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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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Club Jerk and Eun Soo spend the night outside Eun Soo's door on their knees. It is very cold.

The Upstairs Tenant celebrates the appearance of his webtoon on the internet with Eun Soo's brother. Both men are called downstairs to carry Club Jerk, who has passed out from the cold, into Eun Soo's house and onto her brother/s bed.

In the kitchen, Eun Soo's mother gives her hot tea and attempts to thaw her out. They somberly discuss the problem Rich Brat poses for Eun Soo's proposed marriage to Club Jerk.

sClub Jerk eats breakfast with Eun Soo and her family. Eun Soo's mother tells him to go home after breakfast is finished. She tells them to pass the word that she would like to meet his parents for a meal. Both Eun Soo and Club Jerk recognize the implications of this and are grateful and excited.

When Club Jerk conveys the message to his parents his father is happy. His mother, not so much. The Aunt bows out of the Family Meeting. Rich Brat attempts to do so, but her husband says "We'll be there."

Flash forward to the Family Meeting: Eun Soo and her mother and grandmother, Club Jerk and his parents, sister, brother and sister in law.Rich Brat trails behind trying to come up with an excuse to bail, but her husband tells her to get a move on. Most everyone manages to be gracious ane effusive. But Rich Brat, she lay low. She formally introduces herself and Eun Soo's mother and grandmother look like they are trying to politely ignore a bad smell.

During the meal, Eun Soo's mother stares at Rich Brat. Rich Brat stares at her plate. Father Yoon says that from the time he first met eun Soo, he wished to have her for a daughter in law. Rich Brat stares harder at her plate.

Father Yoon says that he would prefer a small simple ceremony and Eun Soo's family is agreeable. Mother Yoon is not.

Eun Soo proposes that Club Jerk and Eun Soo wait until Corporate Jerk and Rich Brat move out before moving in with the Yoons. She offers a face-saving explanation: since Eun Soo is older than the No. 1 daughter in law, Rich Brat, there might be awkwardness. Father Yoon says that he and his wife will discuss it and get bacck to her.

As both families leave the restaurant Eun Soo's mother needs to use the restroom. As she washes her hands Rich Brat blunders in and attempts to blunder out. Eun Soo's mother follows Rich Brat out the door and grabs her arm before she can make good her getaway. Eun Soo's mother tells Rich Brat to behave herself or she "Won't Let It Slide."

The Yoon family troops into its Manse and the Aunt asked how it went. Mother and Father Yoon are not of one mind. Mother Yoon complains that Eun Soo's mother doesn't want her daughter to move in with the Yoons right away. The Aunt snorts and says something like, Serves you right. Good for her.

Club Jerk's sister encourages her assistant to look up the Webtoon staring Herself. Then the Upstairs Tenant walks in. he asks if she has seen the Webtoon. She falsely claims that she didn't know that it had been published. She'll read it when she gets a chance.

The Maid brings Halmoni her mail. It includes several letters from patrons of the Center thanking her for ger (involuntary) gift. In spite of herself, she is touched. They also made some cookies for her. She tears up while she eats them.

Eun Soo's mother texts Rich Brat's father and invites him to join her the next day for a meal. He is delighted.

Rich Brat joins Mother Yoon in the kitchen and surprises her by offering to help her with the cooking. Then she shamelessly begins to butter her mother in law up. Then Rich Brat springs the trap: Why don't Corporate Jerk and I move out right away so that Club Jerk and Eun Soo can move in right away?

Mother Yoon walks into her bedroom and tells Father Yoon that she would like to invite Eun Soo for dinner the following night. He smiles because he falsely thinks this is a good sign.

The next morning at breakfast Eun Soo tells her mother that living apart from the Yoons might not be so great because she and Club Jerk would have to buy furniture, etc.. Her mother tells her not to worry about it.

Eun Soo asks the Manager for time off to get married. She suddenly has the Assistant Manager's full attention. She melts down quietly when Eun Soo reveals the groom's identity.

The Aunt and the Former Department Store Supervisor flirt happily in her cafe. He describes the woman he loves without naming her. The Aunt incorrectly thinks that he is describing her, without naming her.

Rich Brat's father and Eun Soo's mother arrive at a tony restaurant. She is worried about the expense, since he is an unemployed chauffeur. Yes, she can answer his relationship question: Yes.

