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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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@vangsweetie637 It's exactly as you say it. For LS, life has always been hard. Let's not forget that he has never lived a really happy day in his life until now. Back then he was with his family, but he had to work his richard simmons off every day and still had to starve, and everyday he and his family worried endlessly about how they should survive the next day, his father was even murdered for stealing a tiny amount of water, and although he always wanted out of that life, wanted to be different, to study the world of the ppl who owned things, in truth he was just beaten around by both Pyunsoo and everybody else (remember how ppl went at him when he tried to stop them from taking Pyonsoo's water without paying even though he was just as poor as they were). When the royal family "died", he was forced to become the fake king, everyday he crawled on all fours to get DM for his life, and whenever he thought of doing something right, he was tortured with opium withdrawal which must be worse than death, and everday he feared that DM would hurt or kill the ppl he had left to gain better control of him, or even just get rid of him since he was replaceable.

But during that time, he still felt obligations. When he was poor, he felt obliged to his parents and GE who supported and encouraged him, when he became the fake king, he felt obliged to try and do something to stop Pyonsoo-Group even though he knew he would not succeed and that it only meant torture and death to him. He felt obliged to the dead CP who put his trust in him and called him a friend. I guess it all changed when DM made it seem like CP tried to poison him, at that time he was already feeling enormorous jealousy towards the CP because he realized that CP and GE liked each other even though all his life he had been admiring GE from afar and dreaming of being with her as a man, and at that time he realized that maybe, with his current status, it was no longer only a dream, he was good enough, no longer a lowly, worthless communer, but a king, although a fake one. The poison incident which was not really one (but LS did not know) conveniently freed him of his last feelings of obligations towards the CP, and he decided that everybody was his enemy, and that he will try to gain only what was most important to him, namely GE, and to do that, he has to stay the puppet king of DM.

And here we are.

Often with ppl who are extremely poor and deprived things are very extreme: they can share what little they have with others even though it means that they will suffer even more or die, or they will take whatever it seems to get themselves out of poverty and suffering, having no consideration for what's right and wrong at all. I guess it's easy to talk about having a choice and having principles when you are not fighting to survive everyday and have never known anything else.

Well, LS has to go. lol.

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22 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Alright! I am finally fully awake :D

Don't think subbed episode is out yet but will wait for it to analyze my final thoughts. But here are my first impression thoughts:

I also think CP will not get arrested. The QD will intervene first then GE. LS has lost it. He knows he is fake and cannot stand straight with confidence unlike CP who is real and not afraid.


think the Queen and Ga Eun will enter the court together since the Queen's poison test is linked to the late King's left document that tells about our King's healing mark!! and Lee Seon NEVER acted (stood or walked like a King would) not even after 5 years of being a fake King, you still can see he's NO ROYALTY!!

22 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Only a few ministers of DM knows who is fake and not. Also, WB chief knows too. (Haha he cracked me up in last episode when he asked if CP was a ghost. He was the only one reacting like that LOL). It will be hard for everyone else to recognize CP since he has had his mask all his life and was never involved in politics. So the ministry wouldn't have had the chance to interact with him on a daily basis like they did with late King.


hhhhhh that man is hillarious and how he told him to wait their before going back to the poppy field :lol: 

22 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

GE and LS scene. Wow! How dare he cry in front of her after all he has done? So glad GE stood up to him and called him fake. He is so demanding! Forcing GE to be Queen no matter! But i feel so bad and sad for his mom. Separated from his son for 5 years, finally met again only to see him like this. How sad! If LS doesn't get killed or die, I am sure he will live because of his mom and sister. CP won't kill him because he still remembers LS's dad and will not want his mother to be without son and husband. And plus,  KM is still so young. If she was to hear about her brother's death, she may he traumatized from it and come to resent CP/King too. I mean we won't see the grown up KM but these are the thoughts that may be going through CP's mind if he pardons LS from all his evil deeds and treason. But most of all, LS will still be his people. Like how he is going to save even those who are on PS side..he will save LS. The only way LS will die is if he gives himself up.


why? he's a victime to the ruthless-selfish CP who risked his life to save him instead of leting him die and get his throne back, that sick-mentally unstable scum!!...I feel sad for the mother and cutie Kkomul-ie and I'm sure our King will forgive Lee Seon because of his kind heart and for Lee Seon's family but however it has to happen I WANT LEE SEON DEAD even if he's to jump off the cliff and kill himself I don't care just KILL HIM OFF!! Iknow Isound evil but really he deserves no 2nd chance with ALL he did and still doing!!

