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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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@sk0317, I hope you don't mind, but I've been interested in all your posts and links about Japan, as I'll be going for a second trip there in the Fall. We will be going to Hokkaido this time, though.  The past trip was in 2014, and we took a tour called "Autumn Tokkaido Tour".....we saw so many things and places that we can't even remember! A highlight was meeting Takamiyama......he comes from my hometown, so one of my friends set up the meet, as she grew up with him.

back to the drama......I really enjoyed Friday's episode, so happy that ES/YH got married! And I'm loving watching BN squirm and her so unhappy face.  Her past sins are always there lurking in her shadows, she will never escape it unless she comes clean!!! Guess the next angst scenes will be about YM/JW, as it's been discovered what his relationship to the Yoon family is! It will be interesting how the writer handles that story arc. 

@jimb, Keep up the good work..."text storm" and"bafflegab" among your creative expressions! Lol

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I am keeping up with this kdrama mainly through this forum, but I did watch the first few episodes. I could be mistaken but wasn't Rich Brat interested in ESs original boyfriend (JM) when she was a HS student in ESs homeroom? Didn't this add to Rich Brats hate of ES? Back then I wondered if Rich Brat had gotten her claws into JM and this had caused him to break up with ES. I know this is a rather risque theory since Rich Brat was a HS student at the time, but it was something her character was fully capable of doing.  :wacko:   :crazy:

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On 2017/3/6 at 3:42 PM, auntyem said:

@sk0317, I hope you don't mind, but I've been interested in all your posts and links about Japan, as I'll be going for a second trip there in the Fall. We will be going to Hokkaido this time, though.  The past trip was in 2014, and we took a tour called "Autumn Tokkaido Tour".....we saw so many things and places that we can't even remember! A highlight was meeting Takamiyama......he comes from my hometown, so one of my friends set up the meet, as she grew up with him.

No worries @auntyem! The pleasure is mine and I'm very happy my off-topic posts and subjects are generating some interest on this forum:).

That's fantastic to hear you are planning to visit Hokkaido in autumn this year! I've never been to Hokkaido but I would love to visit the zoo and other places.

Please feel free to let me know if you require information on Hokkaido:).

Wow!! You met Takamiyama in person!? You are so fortunate to have your friend who grew up with him:wub: arranged the meeting for you:)!

Although I'm more familiar with Konishiki, Akebono and Musashimaru, Takamiyama sometimes makes rare appearances on TV. He is doing the live commentary for sumo on NHK. I enjoy watching sumo too:). This sports is interesting because the size of a sumo wrestler does not warrant a win or make the bigger opponent gain advantage in a bout. It is a sports where good thinking/strategy and technique matters.


Sports personalities are big (no pun intended) here in Japan. I had the honor of meeting Isao Yoneda, a Japanese gymnast who was the 2004 Summer Olympics gold medalist in the team event and the bronze medalist in the high bar.

Jake Shimabukuro and Daniel Ho are well known musicians from Hawaii.



Drama wise, Rich Brat could make a confession and an apology while intoxicated but here's hoping there are people sober enough around her to hear and catch every word she says!

It would be great if the rift/spat between the two sisters-in-law could be resolved before they make their return to the Yoon's residence. Settling an "old score" could pave the way for the women's parents to pursue their budding romance without guilt and worries. :)



Rich Brat wasn't genuinely interested in JM at that time. She found out ES and JM had something going on and tried to "seduce" JM as a way to spite ES.

JM and the other teachers in that high school were careful with the way they dealt with Rich Brat. They tried not to get on her wrong side because they all knew who Rich Brat's GM was.


In episode 70, ES thanked Rich Brat for playing the piano during Soo Ho's and her wedding ceremony.

Corporate Jerk asked what ES was doing before Yoonga Foods. Soo Ho told him "a teacher". Wimpy Corporate Jerk then recalled their mom mentioning it and went on to ask ES why she left her teaching job. Soo Ho wanted to answer his brother's question but was stopped by ES. Rich Brat looked teary and was sipping her red wine all this time while the other three were having that conversation. She then asked to speak with ES outside.

