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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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1 hour ago, millie10468 said:

I am also one of those who believe JET is JET at the end even if she has a different name. I have a couple of reasons for thinking this way:

The way she said "Found you" strikes me as someone who was actively looking for KS her whole life.

She has her memories and even though we don't know if she had them from birth or regained them at some point after her birth, the fact that she even looked for KS and didn't try to differentiate between her current life and her past life as the Goblin's bride sets her apart from Sunny, who really was Sunny but with Kim Sun's memories.

JET, whatever name she goes by, WANTS to be JET, the Goblin's bride. That fact alone wipes away any misgivings I might have had about the reincarnation thing.

Yes, she might have different characteristics and the personality might be a bit different in every life she lives. However, as long as she has  her memories of the promises she made to always come back to KS, he can work with that. His life will be made interesting as he learns about the new her in every life while she retains the core of her very first life as JET. After all, the life that wants to be with KS is JET. Once she, no matter what name she goes by, actually makes it/finds KS, she'll BE JET.

At least, this is how I choose to analyze that last scene and the future for ShinTak going forward. Her having her memories changes a very depressing end to a bittersweet one. We can delve into what makes a person really a person (is it memories? life experiences? What?) all we want but whichever way we look at it, as long as she has memories of JET and INTENDS to abide by those memories, then she is for all intent and purposes, Ji Eun Tak.


Yes, me too I agree with you. And imagining that Kim Shin will have several opportunities to love her again in the future makes me smile a bit (altho it's still a bit sad each time she dies), because it will be a little different each time. For once, Kim Shin is looking forward to his immortal life since JET will be reincarnated. 

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Hi girls! You know what i'm still missing them but Is a happy ending after all. Because they keep the fantasy. Should be easy make kim shin human like a miracle or something haha but i think the drama is about the eternal love! And magic.

If we had a human end maybe  it would not be goblin.

So the thing is that they are happy for the eternety:)

So i will wait for their news dramas!! 

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:bawling::bawling: You guys, help me..

I literally cried so much during all the death scenes...that the ending was acceptable for me. It tells me that they are finally together again, and even though he was left alone all over again when everyone he knew and loved left him (:bawling:) it seemed to be much more bearable. He knew if he kept waiting, he had a reason to keep waiting. That this time, someone was going to come and find him. I cried with him when ET left :bawling: and when GR and Sunny left :bawling: that this ending is perfectly fine with me. At least now, they can be together for a much longer life, old age. And then maybe by then, KS will decide to sleep alongside his bride. 

I cried watching these two episodes. I have to gather myself first before adding my inputs overall :bawling:

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@12blbl You know what's sad? That Shin would be always 'this' much handsome and 'young' but ET would grow old, alone and die alone..and Shin would keep living 'alone' only to wait for ET to come back again. One thing at least that was a consolation prize for Reaper and Sunny was that they get to grow old together,and have chances of having a family together, have kids together and then take their last breaths in peace. But Kim Shin, what a sad life he has right? KES kept it this way after all, he is indeed a tall man who would have a sad smile till the end. 

Hahah, sorry for spoiling the mood. But the end view is rejecting the view of 'faith' after all. I wonder why the god in the voice over was missing at the finale. 

Anyway what could at least work for me, would be KES giving an interview explaining why she did what she did.Period.

PS: I am a believer, so I think real god is not this much cruel. In reality when we plead for something , if it's an honest and fervent prayer then it works out, and what happens always works for the best..in the context of balancing everything in life. Real god won't do injustice to people who do good, which sadly is missing in case of ending of this show.

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Now that I've seen both episodes (and cried my damned eyes out), I'm gonna just pretend I didn't see the last 40 minutes of episode 16.  Whenever I'm rewatching Goblin, I'll watch all the way up until the wedding and stop. That was the perfect ending for me.

