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[KBS Drama 2017] Fight for My Way 쌈 마이웨이 - Park Seojoon & Kim Jiwon | Mon-Tue


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16 minutes ago, sojisoban said:

i think and i hope. 

SH will go out with landlady's son

if this happen. i hope this will last until the end. JM is not good enough for SH. 

hope not that will be so contrast with the personality of the character that move will not do justice to the character.she just break up and there are only 4 episodes remaining it would be false move to make her fall that easy and soon for someone  else when they had saw us how much she loves him.she needs some time alone and think and as i know the actor only has a cameo.

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11 hours ago, aunniek said:

But if she is AR's mom, why didn't she mention to Coach-nim that she was looking her daughter as well, instead of just her son?  But I do think she is AR's mom.

Frankly, as long as our OTP aren't siblings or cousins I'm okay. Right now, the way the landlady is hiding from both AR and DM's dads, I'm just hoping she doesn't have history with both of them. LOL. That would be a pretty twisted and shitty ending to the show. :lol:


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I just finished watching the subbed version of last night's episode without distractions...

2 hours ago, sofia111 said:

well i still believe they could use a better way to express her way to defend herself and all.that line for me sound a way to much.she could talk about being a mom and wife and say that  that doesn't make her a lesser to the society in general to have the dream to be a mom but she clearly use the words than you.she speak with Aera at that moment talk about the dreams of her friends and hers with that than you she compares and talks about their dreams. i am happy that you answer me and get to know your opinion. thats the beautiful thing of this drama they give us a lot material for discussion!!!:)that make  a little sad and angry because i got the feeling that she doesn't has faith and think that telling her friends her dreams  they will think of it as less important something that will never happen.


I agree with @hazeljrr_c922  @stroppyse and @deadorblack - that I don't find SH hostile at all... in fact, I don't even find her defensive. I love what @sofia111 said about how the beautiful thing of this drama is the vast amount of material it gives us for discussion :)

SH has had a dream of becoming a mother since she's 6 years old - that's as long as AR and DM have had theirs. But they never knew about her dream for 2 reasons - (1) they never asked; and (2) SH never said anything. AR and SH have very different personalities and that's the beauty of their friendship because they complement each other so well. While AR is open and direct and honest and straightforward, and sometimes blunt and brash... SH is nurturing, caring, giving, loving, with a kind heart, who thinks about others before she thinks about herself. While AR is able to protect SH, in turn, SH is able to take care of AR... and that's why their friendship works beautifully. 

SH is a kind person... but she's also not confident in herself. We have established that long ago. When AR said "Dump him, work on bettering yourself and follow your dream" SH answered with "What is my dream?" She's not asking out of innocence not knowing what her dream is, as AR then assumed. She's asking both AR and herself that very question - what is my dream? It's because even her closest friends don't know what it is since she never said it out loud. That's how unconfident she is in her own dream - not because of her capabilities... but because of how it's viewed by society at large.

We live in a society where everyone is supposed to be an over achiever. That's especially prevalent in Asian cultures/societies, and out of which, especially in Korea. I'm not Korean but I'm friends with enough Korean women to know this - women have it really tough there because of what is expected from them. Korean women, to be considered successful, need to be - beautiful, courteous, gentle, caring, motherly... to have come from a good family, have gone to a prestigious school with a good degree, ideally a post graduate degree... to have her start in a well regarded career, successful enough to look good on the outside, but not too successful that they're not considered as a good daughter-in-law candidate... speaking of which, they also need to be a good daughter, good mother, good daughter-in-law, good wife... because it doesn't matter how good of an education or career you have, you're also supposed to have a married life that's deemed good by society... and then you're supposed to recluse to being a good mother, raising smart and intelligent children... and so on, and so forth. 