In the absence of the two wives, Soo Ho started gulping down more red wine at a faster pace. His brother told him to take it slow and drink moderately. He smiled at him telling him he needed the alcoholic boost to a puzzled looking Corporate Jerk. Soo Ho said they should try their best and tipped his glass to toast his brother and wish him luck on his efforts too. Is Wimpy Corporate Jerk that dense? They are supposed to be in the romantic Jeju Island for their honey/babymoons.

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As expected, Bit Na and Soo Hyun had to bunk in for the night. 

Bit Na was too refined to eat a fish kimbap with its head intact. Soo Hyun just went right into eating it with delight.

Bit Na was worried when Soo Ho mentioned that Eun Soo suffered grievances from her teaching job. However, Eun Soo told her that if Soo Ho knew the truth, he will not let Bit Na alone. I suppose Bit Na realised her own panic of the matter. 

Not much of the first night as Soo Ho and Soo Hyun got themselves drunk from trying to boost their courage. Bit Na cannot beat Eun Soo as in grabbing the whole comforter she landed herself on the floor.

Our Soo Ho did not disappoint me as he literally rubbed a total work of "cheesiness" in front of Bit Na ... feeding Eun Soo and calling out their love catchphrase "bubble, bubble". Bit Na did the same in which Soo Hyun ate like he was being fed like a baby but Soo Hyun did not reciprocated to feed Bit Na as he was engrossed on the phone (so like my husband). He finally blurted out that he was there for a conference. 

At the BBQ Eun Soo and Soo Ho couple voiced out more "bubble, bubble" with the love finger sign which Soo Hyun cannot bring himself to do and he said it was childish but Bit Na had eagerly anticipated. More to show that Soo Hyun does not love her.

Actually, I am glad that Eun Soo is enjoying the attention Soo Ho is giving her despite her arch enemy sitting across her. I loved it when Eun Soo allowed herself a smirk when Bit Na was trying to get Soo Hyun to return the favour by feeding her with something only to have him tell her "Just one moment". What an embarrassment!  

Soo Ho went right into having the wedding night on the second night. Perhaps the two daughter in law will get pregnant at the same time?

12 hours ago, autumnbreeze said:

I thought daily dramas didn't have huge budgets. I am surprised they went to Jeju Island to film the honeymoon. Is this normal for a daily?


Normally, couple of some wealth in dramas will end up in Jeju Island as it is Korea's honeymoon island. The poor ones will try to win a resort voucher nearby Seoul somewhere. Everyone knows what Jeju looks like so you cannot "fake" it with another location.

Taking a flight to Jeju is like taking a shuttle bus. Very regular flights hourly or half hourly.

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Club Jerk and Eun Soo are shown driving, on the beach, eating, and otherwise enjoying Jeju Island.

Corporate Jerk is at a hotel's front desk. He has screwed up the reservation and there are no rooms available. Rich Brat pouts in the background.

Eun Soo's mother sits forlornly in hier bedroom. Flashback to the end of the wedding when Eun Soo's mother sees Rich Brat run to her father. She realizes that the "chauffeur" is a doctor, which is ok, and Rich Brat's father, which is not. Her mother in law joins her and tries to cheer her up. They receivea phone call from Eun Soo and Club Jerk.

Eun Soo and Club Jerk are in their hotel room. Eun Soo tries to make another phone call. Club Jerk says enough with the phone calls, he has something else on his mind. Eun Soo fumbles for an excuse to do something other than something else, when she is saved by the ringtone.

Before Something Else can happen, Club Jerk receives a call from his brother. Then, his brother and sister in law join them in the room.

Corporate Jerk's stomach growls. Eun Soo gives Corporate Jerk and Rich Brat something that looks like a Whole Fish Sushi. He attacks his with gusto, but Rich Brat grimaces at her portion. Club Jerk takes the delicacy from her and brandishes the fish head end, driving her from the room.

Eun Soo's mother, in her shop, receives a call from Rich Brat's father. She turns her cell phone over without answering it.

The foursome drinks wine in the hotel room. Trying to make chatter, Corporate Jerk asks Eun Soo where she worked before joining Yoonga Foods. Club Jerk answers for her. She was a high school teacher. Rich Brate takes a big gulp of her wine. She left because she was falsely accused of something. Rich Brat tries to take another big gulp but there is no wine left in her glass. She suggests that she and eun Soo make a Food Run.

