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I Missed You...:wub:

Was it the crickets chirping in the background or the darkness of night. The beam of streetlights shinning down on them below so bright...  Was it the way TW gently cups her face between the palms of his loving hands...  Was it him looking so focused while taking all of her in.. Or her looking back finally trusting in her love and feelings for him...

There is a sweetness that not even words can fully express.  It's that glow of young love when emotions and excitement fill every part of you until there is nothing left.  For you can't get enough of their voice, their looks, their touch and somewhere deep down inside your heart is beating so loud and your swelled up in warmth and you wonder does he or she really know how amazing they are and this moment is...

Couldn't help but post about this beautiful moment in episode 13 late I know, that was long awaited and oh so welcomed...  Wishing I had more time to be with all of you.  But so thankful for a drama that allows you to giggle, smile, stare and pretzel embrace every view these two freely show...  Who doesn't want to be in love after seeing their longing looks and glances into each others eyes?  No one I KNOW!!!


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The storytelling flow of this drama is so satisfying to watch, it's too good to be true!

TW giving EH flowers and finally sharing his music with her makes me so terribly happy, I just had to cry again out of pure joy ‧⁺( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ◡ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )⁺‧ 
This drama is showing me all the love that "Save me" isn't! ( ´ ▽ ` )

Obviously "Save me" is a mystery/triller where as "School 2017" is a school/coming-of-age/romance drama. However both dramas deal with youth, misunderstandings and hardships but show it to the viewer in a completely different way and I love it! (even if "Save me" is giving me a hard time right now).

I just want to point out that I LOVE the fact that our band of X's is composed out of 2 boys and 3 girls !!!! I often have to channel my inner feminist while watching KDramas (because there are a lot of moments where I want to flip a table) but this one is really making me happy on so many levels. I'm so thankful to the writer, producer, PD-nim and whoever else involved in creating and portraying all those awesome characters…




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SR wa so frustrating today.  I understood her yet I didn't.  The rift between EH and SR is so relatable though.  TW has become an important part of EH's life now.  He's not just her boyfriend but also someone she relied on.  It was cute though that TW wants to broadcast their relationship while EH wants to keep it a secret.  I'm surprise TW didn't get pissed that there were rumors going around about EH and the post-it boy.  

He still can't forget about DH and EH's earphone moment.  He totally ate his words though about not wanting to wear earphones.  Lol.  It was a sweet gesture though that EH was a having rough week and she knew she wanted flowers so he got them for her.  I hope they last thru the series and not have the writer do some weird time jump and have them reunite.

This week they kept mentioning that even if TW confesses nothing would happen to him.  Now that EH is being expelled for her association with X then I have no doubt TW will confess but will he get expelled and transfer schools?  Would they go there and split TW and EH?

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7 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:


I Missed You...:wub:

Was it the crickets chirping in the background or the darkness of night. The beam of streetlights shinning down on them below so bright...  Was it the way TW gently cups her face between the palms of his loving hands...  Was it him looking so focused while taking all of her in.. Or her looking back finally trusting in her love and feelings for him...

There is a sweetness that not even words can fully express.  It's that glow of young love when emotions and excitement fill every part of you until there is nothing left.  For you can't get enough of their voice, their looks, their touch and somewhere deep down inside your heart is beating so loud and your swelled up in warmth and you wonder does he or she really know how amazing they are and this moment is...

Couldn't help but post about this beautiful moment in episode 13 late I know, that was long awaited and oh so welcomed...  Wishing I had more time to be with all of you.  But so thankful for a drama that allows you to giggle, smile, stare and pretzel embrace every view these two freely show...  Who doesn't want to be in love after seeing their longing looks and glances into each others eyes?  No one I KNOW!!!


 @USAFarmgirl He technically missed the chicken, you know?!! haha... such a tease! :blush: This is definately one of my fav scene. His giggles, his voice, the way he cups her face, the way he tease her... the way she drops the chicken, and act aegyo with him....

So much feel...  

