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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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As expected the "Mummy" was not Soo Ho as he shook his head vigorously to sign that he was not Soo Ho while Eun Soo was getting him all wet with her tears. As Eun Soo declared that she loved him very much and Soo Ho asked whether she was telling the truth, Eun Soo realised the voice was coming from the other side. Mr "Mummy" pointed his injured fingers to his right. As the curtain drawn to reveal Soo Ho, Soo Ho warned her that she should let go of that hand right now. That is my boy ... even in pain ... jealousy prevails.

Soo Ho's injury was still heavy ... broken ribs perhaps. I was a little surprised that Eun Soo unbuttoned his shirt to take a peep. Suddenly, she is a "doctor" too.

Well, all well ends well ... I will have a happy weekend.

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I was crying when Soo Ho was weeping in episodes 63 and 64. I'm glad and relieved the "twister/tornado" that took us by surprise is (long) gone now that they have reunited and promise each other they would stay together no matter what in episode 65.

What a nice way for your sisters and their families to interact and hang out with your husband! If you don't mind I have added more links for your reference. I'll refrain from posting more links in future. m(_ _)m

On "bentou" boxes (ideal for summer especially):

On "yakimono":

I have taken the liberty to select the relevant clips based on your interests:



Japanese chopsticks and green tea make excellent souvenirs too.:) I am very fond of Japanese made chopsticks and collect them:lol:.

After giving YM a "free hug" in episode 64, Dr. Kim has taken the bold step to take his relationship with YM a step further. He was seen in YM's dry cleaning shop in episode 65's preview and told her to address him as "Kim Jae Woo" instead of "Ajussi" .

Cranky Granny slipped and hurt her back at home. Corporate Jerk was seen giving her a piggyback to take her to the orthopedics. I have a feeling Dr. Kim might not be in his clinic should Wimpy Jerk decide to take Cranny Granny to her SIL's. He could be in YM's dry cleaning shop...

Have a wonderful weekend @Mailelei!

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how is SH ma going blame ES for SH leaving the house? when she was the one who dorve him out of the house. by saying mean thing to ES ma.

now rich brat BN know just how loney married life is. when your husband married you for your money. not cuz he in love with her.

that last secne when ES crying saying she love SH. was sweet. i wonder how rich brat BN. will feel like. when ES/SH get back together again. will their lovey dovey drive rich brat nut. knowing her husband dont even love her at all.

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Eun Soo delivers a document to Father Yoon in his restaurant and turns to leave. Before she clears the door Mother Yoon bursts in and starts ranting and raving. Even Father Yoon is embarrassed, not because of the inherent wrongness of her conduct but because customers are present to view it. He restrains his wife. Eun Soo leaves after denying, several times, that she has been in touch with Club Jerk or knows his whereabouts.

After Eun Soo leaves Father Yoon tells his wife that she has "gone to far."

Eun Soo walks sadly down the street. Doubtless, she realizes that circumstances couldn't be any worse even if she had continued her relationship with Club Jerk. She remembers houw she cruely rejected him.

Eun Soo calls the Computer Expert. He has not heard from Club Jerk.

Eun Soo crosses the bridge and sees Club Jerk's Love Lock. She recalls episodes in their relationship.

At ehe Senior Center, Halmoni, Eun Soo's grandmother, and several volunteers eat lunch. One of the women begins to tease Eun Soo's grandmother about her granddaughter's wedding plans. She does not dispute her. Then Halmoni begins to rant about how the Yoon family opposes the marriage and Eun Soo and Club Jerk have broken up. Eun Soo's grandmother confirms the truth of Halmoni's statements, saying that she had remained sile nt because she was too hurt to talk about it. The other ladies turn on Halmoni, calling her a mean woman. Halmoni storms out of the room.

Mother Yoon works at the restaurant. Her daughter enters with the Upstairs Tenant.

Eun Soo's mother works in her shop and remembers Mother Yoon's nasty words. The Real Estate Lady enters and teases Eun Soo's mother about being in a relationship with the Former Department Store Supervisor. Eun Soo's grandmother has just arrived and, standing in the hallway, hears this. She leaves before Eun Soo's mother can explain that she is not interested in him.  The Upstairs Tenant and Corporate Jerk's sister bicker, with a fondness of which neither seem to be aware, in her office.

