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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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  • someone here ask how was it that the nurse did not notice DY is up and talking. Well the thing is DY gave her a better deal then MH. In the episode just ended. MH called the nurse for the daily report, i'm not sure what she told MH but after MH hung up, the scene switch to where the nurse was and there was DY in the room standing up and looking at her.
  • At the restaurant SY/Mr Park were talking and TY came in, TY being CDB's son came up in their conversation and MA who just walked in overhears. TY got a beating from MA
  • HJ continues to suffocate MH at the BOD meeting.
  • There was something going on with the CEO and MH, i can't be sure what it was
  • There is a scene of MS and MH talking about HR and in the conversation MS asked MH 'is JW HR's father?' MS later call MH for a talk. The mistress sneaks into MH's room looking for something but hides when she heard MS and MH walking into the room. MS and MH were talking about HR and JW being her father, after they left the mistress came out from hiding and was elated at what she just overheard.
  • MH is confiding her suspicion about MS/DY to her father, she later got up and goes to her car, and watch the recording from her dash cam, she suspects that the man she saw that night was DY. She then calls MS.
  • At the cliffhanger, MH was at her home she calls out to MS and the ahjumma but no one answers she turn and saw DY.
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Actually I thought maybe people would enjoy this episode better, even without subs, if the ending came a a surprise, so I wasn't going to  say what happens.  Except maybe to confirm that one big development is that the mistress finds out who HR's father is.

As for GO, well that's still a big unknown.

By the ocean (but no puppy in sight, maybe KBS couldn't afford his cameo appearance fees) Jang is talking to his wife on the phone again. "Don't worry. Go ahead and take the kid to hospital. If you don't he may have a really serious problem. How can you care about money in this situation?" He hangs up and talks to GO.
"About my son... He's been very sick since the day he was born. We've always been in need of money. I quit as a police officer because I needed money, too. I wonder how your Mommy and Daddy are feeling right now?"  "Pardon?" asks DO. "Well, Ga On..." Jang says, hugging the bewildered boy. "I'm sorry. So sorry."

That's all. Except for a snippet in the teaser where Jang, still by the seaside, starts to say something to GO but pauses, and GO asks "Have you decided where I'm going?" and DY is on the phone talking, to judge by his speech level, to HJ and saying "We've got to find GO. I can [or we can, or you can] wait till then. We have to hold it in and keep on waiting."


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Thank you @imgreatgal  

I think Chairman Cha was using the info that HJ gave him earlier on the crooked dealings of the directors in her pocket. That spooked the CEO.  But Mdm Chairman did not seem too interested in his problems.

So much for HJ keeping Lil Nam's recordings secret, so now is she or has she told DY about her big secret. I hope Big Nam is not such an idiot so as to keep the recordings from DY.

I was hoping that I was wrong about GO, and he would turn up at the restaurant or called HJ to come and pick him up. So sorry. 

Have a great weekend everyone.


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1 hour ago, imgreatgal said:
  • someone here ask how was it that the nurse did not notice DY is up and talking. Well the thing is DY gave her a better deal then MH. In the episode just ended. MH called the nurse for the daily report, i'm not sure what she told MH but after MH hung up, the scene switch to where the nurse was and there was DY in the room standing up and looking at her.
  • At the restaurant SY/Mr Park were talking and TY came in, TY being CDB's son came up in their conversation and MA who just walked in overhears. TY got a beating from MA
  • HJ continues to suffocate MH at the BOD meeting.
  • There was something going on with the CEO and MH, i can't be sure what it was
  • There is a scene of MS and MH talking about HR and in the conversation MS asked MH 'is JW HR's father?' MS later call MH for a talk. The mistress sneaks into MH's room looking for something but hides when she heard MS and MH walking into the room. MS and MH were talking about HR and JW being her father, after they left the mistress came out from hiding and was elated at what she just overheard.
  • MH is confiding her suspicion about MS/DY to her father, she later got up and goes to her car, and watch the recording from her dash cam, she suspects that the man she saw that night was DY. She then calls MS.
  • At the cliffhanger, MH was at her home she calls out to MS and the ahjumma but no one answers she turn and saw DY.

