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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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I also do not understand women who are so attached to their sons when they are adults. You should know that when they get older they do what human species do ... regenerate the next generations. Strangely, enough I got a Korean neighbour who is starting to wonder what her daughter-in-law will be like and her son is just 16. I told her she will not want a daughter in law right now as it would mean her son had messed up. Let him graduate, find a job first then only ... only look for that girlfriend.

I cannot wait for mine to leave the nest and they can source for a woman dumb enough to do all their "work" for them. I get "Mummy, Mummy" up to my neck sometimes.

Soo Ho's mother already realised what a good daughter in law Eun Soo is but her pride cannot take the fact that Soo Ho sided Eun Soo over her.

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1 hour ago, jina_bing_bang said:

What do you all think of Mama Yoon?

I think MamA Yoon is a a spoiled brat and selfish. It seems she forgot where she came from and decided that to be uppity and looked down on people who has no money. She is rather lucky that ES's doesn't put her in her place and make her humble. ES's decided to look the other way because she knew what she went through in the past. 

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I thought SooHo's sister promised both EunHo  and ES mom that she'll watch out for ES.  How come she was just listening and watching when the 3 women were bombarding poor ES?  Glad the chairman walked in and heard them bullying ES. 

Now I hate the aunt again - she should just keep getting drunk.  And I am hoping Rich Brat dad pressure ES mom on the real reason for their  break-up.

@Jackie1048= I have 3 kids and my son is the youngest - he has 2 kids and up to now, I still hear the words 'mommy, can you please ...blah blah blah!!!!!  As long as we are around, we will keep hearing them calling us out.

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OMG! The Aunt was a total beech today! Just because she had unrequited love for the Team Leader, she takes out her frustrations on ES. Why does ES have to have all these beeches in her house? SH is so cute, he's totally in love with his wife!!  So glad that he is, because other than him and his Dad, the rest of the family are so unappreciative of ES. INstead of complimenting her on her talents, all they do is complain and place demands on ES! 

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I heard from somewhere that men are just boys that had aged.

I am confident that Chairman Yoon will be 100% behind Eun Soo. You noticed he is all smiles when speaking with Eun Soo. She is not only his ideal daughter in law but a valued staff as well.

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Eventually, I will see that eventually Soo Ho's mother will be won over as Soo Ho's mother is uneasy being with Bit Na because of her rich background. Bit Na will be standing alone without the Yoon's family support when the truth of her bad history will be out soon. 

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Mother Yoon denigrates Eun Soo. Club Jerk defends his wife. Eun Soo tries to calm Club Jerk down. Mother Yoon unloads mor nastiness. Rich Brat smirks.

Mother Yoon demands that Eun Soo quit her job. Eun Soo says that she will give her an answer when she returns from work.

A woman demands whipped cream in her coffee refill. The Aunt says, we don't do that. The woman launches a tirade. The Former Department Store Supervisor walks in and gives the woman money to buy a fresh cup of coffee elsewhere. The woman grabs the money and stomps out. The Aunt is grateful.

The Former Department Store Supervisor crosses the hall and is bluntly rejected by Eun Soo's mother when he attempts to give her a gift. The Aunt watches through the window. The Aunt is devastated because it is clearly Eun Soo's mother that he likes, not her.

Sitting at his desk, Rich Brat's father is sad. He remembers the good times with Eun Soo's mother.

At his desk, Corporate Jerk receives another text from Halmoni. He looks stricken. His wife picks that moment to enter his office. She enlists him to go to lunch with her. He follows as if it was the last meal of the condemned man.

Eun Soo and her office mates return from lunch and bicker.

Eun Soo walks into the break room and She is there. Eun Soo remains, reluctantly. Rich Brat tells Eun Soo it must be a pain to see her at both home and work. If she became a full time maid, er, housewife, her exposure would be more limited. Just saying. Eun Soo goes Ayn Rand on her (I will not sacrifice myself for others) and Rich Brat calls her selfish. Then she tries to enlist Eun Soo's help in her effort to move back to Halmoni's house.

Sister Yoon and Eun Soo's brother, finding the Aunt's cafe closed, have a cup of instant coffee with Eun Soo's mother. Sister Yoon tells them that Eun Soo is doing well and that her father really likes her. They note the omission of any reference to her mother.