22 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

QD and CP: Alright. I just saw the clip. And yet I found myself tearing up. Even when she had poisoned him many times, he still looks at her as his mom. He has known her since a child and even with his real mom dead, he still sees QD as his mom too. The music was right on again. (Someone mentioned this team does a good job with music and cinematography. I agree.) I don't knoe what he said to QD to make her cry but seeing him cry, i teared up too.


I felt sad for our King who still consider her a mother after all she did to him (and he doesn't know all of it yet) :tears: and sad for her too, I couldn't understand much but I think she hated him for being a son she couldn't have and that was an insult to her as a woman and wife that was sad actually and how she was moved by him calling her mother but still try to be strong in front of him :tears: 

22 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

I want him to kill all the baddies..but his heart is so pure for the people that i am touched.


same here, we can see that he won't kill no one (but Dea Mok) an if anyne died it will be last way to stop that person from harming our King!!

22 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

I am so glad CE is finally on their side! Woo-hoo!!

These are my thoughts based on the raw clips only :)


OH YEAH!! :w00t::wub: 

21 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:

SERIOUSLY? oh my goodness that he truly is delusional. Erm did she name him like even before she knew CP's real name. gosh how frustrating can this character get?!

hello~ you are awake I am about to sleep (:

I have to admit I need to see that scene about QD and CP with subs again. I intially thought CP may not have been genuine. But I remember that CP does not lie like DM and LS. Which makes that scene more moving as well. What amazes me everytime is how big hearted CP is. I dont know if it is always a good thing, but clearly because of this, because of CP's beliefs and who he looks out for. (like GE said, makes him worthy of being king) So clearly, we had two instances that shows CP's great potential to be king. One with CE and another with QD.

Indeed I am also on the same opinion as that LS will live, for the sake of his mother and KM. As for his crying, oh yeah i was pissed as well. What gives him the right to tear?! gosh, maybe if he had cried before he turn greedy my heart would have softened but NOOOO he totally cried even with full knowledge of what he had done and is about to do. He truly gloated that he will kill CP and become the 'rightful' king in front of GE. truly makes me sick.

Now I am eagerly waiting for the subs to come out (:


like you said our King is an honest person and he won't try to play tricks to win anyone to his side, he didn't even lie to the kids and was honest with them about Yang's death when he knew it can make them decide not to leave with him but he wanted to be honest to them anyway!! and yes though our King Kind heart can be of disadvantage sometimes but it's gaining him more loyal people to his side for sure!! :wub: 

he still believe he's wronged and deserve what he's trying to have (forcefully)!! :rage: 

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9 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Omo. I have to observe this when I watch it then :) as for being a villain, didn't he kind of play as one in IMY. I mean, he was pretty psychological burdened in that one which made him quite..villian-ish. But not to the level of DM villain though haha. My heart won't be to handle him as a villain. But i am sure he will nail it well :wink:

Oh yeah you reminded me of that. Well, he was a baby villian back then XD barely out of high school XDDD And I rewatched it myself again and I think it was because he squinted his eyes slightly behind the mask and smiled a wicked smile XD I meant the kind of wickedly smiling very intelligent and obscure kind of villian hahaha

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48 minutes ago, rittoo said:

I think that he said that by giving him the name Lee Sun which soundsd the same as the CP's she was the one who unknowingly made it possible for him to become a CP substitute, so ultimately it was her who gave him this life so she should support him in doing what he's doing. Uh, flawed logic, but somehow very common logic.