Think MS got MH in the room for the secrecy talk about HY meeting with JW. MS literally told MH that she knows JW is HY's biological father, which shocked MH, and guess who else would have heard the conversation, no other than the mistress who was sneaking in MH's room. hahahaha.... she will be the one to start the news of MH's illegitimate daughter or would use it once, again as her bargaining chip.

MH not only call MS, but was so rude to demand her mother-in-law to return home immediately.... hahahaha.... something that her MIL just couldn't care less. Good on MS.

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4 minutes ago, maribella said:

I was hoping that I was wrong about GO, and he would turn up at the restaurant or called HJ to come and pick him up. So sorry. 

my prediction was off too. Looks like we will only get to see GO in one scene for few more episodes until the writer decides that its time for him to return lol. In the teaser DY will make a comeback at LK.

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From the recent few episodes, one can easily noticed that while MH took on the cruelty and evilness from her mother, however, she really lacks badly in the ability to understand the situations and to use them to her advantage. All she did was to threaten or use temporary means which were ineffective after a while. MH unlike her mother, could not hold herself. Md. Kim, although at an disadvantaged position will not show her enemy her true emotions, while HJ could easily see through MH's nervousness in handling their feuds. Furthermore, what MH did most of the time was to threaten those who worked for her, like small Nam and Jang. She can't go anything further than those lowly underhanded means, unlike Md Kim who is much more difficult to deal with. That's why MH will not win the war against HJ, she doesn't have what HJ had (probably HJ learnt a good lesson from her bad encounters with MH), that she is now able to keep her cool, at least in the presence of MH, and making MH feeling more nervous whenever she has to deal with HJ>

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It seemed that the writer is trying to redeem Jang. Not only GO and Jang are on good terms, this episode has shown GO telling Jang to go to his son immediately, since the boy is sicked. It also showed Jang on the phone with his wife, asking him money for their son's medical. GO is so sweet to tell Jang to go immediately, while he can stay in Korea and wait for him. Apparently Jang is so touched and told GO that he's sorry, and mentioned to GO how much his parents must have missed him badly too, which GO is still rather confused about.

I have a feeling that Jang may return GO to his parents before leaving for the States.

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With DY returning to LK that means he will proceed with the divorce, i don't think DY will want to delay it any longer. My question is, what will happen to JW. Judging by his actions in the last 2 episode, it looks like he was ready to get serious with HJ. Now with DY back and the divorce, inevitable, there is no stopping DY going to HJ and I don't see how MH can stop that unless she finds GO first and use him to threaten them. There is still 20 eps to go I guess its needed for more plots stretching. So i don't see GO returning to DY and HJ anytime soon. 

@seoyounglby you are right, MH is a nervous wreck when she is cornered, her father is no help at all, all she does is run to big mama, as i've said before that is where the evil starts. In yesterday's episode Mdm Kim told MH to get her out on sick leave. Can a prisoner get out on sick leave??? i'm curious about this. I also came to know about this in another drama i can't remember which drama. But the person was jail for embezzling and was able to get out on sick leave. If Mdm Kim does get out we can expect more trouble ahead for DY and HJ.  

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2 hours ago, maribella said:

So much for HJ keeping Lil Nam's recordings secret, so now is she or has she told DY about her big secret. I hope Big Nam is not such an idiot so as to keep the recordings from DY.


Actually HJ had intended MJ to be kept off balance by not knowing where those recordings had come from. She sent them anonymously, and MH was unable to trace their origin via the phone company. So MJ had to be given an attack of plot-delaying stupidity as she rackd her brains on the matter "It can't have been the dead Nam Rl Hyeon," she sagely concludes, then with a massive intellectual leap thinks "Surely.... surely it can't be Secretary Nam?")  and she sets her own and her father's minions to solve the mystery. The professorial bowtie (if the teaser for next week is anything to go)  even comes up with the notion that it might be DY who is sending them... Maybe that tie needs a new battery. MH has one to spare, after she took the battery out of her cellphone to stop the incoming messages (a throwback to the days when apparently Kdrama cellphones had no off-switch, so everyone had to take out the battery to stop getting calls, a practice that has now disappeared as more and more Korean manufacturers follow Apple's commercially lucrative example and make cellphone batteries neither removable or replacable by users.) So it's off to the jailhouse to add her mother's scheming brains to her own, and they conclude that it must be Big Nam after all. Her mother chastizes her for not keeping tabs on Big Nam. If she'd kept him under proper observation after the accident, he wouldn't have had the chance to do this. But Mme Kim continues to muse that it makes no sense for Big Nam to be sending the recordings, precisely because he must know that he would be the prime suspect. MH agrees, explaining that's why she finds it hard to believe that Nam is the culprit. They both ponder why someone who had been what they call "trustworthy" for so long would suddenly turn against MH. Hence her mother's next instructions. "Find out all Nam's contacts as soon as you can. It's lucky for us that Do Yun is completely out of it."

