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episode 14...

despite be furious when jin hyuk called tae goo monster or pervert and any other harsh words tae goo seems proud to be called with thus word because he enjoy jin hyuk anger, but when jin hyuk called him psychopath tae go over confident crack for second he cant control his anger but then his conscious thought took control to ignore jin hyuk. in several times he seems talked to himself like how he confuse to decide whether jin hyuk or kwon jo who become his next target, tae goo seems enjoy with jin hyuk and kwon joo anger and frustation but tae goo knew jin hyuk and kwon joo brave enough to against him though his father threat them then he purposely frighten kwon joo to made they realize he was the king who took the control of their life, they knew his inner side and his mask whom others didnt knew much.

i worried about mr park who was in the accident, i think someone had report  him about his conversation with kwon joo, so then they made mr park the culprit  to took all responsibilty with the bus accident, moreover he had signed paper which he didnt know the content, i think dae shik father condition because he had trough the incident like mr park

about dae shik: i think he knew something, he didnt shocked with kwon joo and jin hyuk discussion, but with the case uncover slowly made he feel regret with his betrayal to jin hyuk moreover when jin hyuk still believe him by gave him a chance to investigate sungwun express though clearly jin hyuk knew he was the rat the rat,

the real reason he never visit his father must be because he feel ashamed to his father, he had dissapointed his father trust with his shameful life as police officer when his father think highly his job as his pride in his poor and powerless life. 

every time dae shik brag about how the rat or korea corrupt officer made he feel shame with their crime made me think he was the one who got the money from corruption or bribe, dae shik is police officer with low position  but his father can got the vip room in the hospital,  i think that's why he become the rat because he need the money to pay his father hospital cost  which is need many money that he cant afford,  when his father asked about jin hyuk he tried to closed the conversation by got angry and told not to bother jin hyuk because he lied to his father by told  jin hyuk whom paid all his father nursing costs. so that with jin hyuk name he made his father not question about the money

i still believe in dae shik, he will help jin hyuk because he really adore and love his hyung, he still has time to fix his wrong doing.

i still believe chief bae will help kwon joo and jin hyuk because kwon joo words had riled him, as the chief  he will stand with them to prove that he is the police whom the real job is to capture the criminal and he has quality to become the chief to stop chairman mo underestimate him

about eun soo: i think she is chief bae' people to report golden team activity and found the weakness specifically to keep eye on kwon joo so then chief bae got the reason to dissolve the team, may chief bae offer high promotion to her so she accept the offer with betray the team

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I was very interested read odilette's blog post. Thanks for posting. I didn't even know she had her own blog outside of DB but it's good to know it's exists although I seldom have time to read anything outside of Soompi and DB unless directed by others.

For the most part I agree with what's said there although perhaps the reasons I have for resisting romance in Voice may diverge from hers. Romance is not really needed in this drama because the circumstances don't call for it. It isn't just because I'd prefer not to have it because every other K drama has it that I'm strenuously rejecting any such prospects but truthfully there's nothing inherent in the storyline that demands it. In a show where there's such raw brutality and relentless urgency, including romance in the mix would not only slow the story down but it would completely undermine the premise of the show. For me that is a far more important reason for rejecting romance. Sure office romances seldom happen in real life and if they do, they, more often than not, don't end particularly well. But that's irrelevant. Dramas are carefully constructed narratives driven by plot lines and contrivances. To argue against the improbability of a story thread on the basis of realism is a self-defeating exercise.

For the show to be consistent, there can't be romance between these colleagues because these people are fighting a war in which they are the underdogs and they're handicapped by corruption at the highest levels. They are busy from go to woe putting out fires. They can barely take a breather before they're lurching into the next crisis. On top of that, there's the matter of hunting down the KBK which takes up whatever energy is left after they do their paid jobs.

To me the most compelling reason why there can't be any kind of "romance" between KGJ and MTG isn't about realism or dysfunctionality BUT that it would do damage to GJ's character and mission. However MTG perceives her, and whatever twisted attraction he may or may not have for her, it's irrelevant. Her trajectory is such that she can't possibly even conceive of that endgame. There have been other dramas where women have fallen for men that have killed their fathers or men whose fathers have killed their fathers because that's an integral part of the plot. But in this plot, she's driven to save lives, to discover the truth especially because of her father's death. Moreover the way her character is written precludes the possibility that she can be in any kind of romantic relationship with any man... psychotic or kindly. If her character was drawn to be like Poison Ivy or Catwoman, well, it's possible that she could be attracted to MTG dysfunctionally. But she's a crusader and a zealot so his presence is to prod and tease her cool, stoic exterior while she continues to follow his trail. She is his nemesis.

Personally I think it's great that there's no romance between GJ and JH not just because it reflects a certain reality that men and women can be colleagues without sexual tension getting in the way. Of course that's the argument from realism. But from a storytelling point of view it means that not every story has to have a romance at its core to be entertaining. Certainly al lot of people are drawn to K dramas for romance but it is important for the industry to write different kinds of stories and for viewers to experience all kinds stories that are compelling without having to rely on romance to gain traction with the audience. In an oversexualized world, it can be a breath of fresh air.

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12 minutes ago, titania1000 said:

There's another clip which is VERY VERY SPOILERY


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OMG! Daeshik, NO! Show DON'T DO THAT.:cry:

I wasn't interested  in the mole subplot but now i 'm totally hooked.

Tae Gu has totally lost his mind.  :crazy:




Even for a clip, I can't really watch that.:cold_sweat:

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5 minutes ago, miracle23 said:

Gosh, I need my sleep before I can indulge in these intensity. Hope the subs will be there by the time I wake up. @yoeda I have been meaning to tell you that I totally love your signature! Such cutie pie! :-D


Tq! Kudos to whoever did that. :heart: I'm just borrowing.

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