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh his out of it for real!! :lol: that was a crazy logic for sure!! :lol: he always blamed our King for everything now Ga Eun's turn came?!! :lol: 

41 minutes ago, findit said:


LOVE LOVE LOVE CP's facial expression here

His whole body is just shouting "KING" so loud that no one can miss it !! :wub:


TOTALLY AGREE ON THAT!! a CP, a Chief Peddler or whatever other identity he took our King has alwaysgave the ROYALTY vibe from him :love: unlike Lee Seon who can't stand straight with confidence!! 

29 minutes ago, rittoo said:

Btw I don't know why but the moment CP entered the palace in the king's gown and somebody talked to him and he turned his face, he looked kind of slightly evil, I really don't know why, but it was a very sexy kind of slightly evil. I think YSH would be GREAT in the role of a villian that attracts ppl despite his evilness XD


I'm sure he'll do GREAT if he got such role!! :wink: 


1st part of today's episode with english sub is out!! off to watch!! :w00t: 

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30 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:


but he'll unmask himself next episode :w00t:

I'm sorry for them but he wasn't willing to be a son or brother to neither of them so he can remain a crazy King and own Ga Eun so him being alive is of no good to them than seeing him being crazy wronging and destroying people's lives around him!!

hhhhhh I admire you for trying to delude yoursel, I got over that stage a looooooooooong time ago and no turning back from that!!

I'm SO HAPPY that they saw his true face now, I waited tooooooo long for this moment and FINALLY it came!! :naughty:

convince him? he already lost everything so he can't let go of anything anymore since he has nothing left to hold on to already!!

I HOW HAPPY I AM FOR THAT!! :naughty: 

So my guess is that the unmask will happen, then there will be that last final battle between CP and DM, then following episode we get the inauguration and maybe a lot of otp scenes ^^

Indeed, they finally reunited but yet he is still only thinking about himself and never others.

Ha, well I am tired of always feeling angry at him, so I will take the denial route for now. I will soon be off that route HAHA! YEAH EXACTLY! I think it was good timing, LS's mother and GE really need to learn what he has become. I guess the only way to do so is destroy whatever LS truly believes in.

1. GE is not his

2. His is not the King

3. There are other things more important than power.

21 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@kaoriharang LOLOLOL..at your comment on trying to see LS as a misunderstood child! :lol::lol:when i read that, i was like :blink::blink: because as a child, with the upbringing of his family, they didn't have much but each other. They were deprived and poor and had to work daily for food and money. But they were together and LS always wanted to be a good son to both mommy and daddy. But i think during those times, it must have been so hard to survive that when he got a chance to have it all (wealth, order, control, food, etc) he just took it. And he then grew this perspective that as long as he is king, he can have everything. He probably always felt that life was unfair to him but given his status, could not change it..until life offered him a golden opportunity and he took it. At that time it was to help CP fight PS and avenge his father's death. But..when he saw he can have anything as King, he won't need to starve or go poor anymore. And GE..is just another person he thinks can have just because he is King. I dont think he ever truly loved her. He was just infatuated with her. Sighs. This boy has his thinking all wrong. He is so clouded up, thinking he can be King with or without consequences, and even forgets that his mom and sister are not seeking a royal life. They just want all that is left to be together. He thinks he is doing all this for the people and to change his destiny (CP had a destiny too, remember. If he survives being born past 9pm, he will be a great King..) LS's destiny is about changing his life, leading a different line. We now see how he is leading a new line. But..we all know lines have to end somewhere. For LS, it will end right back to how it started. And maybe..with CP's kindness and new Joseon, he will be able to live a little easier. At an early age, his greed was already there. He just allowed it to bloom when he became King and saw GE and was being fed encouragement by HS and even QD.

Well the reason why I use the word 'child' is because I feel at times he behaves like one, or at lest his thinking resumes one. He is hot headed (we know that for even before he entered the Palace). He also takes things at face value, clearly he put his trust in the wrong people. It is almost like a child who couldnt get the toy he wanted and so he lashes out and does all kinds of methods to get the toy. I know its rude to compare GE to a thing but clearly I feel that is his actions.