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After calming down sleeping less than 3 hours and watching with subs I HAVE ACCEPTED THE END RESULT EVEN THOUGH I MAY NOT FULLY AGREE. I literally have no choice if i want to continue my life. I guess i got SOME closure with ShinTak. KES is hanging by a thread because the end shot was beautifully done. *positive thinking* 

With Goblin being so popular and an ending like that, I expect nothing but perfection from the two specials that will air. Lets not disappoint again like the first one...and dont be greedy now. I will be needing a whole lot of BTS, yes im talking about the kisses!!!, interviews, footage from the after-party BBQ they are having today.

THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. I AM SAYING GOOD BYE TO THIS THREAD for now until the special episodes air then ill be back lol. 


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I watched episode 15 with subs and stopped in ep 16 when he told her good night, i love you. I cant continue more today, for me it stops there today , maybe i'll continue it with subs another time, since i know what happened, hopefully i'm on duty tomorrow i have night shift, i'll be back home monday afternoon, the deity is having pity for me and my feelings, it's making me busy for more than 24 hours maybe i'll forget a bit

for now i'll put a light drama to watch before sleeping it should help me 

dunno if anybody feels like me

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Still trying to look on the bright side of things: JET gets to live 3 more lifetimes with the love of her life when most people only really get one.

As for KS: He gets to look forward to living 3 more lifetimes with the love of his life when he'd otherwise only be able to live one with her.

It ain't much (actually, it's quite a lot, relatively speaking) but I'll take it.

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Ok subs made all the difference..

now i like the ending..

and i guess at some level i think i am right.. KES wanted to write of a love that survives eternity..sad love.. and that pretty much is story of the goblin.. or rather like the title said, The lonely and shining goblin..

that's that.. it was a story of goblin.. who chose what he hated the most because it meant spending some moments with his bride!


i didn't cry in 13, 14, i didn't cry in 15.. but damn i was all howling watching ep 16.. it is such a befitting ending.. no sterotyped ending... and like the whole series.. it was beautifule start to end. Infact given the lighting and hues used, we should have known that this drama will make us cry tons!


good dramas that come once in tens of years!.. so yay!

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K-netz reactions from kkul-jaem.blogspot.co.id/2017/01/spoilers-dokkaebi-finale.html

Nate - Mydaily: "I will wait for 200 years"... Gong Yoo♥ Kim Go Eun, reincarnation and happy ending 

1. [+1,607, -79] The writer couldn't come up with a better ending than this

2. [+1,257, -37] Does she remember everything even in reincarnation just by not drinking the tea??? Yoo Inna didn't drink it, how come she doesn't remember anything???? And Gong Yoo remains an immortal?????

3. [+1,198, -70] Talk about an awkward happy ending

4. [+137, -9] I've noticed since DotS that Kim Eun Sook lacks persistence... what kind of ending is this?

5. [+134, -4] He turns into nothingness when the sword is pulled out, what happened to that setup? ㅠ I thought he becomes a human, they grow old and die together. There is no difference with or without the sword ㅠ Does he have to wait hundreds of years again?

6. [+112, -7] Gong Yoo ends up being the most pitiful character.. This is a sad ending. Rather than the two of them growing old, she dies and he waits for her? The whole thing feels very anticlimactic

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Like people said, this is her first stage of her lifetime.

Stage 1(life 1):planting the seeds- falling in love with each other

Stage 2 (life 2):sowing and growing- being together again because of the love they planted

Stage 3 (life 3): harvesting- finding each other again to show the gods of how their love transcends time

Stage 4 (life 4): enjoying- becoming an eternal (immortal) couple that represents the meaning of true love thru times

Especially with her being able to go to Canada too as a student, i believe this is where her lifetime is headed: eternal immortality with KS


After digesting the ending again, i actually like it. The tone of the drama was never really the fluffy-happy kind, so this ending is fitting with the drama. 


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1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Hi Chingus! I am awake now :D

So i was thinking about that small clip of the ending I watched earlier and I know why it was so familiar to me. 

It reminded me of Faith ending. I had a hard time accepting that ending, but i had to tell myself so many things to finally accept it. 