They drive to a bridge and exchange gifts: a handkerchief for him, pink running shoes for her. She reminds him of the superstition that a woman runs when a man buys her shoes. Then she promises not to run. They embrace happily.

Eun Soo arrives at the Yoon house for dinner with Club Jerk and his family. Mother Yoon announces that Rich Brat and Corporate Jerk will move out when Club Jerk and Eun Soo are married. Eun Soo surprises everyone by saying that she would be happy to move in immediately rather than live separately.

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It is so funny that Soo Ho told in front of both families that Bit Na is a very difficult person further embarrassing her. Everyone is the household also agreed that Bit Na was difficult to deal with.

Just loved how Bit Na shivered with fear under Eun Soo's mother threat. Not only your Gangster Granny know how to threaten. Other mothers and grandmothers do as well.

I so loved Chairman Yoon's praises for our Eun Soo.

I totally agreed that you cannot have two tigers on the same mountain - meaning you cannot have two women in control at the same time. However, when this was related to my husband regarding his mother and me, his answer was don't be a tiger, be something else. Oh ... what a comeback line. Aigoo ... my "Pal Chak Ya"

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15 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:

Episode 67

ES Mother warning to Bit Na outside the toilet

ES Mother:  I am Eun Soo mother...I will safeguard Eun Soo no matter what it takes...if perhaps you have the intention to disparage our Eun Soo in any manner.....no matter what it takes, even in death, I will not stand by idle...bear this in mind

That scene was so my favorite, I was like GO MAMA BEAR GO!!. I loved the way she stood up for her daughter and only wants what is best for her. 

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@jina_bing_bang Can't remember the last time I posted on this thread. Your Japanese-Hawaiian friend must know how to dance the hula. I watch the NHK every day just to be exposed to the language. This way, the more words I can learn will help me when we are ready to visit Japan.

@sk0317 Thanks for all those links to check out before our trip to Japan. I love bento boxes and really enjoyed the link on Japanese scissors. Need a nice pair of scissors for cutting stems of fresh flowers. I recently started buying flowers from the farmers market every week. Kinokuniya Book store in NYC is one of my favorite stores when visiting and love to have coffee and their delicious pastries for breakfast in their upstairs cafe while watching people in Bryant Park across the street.

AfTer Soo Ho's accident it seems that ES finally professed her love to Soo Ho and now both families have approved their marriage. Boy, that was fast! But they both went through a lot of heartaches and I am happy to see that ES and Soo Ho will finally march down the aisle! It also seems that Corp Jerk and BN will be moving out and ES and Soo Ho will live with his parents. ES made the right choice by telling Chairman Yoon that she would love to live with them. They will find out what a great DIL she is vs BN. More brownie points for her! I thought that ES's mother looked so pretty at the luncheon when both families met and was so happy when she told BN that she will do everything to protect ES should BN try to harm her again. Looks like ES's mother and BN's father started dating. They look so cute together. I need to go back and catch up on my reading of all the posts!


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13 hours ago, Mailelei said:

@sk0317 Thanks for all those links to check out before our trip to Japan. I love bento boxes and really enjoyed the link on Japanese scissors. Need a nice pair of scissors for cutting stems of fresh flowers. I recently started buying flowers from the farmers market every week. Kinokuniya Book store in NYC is one of my favorite stores when visiting and love to have coffee and their delicious pastries for breakfast in their upstairs cafe while watching people in Bryant Park across the street.

You are most welcome @Mailelei!

I love bento boxes too and if you need the links for handmade "wappa" ones, please let me know:).

I wish I have green fingers:). Are you into "Ikebana"?

This is a tool (scissors for gardening) that is well loved and famous among influential British gardeners:


The reviews from the professionals are very good. They say the grip on this secateur fits the hand perfectly that your hand doesn't get tired from holding/griping the tool even after working long hours with it. Some even says it's an extension of your hand.

Kinokuniya Book Store's my favorite haunt too and I went there sourcing for Japanese cookbooks, mangas and magazines. People watching sounds like a relaxing way to unwind over your favorite cuppa!