I mean even when GE confronted him, LS said so that he doesnt care if she doesnt love him, as long as she is by his side/as long as he has her it is okay. That completely just shows how flawed and immature his thinking as become.

Like what GE said before in the last episode, if you are King and you want to help. It is the people first, even if you are powerless the first thing you should place in front of you is the sake of the people. But LS was only focus on gaining more power, which is flawed.

5 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:


think the Queen and Ga Eun will enter the court together since the Queen's poison test is linked to the late King's left document that tells about our King's healing mark!! and Lee Seon NEVER acted (stood or walked like a King would) not even after 5 years of being a fake King, you still can see he's NO ROYALTY!!

why? he's a victime to the ruthless-selfish CP who risked his life to save him instead of leting him die and get his throne back, that sick-mentally unstable scum!!...I feel sad for the mother and cutie Kkomul-ie and I'm sure our King will forgive Lee Seon because of his kind heart and for Lee Seon's family but however it has to happen I WANT LEE SEON DEAD even if he's to jump off the cliff and kill himself I don't care just KILL HIM OFF!! Iknow Isound evil but really he deserves no 2nd chance with ALL he did and still doing!!

I felt sad for our King who still consider her a mother after all she did to him (and he doesn't know all of it yet) :tears: and sad for her too, I couldn't understand much but I think she hated him for being a son she couldn't have and that was an insult to her as a woman and wife that was sad actually and how she was moved by him calling her mother but still try to be strong in front of him :tears:

same here, we can see that he won't kill no one (but Dea Mok) an if anyne died it will be last way to stop that person from harming our King!!


like you said our King is an honest person and he won't try to play tricks to win anyone to his side, he didn't even lie to the kids and was honest with them about Yang's death when he knew it can make them decide not to leave with him but he wanted to be honest to them anyway!! and yes though our King Kind heart can be of disadvantage sometimes but it's gaining him more loyal people to his side for sure!! :wub: 

he still believe he's wronged and deserve what he's trying to have (forcefully)!! :rage: 

It could be one after another, my guess is that the QD comes first then GE, since whatever GE finds is the ONE THING that will ultimately proof CP's legitimacy.

I think at times, yes I agree LS should be killed but I rather him not die. Like I said before I feel his behaviour resembles a child, a child that plays with fire, gets excited about the fire, thinking he is cool or whatever, without realising the consequences of playing with fire. in many ways, LS is just a very very lonely and probably not confident person? trying to hold onto things that are clearly from the START not his. Probably a desperate way for some love? I dont know.

Indeed, CP's kindness and benevolentness amazes me truly. IN some sense he is the exact opposite of DM for sure. He really sticks to his beliefs and morals.

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4 minutes ago, googleme said:

I like today's episode even without any OTP scenes. Love the fact GE is thinking and moving around in this ep, and her voice is so strict and strong so I really like when she sounds fierce while talking with the maids(?) and gentle when she was talking with kkomul (lol dont know how to spell her name)...future queen y'all :wub:

CP's voice too during the confrontation with fake king, you just can hear the charisma oozing from his voice, its different with fake king... while CP's voice was filled with confidence and determiation, fake king's was full of anger and fear

Appreciates that CP visited HG grave, she did saved his life a couple of times and died helping him... gon's scene with HG's dad is somehow so sad to me

Finally CE is on our king side!! 

Dont understand why he went to QD... is she still useful?

What is DM doing though? He was like chilling in his crib or something hahaha Shouldnt he be planning anything  since he already knew Real king is still alive? Or did I missed it? 

and I thought the future queen cannot have any scars on her, right?but I do love the fact that she was bleeding through small cuts while looking for the pot... it represents her determination Hehehe


I too don't mind the lack of OTP in this episode. Every thing was so action packed that it would feel a little off to include a sweet moment. Everyone was too busy planning and plotting and GE too occupied for the pot and then being locked up. I definitely wouldn't mind romance in the palace once CP is King again though haha. I also love how fierce GE is. When she is not feeling emotional burdened with all her worries, she is very firm on what she wants to do (finding a way out of lock down and injuring herself to find the POT. I find it so sweet that even for future Queen, she instinctively just forgets it and goes for the POT. Well, she is not LS's Queen so she wouldn't mind haha). 

