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[Official] GOBLIN COUPLE | Kim Go Eun x Gong Yoo

Emily Bett

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1 hour ago, Donut Baekie said:

Is anyone have video for this??



Here you go. 

I also aware of this video is released on the same date as Goblin 1st  on airing.

so the the theater scene was taken before Dec.


1 hour ago, Donut Baekie said:

surprising KNETZ defendant her and said she are more way better than some actress who done the PS...  http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.my/2017/02/kim-go-eun-deletes-bare-face-selca.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter 

KGE seriously is so natural pretty.. i don't understand what's wrong with this knetz haters who bashing her for her looks while their look are more worst than her and fake.. or they jealous because KGE gets everything even their oppa hearts..



This kind of look i want for her if she done some photoshoot with GY in the future... hehehe




Yes... She is beauty in her own way. I think she is casual but stylish in her offscreen.

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sharing some of a very good shintak wallpaper for you guys before i'm going to sleep for tomorrow job interview... nights GongGo lovers :wub: 




2507.jpg 2563.jpg 

25541.jpg 2542.jpg



2 minutes ago, yayaling000 said:


Here you go. 

I also aware of this video is released on the same date as Goblin 1st  on airing.

so the the theater scene was taken before Dec.


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omg thank you so much... i keep searching for this video but thanks to u now i can watch it 

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@needa22 You are welcome. I hope they gonna end up for real too but perhaps we won't know about it since Gong Yoo likes to keep his life behind the limelight. Ikr? I think LDW must've felt lonely most of the time because there's no one to play with. Those two were in their own little world. lol :D

@madmonika Tbh, I'm hoping that our thread gonna use #GoingToHeaven in the future and I wanna throw a party if that happens. lmao B)

@Donut Baekie Thanks for the wallpaper, they r beautiful. Good Luck for your interview tomorrow. :D


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19 minutes ago, spikey constantine said:

@needa22 You are welcome. I hope they gonna end up for real too but perhaps we won't know about it since Gong Yoo likes to keep his life behind the limelight. Ikr? I think LDW must've felt lonely most of the time because there's no one to play with. Those two were in their own little world. lol :D

@madmonika Tbh, I'm hoping that our thread gonna use #GoingToHeaven in the future and I wanna throw a party if that happens. lmao B)

@Donut Baekie Thanks for the wallpaper, they r beautiful. Good Luck for your interview tomorrow. :D


Goodluck to your interview chingu!  fighting! 

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@momakas chinggu..daebak observation!!! Seriously daebak. It's like you were in all our minds and sum the whole thread.. I am so impressed. I am also TMS fan and was one of the SJS-GHJ shippers whose heart sunk after I watched SJS's better interaction with Shin Mi Ah in Oh My Venus..I was also KES's fan for only Secret Garden (I do like DOTS but not as much). So..basically @momakas..you summed up everything I though really nicely. And all the scenes you mentioned are my favs. Let me add, all the intensely sad and solemn look that KS had every time he remember that he could not (or is not allow to )love JET fully because he was about to die (right before he was determined not to die @ the ski resort scene) All the points you highlighted about the possibility that these two had something in real life are also spot on!! Great analysis...dont be a silent lurker, Do provide us the #GoToHell community and the rests (hehehe) more points like this so that together we can recover from the withdrawal syndrome..hehe..

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23 minutes ago, hamaji said:



and about those haters bashing GE looks, they are just jealous coz when GE blow the candle, her GY will appear with his sweetest smile only for her, while those haters blow the candle, their SAD LIFE will appear with creepy smile. *imnotmakinganysense* lol

haters gonna hate but KGE will always stay classy and fabulous


she's the cutest ever, damn GY so lucky to witness all of her cuteness B)


pic&gifs not mine


What ep is this?  I think she's saying saranghaeyo in this gif?  

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i read somewhere, that the ugly knetizens anti-fans were saying something about GoEun's Muse, something about Muse as a porn movie or GE as a porn star... i think one of you did post something about what these idiots said>
so, i found this piiece of article about Muse, and why and what GE trying to portray in taking on Muse esp as her maiden-virgin-role in starbitz world.... lets see whether Muse is really just a cheap low grade Porn... or GE is just acting porn... infact i just couldnt watch those scenes of A man and a Woman or the Muse, now esp when i started to ship GongYoo with GoEun. after shipping GongGo, i am so unable to watch A Man and A woman (GY's), or the Muse (GE's)... can never witness them doing any shinship stuff with another actor/actress... etc. damned! (Gobin ruined me.)
but back to even if any other don't understand why GE took on this roles, instead of some rom-com acting as some "young-pretty-naive" little princess. why chose a role that demand some measures of exposures and endanger her image? i guess GY should understand why GE took this role, because this is exactly his reason to take on AM&AW.