Rich Brat walks into her husband's office. They discuss the fact that Club Jerk is still missing. Then she notes that Eun Soo is not at her desk. Might she be with Club Jerk? Corporate Jerk calls the Manager and tells him to send Eun Soo to his office when she returns.

Rich Brat's father receives a call from Eun Soo's mother and joins her at a cafe, where she is already drinking. She unburdens herself and he listens. he tells her not to drink so much. She weeps.

Eun Soo walks in the night and remembers more scenes from her relationship with Club Jerk. She is outside the Yoon mansion. In the darkness, a car pulls up. Rich Brat gets out.

Eun Soo and Rich Brat confront each other. Eun Soo asks if Club Jerk has returned home. Rich Brat tells her it is none of her business. Rich Brat rattles on with re-acquired arrogance: Give Up. Go Away. And etc..

Rich Brat's father walks Eun Soo's mother home. He gives her a "free hug." He gives her a gift of mushrooms.

Eun Soo's mother enters her house and talks with her mother in law. Her mother in law looks at the gift and, believing that it's from the Former Department Store Supervisor, screws up her face in distaste. Her mother in law reproaches her for going out for drinks while her daughter is in crisis. She apologizes to her mother in law.

Eun Soo returns home to find her mother waiting for her. They talk about Eun Soo's breakup with Club Jerk.

Mother Yoon is in bed with an attack of the vapors. She ignores her daughter and daughter in law who are trying to get her to eat something. Her husband sits in the room looking distraught.

Father Yoon goes to the living room and, alone, curses his youngest son.

Club Jerk is riding a bus.

Morning at Yoonga foods.

The Manager scolds Eun Soo for disappearing the day before. The Assistant Manager demands that Eun Soo make coffee for her.

While making coffee Eun Soo calls Club Jerk. A woman answers.

Eun Soo bursts out of the break room and runs past the Manager and Assistant Manager. They are like, WTF?

Eun Soo arrives at a hospital. She asks to see Club Jerk. A nurse points in the direction of a man whose face is completely covered by bandages. Eun Soo sits by his bedside and professes remorse and undying love. From the other side of a curtain she hears Club Jerk's voice. She's been weeping over the wrong patient.

Club Jerk pulls back the curtain. He is in much better condition than the bandaged guy. They mutually vow that they never again shall part. The End. Until next week.

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6 hours ago, jina_bing_bang said:

Who is Chu Bei Jie? Is that story similar to this one? Soo Ho is doing a great job protecting his woman and helping ES be more confident! I am glad they reunited in the episode today, finally some happiness for them again!!


Chu Bei Jie is the main character of a Chinese historical drama, "General and I" who in order to protect the woman he loved, Bai Ping Ting ... went through imprisonment, torture and even giving up his princedom for her. He did things like planting a whole plum forest overnight because it was Bai Ping Ting's birthday in the middle of winter. Thinking she was dead, he went into mourning living in memories ... although he did something useful at the time, he did not waste away but no women was able to get near him (living in chastity). Anyway, she did not die, had his son even and they ruled the kingdom as king and queen in the end.

The point is no matter what people had accused her of being the country's enemy and even a witch, he never change his stance that she was the only woman for him. PM me if you want a link to this drama with English sub.

Beautiful love story.

Soo Ho did not disappoint me as he was steadfast in his love for Eun Soo. I was glad the separation was over quickly as they can now both work at the opposition together. In a way, Bit Na will also give in as she knew that Soo Ho and Eun Soo sincerely loved each other. It is really something money cannot buy as that is what she did ... she "purchase" her husband.

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SH & ES are really romantic in this drama. They are always holding hands and hugging. I can't recall the last drama where the leads were so romantic with each other. BN is already jealous of ES because SH loves ES so much. I can't wait till ES & SH are married and SH dotes on ES which will cause BN to burn with jealousy! 

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How are you feeling? I hope you are feeling better now.

Rich Brat hasn't been seen making ramen before. I eat the tails of the shrimps when I consume a dish of Japanese-style deep fried shrimps as they are crispy and tasty. But I am not so sure about eating the whole shelled shrimp:D.

ES's GM seems to understand ES more maybe because she spends more time with her while her mom went out to work. I hope the issues involving both Soo Ho and ES's moms are resolved soon.

I also didn't get the "truce" pack HA proposed to an equally puzzled ES.

Your idea of pairing the Aunt with the manager sounds interesting! I think they will make a really good match! I really like the karaoke scene. I have re-watched it numerous times:lol:.