Left alone, Club Jerk gulps his wine while his brother asks why. Club Jerk smirks but his brother does not get his drift. Club Jerk likely will have no chance to discover that wine can be a a fickle aphrodisiac (increased desire, decreased performance) since it looks like he'll be bunking with his brother rather than his wife tonight.

On their way to the store Rich Brat goes crazy but Eun Soo assures her that she has kept, and will keep, her secret. Eun Soo thanks Rich Brat for playing the piano at her wedding.

Wlhen Eun Soo and Rich Brat return, the wine has worked its will and Club Jerk is passed out on the sofa. He'll be bunking with himself tonight. So will Corporate Jerk, who is passed out on the carpet. It turns out that there is only one blanket left to Rich Brat and Eun Soo have to share it, but not without some bickering.

The next morning at breakfast Club Jerk and Eun Soo are lovey dovey but Corporate Jerk and Rich Brat are subdued. Rich Brat eyes them resentfully. Rich Brat learns for the first time that they came to Jeju Island so that her husband could attend a conference. She snorts in disgust.

Rich Brat stomps off. Eun Soo has to remind Corporate Jerk to follow her.

Left to their own devices, Club Jerk and Eun Soo spend the day sight-seeing.

Rich Brat's father visits Eun Soo's mother in her shop and is bewildered by the cold reception. She asks whether he is a driver and he confesses that he is not. Before he can explain, a customer arrives and she sends him away.

Corporate Jerk and Rich Brat drive to the conference. They bicker before he gets out of the car. Just as he is on his last nerve, he receives a text from Halmoni.

Rich Brat's father, back in his office, remembers his uncomfortable encounter with Eun Soo's mother.

Halmoni receives a text from Rich Brat containing some Jeju Island pictures of herself and Corporate Jerk and is pleased. Then she spots Club Jerk and Eun Soo in the background of one of the pictures and is not. She calls and begins to give Corporate Jerk what for. He lies and tells her that they are simply random tourists who resemble his brother and sister in law. Rich Brat congratulates her husband on being a good liar. She says this with a smile, but clearly she plans to bear this in mind.

While eating dinner outdoors Club Jerk and spouse are again lovey dovey. Rich Brat tries to get her husband in the mood but fails.

Rich Brat's father returns to the dry cleaning shop for another round but, finding it closed, departs. A minute later, the Foormer Department Store supervisor arrives but before he can depart, he is waylaid by the Aunt. He gives her the gift he had planned to give Eun Soo;s mother.

Club Jerk, sober tonight, snuggles in bed with Eun Soo while reviewing photos they have taken. Fade to black.

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i enjoy today episode alot..

i love those scene were ES/SH being so sweet to each other. while BN look on. it must hurt her to see. SH shower ES with love. yet her husband. cant even do a cute thing for her.

to add injury to her. she findout the real reason he take her there too.

i hope that scene were ES/SH in bed. with the light out mean. they will have a kid. that will just add more salt to BN wound.

i not surprise ES ma turn cold toward BN pa. it will be a while before she will let go of her dislike for BN.

SH aunt is way too funny. thinking the man bought the cake for her. when in reality. he only give to her cuz ES ma was not there.i pretty sure he bought the cake for ES ma.

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Soo Hyun has three aliases under his belt. "Corporate Jerk", "Corporate Wimpy Jerk" and "Wimpy Jerk":). JM is also a Wimpy Jerk for the way he treated ES. He should have just dumped her via text if he was so cowardly and meek. Anyway I'm just relieved and glad ES got away (just like Chae Won) before tying the knot with an unreliable man.

I think some workplaces are OK with dating one's colleague at work but others are not. ES probably had reservations showing she was dating JM because she was a rookie and unsure of the "rule" in that high school. ES's GM had wanted him to stay behind maybe to comfort ES or show her some moral support but he was probably feeling uncomfortable. So he had to tell ES's GM he was no longer ES's fiance and left abruptly.

The scene of the two brothers enjoying their red wine. They practically let their hair down. Corporate Jerk needs to loosen up but he did try to blend in in that group photo by being spontaneous which is a good baby step on his part.

The scene of ES and Soo Ho in the middle of the rapeseed field was nice, very spring-like. This drama has moved seasonally from late fall to early spring within a span of 4 months.