13 hours ago, Mailelei said:

AfTer Soo Ho's accident it seems that ES finally professed her love to Soo Ho and now both families have approved their marriage. Boy, that was fast! But they both went through a lot of heartaches and I am happy to see that ES and Soo Ho will finally march down the aisle! It also seems that Corp Jerk and BN will be moving out and ES and Soo Ho will live with his parents. ES made the right choice by telling Chairman Yoon that she would love to live with them. They will find out what a great DIL she is vs BN. More brownie points for her! I thought that ES's mother looked so pretty at the luncheon when both families met and was so happy when she told BN that she will do everything to protect ES should BN try to harm her again. Looks like ES's mother and BN's father started dating. They look so cute together. I need to go back and catch up on my reading of all the posts!

I am glad the heartaches ES, Soo Ho and us viewers have to experience were short-lived!

Unlike Rich Brat, ES's friendly and homely disposition means she doesn't have to make a special effort to feel comfortable in the Yoon's household. I believe she will blend in with the Yoon's environment and click with the family members in no time!

Soo Ho's mom is going to be skeptical of ES's efforts to help her "run the house and kitchen" in the beginning. It will be an eye-opening experience when Soo Ho's mom realizes what a gem ES is. ES might not be materially/financially blessed, but ES brings with her a cheery and an easygoing atmosphere that will put the rest of the family at ease with her. Her expansive wealth of knowledge in food and housekeeping will impress Soo Ho's mom over time. 

YM shows Soo Ho's mom once again, "simple is best"!  I thought her slick and elegant style stood out among the ladies in the restaurant's private room. Her brooch again was the showcase of her outfit. She does know how to accessorize! Soo Ho's mom needs to take a few tips from her future in-law.

YM, ES's mom deserves a second chance at love with Dr. Kim. I am glad they have found their soul mates.



I was so impressed with Na Ra's consideration and I must say the webtoon artist does an impressive job raising his kids alone! She brought out a (floor) cushion for Soo Ho after seeing him kneeling on the cold and hard concrete floor in front of ES's.

We found out he isn't the twins' biological father in episode 68. Can't wait to hear the story behind his past relationship. What a selfless man he is.

They might not be able to find their birth mom (eventually) but I hope the empty space in their little hearts will be filled with love, hope and joy when their dad starts seeing SM and spending time together with them.

As for my age, I'm just your next door "Ahjumma":lol: who watches K-dramas to unwind:wub:.

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Hah! Soo Ho's mother tried to push an expensive wedding but Eun Soo turned the tables by suggesting a self plan wedding. She was smart to do it in front of Chairman Yoon who agreed to everything she suggested. So no wedding gifts for Soo Ho's mother and she got veto. See, Chairman Yoon is the No. 1 Eun Soo supporter

Eun Soo tried to tell Soo Ho her past by Soo Ho stopped her before she got to why she quit her teaching job that he accepted and understand everything and they were to look at their future.

Bit Na asked her mother to make her wedding dress.

Poor Bit Na already compared herself and Eun Soo's good fortune in a husband. She lamented how can two brothers be so different, complaining to her Granny. She did not even get an event proposal why Soo Ho was relating what he did for Eun Soo. Gangster Granny's new project is breathing down Soo Hyun's neck to treat Bit Na better. 

Auntie gave them a honeymoon in Jeju Island, honeymoon destination of Korea.

Wah! A fierce Eun Soo's mother who is breathing down Bit Na's neck. "Can I see you for a moment?"

Preview, we get to watch the wedding tomorrow. We see a strong Eun Soo's mother as she do battle with Soo Ho's mother.

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Soo Ho wants five kids. He wants a football team. Eun Soo started with one and gave in to two. She said she is not a baby making machine.

Soo Ho's mother said being Yoonga Food's son, women will be lining up for Soo Ho but Chairman Yoon said Soo Ho will not have snyone except Eun Soo.

I want Soo Ho to do more cheesy stuff in front of Bit Na. It is really something money cannot buy.

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When I saw Eun Soo opting for the self plan wedding, it showed a maturity and she is not giving in to circumstances. A very strong Eun Soo because of Soo Ho's love.

Definitely, she has a plan to be the favourite daughter in law. Chairman Yoon is already smitten ... yes .. yes .. always do what you wish.

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@tulip06 I don't think that she is getting uglier or looking worse.  I think it's more that many of the other characters are getting their obligatory mid-season makeover.  We've seen Sooho pull out his idol hair and suit a couple of times now, Eunho definitely looked much better at the family meeting, and now ES's mom has had her makeover.  Did anyone notice that Aunt is also looking a little different lately?  ES asking her mom to make her wedding dress is in line with her character and I get it, but I have to say that I'm a little disappointed that they made her look dowdy even for her wedding.