I have a similar feeling. Two dramas in my heart - "Faith"  and now again "Goblin".

I have the explanation. Only in these two dramas, I felt real love, not acting. 

So sad.......

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3 hours ago, sooyoungdaebak said:

The fact to see KS so lonely without his loved ones around him is what made me upset with KES's writing. I can't fanthom why she would choose that. Isn't God punishing him for 900 years enough? For that, I blame the writer only.

All the casts did excellent job in this drama. Their amazing chemistry and teamwork show on the screen. I'm sure this is one of their best experiences filming a drama. It is a great comeback for GY to drama world. I want all of them to receive awards. They are simply brilliant. 

Thanks janeeta for pointing out their marital bliss. I was so consumed with the emptiness I felt that I overlook other scenes. To me, KS was given a chance to be mortal and ET didn't die at 29. They have kids and grow old together. That 100 years promise KS made. As a writer, you can spin the story any way you want. It's disheartening to see one character continues to suffer alone for a long, long time. 

@naritul Thanks for the mention. I enjoyed reading your posts. 

now that i have watched the subs my view on ending changed.


Goblin consciously made the decision to not opt for peace. And in all fairness god warned him that he won't be able to help him in this place either - which i think meant how to escape those snow deserts... aand JET saved him. However, decision was made, he chose to retain his life. I would like to believe that in future when JET has completed her 4 lifetimes, then god will find some way for KS to leave the world too ( hopign this is his 4th life)

JET sacrificed.. something even GOD can't see.. so in all fairness her death is only on her. And i was atleast right abt this being her first life ever. So the couple will meet in each life time with some 100 years of gaps inbetween each time... at the end of the day.. there's is an eternal love, sad eternal love


I do feel bad for the queen to punish GR so bad in this lifetime. But guess she had to. THey were not shown drinking tea so I am confused but i'd think they did. Atleast she won't want to rememebr the past

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Been a silent lurker in this thread and loving this drama so far 

and decided to comment about 2 last episode.

AND I Didnt Expect thing like this for last 2 episode.the ending left me with empty feel.it look like it just started again from the last scene and repeat their time together and after eun tak 3 more life chance.how can our goblin live without his bride anymore?(because human only have 4 life right?:/ )im sure he will always lonely for the rest of his life.

if i were a writer i will change the ending and will change goblin to human after Eun tak pull out the sword and after his 9 years punishment in heaven(idk) goblin and euntak have a same age( 29 years old) and grow old together live happily ever after. BUT WHY STILL KEEP HIM AS A GOBLIN,eventhough He already redeemed himself as a good person idk anymore why writer choose this path to end such a popular and greatttt drama,i know that my ending isnt realistic but why? if just writer-nim end KS as a human or change Eun tak to goblin and they live immortal i think i will accept it more rather than this kind of ending-_-

and I think reaper ending seems unrealistic to me,reaper have so many sins rather than goblin but he was reincarnated and live happily and compare to goblin who already redeemed himself but still have a sad ending.i think maybe it was a plot hole(?).but still im happy for second lead reincarnation it was a bittersweet ending.

IM just hoping that SPECIAL EPISODE is not only contain Bts and footage but atleast please contain some story to provide some clarification about why and how and what-_-

idk what i feel anymore:bawling:.

anyway thanks to goblin crew and actor for providing such a high quality and rare story to kdrama.









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I've never cried this much for a drama. But I'm satisfied with the ending. Terrible painful but I can accept Shin and Eun-tak's sad love. Their love is stronger than the pain, so they can overcome the time they spent away from each other. 

And at least they were blissfully happy, they got married and enjoyed their time together because they knew it could suddenly come to an end. 

But I'm still crying. 

I'm so happy for Sunny and Wang Yeo, they finally in their last life (I hope is Wang Yeo's last life too) managed to be together and be happy. Their new life deserves a drama of their own. I'm sticking to this. 

I love Goblin too much. Hits in the heart and makes me happy. But makes me cry too much. 

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