And SH's dream doesn't fit into any societal norms at all and she's aware of it. She just wants to be a mother, that's it. Not a great mother, not a smart mother, not a working mother. There's no adjectives along with it. She just wants to be a mother - plain and simple. I'm sure she's also aware that, when her dream is to become a mother and nothing else... all the others who have a more "tangible" dream would not understand her, and would think that she's not living her life, and she's just living for a man. And it's true that on some level, AR thinks the same, because she did say to SH "now you can live your life". That's why the minute she started actually articulating her dream into actual words, she's not only telling AR that, but she's also telling herself that... that it's a valid dream. It's a dream of hers all along and that's no smaller than any other dreams of anyone else's. 

Haven't we all done that at some point in our lives? When we are in doubt and when we are confused... when we try to calm ourselves down we give ourselves a little pep talk "It's okay... that's the way to go. What I want is just as important as what Jane Smith and what John Doe want. What I want is not insignificant. I know I'm on the right track." Haven't we all done that?

By the way, given the circumstance that this conversation between SH and AR is taking place... I can't even imagine how confused and how racy SH's mind must be at that point. She knew JM was there yet she's also afraid to face the truth and that's why she initially wanted to just go home. She's also second guessing herself whether or not she's being overly sensitive... and I realized that almost all women do that especially when they're 200% sure their intuition is spot on. With that state of mind, SH just can't even think about being hostile or defensive. She has 10 million other crazy thoughts in her head already.

3 hours ago, stroppyse said:

And, actually, AR initially just tries to placate SH, and tell her to go ahead and live her dream, just not with JM. It's not until later when they are at the bus stop going home that a more reflective AR tells SH that she thought SH was marvelous when she was talking about her dream of being a wife and mom. 

I agree that initially AR was thinking the same as everyone else - that by having a dream, it means that it's something tangible, or it's accepted by society. Usually when people ask, what's your dream? 99% answer with a profession of some sort. Again, it's just societal programming that we are so accustomed to, so AR is not at fault either to think that way. And like @stroppyse said, it's not until later when AR has had more time to reflect and to really think it through that SH's dream, as a mother, is just as valid as everyone else's dream... if not even much grander because she got a taste of it first hand and knew how important that nurturing and caring role is. If it weren't for SH's motherly nature towards both AR and DM, they wouldn't be as steadfast in pursuing their dreams as they are now. That's how important SH's dream is. Her dream is the fuel for their dreams. AR finally realizes it and she wants SH to realize it for herself too.


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17 hours ago, joyue_1 said:


Is it Pukeface trying to show that she's all alone?!?!


17 hours ago, Mindy said:


It better not be her. She deserves to be alone.

I thought she lived above them no?

Not sure if 202 is above the stairs or at the bottom...

Awww a customer told SH to also live happily 

Intern is chatting with SH and apologising. ARGH

richard simmons please...go away

WOOO SH splashed her with water...YAY!!

YES - it's Pukeface FOR SURE. Empty dishes outside of #202, across from JM's #201... above DM's #102. AR and SH live in #101.

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@allthingscute    Lol.  I just giggled and giggled,   Yup, as long as AR and DM are not siblings or cousins, I am game for any ending to the landlady's story.  

To find that ahjumma is a rich aunt has some impact, mostly disbelief and then acceptance,   compared to a mother, who is going to be a very bad shock to AR (abandonment, deceit...those kinds of bad and sad).    Am wondering why Nam-il was smiling when he mentioned he sees who AR takes after?   Why this lighthearted?    Regardless of what it is, I will appreciate this angle done by next week.  