Soo Ho and ES are so lovey-dovey in their own world they might not be able to run a restaurant on their own:lol:. Just kidding. Good idea for them to "branch" out and run their own restaurant with a new menu too!

Thank you for the information on Rosetta Stone. I think like many posters on this forum, I picked up Korean by watching K-dramas:lol:. You should get your mom to watch K-dramas together! She might become addicted and become a fan too:).

It's good that you are devoted to your faith @jina_bing_bang. I used to go to church and attended bible studies when I was young.

My furkid's appointment is for tomorrow. No unfortunately Costco doesn't have a dog groomer. I managed to get a majestic full view of Mount Fuji when I drove back from Costco three weeks ago. And yes the food samples are an attraction at Costco!

Although your question was directed at @yamiyugi on Hindi movies, I would like to recommend two foreign movies I have watched and enjoyed. They are:

Till next time please take good care of yourself and have a nice weekend!

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Returned to watching the drama once I heard that YH was in the hospital, and that ES went running over once she heard that. Hopefully she will stand together with YH from here on in, united against the scrapping Mothers. Does anyone know what YH's mother has against ES' mom? Other than she's poor? Was there something in their past that she begrudges her about? That would be bad if she did, and then went to hang out at YM's shop like she was her long lost friend! 

I hope next week the issues get resolved, and it doesn't drag on, because YH's Mom was being a totally horrible person, she needs a few slaps to bring her to reality! Good grief. The children are adults.....whether you approve or disapprove, it's a rite of passage that they need to go through. I can see if the other person is a criminal or a really bad person......but if you see your child deliriously happy like YH is, and see all those wonderful changes in them, then.....why NOT?????

BN really had a rude awakening, didn't she? Maybe she'll open her eyes and see WHY YH is so in love, their relationship is based on mutual respect and trust, unlike her relationship with SH. Duhhhhhhh...if she could get him to marry her right after getting him to dump CW, shouldn't she have wondered how??? She couldn't have thought she was that desirable, could she? After all, she set the whole scenario up, to get SH to marry her for the money. She totally manipulated him!!!! 

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1 hour ago, auntyem said:

Returned to watching the drama once I heard that YH was in the hospital, and that ES went running over once she heard that. Hopefully she will stand together with YH from here on in, united against the scrapping Mothers. Does anyone know what YH's mother has against ES' mom? Other than she's poor? Was there something in their past that she begrudges her about? That would be bad if she did, and then went to hang out at YM's shop like she was her long lost friend! 

I hope next week the issues get resolved, and it doesn't drag on, because YH's Mom was being a totally horrible person, she needs a few slaps to bring her to reality! Good grief. The children are adults.....whether you approve or disapprove, it's a rite of passage that they need to go through. I can see if the other person is a criminal or a really bad person......but if you see your child deliriously happy like YH is, and see all those wonderful changes in them, then.....why NOT?????

BN really had a rude awakening, didn't she? Maybe she'll open her eyes and see WHY YH is so in love, their relationship is based on mutual respect and trust, unlike her relationship with SH. Duhhhhhhh...if she could get him to marry her right after getting him to dump CW, shouldn't she have wondered how??? She couldn't have thought she was that desirable, could she? After all, she set the whole scenario up, to get SH to marry her for the money. She totally manipulated him!!!! 


Personally, it is an inferior complex with Soo Ho's mother. Eun Soo's mother was a daughter of landowner and of course with her death of her husband had fallen to hard times. Soo Ho's mother is sticking around Eun Soo's mother basically to "parade" her good fortune in front of Eun Soo's mother that she had married well. That is why Eun Soo's grandmother always treats her with distaste. This type of people you need to avoid as far as possible. Just give you negative vibes. Even if they do become in laws, little interaction as possible. Eventually, when Eun Soo's mother does marry Kim Jae Woo, Eun Soo's mother social standing will rise again being a doctor's wife. The way Soo Ho is acting with Eun Soo's family, Soo Ho might as well given up her son to them.

I am really relying on Chairman Yoon to put everything right as no one has yet been able to go against any of his decision be it his wife, Soo Hyun and definitely not Bit Na. He is not happy that Bit Na did not turn out to be the traditional daughter in law he had in mind. Bit Na still looked surprised when he asked her to clear the breakfast table. Bit Na really avoid household chores like a plague.

