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[Official] GOBLIN COUPLE | Kim Go Eun x Gong Yoo

Emily Bett

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4 minutes ago, janeeta said:

They totally hide the true nature of their relationship. She's been calling him Ji Chul oppa since Canada but in the presscon she was all like Gong Yoo sunbaenim. However, they were unable to hide their playful flirting even during the event, no matter how restrained they tried to be. Imagine what really goes on behind the scenes in their vans, homes, and parties. 

she really calls him Ji-Chul oppa? waaa daebaaak!!!

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Chinguus I've been thinking this,  GY did the photoshoot for High Cut and a commercial for KANU, the other casts LDW and YIN got there new mobile application commercial, then YS is busy in Indonesia,  all seems to be busy but we don't have an updates about the whereabouts of GE since she doesn't post on her IG, weeeeyooo I'm so sad I want to see her even in a photoshoot or a commercial too:dissapointed_relieved:

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1 hour ago, janeeta said:

Thanks to this episode we now know that FROM the early days in Canada, he asked her to call him Ji Chul-ah (informal). He was THAT comfortable with her that he asked her to use his real name and be informal. :wub: We know she calls him oppa, does this mean she says Ji Chul oppa? 

Ahhhhhhh they're so cute. Seriously though, the actions in the bts are not that of a taken woman. I think she was single ready to mingle during shooting. They really did fall in love during filming. 

Seriously GY-ssi? GE-ssi?? What's up?? I just love how GY smiles towards our homegirl. Like his smile could tell a thousand words, and to me it feels like how happy he is to meet the woman ha has been looking for... eeeekkk keep calm my dear shipper heart, long ling way to go 

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I'm smiling ear to ear watching, looking at all the BTS images and clips! Thank you to everyone who's posting this treasure for us! 

I whole heartily agree with everyone's views that GY and GE were minglying even before the presscon, which makes me all giggly and happy inside.. maybe we aren't the #goingtohell community? B)

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11 minutes ago, sooyoungdaebak said:

Gahhh, just started my morning and backread this page and I can't stop smiling!! 

Ji Chul ahhhh, your heart totally belongs to her! And she is so into you too! 

Amazing how he wants her to see him as HIS OWN self. Not Gong Yoo, the actor that many girls are crazyyyy of. He said in his interview before, he wants his gf to accept him for who he is. So by asking her to call him by his real name, that speaks VOLUMES!!! My shipper hearteu!!! 

And true, chingus, they are so aware of Making camera. If there's nothing going on between them, they wouldn't care of the camera. The fact that they are aware means somesome is happening!! 

Gong Yoo oppa, you are never this way towards your co-star. GE is that special huh...

And LDW saying he suffer the most means one thing, yall!!! 

He IS THE ONE having to read through these two cheesy love talk and yet he can't say anything more to the media about it since GY/GE haven't gone public yet...kekekek. :lol:

I just love how much YIN and LDW bless this couple!! They always have fondness in their eyes when they look at them. 


Good morning you:wub:i was actually waiting for you.hahaa.silly me.:lol:i don't think i can move on from this drama and this couple like forever. They are just toooo cuuuuteee.my heart can't take it anymore. This has yet to be the best time, the best journey ever in my kdrama life.

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@needa22 Awww, thanks for waiting...lol. I may spew nonsense soon since I'm too excited right now...bahahaha. 

Gong Yoo to GE: See me and accept me as Ji Chul, not as Gong Yoo with millions of women crazy about. I am Ji Chul to you as you are my GoEun. *ok i know cheesy but I don't care* :lol:

Dayum, she is the only one he gave privilege to call him by HIS REAL NAME!!! 

How is that not mean something??!!! 

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I'm so happy right now like literally sooooo happy i'm feeling that butterfly thingy in my stomach while reading yall post. Argh i haven't seen the full version of todays special ep, can't wait for tomorrow. Hope that drama love will sub it soon. Jaeballl~ my fragile kokoro can't wait any longer. 

I'm surprised by how comfortable Gong Yoo and Go Eun is. Even when they filmed in Canada. Like c'mon guys i dont mean to bring the age gap here but seriously, i dont know much about korean culture toward sunbae and hoobae etc but for me in my culture being that close with someone whose much older than me, it's going to take sometime. But it's a different story for this two. Arrggghhh my heart. 

Gong Yoo shi, you told her to call you Ji Chul-ah in a informal way. Can someone please tell me did he ever say that to other costar? This is just clearly show us how special Go Eun is for him. Can Imagine how they call each other, when they have convo through group chat or personal chat. Ji Chul oppa mohaeso??? Go Eun naaaa bogoshipo~ kyaaaaaaaaaa

The way they looked at each other, during presscon, that legendary moment. Every moves, every stares between them seem does make sense now. 

2 hours ago, cristapark said:

I like his concern for her here..he said don't take to much helium...it's not good for the health

This is too~ how adorable 

2 hours ago, janeeta said:

@aoife11 Yeah I think these two have saved us from going to hell and instead sent us to heaven! 


Imagine if at the end of tomorrow's episode, their agencies release a statement about them dating :o I think the soompi forums would shut down

I'm pretty sure that all the cast and crew have realized that something's up between these two. Especially YIN, LDW, YSJ they're all knew about Gong Yoo and Go Eun. Like what YIN said, Gong Yoo always taking care of GE. She's giving us all hint guys.

About Go Eun i'm wondering where is this unnie going. Hoping that she's healthy and everything is just alright. I miss her. She haven't made any appearance, maybe her agency told her to stay still. Idk but my heart tell me so. Haha but whatever she do, wherever she is, i hope that she's okay. 

And what if by the end of these special eps, we will receive another amazing news from Go Eun agency about her relationship. Wahhh daebakkk~ 

We're almost there guys~ our ship is about to sail~ 


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