You are so kind with your words. My MIL is amused and baffled at why she doesn't get approached in say a supermarket like I do. I'll have an elderly man walked up to me to ask me what ingredients go into a certain dish. Or an elderly woman asking me how's the "sashimi" today so I'll turn to her and answer and if needed, select a portion of it for her. Most elderly I meet have poor eyesight so I sometime take the liberty to ask them if they don't mind me choosing a "fresher" food item on behalf of them.

Since I always carry extra shopping carrier bags in my eco shopping bag, I give them out to those who have forgotten theirs at supermarkets that impose a charge on bags.:lol:

My furkid is quite attached to me and he needs to be fed twice a day:lol:. Other commitments also mean restricted "leisure" time to myself.

I have always loved Kenny G but I listen to all kinds of music, anything goes! From country, classic, rock, pop, jazz, R&B, rap to J-Pop. I love music from the late 60s, 70s, 80s, early 90s:lol:. I love James Taylor, Hall and Oats, Kool & the Gang, Bread, England Dan and John Ford Coley, E.W & F, Jason Mraz, etc. There was a period I was into British music. Level 42, Howard Jones, Duran Duran, Rick Astley, Queen,...the list goes on. My all time favorites are Monkey Majik and B'z.

Back to the drama. In the preview, ES woke up in the early hours of the morning and made detoxed juice for the Chairman. The rest of the Yoon's family members were treated to a scrumptious Korean breakfast with ES in charge of cooking.

YM seems to have difficulties coming to terms with accepting Dr. Kim as the father of Rich Brat. She avoided his calls and Dr. Kim turned up at her dry cleaning shop but got himself into an awkward situation as YM was there with her MIL.

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Soo Ho's mother is trying to get Eun Soo to stay home and be the "housemaid". Unfortunately, she failed to remember that Chairman Yoon (Eun Soo's No. 1 supporter) had said that Eun Soo won her right to work in the company and after all the household had two daughters in law and that Eun Soo's mother should delegate the responsibility. fairly. So I am not worried about Soo Ho's mother and Bit Na trying to force Eun Soo to quit her job and stay home. As you noticed, they do it when Chairman Yoon is not around.

Hopefully, if things get worse, Chairman Yoon will declared that it is Eun Soo and Soo Ho who will moved out and Soo Ho's mother is left with the kitchen duties again.

I believe even Soo Hyun was taken aback the quality of a wife and the difference between his own and Eun Soo. His own wife is still "snoring" upstairs. Eun Soo got up early and all prepared with juice and breakfast. The whole family were full of praises for Eun Soo's cooking. Chairman Yoon only have nice things to say about Eun Soo. I am happy to see Soo Ho takes every effort to help out and give great care to Eun Soo. He sat on a stool so his wife can have a chair with a back, he defended his wife. So lovely.

I wandered why Bit Na and Soo Hyun are such copy cats. Can't they come up with events themselves as they just follow whatever Eun Soo and Soo Ho is doing. Bit Na-Soo Hyun couple has no originality. Soo Hyun's version of cheesiness can be compare to a piece of rock.


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i knew rich brat BN/SH ma was going to team up to make ES life harder in that house.

SH ma is just as jelly as rich brat BN now. cuz almost the whole family love ES but her and rich brat BN.

i hope her husband will put her in her place.

how dare SH/ma tell ES to quit her job/become full time house wife. if anyone it should be rich brat BN. so she can learn to cook food for the family. instead of lazy around the house. when she come home.

i hope SH pa make rich brat BN cook at night while ES cook in the morning. it just not fair to ES. if she have to cook both time.

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I do not think that having Bit Na cooked a meal is an option as they might all "starve" because the food is not consumable.

I have to side Soo Ho's mother that she did not asked Eun Soo to do everything ... she did it on her own accord. Eun Soo is trying too hard to please. Of course, Soo Ho's mother is enjoying the freedom from the household work. As they said, if you eat the chili, you better be able to withstand the heat. I was fortunate to have a mother in law that will not let anyone touch her kitchen. She was really super clean. However, later when we established our own household, she complimented on my cooking skills. I bring a dish every festive seasons while eldest daughter in law comes with both hands empty. Like Bit Na just come in and eat.