Of course, I also do not want Eun Soo to enter the household as a "housemaid" either. But she will earned a lot of brownie points and I bet Soo Ho will be at her side to help out. I remembered a drama "Famous Princesses" where one sister married a much younger husband and she was served hand and foot by the young husband. The husband made her breakfast, ironed her uniform, etc. In the end, the wife had to asked him to tone down as it was upsetting another son in law who also was living in with them. So cute ...


2 hours ago, jina_bing_bang said:


WOW, That sounds like a beautiful and heartbreaking story from the drama “General and I” Thank you for telling me about it, the plum forest got to me. Seems like a beautiful gesture and so thoughtful. I hope to check out this drama! Was it a popular drama?

 I too am glad that the separation between EunSoo and SooHo is over, SooHo definitely continues to “prove” his love for ES even though he doesn’t need too. EunSoo finally realizes her true feelings and expressed them too. Oh yes, these last episodes really show the comparison to the Yoon brothers and their relationship with love. BitNa also realizes her position and relationship with SooHyun- which is funny because in the beginning she didn’t care that he didn’t love her lol


"General and I" did very well in its ratings.

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@Jackie1048, Thanks for clearing it up. I did get that vibe that YH's Mom liked to brag about her current status, but I didn't think that she'd take it this far and make this much noise about the kids' relationship! What an idiot she is! Ugh......I totally can't stand it when people look down on others of lesser economic standing----it's so ridiculous, and just.....WRONG.  My goodness, was she THAT poor in the past that she has to gloat at others now? Disgusting....she totally deserves Beechna! She's going to have eat hat once ES marries in and starts serving the family delicious meals! BEechna will be DUST!! 

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Glad to hear you are feeling much better. If your condition persists, perhaps a visit to your GP will help you find out the reasons behind it.

I think Rich Brat made the dish from scratch @jina_bing_bang. You'll see a big glass bowl containing "panko" on the kitchen top and also since the shrimps weren't shelled, it's very likely she made an effort to prepare the dish from scratch. It's important and good she got herself interested in cooking though. However, she really needs to learn how to clean up after making a (big) mess in the kitchen.

‘It’s beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.’
Oscar Wilde

I think ES's GM has an "alluring" personality (please see quote above) that draws you to her. In the preview, the supervisor at the Disability Center told the group of volunteers there Cranky Granny's community service's coming to an end. Cranky Granny was seen looking around the break room and a volunteer asked her if she was looking for ES's GM:lol:. ES's GM might be the "force" behind a small change in our crass and loud Cranky Granny. Cranky Granny might return for visits after her compulsory community service using the "excuse" she has made a generous donation to the center.:)

Is your mom into historical period dramas? And have you ever been to Korea @jina_bing_bang?

I am fortunate as there is no pressure being placed on one's faith or religion here. An interesting read: https://blog.gaijinpot.com/japan-religious-atheist-country/

Most shops in the service industry are open on Sundays and their off-days are scheduled on a weekday. But they are closed at 19:00 or 20:00.

The picturesque view of Mount Fuji can only be seen on a clear, fine winter's day. So I was very fortunate to be able to witness the magnificent sight:).

Please allow me to add two more of my favorite recommended movies on your list:):



A controversial oldie (1997) but goodie. Are you in your 20s @jina_bing_bang? You mentioned there aren't many church members around your age.


Another oldie (1994) and it's American! starring Morgan Freeman, one of my favorite actors.

Hope you enjoy the rest of weekend with your family!

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Bravo!! Eun Soo and Soo Ho working together against the opposition. I am surprised they only showed Eun Soo's mother objections in the preview. I wander whether Soo Ho's mother will jumped through the roof or not. But it was nice he told his mother that she will never loose him as he will always be her son.

So cute when Bit Na asked whether they broke up and wanted to date again. Eun Soo said no ... they will marry. Eun Soo touched a sensitive point when she questioned Bit Na whether she had marry for love because Bit Na did not see that fact the Eun Soo and Soo Ho are in love. She is asking Bit Na to sympathize but Eun Soo asked the wrong person.

Bit Na talking to the worry doll that she did not realised one small lie had such a big effect. She should have had the courage to tell her grandmother she did not want to play the piano. Then Granny will not have slapped Eun Soo and perhaps her life will have taken a different course. She was worried that Soo Hyun will not love her if the truth comes out but then she also told herself why should she worry as Soo Hyun never love her in the first place. Even talking to herself, she sounds so pitiful. 

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