I have yet to see the HG grave scene but I am sure it will be a very sad essence. CP does appreciate all she has done and does not even hate her. As for QD scene, i don't know why he went to her too. Will wait for subs on that. 

LOLOLOL..on your comment to DM sitting and chilling in his crib hahaha. I think he thinks he doesn't need to to anything because LS supposedly has a plan. Which is why he was shocked to know CP is in the palace lol. But yes, shouldn't he be more active LOL.

Btw, someone mentioned it. That pigeon sure flew pretty fast to DM place haha. Guess the palace is not far from his home :/

And i was laughing at the two ministers whispering to each other at the end. Like, hello..anyone can hear you LOL. What a way to discuss secretively haha

Ah, we here just call the little sis KM. Much easier :wink:


I never thought of this before. Both Suns have a destiny from their name. One was given from birthright and agreed by the Heavens  (per episode when it rained as a sign from Heaven) and one was given by GE, not agreed by the Heavens. Both sounds the same but are not. Yet, both are trying to become their destiny. 


@kaoriharang I think if LS was to die, he needs to do it himself. CP will not kill him. We all know how kind and pure he is when it comes to the people. I think this is the first time i watched a king so kind to his people haha. I really feel sorry for his mom and KM. Even they know he has gone so far. I like it that GE is firm and strong in this episode. And even without OTP moments, the episode showed action and everyone doing something. Goodnight chingu! Talk to you again when you are awake :)






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the King Lee Seon is in Ga Eun's eyes: "You sided with your father's ennemy, tortured your people, deceived and betrayed your old friends. YOU FAKE." WOAAAAAAAAAA ILOVE THIS GIRL!! :thumbsup:

wellher words went from ear to the other for that crazy man since he took everything the wrong way but I didn't expect something different!! 

back to continue watching :tongue: 

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16 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:


I too don't mind the lack of OTP in this episode. Every thing was so action packed that it would feel a little off to include a sweet moment. Everyone was too busy planning and plotting and GE too occupied for the pot and then being locked up. I definitely wouldn't mind romance in the palace once CP is King again though haha. I also love how fierce GE is. When she is not feeling emotional burdened with all her worries, she is very firm on what she wants to do (finding a way out of lock down and injuring herself to find the POT. I find it so sweet that even for future Queen, she instinctively just forgets it and goes for the POT. Well, she is not LS's Queen so she wouldn't mind haha). 

I have yet to see the HG grave scene but I am sure it will be a very sad essence. CP does appreciate all she has done and does not even hate her. As for QD scene, i don't know why he went to her too. Will wait for subs on that. 

LOLOLOL..on your comment to DM sitting and chilling in his crib hahaha. I think he thinks he doesn't need to to anything because LS supposedly has a plan. Which is why he was shocked to know CP is in the palace lol. But yes, shouldn't he be more active LOL.

Btw, someone mentioned it. That pigeon sure flew pretty fast to DM place haha. Guess the palace is not far from his home :/

And i was laughing at the two ministers whispering to each other at the end. Like, hello..anyone can hear you LOL. What a way to discuss secretively haha

Ah, we here just call the little sis KM. Much easier :wink:


I never thought of this before. Both Suns have a destiny from their name. One was given from birthright and agreed by the Heavens  (per episode when it rained as a sign from Heaven) and one was given by GE, not agreed by the Heavens. Both sounds the same but are not. Yet, both are trying to become their destiny. 


@kaoriharang I think if LS was to die, he needs to do it himself. CP will not kill him. We all know how kind and pure he is when it comes to the people. I think this is the first time i watched a king so kind to his people haha. I really feel sorry for his mom and KM. Even they know he has gone so far. I like it that GE is firm and strong in this episode. And even without OTP moments, the episode showed action and everyone doing something. Goodnight chingu! Talk to you again when you are awake :)

Indeed LS somehow thinks that because of the name he has the destiny to become King as well.