I believe Chairman Yoon will have to step in and make a decision. One of the sons will have to leave. He preferred Eun Soo so Bit Na might get her wish and moved out but I find that Soo Hyun had always been the Crown Prince at home and he will not like it all that much if they moved back to Gangster Grandmother's and he becomes the Princess Consort there.

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Everyone has returned home. While Club Jerk sleeps, Eun Soo awakens and, in traditional Korean garb, goes down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Corporate Jerk is on his way out of the house and stops to talk with his father. Eun Soo brings a glass of juice to Father Yoon. Then she surprises Corporate Jerk by bringing him a glass of juice as well. He looks uneasy. Then he drinks the juice and is smiling ear to ear.

The Yoon family troops into the dining room for breakfast and is amazed at the feast which Eun Soo has prepared. Rich Brat and Mother Yoon, however, manage to restrain their enthusiasm. The Aunt notes that Eun Soo's fare is an improvement over Rich Brat's cold cereal, and Rich Brat grimaces.

Eun Soo and Club Jerk fuss at each other in their bedroom after breakfast. Rich Brat hears them from the hallway and grimaces again.

At home Eun Soo's family has a subdued breakfast and laments her absence. Her brother tells his mother and grandmother that he knows Sister Yoon from school and will ask her to help Eun Soo.

Everyone welcomes Eun Soo back to the office. The Manager volunteers that although he is not married and wouldn't know, he has heard that honeymoons can be very tiring. The Assistant Manager threatens h him with a sexual harassment complaint. (She, of course, set the ba by showering Club Jerk with unwanted attention, the definition of sexual harassment.)

Eun Soo's grandmother sits in Rich Brat's father's waiting room reading a magazine. Halmoni walks in and sits down on the couch beside her. The two women recognize each other with a start. Fortunately, Eun Soo's grandmother is called into the doctor's office.

The Real Estate Lady notes that Eun Soo's mother is looking dispirited and asks whether she had a fight with her boyfriend. She anounces that she won't be seeing him anymore. The Real Estate Lady presses for an explanation but is rebuffed.

Eun Soo arrives home from work. Mother Yoon and Rich Brat giggle together over a magazine. At least Eun Soo's arrival has improved relations between the two in laws. Eun Soo goes into the kithen to prepare dinner.

The Yoon family sits down to dinner. Everyone but Mother Yoon and Rich Brat digs in with enthusiasm.

Rich Brat suggests that since Eun Soo is such a good cook she should work in the kitchen at the Yoon family restaurant. Father Yoon instructs her to treat her sister in law with more respect. Mother Yoon seconds Rich Brat's rude motion and Father Yoon slaps her down as well.

Eun Soo's mother and grandmother forlornly watch television. Eun Soo's mother's cell phone chimes. She sees that the call is from Rich Brat's father and ignores it.

Rich Brat's father, at the gym, realizes that Eun Soo's mother is ignoring his calls. The Former Department Store Supervisor arrives and challenges him to a workout competition.

Club Jerk and Eun Soo frolic noisily. The sound carries and irritates Rich Brat. Corporate Jerk is indifferent to the sounds and to his wife.

Roused from his stupor by his brother and sister in law, Corporate Jerk attempts to show his wife some attention but she complains that her leg hurts. Well, what the heck . . .


Eun Soo is back in the Yoon kitchen.

Club Jerk complains that Eun Soo is doing all the work. His mother says that's fair because: mother in law. He asks, what about Rich Brat, and his mother tells him that she gets a pass because she never learned to do any of the household chores. Besides, Rich Brat is richer and better educated than Eun Soo. Father Yoon scolds her for her attitude.

Rich Brat visits Halmoni and complains about Eun Soo. She is angry because everyone, including her husband, likes Eun Soo's cooking. Rich Brat has an idea: If she treats Father Yoon better than Eun Soo does, perhaps he will allow her and Corporate Jerk to move in with Halmoni.

Corporate Jerk attempts to work in his office but is interrupted by a text from Halmoni.

Rich Brat's father arrives at Eun Soo's mother's shop and starts to apologize. Before he can get started, Eun Soo's grandmother bustles in and introduces her doctor to her daughter in law. He decides that it is time to "get going." After he leaves, Eun Soo's grandmother sings his praises.