At he Yoon house, Mother Yoon is living the life of Mrs. Riley. She reflects that having a daughter in law who will do all of the work around the house will be wonderful. Just then, the Aunt returns home nine sheets to the wind. Mother Yoon carries the Aunt to bed, where the Aunt Aigoos at length.

The Upstairs Tenant's daughter sends Sister Yoon a picture of a flower. Then the Upstairs Tenant enters her office. He asks her whether she is the commenter who defends his webtoon against trolls. She denies it. But her subsequent words belie her.

Club Jerk works on his recipe in the kitchen of the Yoon restaurant. His father joins him.

Halmoni arrives home and berates her son in law for not being ready to take her where ever it is they are going. She accuses him of being preoccupied lately.

Rich Brat's father texts an apology. Eun Soo's mother agrees to meet him after work.

The Real Estate Lady enters Eun Soo's mother's shop.

At the office, Eun Soo has done today's work and tomorrow's too. She is given permission to leave early.

The Aunt sits up in bed but is still deep in her cups. She remembers seeing the Former Department Store Supervisor with Eun Soo's mother.

The Aunt manages to make it downstairs without stumbling. When Eun Soo arrives home, she barks orders at her.

The Upstairs Tenant returns home. Eun Soo's brother tells him that his webtoon's ratings are high and that a woman online is consistently defending him against critics. He smiles.

Eun Soo works in the kitchen. The Aunt enters and complains about the smell of the food. Mother Yoon walks in and tells them that it will be "just the girls" for dinner tonight.

The Yoon women eat dinner. The Aunt criticizes Eun Soo's cooking. Sister Yoon asks if something is wrong with the Aunt,, since Eun Soo's cooking is fine. Mother Yoon and Rich Brat regard the Aunt approvingly.

Now Mother Yoon is ready to throw down. Did Eun Soo think about the offer she cannot refuse? Eun Soo says thanks for the opportunity to be a galley slave, but no thanks. The Aunt berates her, telling her that Rich Brat is too highly educated to do chores. And she, the Aunt, is too busy. Rich Brat tells Eun Soo that she should stay home and do housework, since that is what she is good at. Mother Yoon goes in for the kill but her husband arrives first. By the time he departs, all of the women have scheduled chores.

Rich Brat's father and Eun Soo's mother meet and make peace. Not! She stomps off into the night leaving him to call after her.

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@sk0317 Hi there! Finally have the chance to reply. Haven't been feeling well this past week and a half due to changes in our weather, and my asthma/allergy symptoms have really made me miserable. At least  I have all my asthma inhalers and allergy medication to help alleviate my symptoms but they also make me sleepy and kind of lightheaded. Thank you for all those links and I enjoyed the link on the summer festival and the handicraftjapan.com. Yukatas are quite common here but haven't seen too many people wearing the jinbei. The jinbei looks very comfortable. My odori sensei also taught her pupils the "shamisen" , but I wasn't interested in learning how to play it. Took Japanese traditional dancing for eight years. Loved performing when I was young, but once I became a teenager, got too busy with other activities. 

After watching the last two episodes, I feel that ES' s taking on too many responsibilities in the Yoon household. How long is she going to try to please everyone. She needs to be more vocal when all these women start dumping on her. Soo Ho's mother constantly belittles her, BN does the same thing and now Soo Ho's aunt starts criticizing her. Instead of liking her, everyone's taking advantage of her. ES's lucky that Chairman Yoon stepped in when he did because she looked like she was going to go crazy with all that stress. If I were ES, I would move out of there ASAP! Life is too short to live in that household and take all that abuse. ES, please don't be a "VICTIM". 

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I will note that Eun Soo got the special "GOLD MEDAL" from Chairman Yoon that decree that all women in the household will have to help with household chores. That will be her "shield". She can throw Chairman Yoon's name at all their faces.

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@jimb Hi there! Hope you're fine! Thought of you as I heard the news of the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC being pushed back to March 19th - March 22nd because of a cold front approaching this weekend. Still hoping to get there soon! 

Haven't watched today's episode yet, so don't know the results of Chairman Yoon's orders re the distribution of the work load amongst the women in their household. Hope it's positive and our ES is making sure that all of them are sharing in the responsibilities to make it easier for her. I found it so stressful when I had to get up so early in the morning to just make eggs, bacon, toast and coffee for two people, and then add a child in the mix -----getting ready for school, packing lunches, etc. I was already stressed out before starting the work day. Thank goodness for that extra cup of coffee before a hectic day!

