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@titania1000 I don't think they will kill Kwon Joo, she's too important for the show with that super hearing of hers. Jin Hyeok will probably also stay alive because he has a little kid. Not too sure about Dae Shik, though. They might use his death as a way to clean him of his sins, but it would be lazy writing. I don't think the writers and the PD would do that, but who knows :unsure: One thing I hope for is that there will be no second season and an open ending. OcN loves those two things too much. 


On a side note, recap for episode 14 is up at DramaFoxes


Posted by FoxFire | Monday, March 6th, 2017 9:20 PM | Drama Recaps | 0  |     

Voice Episode 14 Recap

This episode sets up the playground for the final showdown, raising the stakes. Our team gets disbanded and the bad guys seem to have the upper hand this time. Tae Gu goes all out with his psychopathic games, showing Kwon Joo what he’s capable of. The painful truth is revealed about the real mole in the police station, causing Jin Hyeok lots of disappointment.


Kwon Joo and Jin Hyeok go to meet commissioner Bae, who reprimands them for causing trouble and bothering Tae Gu, who introduces himself to our team. He stands up to shake hands with Jin Hyeok, who doesn’t sense anything strange, but Kwon Joo reacts sharply to his voice. She’s in a trance, having recognized the killer’s voice, and refuses to shake hands with Tae Gu, who doesn’t seem too affected by this. He leaves shortly after asking if Fantasia’s case in handled by the Violent Crimes Unit, with commissioner Bae hot on his heals.

2-1.png?resize=400%2C225 1-1.png?resize=400%2C225



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6 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Your comment made me laugh leaf. I never thought that this scene was to take seriously because we had that scene at Subway before with this couple. For me, it was so obvious... actually it really annoyed me.

Like you, I don't need this couple at all and I actually wished that PES would come to a better use. After her involvement in OHH's case, she became useless in my opinion. OHH is still important as he is the one who do some tracking and find info. I guess, the writer might come to use her again, when KGJ is kidnapped by MTG. She might be the one coordinating the police forces and MJH. 

Despite my critics, I consider this drama as very entertaining.

I know! I should have figured it out right away, but instead I was thinking, even during the drama, how this could be a valueable information later on. To be honest I think both of them are pretty useless. If both characters wouldn't exist, it wouldn't make a difference at all. They started so interesting by being cast as the 'new members of Golden Time Team, handpicked by KJ' and in the end her only job was being involved in HH-case and figuring out his message. He had a slighty larger role, but it wasn't any better. PES character really felt like a wasted opportunity, HH is just another idol actor that was given a chance to show what hes capable of. But he hadn't any particular shiny moment besides his adventure at the night club,

I really hope that both of them have their moments in the seasons finale to show their value. Maybe JH has to swim somewhere to save somebody and needs to be in contact with KJ all the time, and PES remembers that OH's phone is waterproof. He agrees and gives him his phone with the words "Use this, it's our last hope!" A-W-E-S-O-M-E

If this happens, you read it here first!

5 hours ago, titania1000 said:

I'm not sure what's to come for the final: i'm scared that  one of our leading characters could die. Especially Kwon Joo since she has no family to tie her to this life. Does OCN do that? Killing a main character on the final?:unsure:

Nah, I don't think that one of them dies. This would kill a potential second season right away and it wouldn't make sense to kill one of them. But every good finale starts with an unexpected death and I think this honor goes to one of the supporting leads. DS is the best candidate for this.


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3 hours ago, theagassi said:

I'm lost.
He didn't kill fantasia owner and Nam Sang-Tae in the same way like other victims.

can anyone explain this scene to me ?!

sorry for my bad E :"(



U asking about the teddy bear?

Apparently the welfare center sent a gift to Dong Woo which is the teddy bear, but our handsome psycho swapped it with his robot toy.


17 hours ago, MiAmour said:

i really wish he could go, he worked so hard for this crime drama. Perhaps they could set the date of vacation during early April? :smirk:




I dont know if he has time in April also... his new movie about a blind swordsman is due to start filming in April.

This guy is forever so busy hehe...

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Ermm.... I haven't been watching other ongoing or recent kdramas since BM last year, just stacked up quite a number up my waiting list which mean like a long long long waiting list hehehehe (can't help being very picky, a matter of preference when it comes to kdrama vs fav actors vs superb acting vs amazing plot... hehehe). Nevertheless, I keep reading of Subway typhoon in most of the new dramas. What's up with that? Now even Defendant had Subway scenes like twice now. And each time really looked like a forced embedded commercial snippet. I mean, did they just find out about Subway? It has been a craze long long ago... in this part of the world at least. ;-) and that Samsung part... the moment it went down, I was like, don't be so surprise, you know it can work in waters when you first bought it. :tongue:

Now we are walking into the finales. It has been a roller coaster ride with the roll-eyes-moments-loopholes, the repetitive lines, the suspense, the amazing dedication, committment and excellent performance from the whole ensemble casts as well as the what could have been for the premise Voice promised. We are the fans and viewers who are also invested in the series, kudos to all with acute analysis and reviews of the story and what lay beneath the facade on display by these main characters and the supporting too. I don't want to speculate what will happen to DS, there's a number of common plots for such character and I put it in the hand of Writer Ma to decide. My hope is to see the bad guys got what they deserve and the good guys can leave their sorrow behind and move on to create future happiness. It might be cliche but it is a hope I believe we still need to keep our faith that with strong determination and moral upright, good will prevail no matter how corrupt the world is. Cheers!