Club Jerk and Eun Soo have a heart to heart Talk in the kitchen. He tells her to stop richard simmons footing and become more assertive. He suggests that she could take lessons from her sister in law.

Eun Soo's mother works forlornly in her shop. She cries.

Rich Brat is awakened by her cell phone alarm. She had planned to prepare breakfast to kick off her be nice to Father Yoon project. She turns off the alarm and goes back to sleep.

At breakfast, Mother Yoon demands that Eun Soo quit her job and become a full time housewife. Rich Brat smirks.

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Chairman Yoon ... I Love You ... Always at the right place at the right time.

Chairman Yoon told Soo Ho's mother off that she is only Eun Soo's mother in law, she is not a director of Yoonga Food She is in no position to ask a staff of Yoonga Food to resign. However, he did say he will leave that decision to Eun Soo but he told her that she was a valued staff. When he heard from his wife that because of a nose bleed this morning, Soo Ho kicked a big fuss, Chairman Yoon decided every women in the household should chip in the household chores. This includes Bit Na, the Aunt and Soo Min.

It is karma that Bit Na's father is heading for a serious heartbreak. If it wasn't for his daughter, he would have a lovely second romance.

Preview, looked like Eun Soo has got Chairman Yoon's protection and now refused Bit Na's request of doing her part of the chores. Yes, lesson learned as she got strong backing - Chairman Yoon and Soo Ho.

I believe that Eun Soo and Soo Ho will worked together on the "healthy" soup.

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So Ho is such a cutie and soooo in love with his wife. I love the way he tries to defend and protect her. Standing up for her and speaking up for her rights and trying to make sure she gets treated fairly and given her respect and share of daughter in law dues because man does she do a lot already and boy is his family the worst. Also he married a martyr idiot who will never do any of this herself. I loved when he gave her the advice to be more like Bit Na in that she shouldn't do everything for his family and should go to see her family whenever she please just like Bit Na des. 

Eun Soo is a freaking idiot who brought all this on to herself. I feel sorry for here (and honestly I could not. I COULD NOT do as she's been doing. I would have popped off on the mom, Bit Na, the sister, auntie, and dad, the second day. No way am I waking up at the crack of dawn everyday to cook for y'all, then clean, and do ya'll laundry and things. No way. Not even in your wildest dreams. Not when you go another daughter in law who sleeps in, a daughter who needs to learn for when she gets married, and a grown richard simmons woman freeloading auntie who does jack all and doesn't even pay rent! Chile, I COULD NOT AND WOULD NOT!) but her mother warned her as did So Ho and still she chose this! Her mom got her out the house and being able to live on her own so that she doesn't have to live this nightmare. She was warned and then like the idiot she is, she doesn't heed those warning and now here she is. Why does she put up with this and has been putting up with so much....what an idiotic dunce, I swear!

I hate Bitchna soooooooooo much. I wouldn't spit to put that heffa out if she was on fire. I do not understand how she can be so concreted and confident and vile playing as if SHE were the victim in all that transpired years ago and that Eun Soo wronged her and owes her something. I CANNOT STAND HER! Every time she brings up the past like she was the innocently wounded so she has nothing to lose it enrages me! Why does Eun Soo let her get away with these things. I woulda been spilled exactly who she is the moment I walked through those household doors. Can the kdrama truck of doom do us all a solid (take one for the culture) and kill her already! I have never loathed such an entitled brat who seems to never learn and is always playing the Debbie Downer victim because of she false victim mentality and plain old petty jealousness! Die Bitchna!!

So Ho's mom is such an idiot and waste of space in that fictional world.I have no clue why she hates Eun Soo's mom and then Eun Soo so much. I mean after all the richard simmons Bitchna put her through, you would think she would appreciate and be appreciative of a good daughter in law. She's so dumb. She's a gooddamn bird. Every time she speaks I fast forward because the actress is so shrill and over the top. She always looks like she's running out of breath as she yells and any moment her fragile small self will just collapse from needing air. I just can't stand her. She has no brain and is so easily brought by a few flattering words. I really can't understand how that cade of a caveman annoying husband/father, ever married such a bird. Truck of doom needs to take her out too!

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