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the fact landlay son said i see the resemblance i think he was talking for Aera but he could and for Dong Man since we don't  know the person he makes the resemblance but i give more possibilities the one being Aera.i have these 3 things on my head the landlady is:
1)a friend of Aera's mother which i find the most possible one
2)sibling of her  Aera'a mother
3)Aera's mother
she knows both of their fathers that for sure.
i have read some comments saying that maybe she is Dong Man mother but could Dong Man's father lie to him all this time about his true mother?after i get to know more DM father in this episode i don't believe he would act like that to his son. 

that's why i said that they should show us  more stuff about Aera's mother.her name has been mentioned but we only know from Aera that she is dead but is she dead?how did she die? Maybe  Aera's father had lied to her about her mom being dead and our landlady come back to fix the situation. 

also coach knows her and said that he admire her.the coach to admire someone must have to do with something in his department(fighting).i don't think all this admire thing has do with the families of our otp and something good the landlady did for them.coach knows DM family but what about Aera's one.?so i am more close that landlady maybe was a MMA fighter or something similar.

i keep have the feeling that the writer had give alot clues but still i missing something.

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18 hours ago, joyue_1 said:


Is it Pukeface trying to show that she's all alone?!?!

we don't saw her in the last episode and i am afraid that she is gonna do something extremely bad to someone of our otp or to herself to get the attention of DM.all these silence had me worried.

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1 hour ago, sofia111 said:

the fact landlay son said i see the resemblance i think he was talking for Aera but he could and for Dong Man since we don't know person he makes the resemblance but i give more possibilities the one being Aera.i have these 3 things on my head the landlady is:
1)a friend of Aera's mother which i find the most possible one
2)sibling of her  Aera'a mother
3)Aera's mother

also coach knows her and said that he admire her.the coach to admire someone must have to do with something in his department(fighting).i don't think all this admire thing has do with the families of our otp and something good the landlady did for them.coach knows DM family but what about Aera's one.?so i am more close that landlady maybe was a MMA fighter or something similar.

i keep have the feeling that the writer had give alot clues but still i missing something.


Hi @sofia111  Sorry to cut your post.   I find aunt to be plausible, as it takes some blood relation for there to be a resemblance, and both AR and Landlady have a lot of spunk.   As for coach admiring her....could she have been connected with the school,  or a sponsor for HS athletics/taekwondo for DM's school, or maybe an athlete during her prime?  Or a long-ago noona crush?  :D    It's a small world. :)

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19 minutes ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:


Hi @sofia111  Sorry to cut your post.   I find aunt to be plausible, as it takes some blood relation for there to be a resemblance, and both AR and Landlady have a lot of spunk.   As for coach admiring her....could she have been connected with the school,  or a sponsor for HS athletics/taekwondo for DM's school, or maybe an athlete during her prime?  Or a noona crush?  :D    It's a small world. :)

its ok..!!totally agree there so much possibilities that i keep trying to find new theories all the time.the writer knows exactly what she is doing!!its the first drama that i have watch and try so hard to find whats truly going on before it ends.

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Ep 11


Sports Seoul via Naver: Fight My Way, Park
Seo Joon and asks Kim Ji Won after kiss "I
wanna sleep with you" straightforward

1. [+6,762, -104] What a waste of Seol Hee's
visuals.. Her styling doesn't fully showcase her
beauty, I hope she gets a makeover asap. I
never expected Reply's Jung Bong to pull off
his character as Joo Man here
2. [+6,466, -140] Writer, at least give Seol Hee
a handsome guy who looks like Park Bo Gum..
Or get Park Bo Gum to cameo for real, or let
her end up with Nam Il.. You're being too
mean on Seol Hee. Couldn't stand Joo Man
and the foxy intern
3. [+2,862, -76] So sweet ♥️ Kim Ji Won is
super pretty
4. [+2,702, -74] Ah crazy ㅠㅠㅠㅠ The look in
Park Seo Joon's eyes are making my heart
5. [+904, -10] Looking at the foxy intern's
identical behavior with Seol Hee, I think she
got them from Seol Hee's blog. Long before
Joo Man and Seol Hee came out, she already
knew that they were dating. She lurked on
her blog. did some analyzing, and she started
wearing pink and copying Seol Hee's tone
6. [+882, -17] It's just right for them to break
up ㅠㅠㅠ Seol Hee deserves better.. I don't
mind if she ends up with Nam Il