And, as I pointed out yesterday (and should be clear from the subs  by now) HJ explicitly ordered Nam not to say a word about all this to DY, and I doubt that he'd countermand that order, even if he (sensibly enough) thought it was a mistake.

2 hours ago, seoyounglby said:

how much his parents must have missed him badly too

He wonders, not how much GO's parents must have missed him, but how they must be feeling right now  (네 엄마 아빠는 지금 어떤  마음일까?)  The point being that Jang realizes that GO's parents must at this very moment be suffering under their separation from their child in the same way as he is from his own sick son, which is a strong pointer that he'll make the right choice, once the constraints of dragging out his portion of the plot allow him to.


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@baduy HJ's main concerns were he was too weak and he wanted to remain vegetative to all bar a few. Those reasons were why she did not want him to know about the recordings, right?

He is going to work and everybody knows he is alive and kicking.  So why keep it a secret from him anymore? Of course there may be a more convoluted reason which is so secret, the viewers cannot know there is a secret.

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11 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

With DY returning to LK that means he will proceed with the divorce, i don't think DY will want to delay it any longer. My question is, what will happen to JW. Judging by his actions in the last 2 episode, it looks like he was ready to get serious with HJ. Now with DY back and the divorce, inevitable, there is no stopping DY going to HJ and I don't see how MH can stop that unless she finds GO first and use him to threaten them. There is still 20 eps to go I guess its needed for more plots stretching. So i don't see GO returning to DY and HJ anytime soon. 

@seoyounglby you are right, MH is a nervous wreck when she is cornered, her father is no help at all, all she does is run to big mama, as i've said before that is where the evil starts. In yesterday's episode Mdm Kim told MH to get her out on sick leave. Can a prisoner get out on sick leave??? i'm curious about this. I also came to know about this in another drama i can't remember which drama. But the person was jail for embezzling and was able to get out on sick leave. If Mdm Kim does get out we can expect more trouble ahead for DY and HJ.  

Sick leave for a prisoner?  I was surprised at that one when I first heard it between MH and her mom.  She is not someone working (the only argument I can come up with), why go on a sick leave?  They could have plainly said 'get her out of there for medical emergency' -- if she really is sick.  Also, I guess for prisoners, it depends on how sick you are, some can be treated inside the prison.  Mdm. Kim is sick in the head.  Lately, she is panicking more than MH on every report she receives from MS. 

MH's specialty is threatening people; she did this many times even from 8 years ago - first victim is HJ.  Now the victim came back with same weapon she used on her and she is now experiencing how scary it is to be tortured - not physically but emotionally.

I am guessing Jang would call HJ and leave the boy at the restaurant to be picked up later since the restaurant owner recognizes the boy - he will then leave for the US to be with his family.

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39 minutes ago, maribella said:

HJ's main concerns were he was too weak and he wanted to remain vegetative to all bar a few


Not really. She was afraid that if he knew this final crowning crime of MH's he would go totally wild and do something violent or even homicidal to MH (blowing his temporary cover in the process, of course, but she was afraid of more than that alone). It's a repetition of the reasons HJ impressed on SY that their mother mustn't be allowed to to know MH's true role. HJ wants to "protect" both DY and her mother from being driven to such reckless extremes because she wants a gradual but merciless stripping of MH from all she has and values, bit by slow bit, and that can only be achieved by biding her time and waiting for the right moments to strike.