Jung Ji-woo talks on his new film, new muse

‘Happy End’ director returns with sensual drama ‘Eungyo’



Director Jung Ji-woo’s latest film “Eungyo” once again shows his keen eye for actresses.

Sure, leading actor Park Hae-il proved to be a real trouper, enduring eight hours of makeup and stop-and-go filming every day for his character, a man in his 70s.

But since the film’s release last week, all eyes have been on young actress Kim Go-eun, who plays a reckless 17-year-old who captures an old poet’s heart. It’s hard to think of an actress whose film debut has been as sensational as Kim’s in recent years.

Kim’s rise to the spotlight wouldn’t have been possible without “Happy End” and “Blossom Again” director Jung, who chose the fresh-faced actress from the 300 who auditioned for the role.

The 21-year-old actress had never appeared in any film or TV dramas, but her success came as no surprise, because Jung is known for his rare eye for talented actresses and the ability to bring the best performance out of them. His star-actresses have included Jeon Do-yeon and Jung Yoo-mi.

“What I liked about Go-eun was that she didn’t try to impress me at all,” Jung told The Korea Herald. “She didn’t try to please anybody. She didn’t try to look pretty in front of the camera. She was just herself. That’s what drew me to her.”

A film adaptation of Park Bum-shin’s sensational novel of the same title, “Eungyo” tells the story of a poet in his 70s who falls for a high school girl named Eun-gyo. The novel’s provocative theme and popularity meant the movie received a lot of attention even before production. Major talent agencies also approached the crew about the role of Eun-gyo, Jung said.

“I just couldn’t picture this character with a face of some girl group member,” Jung said. “It just wasn’t going to work that way. The character had to be ordinary and alive at the same time.”

Jung, in fact, has never been really interested in “typically pretty” faces. Cannes-winning actress Jeon Do-yeon was his first muse -- she was cast in the 1999 crime-of-passion thriller “Happy End.”

The movie was a huge stepping stone for Jeon, who had had more of a girl-next-door image until then. Jung transformed her into a refreshingly complex working woman with an unemployed husband who ends up having an affair.

In his 2005 drama “Blossom Again,” Jung gave the leading role to then-aspiring actress Jung Yoo-mi. The actress, who is now best known for her performance in last year’s box office-hit drama “The Silenced,” gave an engrossing performance in the film as an emotionally vulnerable teenager experiencing her first love.

The pale-faced actress swept most newcomer awards that year for the role, including the Paeksang Arts Award and the Korean Association of Film Critics Award.

“I think Go-eun is more like Do-yeon,” said Jung. “She is naturally curious and brave. I think it has a lot to do with her childhood. She spent her younger days in China and did not experience the fierce competition of the Korean education system. She’s strong in a sense that she isn’t influenced easily. She doesn’t do things just because everyone else does it.”

Jung said his latest movie was about growing up, though the original novel may not be.

In the film Kim shows off qualities that can only be found in someone who is unaware of her own beauty and what she is capable of.

The last line of the character, who is also a victim of domestic violence, was written by Jung, and does not exist in the novel.

“I never knew how pretty I was (until I met you),” Eun-gyo tells the poet.

“It’s really about a young girl’s journey learning about herself and her own worth,” said Jung.

“I wanted to capture the moments when she realizes how precious she is to herself and to others. I think Go-eun grew up through this film as well. Her facial expressions in the last few scenes of the film are strikingly different from the ones in the beginning.”

By Claire Lee (dyc@heraldcorp.com)

i really hope GongYoo can see this side of Goeun.. the unpretentious, simple, decent, 'stuborn' , brave, confidence, mature seasoned fine lady, in a young girl bod.
i guess this is the kind of girl, that GY should be looking for, a confidence-filled, steady in mood, know her direction clearly girl, that don't do mood-swing, or demand attentions...
"“... The character had to be ordinary and alive at the same time.”
this is how Goeun is, simple, ordinary but alive, she don't live to please anyone, not threaten by the likes of idols stars taht dominate the screens with their "Pretty-Young-Naive-sexy" image. that she will not bothered to follow in the footsteps of all these acting-cute idol-stars.