Ep 12


Sports Chosun via Naver: Fight My Way, Song
Ha Yoon and Ahn Jae Hong break up.. to Pyo
Ye Jin "tears of blood"

1. [+15,243, -76] Seol Hee-ya, you did the right
2. [+11,706, -122] Joo Man cries really well. Seol
Hee did the right thing breaking up with him. I
hope she finds a better guy and gets her
happy ending. That intern is the worst, she
wagged her tail and despite ruining a
relationship, all she cares for is going after
Joo Man ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+8,307, -91] Should've slapped him!!
4. [+7,281, -81] Seol-ah, you did well! I'm so
glad~ Hope you only walk on a flowery path!!
5. [+3,462, -25] Pyo Ye Jin ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋWas
expecting her to explain that nothing
happened but she just wants Joo Man for
herself ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Crazy
5. [+2,572, -13] I feel for Seol Hee so much ㅠㅠ
She always did her best and had no regrets,
and she dreamed of becoming a good wife
and mother ㅠㅠㅠ I'm proud of her today!!
6. [+2,468, -20] Ahn Jae Hong's such a great
actor.. When he broke down and said "Seol
Hee-ya, why are you like this?", it reminded
me of when my ex and I broke up
7. [+2,407, -9] Every second felt like death, the
way she expressed it broke my heart ㅠ
8. [+2,303, -11] This episode is full of
heartbreak ㅠㅠ I'm sad for Seol Hee, I'm sad
for Dong Man's dad ㅠㅠ Fight My Way puts
me on a rollercoaster of emotions.

src. kkuljaem

omooo the upvotes! (y)

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No offence to Landlady Hwang but I hope she's not Dongman's mum...we don't have time for such plot twist LOL

Also Dongman's already got a mum and she's pretty cool. 

I trust the writers will give us a good explanation to all this.

Maybe Landlady Hwang and the dad's use to be in their own Fantastic Four??


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1 hour ago, oneandthree said:

6. [+882, -17] It's just right for them to break
up ㅠㅠㅠ Seol Hee deserves better.. I don't
mind if she ends up with Nam Il


Though it's unlikely to happen, I too would like her with Nam-ill ^^ Then she would have Mrs. Land lady as her mother in law, than be a part of DM's status absorbed family. I'm loving this drama so much, it makes me anxious for the ending. 

Also thanks to this drama, I can't see Febreeze or listen to BTS's Fire the same way as I used to. I keep laughing LOL. 



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23 minutes ago, kasjady said:


Also thanks to this drama, I can't see Febreeze or listen to BTS's Fire the same way as I used to. I keep laughing LOL. 



me too :lol:

dont forget macgyver song lol

its really cracked me up with u know...that fixing the bed, changing the bedsheet, choosing the underwear...i was like LOLOLOLOL

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i am trying to watch ep 12.. but every time SH comes onscreen .. i want to stop watching..


for one, she hasn't even taken an initiative at resolving an apparent threat (which she perceives to be a threat.. while it is not in reality).. if at all it is JM who has taken initiatives.. #times he has asked her to backoff is alone more than SH has whispered/uttered those words, he acknowledged the relationship, fought against his family for ill treating her..


He is not an impolite man.. he is a nice guy...if she doesnt understand JM personality type than i don't know what story she is writing in her mind.. how bad is it that the man can't even explain himself to her.. give her accuracte details because he thinks she will mis understand everything..


And if your dream is to be a mom.. then be a mom.. mother doesn't pick and choose her kids.. a mother knows only to love.. unconditionally... have you see a mother throw tantrums just because someone misbehved.. can't believe it.. and she thinks she is right in all of this..


Seriously, JM go date other girls you deserve it

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recap for episode 12 is out@drama beans

Being a grownup is exhausting, and sometimes you just want to do what you want and damn the consequences. There are times when the best thing to do is sit and wait, and times when the only thing to do is stand up and fight. For two of our friends, the time for waiting is over, and they’ll have to decide whether they’re willing to roll over and give up on their dreams, or if it’s time to fly.



