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[Official] GOBLIN COUPLE | Kim Go Eun x Gong Yoo

Emily Bett

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Hi  fellow shippers... ive been member in soompi since 2008 but this is my 1st time following a thread..:heart:

ive been a silent reader   :ph34r:of this thread since the end of goblin... thank u @JaneyBae for creating this thread...ive spent days doing backreading of this forum n it really made my day... :wub:

u guys are really awesome wit all the gifs n vid..:heart:

i hope our ship will sail smoothly n hoping to hear good news fr our lovely couple...

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Hello fellow shippers! :D

been silent lurking since the day this thread was born, and i think, will continue like that because i don't have anything to be shared in particular actually, not like all the gurus and the sunbaenim-deul that i love so much in this thread (thanks so much for keeping this ship sail and give us everyday dose of vitamins). Despite all the hype because the fantastic news and all the hate that our lovely Goeun unnie get after that (tsk!), just drop by to say hi, and throw out my wild imagination when i heard about disney will make the live action of Mulan. when i saw this news, and they say they will cast all asian for that movie, my mind directly goes to our couple. isn't it great if our Goeunie plays as Mulan and our Gongyoo-nim as the General? and then Disney announces their cast, and my imagination remains as imagination, but still hoping that maybe, someday, some production in Korea wants to make a movie like that (or adopted drama maybe) as them as the casts, with KGE being badass and cool AF and Gongyoo as Goonyoo (a complete package).

Sorry for being unnecessary LOL. Hugs for everyone here :wink:

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1 hour ago, madmonika said:

@ChunSungIm, actually I hate the video. I was like, WTH???? when tvN released the video. Whether GE and SHK was still together or not at that time (which I strongly believe their relationship has ended long before it), it was rude to release the totally unrelated video in the middle of her work. What was the purpose of the video? So irrelevant. Give the girl some respect please. She was in Goblin as KGE the actress, not someone else's girlfriend. Why would tvN remind the viewers that she already had a boyfriend when it had zero correlation with her as an actress in Goblin? It was unnecessary and disrespectful for tvN bringing her private life into her work and tagging her as someone's woman. l couldn't help but thinking that was a sly attempt to ride Goblin's immense popularity.

Sorry for the rant.


the video released back then when goblin still airing,maybe due the popularity of kim go eun and the video actually tvn polling about couple who dating with big age gap (there also hyun bin & kang so ra couple ect).well blessing is disguised maybe,tvN used gong yoo also in that video. i think the video just for promotion and fun polling ,thats all.


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Welcome to all newbies :) *though I myself is rather new here as well hehe* 

Happy to know there's a lot of supports for our OTP especially GE. I found myself falling in love with her the moment I saw Goblin and that's rare coming from someone who rather collecting new oppas everyday :tongue: 

Anyway, is there any latest update from ig jichulxgoeun since he/she made it private already ? I tried requesting but still under consideration. 

Seeing as GE and SHK ended their relationship longggg wayy before Goblin started filming, now all stolen glances, honey-eyed smiles and subtle gestures between our couple seemed more meaningful and special *squeal* 

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1 hour ago, AnothaiDara said:

Welcome to all newbies :) *though I myself is rather new here as well hehe* 

Happy to know there's a lot of supports for our OTP especially GE. I found myself falling in love with her the moment I saw Goblin and that's rare coming from someone who rather collecting new oppas everyday :tongue: 

Anyway, is there any latest update from ig jichulxgoeun since he/she made it private already ? I tried requesting but still under consideration. 

Seeing as GE and SHK ended their relationship longggg wayy before Goblin started filming, now all stolen glances, honey-eyed smiles and subtle gestures between our couple seemed more meaningful and special *squeal* 

I could read some of his/her posts yesterday soon after I sent my request. But then I couldnt find any of his/her posts today on my ig. And I found out that his/her account is set into private now. I havent sent my request again. 

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I think something happen to that ig jichulxgoeun.  I  tried request but couldn't make it don't know why.  Yesterday he/she has 300 followers now only 62.  What happened exactly :blink:.  Captain @JaneyBae may be can give us enlightenment to the ig.  Is she getting hatred or something bad? 

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17 minutes ago, JaneyBae said:

@firstsnow29 I know that he said he was cutting down on followers cause of lurkers and fake accounts so he ousted a lot of accounts and was accepting them individually but I have no idea about the rest. 

It does seem like he was getting hate from some of the crazy IG accounts though (like Hanie, Mytha, etc) so maybe there's background drama? Maybe he was threatened? He IS an industry insider so I'm guessing his job takes priority. It's weird though, I hope he doesn't shut down from the pressure, I've been enjoying the insider info and how things work in the industry. 

That's true. Even some of them mocked his/her with cruel words. And the owner of that ig account who threw pointless hate has the same nationality as me. Ouch...

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24 minutes ago, JaneyBae said:

@firstsnow29 I know that he said he was cutting down on followers cause of lurkers and fake accounts so he ousted a lot of accounts and was accepting them individually but I have no idea about the rest. 