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It is possible that a person can be released from prison with a medical release, medical parole, medical furlough, and humanitarian parole. It can be a ruling by the courts or by an internal correction authority. With all the personnel MH's family has in their pockets it's a big possibility Mdm Kim will be released. 

Mdm Kim is the direct source behind MH and the father's evil. If she is released she has no clue she will have two pissed off parents on her hands. Then add in JW it will be three. MH and her mother will continue to try and manipulate JW using HR. Also the fact that JW likes HJ. Again JW will probably be put on the fence of what direction he will take. 


I still think GO will be back with HJ by next week. DY is going back to the company so the focus will be on LK and it's leadership. Mdm Kim will do whatever evil she can to hold on to that company. 


If you are interested the information I provided above it can be found here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compassionate_release

Also here's a case where it did happen in Korea in 2013. 


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1 hour ago, viyra said:

Sick leave for a prisoner? 


Can someone give me a timestamp for this?  I'll then check what's actually on the soundtrack and report back. 'Sick leave" sounds a suspicious translation to me. There's no such thing outside Kdrama. Convicts can be allowed out of jail temporarily to have essential medical treatmenti if that's not otherwise available, but it's under strict conditions and close supersivion which hardly count as "leave". And in Korea as in most other countries a prisoner can be allowed to attend the funeral of a close relative or suchlike but either under constant escort (if the offense is very serious or there is risk of escape) or under strict requirements to report daily to the local police or to wear an electronic locator "tag". And  prisoners who have served a significant proportion of their sentence but have become terminally ill can have their sentence commuted so they don't have to die behind bars, but that's not relevant here either.

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2 hours ago, baduy said:


Not really. She was afraid that if he knew this final crowning crime of MH's he would go totally wild and do something violent or even homicidal to MH (blowing his temporary cover in the process, of course, but she was afraid of more than that alone). It's a repetition of the reasons HJ impressed on SY that their mother mustn't be allowed to to know MH's true role. HJ wants to "protect" both DY and her mother from being driven to such reckless extremes because she wants a gradual but merciless stripping of MH from all she has and values, bit by slow bit, and that can only be achieved by biding her time and waiting for the right moments to strike.

Her mother is hardly of the same material as DY is, so keeping a secret that directly affects him is rather patronising. In this episode after hugging him, she apologised for eight years etc. etc. then she said she should have told him and to work it out together. She is doing the same thing now. The difference to her is that she must be stronger and fight to keep what is hers.  Oh well, if both of them worked together, it wouldn't fill 20 episodes. 

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7 hours ago, baduy said:


The point is, though, that kidnapping  (like rape and sexual offenses against minors, two other crime categories where the divergence between Korean and Western judicial norms are often a long way apart) is indeed a serious criminal offense in Korea, but the custom of reaching "settlements" (which the police tend to encourage, before sending the case on to prosecutors) means that it does not always lead to criminal proceedings, especially if the victim is believed to be physically unharmed.  If the victim (which, again following ingrained cultural traditions, tends in practice to mean the family of the victim, or that family's elders) is prepared to "settle" with the perpetrator, it is not regarded as the state's business to prosecute or punish where private retribution has already been made.

Hello All,

Now @baduy With this being said is this the reason HJ got Mh on tape saying that the person should be punished with death because it's a high chance she could get away with it..?

7 hours ago, maribella said:

I can't imagine that the police and prosecutor trivialise such a crime and the kidnapper walks??? I don't expect a death sentence but even if the victim was returned unharmed, it seems to be less serious than stealing which I am sure will not involve any negotiations.

This is probably not very relevant to this thread but I think it would help non Koreans , me at least, to understand any kumbawa ending with the Jang character. He has had 8 years to repent, plus kidnapping twice, plus GO was in an abusive home. He may not be the brains of the kidnapping but he sure as heck directly committed the crime.

This is what I'm not understanding about these laws @maribella GO may not be harmed now being with Jang but the harm was already done when he first took the child then they past him off to and abusive home.. Not only that isn't there harm in him growing up around strangers thats keeping him from his loving parents for Jang and Mh personal greed.. What about the parents grief and the mental truma the child will have to live with for the rest of there life..  Is Korea that big on thinking money solves everything.. Wow

Thanks @imgreatgal & @baduy For your help on todays episode until the subs comes out..