True indeed, well perhaps? Like i said right now we think LS wont die but it may change. lets wait and see.

11 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:

the King Lee Seon is in Ga Eun's eyes: "You sided with your father's ennemy, tortured your people, deceived and betrayed your old friends. YOU FAKE." WOAAAAAAAAAA ILOVE THIS GIRL!! :thumbsup:

wellher words went from ear to the other for that crazy man since he took everything the wrong way but I didn't expect something different!! 

back to continue watching :tongue: 

yes indeed I am watching now the subs also. gosh NOW I WANT TO KILL LS really really! But GE is really brave to just stare down at LS!

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that's why our kind King is the real King and win loyal people by his side, for saving few people who can be looked at as insignificant people at the risk of his own life is as important and meaningful as saving the entire countery's people!! :heart: 

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Whoa. Subs are out already? Yay!!! 


@rittoo I agree. When someone has gone through enough hardship, they become greedy and will not share even one tiny bit. LS given his status before was given a chance to have it all, even under the hands of DM. He became a king, tried to hold onto his justified intentions until that very last bit and then spiraled all down, allowing his greed and jealousy to suffice. The only i have a problem with is..how he is going about it. Allowing others to die for his cause (CP poisoning) and possessing what is not his (throne) and trying to take everything from CP including GE. If he wanted to change his life, he should have done it with his own hands, and not at the expense of putting others on the line. It is like he doesn't care anymore the risks he takes, for him, he will attain it all. GE said to him in last episode..the more he helps PS, the more he becomes like them. I think that is very true. I know LS suffered a lot as a commoner. Life was hard. It was not fair. But if he had approached with modesty and kept his good intentions, perhaps his life would have change for the better. It really is all in how he looked and accepted it. If he always had a bitterness towards it, then that bitterness becomes the greed. When he became King and saw CP alive, he was somewhat relieved of his duty and role. But as lies began to feed into his mind, that bitterness of not having a fair life creeped and he no longer wanted to share..anything. I think if anything..he betrayed himself. Ah..haha..yes YSH played a villian-ish role in IMY. It is also the drama that got me to love him :D

@kaoriharang Ah yes chingu. In terms of his thinking, it is very childish. Like a boy who throws a tantrum at every little things not his way. He still has to grow mentally before anything. His attitude is his downfall. You know..when an adult has a way of thinking so childish, the only way to wake them up is to see something so eye opening! And i wonder what it will be for LS. DM using his family against him? I think so. It is also why I think his destiny isn't as he may have thought. Changing his way of life doesn't mean to kill or use people to achieve it..like DM and PS.

35 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:

the King Lee Seon is in Ga Eun's eyes: "You sided with your father's ennemy, tortured your people, deceived and betrayed your old friends. YOU FAKE." WOAAAAAAAAAA ILOVE THIS GIRL!! :thumbsup:

wellher words went from ear to the other for that crazy man since he took everything the wrong way but I didn't expect something different!! 

back to continue watching :tongue: 


Yassss!!! I love GE's fierceness!! You go GE!!! Always knew you could be bold! Tell him off!


Okay off for the subs :D


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Just watched today's with subs and OMG! Our Team was on FIRE! I wish there's a season two for This show! Or like an epilogue or something ... I love these characters except LS. 

My girl was amazing today! Her every dialogue was worth clapping for --- her wtf expressions -- her hatred for LS was on her face ... I immensely enjoyed that! :lol:

Btw, So Hyun-ah should play a rebellious queen or something ... someday ... she aces with her expressions! LOL! 

The only reason she would like being a Queen is for CP and for her love for people (the same reason she told CP he should be the King), otherwise I can easily see her being bored by court ladies, formlessness and what not! That scene her sighing at court ladies for keeping an eye on her was hilarious! 

CP, MC, KM and GE ... mwahz to em for plotting! They were all so great today! 