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1 hour ago, Prettysup said:

I dont know if he has time in April also... his new movie about a blind swordsman is due to start filming in April.

This guy is forever so busy hehe...

Oh okay if hes that busy, what can i say then lol :smirk:



Meanwhile yesung still not confirmed yet

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Did Dae Shik really a big mole here? I don't know coz I kinda suspicious with Eun Soo. She keep asking this and that in subtle way. :lol: Suspecting DS is an easy thing to do coz he's close with JH and with all his father thing. But, I still can't believe Eun Soo's big innocence eyes. 

When Tae Gu kill that puppy I'm thinking where's John Wick? He can teach this boy a lesson or two. Lol



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just finished episode 13-14.

episode 13...the first time nam sang tae came to mo family house, sang tae just silent when heard chairman mo' promise to adopt him but at the moment tae goo realize sang tae had accepted the offer include did whatever tae goo wanted because sang tae didnt have any choices, then tae goo killed the cat because the cat bite him, chairman mo realize he must adopt sang tae seriously though before he just lightly told the promise because of his father.

the birth of satan when tae goo killed the cat, chairman mo just called his name helplessly without tried to stop him or scold him for his crime but let him continued to hit the cat brutally, since that day tae goo let the evil possessed his soul while the father silence made him think his father agree with his crime as the right thing to do, from the cat which was helpless to so many people died in his hand but cant satisfy the his thirst of blood, he imitate tac tac voice to disguise people, it made sense why sang tae become tae goo scapegoat  because with thus reason chairman mo can let tae goo did whatever he wanted without worried his son will become criminal.

sang tae tired being the spacegoat for cover tae goo by remind chairman mo to stopped his son, but chairman mo prefer to protect his child and close his eyes and ears from the truth, chairman mo knew tae goo bloodlust and someday will risked his life so that's why he buy the law by made police and attorney in his side, so then he can controlled the law if the tae goo' shield or nam sang tae become useless, like what he did to moo jin hyuk.

with his father as his shield, money, and nam sang tae at his side tae goo can freely life to the fullest continously fullfill his lust on blood without worried then made the evil inside him become bigger day by day controlled him as his slave. but sometimes tae goo was fighting inside when he didnt wanted do what the evil wanted, when he almost killed jin hyuk' son dae woo he reject his mind  by stopped his action and leave dae woo.

the erlking : the story unfold about the elf king who prey on small child without clear motive,

this poem: come, my darling, oh come with me! Good care my daughters will take of thee, My daughters will dance about thee in a ring, Will rock thee to sleep and will prettily sing." , describe about the elf king daughter to ensnare human beings to satisfy their desire, jealousy and lust for revenge.

why tae goo always hear the erlking because he think he is the elf king who killed many people homeless people, poor people, and the illegal imigrants, the people with no power to fight against him like small child and without clear motive just to satisfy his lust, but when sang tae told him to behave like his age he notice there's one figure inside tae goo that is the child tae goo who can easily killed like he did to the cat as revenge and to sang tae and ji hye. so that inside tae goo there're two figure the king which is the adult tae goo and the daughter who is the child tae goo.

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Voice: Episode 13

by odilettante | March 7, 2017 | 27 Comments



This episode skips around freely through flashbacks as we learn more about Jin-hyuk’s wife and her connection to Sang-tae, and whether or not she was as crooked as the evidence seems to imply. We also learn more about Tae-gu and his past, which only solidifies the fact that he’s a psychopath. Of course, we already knew that, but the villain can never be too evil — or too handsome.


Chapter 13: “The Birth of Satan”


Kwon-joo reveals the information she’s found about the homeless man Chul-han and his connection to Jin-hyuk’s wife, Ji-hye. She believes Ji-hye’s death has something to do with Chul-han, but Jin-hyuk refuses to believe it and steps outside to for a smoke.

As he does, Sang-tae calls him, offering him a deal. In exchange for his freedom, he’ll help Jin-hyuk catch the true killer, and even provide the evidence of all the other crimes the killer has committed. Jin-hyuk asks why he should trust him, and Sang-tae says they should meet at a guest house where Jin-hyuk and his wife used to visit — proving that he knew Ji-hye enough to know the location of her favorite weekend getaway.