Also, I'm really surprised at the fast pacing of this drama.  I know that there's still a lot more to come (i.e., ES's mom's romance) and the plot summary did say that it's about 2 girls who are enemies who end up becoming sisters in 2 ways so I knew that some of this drama would be about their interactions after their relationship changes, but I thought--okay, I assumed--that they would drag everything out a little more.  On the other hand, Smiling Idiot got married in a hurry, now Sooho will also be getting married in a hurry, so I guess that just leaves Aunt and Soomin to also have a short dating/engagement period.

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I think it was the Aunt who paid for Soo Ho and ES's honeymoon trip. She booked a pension for them at Jeju Island and presented them with the tickets in the preview!

Soo Ho and ES will likely give the Yoon's their first grandchild before Rich Brat and Wimpy Jerk at the rate Cranky Granny is "harassing" Corporate Jerk:lol:. Cranky Granny sending those "cryptic texts" so often might set off a reverse effect.

Putting the two brothers at the same place for their honeymoons could be too unbearable for Rich Brat. She will have to witness Soo Ho's romantic and fun way when he interacts with ES while she is stuck with a rigid and cold fish.

As for a cheesy line, ES sure could have used a "I don't need a diamond ring for our wedding. You are my eternal diamond, yeobo~(wink)".:lol:

Jae Min, the ex-BF of ES is such a jerk he ditched her when she needed his support most. He didn't trust her enough to want to stay by her side and had the heart to leave her when her mom was hospitalized for surgery. She was fortunate to have left such a piece of work before their family meeting and wedding.

Soo Ho gave her his assurance, trust and support and told her she didn't have to reveal all her past to him.

It looks like the webtoon guy is not the twins' biological father. He told Eun Ho he fell in love when he was 22. I can't wait to hear the story behind his past relationship. He is such a selfless man and I'm loving his character more and more.

I wonder what SM is going to get for ES and Soo Ho...

Thank you for saying I'm not an "ahjumma":lol:.

And thanks for filling me in on the story behind the cushion. I haven't watched episode 67 yet. I really love ES's GM's character in this drama. She is such a gem!

It would be fun for YM to see Dr. Kim at the same wedding in episode 69!:lol:

Have a nice day!

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it must hurt that money grabber pride. when ES say she marrying SH.

that rich brat BN so salty. that SH show more love for ES. then her husband ever did for her. so she rat her husband out to her grandma. i guess that what he get for dumping his loveying ex for greed.

ES is so kind to welling to live with SH family. know his ma will make her work harder. then rich brat ever work in that house.

i cant blame ES ma/grandma for opposed ES living with SH family. while rich brat is still living in that house. they know rich brat/SH ma will team up to make her life harder.

the writer need to add a gf for ES bro. he look so alone without a gf. i just hope the writer. dont make him get back together with money grabber. her ship with him already sail the min . she try to flirt with SH. behide his back.

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It is actually nice that Soo Ho knew his mother too well and worries for Eun Soo. However, since Soo Ho's mother is hopeless in the kitchen, she will find favour in the family there as the family probably be eating good food since a long time ago. Chairman Yoon will sing praises of his prized daughter in law. 

Bit Na noted that Soo Ho is so sweet around Eun Soo and Soo Ho's mother also complained that he husband and Soo Ho cannot seemed to say no to Eun Soo.

My goodness, Soo Ho asked Bit Na to play the piano at their wedding. Piano ... is the source of all her troubles.

Soo Hyun's reason for divorce ... I cannot take anymore of your Grandmother's texts' messages.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hole_(1997_film). For anyone interest in that movie that Soo Ho mentioned.


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BN is only getting a small bit of what she is due currently. She ruined a persons life with her lies and then had the nerve to act like she was not at fault for it and very smug and condescending over doing it. Now she is realizing the mistake she made in forcing Corp Jerk to marry her. She regrets her decision but this is what she gets for using the tactics she did to break him up from the woman he was with and use his misfortune with the loan for her own gain.

