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[Official] GOBLIN COUPLE | Kim Go Eun x Gong Yoo

Emily Bett

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WOW I've been so crazy crazy crazy with work lately and kind of lacking on this thread, but BAM the breaking news today just MADE MY DAY MADE MY DAY MADE MY DAY !!!! (calm down self) I just have to throw all the work out of the window and rush here to share this happiness with you guys. I don't even care that my boss is seating next to me and almost screamed =))))))). 

Finally we are not #GoingToHellCommunity anymore :heart:

Now the most important thing to do is trying to protect GE (and GY too in this situation) from the possible bashing and bad comments of netizens, will report every social account that tag them, post inappropriate content and unconfirmed rumors about them (for ex. congratulations on breaking up with who-know-who, please date GY, GY and GE are already dating ...).

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My huge mistake was to take a peek at this forum while waiting for a meeting to start a while ago and NOW , Its so darn ( pardon ! ) hard to sit still when your feet cant stop dancing ( happily)  tapping toe   

And im doing my darnest ( pardon again) best to refrain myself from leaping  off from my seat to dance jumping stars , unless the rows of auditors infront of me also the shippers ..IF ONLY ! , then ,  we could all stand up , and Zumba right away ! Btw, hugs & kisses & blessed to those (kind souls) who share the BN ( breaking News) from main media with us here .. thanks dears !!

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So I've been MIA due to life throwing a lot of curve balls at me but I JUST SAW THE NEWS AND CAME RUNNING HERE IMMEDIATELY. I don't know if it's the high traffic or whatever but it literally took me 20 minutes to get to this page. I'M SO EXCITED OMFG

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14 minutes ago, JaneyBae said:

@starryknights Check your DM! I sent you a gif!

I spit my water reading this :lol:

Girl, I will! Gimme me a bit, though 'cause I just finished exercising and saw the big news and just KNEW you guys would have a field day over here so I came to bask in the excitement, too. I had to make sure I got my post in because my phone's dying, so brb! Gonna go clean up and ttyl~ I actually thought you forgot about me! 

21 minutes ago, am420 said:

Welcome new shippers!

Gahhhhhhhhhh, I LOVE that gif of Gong Yoo! (I love it so much I'm even tempted to quote it even though it's a pic! But darn my tendencies to follow rules...) Watta hunk! I'm tired of his hairstyle, but he works it so well, so idec, but ugh, he looks good with a 'stache, too! Basically, he's a really good looking man, okay? 

5 minutes ago, Nerdy Mina said:

So I've been MIA due to life throwing a lot of curve balls at me but I JUST SAW THE NEWS AND CAME RUNNING HERE IMMEDIATELY. I don't know if it's the high traffic or whatever but it literally took me 20 minutes to get to this page. I'M SO EXCITED OMFG

I came running here after seeing the news, too! Hahaha, thanks @JaneyBae for giving us a place to run to for all things GongGo! 

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OH MY GOSH!!! Out of all days I choose to volunteer I miss the news that we all have been waiting for! Why was I helping the world at a dance recital??? I've been so stressed lately because of homework, tests, quizzes and my concert that's tmrw. But this, THIS seriously cured me from all that stress. (Hahaha no, I can't sleep and I have an AP psychology test first thing tmrw) I'm going to be grinning my butt off tomorrow. 

Thanks to the JoonU shippers for the support! And welcome to the new members so we can unite and love our GongGo and protect our KGE from nasty IG haters. I love you all!!! But should I make an ig account??? 

Shall I gift you all by making a MV for our couple??? Any suggestions???

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I'm back! OMG guys!!!

I'm following SOOMPI Page on FB and I screamed when I saw the news update. 

This news just came too fast. It's like a dream come true! The chemistry we saw on screen between GY and KGE is clearly real! 

I'm sure the news will break before end of this year. Seeing that GY is 37 and KGE is open to getting married early... it's really unbelievable but possible. 

I'm anticipating the next news which is GY and KGE dating!

@starryknights Yes! I found it strange that GY only announced fan meets in HK and TW. I thought he had a focus on Chinese cities or that he wants to act in Chinese movies next. But it will really make sense if she is the VIP invited guest as she can speak Mandarin and maybe Cantonese? It will like a legit reason to invite her.  Whatever it is, fingers tightly crossed to see them together :)

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1 hour ago, Nerdy Mina said:

So I've been MIA due to life throwing a lot of curve balls at me but I JUST SAW THE NEWS AND CAME RUNNING HERE IMMEDIATELY. I don't know if it's the high traffic or whatever but it literally took me 20 minutes to get to this page. I'M SO EXCITED OMFG


ME TOO! I have not been here for awhile but when I saw the news, I became so happy and surprised!  I thought it wasn't true, but when I read that it has been confirmed...YAY!! Finally! Congrats!! Hoping for the next step: dating then : Marriage! 

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