At the same time, Kwon-joo receives a message from Tae-gu, politely asking if they could meet. She’s shocked he knows her name, but she’s distracted when she hears Jin-hyuk on the phone, and from the way he’s speaking, she realizes he must be talking to Sang-tae. 


However, when she confronts him about it, Jin-hyuk denies it. She persists, and he finally admits that he’s agreed to meet with Sang-tae so they can find out more about the real killer. Kwon-joo is ready to call for backup, but Jin-hyuk reminds her that there’s a mole in the police station, so they have to be careful what they report.

Kwon-joo is still worried. He might not be the killer they’re after, but Sang-tae is still dangerous. Jin-hyuk knows that if Sang-tae has contacted him, then he’s run out of other options. Besides, he’s going to meet him not because he trusts Sang-tae, but to protect others from getting hurt. He also needs to know the truth about his wife.



read more:: http://www.dramabean...ice-episode-13/

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Voice: Episode 14

by odilettante | March 8, 2017 | 3 Comments


Now that they know for sure who the killer is, Kwon-joo and Jin-hyuk throw all their effort into tracking down any evidence against him. Instead of being worried that his identity has been made known, Tae-gu is delighted to now focus his attention on the detectives, or rather, his new “toys,” completely unconcerned that they’re determined to make him face the consequences for his actions.

Chapter 14: “The Birth of the Devil Part 2”

Kwon-joo and Jin-hyuk finally come face-to-face with Tae-gu, and Kwon-joo freezes when she recognizes his voice as the exact same as the killer’s voice. After Commissioner Bae escorts Tae-gu out of his office, Kwon-joo shakily tells Jin-hyuk that Tae-gu is the killer. Jin-hyuk gets that “mad dog” look in his eyes as he starts to charge after Tae-gu, but Kwon-joo stops him, reminding him that Tae-gu is just toying with them right now — that’s why he made a point with framing Ji-hye. But Jin-hyuk doesn’t care and breaks out of her grasp.

He catches up to Tae-gu in the station hallway, yelling after him that he’s a “crazy bastard” as he shoves his way past Tae-gu’s security team. He grabs Tae-gu by the lapels, demanding to know if it was really him.


Unfazed by Jin-hyuk’s angry grasp on him, Tae-gu calmly reminds him that he’s assaulting an innocent civilian, which could get him trouble as a police officer. Jin-hyuk doesn’t care, and he promises to collect all the evidence he can and tear Tae-gu to pieces. Tae-gu just smiles and says that it seems like Jin-hyuk is more of a talker than a doer, since it’s clear he hasn’t ripped anyone to pieces. Jin-hyuk grits his teeth and swears that he’s torn lots of people apart before, and he’ll do it right now if he needs to. He taunts Tae-gu, asking if killing people weaker than him excites him.

Tae-gu’s smug expression flickers around the edges as Jin-hyuk calls him a perverted, psychopathic bastard, and Jin-hyuk knows he’s starting to get a rise out of the other man. Pulling out his gun, he continues to taunt Tae-gu, then presses it against one of Tae-gu’s men when they finally try to intervene.

Commissioner Bae orders him to put down the gun and let the man go, which Jin-hyuk does. But Tae-gu tells Commissioner Bae that there’s no need for an apology — he actually enjoyed meeting the infamous “Mad Dog” detective. With one last smirk, he saunters away with the rest of his men, but Kwon-joo calls after him, letting him know that she’ll see him again. And next time he won’t be allowed to freely leave the police station. Annoyed by their antics, Commissioner Bae reminds Jin-hyuk and Kwon-joo that the Golden Time Team is being disbanded. Kwon-joo warns him that he’ll regret it.

Meanwhile, Tae-gu smiles to himself as he heads to meet with the Violent Crimes detectives so they can take his statement about what happened at the club. Watching from the other side of the glass, Jin-hyuk and Kwon-joo are disgusted at the shameless confidence Tae-gu has about not being caught for his crimes. She knows that this is proof he’s under the protection of someone powerful.


Read more:: http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/03/voice-episode-14/

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14 hours ago, triplem said:

You mean besides DS, PES is also another mole? 

She can't be a mole, she's too gorgeous for that :rolleyes:

14 hours ago, nateko said:

At that police station it's easier to say who's not a mole than to count every corrupt cop :lol:

It's so sad that it may actually be true.

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11 hours ago, triplem said:

Ahh men. They never learn, do they. It's the pretty ones that you should be most afraid of -_-


12 hours ago, MiAmour said:

Yeah i agreed with you, i dont think PES can become a mole either :smirk:

Thank you. I knew someone would agree with me.


And to be a little serious, just a little, at first she didn't want the job and declined. Just because KJ protected her sister and she witnessed how the team works, she accepted to work there. Her mother was at the Center in tears while her sister was abducted as she noticed how crucial the GTT is. Would be a pretty bad mole. She's just a nice girl. I would trust her every day of the week.

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