She saw no problem initially with how he proposed to her (on the heels of breaking up with his fiancee hours earlier) when she ran out of the house to meet him. It is only now when she watches how Soo Ho treats ES that she realizes the mistake she made and the cold and distant workaholic she ended up getting for her sneaky troubles. It's been said before this is the bed she made now she needs to lay in it. BN knew Corp Jerk did not love her when he married her. But I guess she wanted to believe his lie that he did and or hoped that by now his feelings had changed for her. But she over heard him and realizes nope still no go on the love from Corp Jerk for her. But you reap what you sow.

I am enjoying every moment that she watches from the outside as Soo Ho and ES are blissfully in love and spend time together. We have not seen one moment of Corp Jerk and BN doing something similar. BN spends more time complaining to her grandmother about Corp Jerk then she does trying to do something herself to spend time with her husband. It only shows that she expects him to do all the work in that relationship instead of realizing it takes two.

This honeymoon (that she was complaining she did not get) is only going to be one more reminder for BN how NOT like Soo Ho and ES's marriage hers is. I can't see Corp Jerk doing the silly, cute, cheesy things so in love with ES that Soo Ho will do. Again it is just another hit to her pride and a reminder that her marriage and her husband is not like her brother in law's.

The looks that Corp Jerk gave to BN in today's days episode was not happy. Those text messages from her Halmoni are only going to cause friction as this man is not going to continue to like this woman butting into is marriage making these suggestions or that BN has gone and said what she has to the woman. This will backfire on BN.

Soo Ho's mother will only get more jealous when ES starts cooking and her food is 100% better then his mothers and her she takes over the cleaning as well. With her son and husband singing her praises mom will feel left out and be upset and jealous. Instead of happy she finally has the DIL that she wanted. Also she hates that even before marriage neither man is listening to her or siding with her.

I loved the suggestion from Soo Ho that BN play the piano as her wedding gift to them. Again it is Karma paying her back for her lie on ES and a slap in her grandmothers face as well for blaming ES for ruining BN's promising Piano career.

BN's getting out of living with the Yoon's a bit early will only I see create more of a clear picture to her over her marriage. I can see a Housekeeper and cook as BN can't and will not do either and without others in the house (if they live alone) she will be even more lonely when he is constantly working then she already is. I wonder if she will or her grandmother will fix it so they move in with her. Worst mistake every but funny.

I see the realization of BN's father of who his new girlfriend is.. over lapping weddings at the same time, date and venue.. I think not. Surprise, surprise its YM's daughters wedding and she has just become the sister in law to BN. lol MY guess is by the time they both realize who each other are.. It will be too late to back out from their feelings. Not saying they will not try to split but it may not take them long to come back to one another.

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Club Jerk walks Eun Soo to her house. He tries to change her mind about living with his family but she is firm.

Morning at Yoonga Foods.

The Manager, Assistant Manager, and the other woman in the office discuss whether they should give wedding gifts to Club Jerk or Eun Soo. The Manager and Assistant Manager, who know that Club Jerk is the Chairman's son, lean toward giving gifts to Club Jerk.

Eun Soo brings a report to the Manager. He starts kissing up mercilessly. The woman who doesn't know that Club Jerk is the Chairman's son Busts the Manager for suddenly being polite to Eun Soo. He stammers in response. Eun Soo asks permission to leave two hours early and the Manager is So-o-o-o Pleased to give it.

Speaking of kissing up, Eun Soo's grandmother arrives at Rich Brat's father's office. He, who knows that she is the mother of his beloved, gives her a gift wrapped box of calcium tablets. She, who does not know that he is her daughter in laws boyfriend, accepts it but is bewildered. Then he slips up and tells her that she needs to be healthy for her granddaughter's wedding. She is like, HTH do you know that my granddaughter is getting married. He Gaslights her, claiming that she told him about the wedding on her last visit. She thinks she is getting old and she is: the marriage was not agreed to until AFTER her last appointment.

Mother Yoon visits Eun Soo's mother at work and is received coldly. Eun Soo's mother tries to be pleasant but Mother Yoon is prickly. She says that she will give "the gift list" to Eun Soo. Eun Soo's mother is surprised to learn that her daughter has agreed to live with the Yoons.

Eun Soo and Mother Yoon meet with a wedding consultant. Eun Soo is shocked at the price of the proposed ceremony. Rich Brat walks in as the consultant leaves. It is clear that the exorbitant price tag is Rich Brat's doing. She smirks, telling Eun Soo that she "guesses" that her family's budget is lower than her's. It also turns out that Rich Brat "helped" with the gift list.