So, Landlady Hwang knows Dong-man’s father, too. She’s still such a mystery, since all we really know about her for sure is that she used to know both Ae-ra and Dong-man’s fathers, both of whom she hides from, and Coach Hwang whom she doesn’t, and that she came to Namil Villa to watch over Dong-man and Ae-ra. I’m not ready to say she’s Ae-ra’s mother because we haven’t gotten any clues to that effect, but I’m very curious to know how she knows everyone.

I haven’t said much about Landlady Hwang because I was waiting until we knew more of her, but I can’t ignore how much she’s been overstepping her boundaries. She’s dictating to adults in their late twenties what they can and cannot do with their own bodies in their own homes, when she has no right whatsoever to do that, or to threaten to raise their rent if they don’t obey her. If she does turn out to be Ae-ra’s mother, it at least explains her rationale, though Ae-ra is still a young woman living on her own who has the right to do whatever she wants with the man she loves. I generally like Landlady Hwang, and I get that her forbidding her tenants to shack up is supposed to be funny, but in this one area I find her to be out of line.

But more importantly… Hooray, they finally said it!! Dong-man’s love confession was perfect, as open and loud and honest as he is. Isn’t that exactly how we want to be loved—openly, unabashedly, crazily, and childishly and without any reservations? Every time I think Dong-man can’t surprise me any more, he goes right ahead and does just that. He’s such an open book already, but now he’s throwing his love at Ae-ra with all of his strength and just having faith that she’ll catch him, and it’s the best thing ever. I used to worry that Dong-man couldn’t match Ae-ra’s strong spirit because he was so timid with his feelings for such a long time, but now he’s loving her as fiercely as she loves him, and it just makes me so happy.


Speaking of love, I just love the way Dong-man and Ae-ra’s dads love them. They’re both gruff and stingy with their words, but when push comes to shove, they think their kids hung the moon. Both of them have surprised their children by believing in them as much, or even more than they believed in themselves. Knowing that you can follow your dream is a powerful thing in and of itself, but having the support of your parents even when your dream is a long shot is a pretty amazing feeling.

I’m so proud of Seol-hee right now, I was literally tearing up with pride when she finally had enough of Joo-man’s ambivalence and ended it. She was so strong in that moment, and she reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite books: “That which yields is not always weak.” I used to think she was weak, but Seol-hee proved me wrong in this episode—her ability to yield is her strength. But I knew she also had a core of steel in there somewhere, and that if pushed, she would stand up for herself. Finding that steel, and using it to hold herself up while she does probably the hardest thing she’s ever done in her life—letting Joo-man go—is going to bring nothing but good things to Seol-hee.

I was equally glad to see Joo-man broken up about the breakup, because he’s the one who needs to see what he stands to lose by not appreciating Seol-hee’s quiet love. If what he wants is a partner who will stand by him no matter what, who will support him and raise wonderful children with him, then he can’t do any better than Seol-hee. A shiny new toy may look good for a while, but Ye-jin can’t hold a candle to Seol-hee when it comes to dignity, strength, and loyalty. I’ll give him a tiny bit of credit for accepting his responsibility for the breakup like a man, but if Joo-man can’t find a way to convince Seol-hee of his remorse, then he doesn’t deserve her.


 For more 


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3 hours ago, sofia111 said:

guys everyone who want plz vote we are doing better http://www.hallyuvote.com/


Wooow! I voted this morning and uri FMW was only in 44%. I just voted again and we are leading now by 51%. So happy! By the way, after this vote, they're gonna have another round of vote featuring the couple (PSJ-KJW or JCW-NJH). It was like that during SWDBS; they had SWDBS vs WFKBJ and then puppy vs swag couple.


Recap on dramabeans is out!


Are they starting to survey for the DVD/BluRay?


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