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21 minutes ago, jina_bing_bang said:

I know, I am really hoping that ES calls her out on it from the last few seconds of Ep. 73

BN doesn't even try to help, she automatically says she can't do it when there is a differnece between can't and don't want to do something

@Jackie1048 @jina_bing_bang  I am quite shock Bit Na resorted to another fake injury. It seems the biaaatccchhh has not learned her lesson and will keep on doing terrible stuff to her sister in law. She wants the past to remain the past and yet she is doing the same thing again because in her mind she doesn't like someone being better than her. She is so delusional not see that she can never be better tang other people because she has no empathy other than her own feelings. But she hasn't realized the pain she will be inflicting on her own father because ES's mom will never accept him if her daughter is suffering especially knowing who is the cause of her suffering. 

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Bit Na was trained from young that she can get away with anything so she did just that.

As for the stressful morning motherly and wife duties, I get up extra early. I catch up on one or two dramas as the subs will be out and start on the breakfast and preparing the kids for school stuff. Don't quote me as I am a morning person so I can get up at 4 am, watch my dramas, prepare the simple breakfast for the kids for school around 5:30 am and get them ready from 6 am. My secret, I set the alarm on my PC to remind of my timing.

Actually, it is all about self discipline which Bit Na does not even seemed to possess. Although the Korean breakfast looked massive but most of the kimchi dishes are already done before hand. You need to boil the rice which is rice cooker, a soup which obviously looked like it is in an electrical pot, fried egg or fish, you are done. I cannot see myself eating a meal that like looks dinner at breakfast time though.

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Tired of BitNa being a repeat richard simmons and ES being an idiot by not defending herself.  So far, Club Jerk hadn't done much for ES but be sweet on her. Even if he sees how everyone treats ES at home, he hasn't been strong enough to take her side .  Get out of that house and see what those women will do without a 'daughter-in-law aka maid' around.

ES mom - why break-up with the doctor and worry about him after?  Tell the doctor why and what happened 8 years ago because it is happening again to your daughter. 

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I have to disagree that Soo Ho did nothing for Eun Soo. It is because Soo Ho sided Eun Soo every time that irritated his mother more. He did not make a single defense or comment for his mother when she was doing the housework all by herself but when his wife did some ... he accused his mother for making his wife do all the housework. If my son did that to me, I would say I will be irritated and disappointed. Then again, I will not have my son and his wife living under my roof. I will end up taking care of the wife as well. I want my independence too.

It is a saying when your son marries, he is someone else's husband already.

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31 minutes ago, viyra said:

Tired of BitNa being a repeat richard simmons and ES being an idiot by not defending herself.  So far, Club Jerk hadn't done much for ES but be sweet on her. Even if he sees how everyone treats ES at home, he hasn't been strong enough to take her side .  Get out of that house and see what those women will do without a 'daughter-in-law aka maid' around.

ES mom - why break-up with the doctor and worry about him after?  Tell the doctor why and what happened 8 years ago because it is happening again to your daughter. 

I have taken a break from this drama but watched enough yesterday to get annoyed with YM. The way she tried to end it with JW, doesn't it remind you of someone resorting to the same "pattern/routine" a few episodes earlier?

Avoiding his texts and calls. Avoiding meeting him. When finally the woman gets confronted by the man, she lashes out at him saying she has no feelings or doesn't love him. She can live (happily) without him.  She tells him she wants to end it and they should never cross paths again.

ES was more ruthless as she said those mean and more hurtful words (than YM's) without even meaning them. And I bet she regretted every word she uttered after hearing about Soo Ho's accident.

What's the point of crying over spilled milk when she was so adamant to break up with Dr. Kim. There seems to be no other way to terminate a relationship in K-dramas. Dr. Kim is a composed and calm person and had shown how rational he can be when he comforted YM when she was troubled by her own decision to disagree ES and Soo Ho's marriage.

Can't she talk it over like an adult with Dr. Kim? Dr. Kim isn't an abusive partner. SMH.

As for Soo Ho's mom. SM said something about menopause if I'm not wrong. Well. Getting off my soapbox and returning to my cave...

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