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So the waiting game has officially started again :(

Last night episode was good, although it's incomparable to epi 12 but still it was a good episode. The editing has not improving yet, but the content was great. TBH I was expecting 'greater' reason behind Sarang's behavior, the reason why did she even being that upset to Eunho, because the reasons she said to her were just so childish. Then again after I gave it a thought, oh right they're all 18years old students. I shouldn't put the standard and my pov as an adult of the whole matters to them. (I'm sorry Sarang to have called you selfish during the live report last night, Mian :( ) When you're 18 years old, root of problems are not that complicated and mostly started of childish. those are just trivial things to begin with, when you seem to have new friend, seem to have another best friend, when your friend felt left out and all. It's only Principal led Sarang to the edge, if Principal aspect wasn't got into picture, the problem between Sarang and Eunho wouldn't be like that. 

The other thing that I realized during watching the show is, we as viewers and the kids in the drama, have started to expect/demand X to solve things and do more for them. We forgot that he is just another student, with guts and wits (okay admit with money too), Eunho once also took his kindness for granted, which to that she apologized. This time Sarang expects X to have all what she portrayed or imagined about X. And me as viewers, without myself realized, I wished him to solve every single problems in that school. His words have left me taken aback "So what do you expect me to do, I am not even a hero." and the scene when he brings his father to show him what principal had done, is just telling us there is a limit of what X could do, he even needs higher ups too. And the last part when he comes home to his father's invention of X's items, he seems so powerless and taken aback. On only few seconds of the scene I can see horror in his eyes, before it changed to stern look at his father's threat towards the end. 

the cherry on top, is of course the never ending sweetness between Eunho and Taewoon. Will I find another main couples like them again? they're so young, not so complicated, watch each other's back, kind and gentle, I almost see no selfishness between the two. There is no more a thing like "can't you see from my pov? can't you understand me?" both acknowledge each other's povs. Even after Sarang and Taewoon fought, Eunho is just expecting taewoon to avoid bigger fight, she even understand that Sarang's words hurts him a bit. Not even in any other dramas I watched there is (adult) couple like them. I really cherish Ra Eunho and Hyun Taewoon, their characters in the drama are just so well written and actors really depict it amazingly. I could talk all day about these two so let this paragraph sticks to epi 14. haha

Two episodes to go, actually my fingers are so itchy to try to make prediction, but I think it will leave me anxious for the whole week. You know Dramaland rules, they gave you sweetness before dropping a bomb. All I can think of just Taewoon transfer school abroad. sigh let's not think that way. Let's believe the writer already have a genius solution for our Geumdo Highschool Students and their student X. 

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11 hours ago, moodypie said:

Finally we will come to TW's dad...the last opponent in School.

This will be interesting to watch, as it will also be the closure for TW and his dad about his past with JG.

It's not easy being a dad to an 18 year old boys...but it's high time he needs to listen or have a heart to heart talk with TW.

Just talk it out ..you two. I hope to see both visiting omma at the gravesite with happiness and lovely smiles. :) 

The other thing I could wish for. The more I think about it, the Director doesn't seem like a bad guy, he just wants to protect his boy (of course in a wrong way). He keeps Taewoon hidden from real world by solving everything with his money, while Taewoon are dying to face the world on his own. I agree it's not an easy thing to become a parents of teens. I wish they talk it out, resolve everything they keep from each other, the pains, the struggles, and the love. they have all the potential to have a great father-son relationship. 

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Smiling like an idiot while watching ep 14 with subs! Just cant GET ENOUGH of our Taeswoon and Eunho moments which are PURE GOLD! My OTP of the year!:heart:

That moment when TW COOLLY put the earbud into EH's ear was magical! My heart melted a million times!:blush:

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Just saw ep 14 and I feel the need to publicly apologize to Sa Rang!! I doubted her yesterday, I swore she'd betray the group but I'm glad even her mom was in on it and threatened the principal properly!! 

I hate the principal!! 

Can't wait for the next episode, I hate how they keep wanting to use EH as an example and expel her poor girl, has been hanging on a thread for 14 eps now and it's not over yet.

The waiting begins...hopefully we get more BTS videos while we wait for Monday to come around again. 