It does seem like he was getting hate from some of the crazy IG accounts though (like Hanie, Mytha, etc) so maybe there's background drama? Maybe he was threatened? He IS an industry insider so I'm guessing his job takes priority. It's weird though, I hope he doesn't shut down from the pressure, I've been enjoying the insider info and how things work in the industry. 

those rude IG accounts (Hanie, Mytha etc) insult jichulxgoeun like there's no tommorow, use a very bad and rude words in Indonesian (I'm Indonesian, so I understand clearly what they said, and those words are very rude). Hanie indeed got reputation for being rude and aggresive towards people who (she thought) attack her, and she has a quite squad too. because of that, before she start to post about our couple, i never have any intention to follow her on IG. but i follow her anyway right now, to see what's going on in a whole picture hehehe

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Love these new posts by gongyookimgoeun!!! I don't know what gong yoo and go eun are doing in this video, I think they're fixing themselves up a little bit but as always they are always following what the other is doing, always mirroring each other. 


i bet they had a hard time filming this scene, because go eun is just too cute to handle in this scene. Gong yoo in reality was probably smiling and laughing like crazy at her cuteness. 


I loved jichulxgoeun's account. Sadly it's on private now. The post where she talked about how actors and actresses who do photo shoots and CF's together for sure aren't a couple made me happy! It's true if you judge it from that point of view, because there explosive chemistry is only for media and no further than that. Where as our gongo couple's chemistry is so darn explosive behind the screen that they just cannot put them on screen. Truth.


I hope our couple is doing well. I suppose as they say no news is good news!! 

This topic was already covered before but I just wanted to add my insight on it. I'll just put it in the spoiler for now.


After reading pages back I finally brought myself to watch the intimate scenes of gong yoo in AMAW and go eun in a muse. Watching gong yoo's scene I have to say it was beautiful but their was no feeling to it outside of acting. You can tell that it was just merely acting & he doesn't look flushed or anything or like he's enjoying it. His ears don't turn red also. It probably is uncomfortable to film scenes like that in front of many people. As for go eun's scene I praise her!! Our girl is daebakk!!! Many people are negative towards her in this film but I have so much respect for her. She acted extremely well & for a first movie too, wow. No wonder gong yoo was and is blown away. She just has never ending charms to her. But if he did watch this film which he probs did that means he truly respects her too. They are both two very mature and responsible people & I love it. 

You can totally tell in their hotel kissing scene that they have experience filming intimate scenes. But the one BIG difference is that their feelings weren't just acting. I could swear. He doesn't look or smile like that in any of his previous films. Tell me I'm delulu but that won't stop me!! Kekeke


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I was reading the post from gongyookimgooeun, n found out ppl r tagging those Indonesian shippers u guys mention above, then clicked into one of them n hav a look.. Saw a post saying that gong you won the best actor Asian film award (which he did not), I was a bit shock when the followers happy n congratulating gong you for winning the award..but not checking whether it's true... I know a little bit Indonesian language as it's a bit similar to Malay.. Enlighten me if I get the wrong meaning of that post...

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On January 15, 2560 BE at 9:24 AM, lorac529 said:



So happy to see other familiar chingus from the main forum here!  I said I won't contribute as much but can't control keep sharing here LOL

Like @122am said, KGE seems shy. I think the tricky part is not able to see KGE's real feelings in all the BTS towards GY.  She was like this with her previous co-worker in CITT (Cheese In The Trap) too.  All we know is KGE likes guys who are considerate and her current bf is a gentleman like GY.  

Bright side is KGE's relationship just started (like only 2-3months) and then she got busy with Goblin filming, so not really that strong, so the evil me just hope that because of busyness, KGE doesn't have time to spend with her bf and their relationship just fades.  However, from KGE's chingu Lee Sung Kyung's interview, we know KGE still contacts & cheers for her drama while she was busy filming Goblin, so KGE does make time for those who she treasures even when she's busy.

Being a gentleman & afraid of scandals (play things low), GY won't take further steps and I remember reading interviews where he says he's the kind that will somewhat fall in love with the character in order to act.  And in real life, he prefers a slow relationship start from friendship rather than a fiery explosive relationship LOL.

Another fun fact is GY & KGE are both Cancer horoscope who cares a lot about family & home.  They both like to avoid conflicts & can get a bit of emotional & sensitive...and i guess they like their love to be gentle & caring too.

while KGE's bf is a Gemini (who needs stimulation), the evil me again hope that because of busyness, he'll slowly move on to someone else...so bad of me!!



Am I abnormal right now...not only re-play Goblin multiple times, but also re-read our treads!! And wow...this was so right...

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@deara thanks for reposting that!!! I haven't seen that! Looks like she's either blowing him a kiss as someone else has mentioned before, or to me it almost looks like she's doing the "call me" hand gesture. I try zooming in but it's too blurry. 

Every time I look at photos of them under one umbrella together I swear it's the most beautiful thing. Gong yoo treats her like the most precious gem.

@JaneyBae you got me going all delulu. Hahaha. I wonder what the reactions of the crew were. Probably like "ummm should we get out of here?"

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Indeed, she is a strong and brave gal. Lucky GY! :wub:

(I hate the fact those MYOPPA fans put down GE. Why can't GY be the lucky one if she did fall for him? Why does it have to be the woman who always get the short end of the stick. I like to believe it is GY who charm, woo and make her fall for him. Not the other way around.)

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