As much as I missed OTP, the fast paced kept you on edge! 

Bittersweet ... it's all coming to an end next week! 

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Hi chingu, just watched the ep and this episode are realllyyyy good. This is the 1st time i don't mind lack of OTP scene. But after this ep, i really feel like LS has to die. He went too far and doesn't have any way back i think. Can't wait for next week episode. Hope the rating increase as well!

I'm wondering about something here, i saw Gon when they were outside of palace wearing mask. But Gon wasn't anywhere inside the palace, did he got other mission? Because i'm sure there are only 4 ppl when CP ask them to be released.

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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was a really bad painiting for our handsome King!! :lol: even if thepainting didn't change I'll let my King go through not knowing he's the one in the painting!! :lol: 

and really up till now all Lee Seon's scenes made me laugh out loud, maybe because I knew how all his plans will crush :wink: but also he looks too pathetic not getting why he can't have the throne nor Ga Eun :lol: and him thinking his outsmarting our King is hillarious!! :lol: 

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Finished watching subs after midnight heading to dawn. Haha, first time ever doing that...

Gotta say this again. Love, love, love the episode....! Not able to share my thoughts in details now since I should go back to bed, will try do so later on in the day.

Just that at the end when the two masked king facing each other, it would have been difficult if HS was there because he can easily help to claim that LS is the real king that he's served and been with all these times. But no, he had more important job, that is to send the pigeon to inform DM of latest unexpected development, missing the chance, LOL.... Of course, CP still has the ace card in the placenta jar, or the QD's testimony.

You see, DM never does things by himself, always having other people running around and doing the jobs for him. The only time he rises up to action was when poppy field was burning. How important that was to him.... well, another time was when dragging fake CP into palace and killing the late king.

Okay, gotta go sleep now. Be back later.... :)

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1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

I think if anything..he betrayed himself.

You nailed it. Well it's a bit of a pity that his character was portrayed rather one-dimensional still, the setting had the possibility of a grand, conflicted and tortured villian, but he came off as a simpleton who did all the wrong things at the wrong time in the wrong ways. Pity.

1 hour ago, jakey09 said:

tw, So Hyun-ah should play a rebellious queen or something

I'm sorry, and no disrespect meant, I know nobody asked me. But this is what I was talking about in the other thread that you don't add -ah to the names when you are talking about them in third person, it sounds really really weird...

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I really want to watch the episode but won't get to it any time soon. But I rewatched the preview. If the ministers cannot recognize CP, shouldn't they at least recognize CW who was the son of late King's bodyguard then? Only he would protect the King like he does :blink: but what the hey, we need more tension this way too :tongue:

45 minutes ago, rittoo said:

You nailed it. Well it's a bit of a pity that his character was portrayed rather one-dimensional still, the setting had the possibility of a grand, conflicted and tortured villian, but he came off as a simpleton who did all the wrong things at the wrong time in the wrong ways. Pity.


Exactly. He betrayed himself the most. And by not staying true to his beliefs and morals, he became someone else. Like you, i really think if the writing was more balanced out, there would have been a great chance to see more of LS develop into this greedy tortured villain. But since it is not like that, we as the viewers are forced to think extra harder which then only opens up the door for us to think without truly understanding the character as a whole. I just have to look at it with what they give me and read what is not given. But..if they just gave us more details..then we would have been able to see more of his dimensions. But now, all his deeds make me believe that it will take a lot to be redeemed. Possibly death.

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35 minutes ago, rittoo said:

You nailed it. Well it's a bit of a pity that his character was portrayed rather one-dimensional still, the setting had the possibility of a grand, conflicted and tortured villian, but he came off as a simpleton who did all the wrong things at the wrong time in the wrong ways. Pity.

I'm sorry, and no disrespect meant, I know nobody asked me. But this is what I was talking about in the other thread that you don't add -ah to the names when you are talking about them in third person, it sounds really really weird...


I just like the sound of it. Ignore it. It's ok. Consider it a nickname ... :tongue:

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