decided to continue with the relationship aka dating, will only happen after JCW finish his MS. Hence, the answer to the question during his concert about he will love her while in MS and if she stiil there he continue to love if not it will be a good memory.
































Trust me when I say that the ball is in NJH court right now. For JCW, he is clear on what he wants. Heck, he clearly likes her during the KBS award. Maybe he already eyeing her even before that. I will not mention that 8 years thing, as we have not had the opportunity to view the full interview session, it is just fragments here and there. To him MS will not affect his feelings as he already had the feeling for the longest time. But for NJH, she needs to think about the attentions that people aka fans and medias will be giving her. JCW is super famous and his fan base is increasing each day. As we know NJH does not like to be in the limelight. As proven with the recent fancam, she walk faster, or slower to avoid being together with JCW when there are JCW fans and reporters. NJH is a simple girl really, she change to normal attire after the press con, so that she could just slip away easily. She is a clear headed girl. She is down to earth girl, and that is why I love about her. In her recent interview she mentioned she just satisfied with what she have now. That is NJH. And another point, JCW is a jealous type,and NJH is friendly with everybody male or female. See how friendly she is with DH in the wrap up party. Sure that has stirred some jealousy in JCW.
































But hey, love conquers all right? So I am praying that things will go their way and they can be together and be married. 
































As a side note. Between 3rd February and 11th March 2017, I kind of guessing an exact date. But i will not mention here nor I will personally message you guys, because it is just my findings based on the various article, ig, interview etc. You guys will notice it to (in due time) if you look really closely. if i reveal it, it will be all over the place, and might be damaging to the NamJi ship. As the date will also means the day NJH visit JCW in MS next year as it mark 1 year anni.  So, not going to take the risk. Moreover, it is just my guess, as JCW potrays it in a very very discreet way. It can be anything, just my intuition said that it is the "sacred" date.
































So, that's it guys. Continue with your spazzing, I love reading them. Limit your byeontae, if you really love them, as it is quite damaging to their clean image. We do not want to be the reasons they decide to go different ways. And just take note, not all articles, reactions, interview, attire, friend are related to NamJi. Sometimes it just what it says, no hidden message whatever. You can connect the dots when the dots are actually there. But you can continue your delulu, no harm, its shipper heaven here. Just that my posting here is more rational as I am ajumma. I only make my opinion based in a valid things that I see. Feel free to refer back here, if you find something interesting to relate.
































As for me I will hold to my opinion and thinking as mentioned above, until the truth reveals. And that might take several years or never if they decide to go their own ways. Ji Sung and his wife manage to keep theirs nicely wrapped up for couple of years before announcing, right? So pray hard they ended up together for real.
































Love you guys. 




























































































































Loove  your analysis buut why suddenly i feel saad ...... 



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First thanks @weiyo for sharing with us such precious information... it really so great... thank you so much! Btw that I really curious about the interview that she share with us that Wookie wearing yellow shirt and behind him is wall... any chingu here have watch that video before? Can share it here?

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1 hour ago, weiyo said:











An so, that is why I ship NamJi and continue doing so, until they themselves reveal everything. Frankly, I have my doubts before, but each time I will fall back to the above reasons, which I believe cannot be denied or challenged. I have been looking into his costars in the musical, who also happen to be pretty and funny and easygoing, and I got super doubful. As she has the same hair and bangs, and she go bowling with JCW and his close friends, and JCW did mentioned he just learn how to bowl earlier this year. In one of the Fabricated City interview he also mentioned about going out bowling with the girl and she is good at it. She was also in Jeju about the same time as JCW and the gang if you look into her ig. Wahhh! I think my head gonna explode, but then again I always look into the above reasons why I ship them. And it always come back to NamJi. Anyway, you can find more about the JCW costar in the the musical The Days. She happen to be a nice girl. So don't be harsh on her. It is just weird that nobody mention her, just his costar in dramas when comparing with NJH. 




Mianheee ahjumaa...why I don't like this part...huhuhuhu....




Where do you finda out about his out for playing bowling with her and that that girl also in jeju at the same time with jcw? I'm sorry I've been a very protective sister toward NJH...ahahhahah....