Mother Yoon smirks and asks Eun Soo why she was no longer a teacher. Eun Soo starts to answer but Rich Brat interrupts with several volleys of bafflegab.

Eun Soo's mother and grandmother discuss Eun Soo's prospective marital living arrangements without enthusiasm. Eun Soo walks in and they double-team her. She stands her ground.

Eun Soo goes to her bedroom and remembers Mother Yoon's catty question. Eun Soo reviews the gift list and exhales in disgust.

Corporate Jerk and Rich Brat walk in on Club Jerk. Club Jerk asks his brother how he proposed to Rich Brat. His answer: Wasn't putting a ring on her finger enough? Rich Brat is embarrassed.

Mother Yoon lays in her bed laughing to herself about the exorbitant gift list. Father Yoon regards his wife with suspicion.

Eun Soo tells Club Jerk that she once had a faithless boyfriend. She tells him that she was fired from her teaching job. She starts to tell him why and he stops her. Then she proposes that they finance their own wedding and he agrees. She tells him that neither she nor her family can afford the gift list and she can do without a diamond ring.

Rich Brat mopes into Halmoni's house and complains that her honeymoon was cancelled, but SHE gets to go on a honeymoon. Halmoni bares her teeth. Rich Brat complains that she is lonely and regrets marrying Corporate Jerk. Literally, Buyer's Remorse.

Rich Brat's father and Eun Soo's mother are working out at the gym. He tries to invite himself to the wedding but she says it is too soon. He ways that he will pass by and take a peek. Then he says, what a coincidence. My son in law's brother is getting married the same day.

Club Jerk and Eun Soo discuss furniture. He wants a single bed because he wants five kids.

Corporate Jerk prepares to leave his office. He receives a text from Halmoni: Don't make my granddaughter lonely.

Mother and Father Yoon, Club Jerk and Eun Soo discuss the wedding arrangements. Mother Yoon chokes on her coffee as she learns that the ceremony will be "right-sized." She appeals to her spouse, who thinks a small wedding is a great idea. her eyes flash anger as he agrees to toss the Gift List as well. Rich Brat returns home and Club Jerk asks if she would play the piano at their ceremony. She can't refuse but would like to.

Corporate Jerk and Rich Brat retire to their bedroom. Halmoni jerks his chain hard via text message: Take her on a honeymoon.

At home, Eun Soo asks her mother to make her wedding dress.

In their bedroom, Mother Yoon rips into her husband. No big wedding? No expensive gifts? "If she marries my son, she's got to pay the price." Father Yoon is incredulous. He asks her how she can be less mature than her future daughter in law.

In the kitchen, Mother Yoon tells her daughter that she is angry with Eun Soo but doesn't tell her why. Her daughter promises to scold Eun Soo for her.

Corporate Jerk asks Rich Brat whether he should turn out the light. She says, Do whatever you want. Clearly a Kin Sized Bed suits them just fine. Then he receives another text from Halmoni.

Eun Soo's brother visits the Upstairs Tenant. He has an idea for the Webtoon: The female doctor and her male patient fall in love. He'll have to remove the rubber glove to slip the ring on her finger.

The Upstairs Tenant is pitting name labels on his children's schoolbooks. Eun Soo's brother reproaches him for getting the last name wrong. He explains that he is not the childrens' biological father.

The Aunt leaves her cafe for a break and asks Eun Soo's mother to watch it for her. As the Aunt leaves, Rich Brat appears. Eun Soo's mother says, let's have a Talk.

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So true what Eun Soo said that women who received diamond rings as the symbol of eternal love still got divorce. However, there should be one when the marriage celebrated its 10th anniversary. I asked for one on that year's anniversary

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A lovely wedding. Looks like the colleagues did not attend. Just passed the wedding gifts to Eun Soo. The other girl does not realised that En Soo is now the younger "madame", Yoonga Food's daughter in law.

I guess the drama next week will be Eun Soo's mother feeling betrayed as well that her boyfriend is none other that Bit Na's father. Tough ride ahead.

I think Bit Na is not so "keen" on Soo Hyun as she is not happy with his holiday plans and Gangster Granny know how to threaten but not realising what is going on in that house.

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