While i am still cannot imagine and even try to remember her 'bed-scene" in the movie (since in my mind, i will only want her to be with Ji Chul only).. yet i do respect her to pick on a role to challenge herself, the vulnerable-lightness of beauty found in youthfulness.. the thin-line between lust and love... esp forbidden love that came late in life...all these sum up only a small portion of Muse, a role supposed to be Too big for a mere amateur like Goeun... but she still took on... its far more easy to just robe in a Famous Hot Pretty in-thing Idol Star, which immediately secure ratings for the movie, but as  much as the movie's 70 yrs Poet see his new young muse's true worth, so did PD saw a raw diamond in GE...
so did Kim Eunsook...

hope GY can see all these, we think he did right? else this Shipper thread wont be formed.

@Donut Baekie God bless you with wisdom for tomorrow.. be calm and steady.. haha. hope u meet a GY Type colleague at new place.

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@Donut Baekie May your interview goes smoothly tomorrow! thanks for the wonderful gifs!

@momakas hope time will prove what you see is true and let's celebrate then!  BUT truly hope you'll drop by when you've time, coz your insights are really on point!

Remember I found a photo analysis of our OTP's press con vs GY's previous one by Weibo's Satoshina...she just made one for GE!  All credits to her!!

In Chinese, we've a term "小鳥依人" that describes a female being lovely and pliable like a little bird nestling on her loved one...this is really the case for GE here...the difference really shows!!!











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@mikenham They indeed looking sweet there, it's actually nice to see the comparison between LMJ and GE. I would say both have the same qualities. They have that 'shining' image. How I wish GExGY got to promote Goblin like how GYxLMJ did for BIG. The fans could see them interact more. And don't be sorry for your language skills. Your English is good. And lastly #WelcomeToHell




@ludadeer it's appropriate, don't worry. hehe.


A simple fact is he likes this young actress a lot no matter its in a romantic way or not, he truly appreciate and treasure her talents. N thats why we all can see he takes good care of her so much even from the beginning in Quebec.

The fact that he rejected Eunsook's offers for 5 years. He must have looked thoroughly on every aspects before receiving the offer including his female lead. He believes in her talents. For him to mentioned her name as actress that he wants to work with speaks volume.

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THANKS @mikenham for sharing insightful stuffs with us!! Back then I really liked LMJ and GY pairing. They look so good together too. Fast forward few years later, I prefer GE and GY pairing since they both balances out each other so well. Seems GY has found his right partner cos we all noticed how GE can play so well with him. 

I dunno what is these haters problem. I mean do they even look at themselves in the mirror? GE has such an untainted beauty. She also has that look which so many fashion agencies are looking for. Look at the famous Jang Yoon Ju. She has similar facial features and she is Korea's Top Model for many years. Like GE, she's not ashamed of her monolids and she rocked the runway in Paris, Milan and so on. At some point, Knetz and International fans have to accept beauty has no standards. 

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@ludadeer Not inappropriate at all, chingu! I remember reading when GE was first casted, knetz were upset cos they said KES's beauty standard had gone down. KES had HJW, PSH, SHK and then GE...so knetz totally hated the idea. But GE came and rocked the stage and left everyone fall in love with her and in awe with her performance. She definitely has steel guts! She proved to knetz she's here to stay no matter how long that will be and I think she did make her dream come true by making herself an actress you can trust (her work). 

So how can GY not fall for this woman?! 

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4 minutes ago, mikenham said:

@cristapark I think he attended but didnt show up on red carpet and 900 guests invited to that wedding so I'd never seen pic of him. 

Heard that GE attended as well but I'm not sure ^^


Thank u... Because I saw GE on the red carpet in support of LBH so I was curious if he attended too..thanks

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On Saturday, January 28, 2017 at 5:53 PM, jgismyking said:

That's good news! She wants to get married early. Maybe if she finally dates GY, they can get married as early as next year. I really do want GY to get married before he turns 40.  

GY may want to get marry for himself. But because. Anyone He show interest in. Of not acceptable by mass knetizens. Will get slanting and insults. Very poor thing to be GY future wife. very poor thing to be GY himself. 

BTW. didn't realised we cruised passed 3000 posts already. Hope shipper thread may slow down but not die off. 

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I am not sure if any one else is in this funk as me but I haven't been able to move on from Goblin and start a new drama... -_- I am re-watching Goblin for the fifth time, managed to convinced one of my flatmate to join me this time (spreading the GYxGE love around kukukuku). 

I am refreshing soompi's news section each day hoping to see some sort of news relating to our ship but I guess no news is better than bad news~ 

I hope this coming December (I know it's only February right now :rolleyes:) we will see GY and GE at the tvN yearly award show and they win best couple or a special announcement will be made there such as thankyoutvnforallowingustoworktogetherandmeetandmarryandwewillhaveadorablechildrentogetherthankstoalltheshippersoutthereforprayingforus! #Prayercircletime 


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