That you mentioned the girl hairstyle looks like NJH, makes me wanna know the girls look, where to see the girl look? Believe me, I'm not the kind ho do harrasment toward others, just curiousity. Though I know, curiousity kills cat...hohoho



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15 minutes ago, Loyal_ss520 said:


First thanks @weiyo for sharing with us such precious information... it really so great... thank you so much! Btw that I really curious about the interview that she share with us that Wookie wearing yellow shirt and behind him is wall... any chingu here have watch that video before? Can share it here?

Sorry, just edit that part, he is wearing suit, and his back on a wooden wall.. The interview in on 8 May.. Eng sub.. And really sorry, i do not know how to attach vids and stuff... Ajumma is pretty new here..

Edited by weiyo
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12 minutes ago, thiaranti said:



















Mianheee ahjumaa...why I don't like this part...huhuhuhu....




















Where do you finda out about his out for playing bowling with her and that that girl also in jeju at the same time with jcw? I'm sorry I've been a very protective sister toward NJH...ahahhahah....




















That you mentioned the girl hairstyle looks like NJH, makes me wanna know the girls look, where to see the girl look? Believe me, I'm not the kind ho do harrasment toward others, just curiousity. Though I know, curiousity kills cat...hohoho
















He talked about bowling with her in one of the fabricated city interview... The interviewer happen to be the same costar in the musical the days... You can check that out in the jichangwook kitchen fansite... And i stalked her ig that why i know she is in jeju. She is one yesr older than JCW. And JCW call her noona...  But do not fret... Rremember the reason why we ship NamJi.. Hold on to that...



Edited by weiyo
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I actually did some research and she was in jeju at the end of the first week of august with her mom. She also had a dating rumor with yoseob in may 2017:https://www.soompi.com/2017/05/15/breaking-highlights-yang-yoseob-reportedly-dating-musical-actress-shin-go-eun/

If she was really dating JCW, that would be awkward since the report says that it is well known in the musical industry that yang yoseob and her are dating. She's also still following him in instagram even after their dating report. It wouldn't have sat well with a jealous boyfriend.

I personally don't think there is something to worry about.

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8 minutes ago, weiyo said:































He talked about bowling with her in one of the fabricated city interview... The interviewer happen to be the same costar in the musical the days... You can check that out in the jichangwook kitchen fansite... And i stalked her ig that why i know she is in jeju. She is one yesr older than JCW. And JCW call her noona...  But do not fret... Rremember the reason why we ship NamJi.. Hold on to that...












hi there...im also newbie here in soompi..if you dont mind..may i know her name? just curious..



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23 minutes ago, weiyo said:



Sorry, just edit that part, he is wearing suit, and his back on a wooden wall.. The interview in on 8 May.. Eng sub.. And really sorry, i do not know how to attach vids and stuff... Ajumma is pretty new here..




Is okay...no need sorry... just small matter... I think i know which video you mentioning...wait I share the link here... this video right?








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13 minutes ago, daloula said:



I actually did some research and she was in jeju at the end of the first week of august with her mom. She also had a dating rumor with yoseob in may 2017:https://www.soompi.com/2017/05/15/breaking-highlights-yang-yoseob-reportedly-dating-musical-actress-shin-go-eun/




If she was really dating JCW, that would be awkward since the report says that it is well known in the musical industry that yang yoseob and her are dating. She's also still following him in instagram even after their dating report. It wouldn't have sat well with a jealous boyfriend.




I personally don't think there is something to worry about.




Yep agree. When i first got to know, i was like the super jealous girlfriend.. Like you dear sister, i checked everything left and right, and realised that this couldn't be.... Anyway, just fyi, both her and yy agencies denies the report. Now let's not talk about them eh.... From now on it is just NamJi....



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5 minutes ago, weiyo said:



Yep agree. When i first got to know, i was like the super jealous girlfriend.. Like you dear sister, i checked everything left and right, and realised that this couldn't be.... Anyway, just fyi, both her and yy agencies denies the report. Now let's not talk about them eh.... From now on it is just NamJi....

Yeah I know they denied, it's in the article I just shared. But unless there are pictures, it's most of the time denied. Those dating reports don't come from Nothing. You brought her up so I needed to clear the air in the thread since not everybody has the same information.

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