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Whoa. What do we have here now? Taewoon's own team of Avengers LMFAo:w00t: I like how the gang get together to uphold justice at school, lucky Eunho for having not just a rich but sweetest boyfriend EVER. 

Tsk. That bumbling buffoon of a principal aish. Thankfully there's no Heechan in ep. 13. Not sure if I can take anymore morons. I really wish Daehwi moved on from Namjoo. As much as I want to like Ms. Han I can't with that self-righteous attitude she has! But again I get she's a law officer but geez cut the kids some slack:tongue:

Sarang-ah quit moping & get it on with the hottie guitar case oppa YO^_^ the strawberry milk kid is just so "precious" ain't he LoL. 

Er--what's up with the frequent nosebleeds in K-Dramas?? :blink:

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I needa rewatch again during the drought period.... I am bit perplexed over when did TW fall in love with EH.... Did they have some thing going on since grade 10? Or did he bit by bit fall for her after becoming X? Or before that? 

I must be focusing too much on our OTP's charm to really get into the story *club self* :expressionless: 

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Sigh my internet is acting up.  Using data now.  This is how fidgety I get without my dose of TW-EH and School 2017, in the same way as EH became fidgety when her drawing book was confiscated by teacher Gu in earlier eps.  Lol.

What a risk TW took, to give up X's things,  call dad to expose the principal in front of him,  at the same time save Sarang's mom and  help Sarang.  Although he did this out of love for EH seeing as she was so affected by Sarang,  and got sick from expired food,  he basically outed himself to dad at that point.

We'll see.  i can't speculate and will just let the show surprise me next week (last two eps.... can't believe it is almost over...time flies when you're having fun!!).  

Expulsion is a huge matter.  This needs to be resolved satisfactorily for both TW and EH's sake.   Principal was the only reason X existed, so the wretched  principal needs to be the one to be kicked out.  When assistant principal took over, X was never active.

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Ah Gosh!! I have fallen for Kim Jung Hyun! I like Korean ballad only too~ and I am following Korean indie bands songs too...
The song he sang is "10cm - Stalker" and the lyric is just supeeerb.

I am sorry it is not important post haha... oooh on the making video they made nickname in the caption for sejong and junghyun : SeJunghyun~ and praising their chemistry on set~

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Heol, new BTS is out!!! All of my prayers has been answered!!!! BTS OF THAT BTS SCENE, apparently Eunho really taught or giving him suggestion to him how to do the move:





 This is their Vlive link, if you have vlive account, dont forget to watch it there to increase view and like ^^ 


And oh @tituyphing i know i know, im asking too much, but can you please give us summary of what they're saying ? lol. everything they said are important to us! LMAO!!!!!!


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1 hour ago, tituyphing said:

Making Video  : http://www.vlive.tv/video/40251/

Sejong taught Junghyun the dance OM Goodness~~~
I haven't fully watched it. Share it first



The making video is just my CURE for not having an episode tonight. It will keep me occupied until next Monday! Taeswoon & Eunho are just too cute both in the drama as well as in real life! :blush:

AWW! Our Kim Jung Hyun can sing too! I've read somewhere that he can sing. What a nice voice! :heart:

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1 hour ago, Astarzzz said:

I needa rewatch again during the drought period.... I am bit perplexed over when did TW fall in love with EH.... Did they have some thing going on since grade 10? Or did he bit by bit fall for her after becoming X? Or before that? 

I must be focusing too much on our OTP's charm to really get into the story *club self* :expressionless: 


Try watching episode 5 again and you should be able to see traces of him falling for her :)

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43 minutes ago, shinesun said:

Heol, new BTS is out!!! Al my prayers has been answered!!!! BTS OF THAT BTS SCENE, apprently Eunho really taught or giving him suggestion to him how to do the move:




Woah, did they do that many takes for the peck on the cheek scene? :lol:

And wow, that guy can sing quite well...pretty good voice...

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29 minutes ago, chubbz said:


Try watching episode 5 again and you should be able to see traces of him falling for her :)

Thank you!! @chubbz Now - how many times have u watched already? kkkk :D

I saw those new BTS! Cannot stop smiling like pabo-ya... he is soooo dorky, so derpy... So cute la! 

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