I think DY should go on tv asking for his son to be return with his pictures showing. This should blow MH and Madam Kim madness out of the water.. It would certainly have people questioning did she know he had another child and have people being skeptical of her because it would be only her that would be capable of having his son kidnap when nobody else knew he was having a child eles where..

4 hours ago, seoyounglby said:

I have a feeling that Jang may return GO to his parents before leaving for the States.

@seoyounglby  I think Jang willbe dropping GO off at DY house,Especially if he finds out DY is back in action again or maybe he takes him to LK group and leaves him after he's told hinm to go into the building and ask for DY..


2 hours ago, maribella said:

@baduy HJ's main concerns were he was too weak and he wanted to remain vegetative to all bar a few. Those reasons were why she did not want him to know about the recordings, right?

He is going to work and everybody knows he is alive and kicking.  So why keep it a secret from him anymore? Of course there may be a more convoluted reason which is so secret, the viewers cannot know there is a secret.

@maribella  Hj is giving Mh enough rope to hang herself because she's sure as hell going to make her pay for that accident, Also DY will go ahead with the divorce now but I think Mh will get GO and use him to try and stop DY from divorcing her bit that recording of her giving orders to stop DY from getting his son is going to send her on the run with GO..

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1 hour ago, baduy said:

Can someone give me a timestamp for this?  I'll then check what's actually on the soundtrack and report back. 'Sick leave" sounds a suspicious translation to

Last episode during one of MH's visits. The sub says medical leave. That sounds strange to me. Can't give you a closer time sorry. 

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3 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

  Hj is giving Mh enough rope to hang herself because she's sure as hell going to make her pay for that accident, Also DY will go ahead with the divorce now but I think Mh will get GO and use him to try and stop DY from divorcing her bit that recording of her giving orders to stop DY from getting his son is going to send her on the run with GO..

one cannot deal with someone like MH alone. Her father has resources to employ goons to 'guard' DY. Who knows what will happen to HJ herself? There has to be back up. Her only advantage if any is she is getting stronger ( according to JW). That is not enough.

if MH gets GO, it will be Jang's fault and he should be hanged till dead. Sick son or no. Is he the only man with a sick child? How many other people do kidnapping jobs to get medical treatment for their children?


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1 hour ago, maribella said:

Last episode during one of MH's visits. The sub says medical leave. That sounds strange to me. Can't give you a closer time sorry. 


Ah right, got it now. It's actually in the last episode but one (77).

What she says is 병보석으로 나갈 소 이게 빨리 처리해  "Fix things fast so I can get out of here on sick bail." 

But I thought she'd turned herself in, co-operated with the prosecutors, plea-bargained a reduced sentence which she received, and is now serving her time? Or did I dream that after falling asleep in one of the Silly Parts?

If she really is serving her time, rather than being held in custody pending trial, any sort of 보석, on sickness (병) or any other grounds, is out of the question. 보석, bail, applies only to the period between initial arrest or indictment before a court of first instance and full trial, or during the trial itself, and occasionally also between having been found guilty and the court reachng its final decision as to what the sentence should be, after hearing psychiatric reports etc.). No-one in Korea or elsewhere, can get "bail" after they've been sentenced, on whatever grounds, since you can't be bailed once sentence has been passed because that's meaningless.

One (very rare) exception is that if someone who has been sentenced and imprisoned can bring forward new evidence, not available at trial, which strongly indicates their innocence, then a judge may rule that they should be released on bail pending re-trial. But that's because in such cases there is legal doubt as to whether the sentence being served should have been passed in the first place, and until that doubt is resolved, the prisoner reverts to the legal status of an accused rather than a convict, and hence is eligible, other things being equal, to bail again.

But if I'm wrong about her present situation and she really is awaiting trial, then sick bail actually is a possibility if they hand over enough white envelopes to lawyers and medics...  But medical leave it ain't. The most usual grounds for a judge granting sick bail is when the accused is provably too ill to become a fugitive or to commit a further offense (the assumption being that the accused was being held in custody prior to or during trial because there was present danger of of flight or further criminal activity).

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