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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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14 minutes ago, Lampel said:

It's definitely related to Catholicism (i'm a Catholic too)!!  Maybe its a Christmas gift for someone who loves wearing cross pendants (my delulu mind in full gear):blush:

Now u pique my interest...hahaha

When I read about the jewellery store visit, my pov was:

1.wow yoo inna has a off day, while filming goblin?

2. Only when jg is out of the country, Je has time to come out shopping with her bff? Hahaha

3.hmmm jewellery store, who is the one who is obsess with little rings like chrome heart? Jg! Do Je got influenced? Haha

Now u talk about buying Xmas gifts...hahaha it make perfect sense to me now.

As for signing on the pictures, it could be a ready stock photo that the shop has, not necessarily what they bought.

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Morning Stargazer! Just want to share this post coz strongly remind me to our OTP..Jieun act like posting other else - promoting male musician resemble of this female wolf habits. Fyi, actually i dong want to take a side or defense bc i love them both. That why i love this thread coz it's JoonU thread not Joongi or Jieun thread separately..I dont want the main thread (MLSHR Thread) dark aura in here..blame hae soo..blame wang so..defense for them..some act have some reason. A relationship is responsible for both..cant blame just one side..I really hope that dark aura wouldn't be here..

And I Agree with someone before said even we talk about our delulu mind l, we must still see fact. I believe we all see fact too beside deluluing..hehe..honestly,this ia my first time shipping otp so badly bc their eyes when met,their attitude,their praising each other...my shipping was start with the force kiss bts..when he said saranghaeyo hae soo aka jieun (i love u in modern term korean - not on saeguk/goryeo korean) and he said the kiss was his bday present - added present that only he like it..hehe..and continued with all of topics that we discuss in this thread.. Please,love them both and dont take a side no matter what.. Love u all stargazers

Have a nice day!


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29 minutes ago, mooncookies24 said:



Morning Stargazer! Just want to share this post coz strongly remind me to our OTP..Jieun act like posting other else - promoting male musician resemble of this female wolf habits. Fyi, actually i dong want to take a side or defense bc i love them both. That why i love this thread coz it's JoonU thread not Joongi or Jieun thread separately..I dont want the main thread (MLSHR Thread) dark aura in here..blame hae soo..blame wang so..defense for them..some act have some reason. A relationship is responsible for both..cant blame just one side..I really hope that dark aura wouldn't be here..

And I Agree with someone before said even we talk about our delulu mind l, we must still see fact. I believe we all see fact too beside deluluing..hehe..honestly,this ia my first time shipping otp so badly bc their eyes when met,their attitude,their praising each other...my shipping was start with the force kiss bts..when he said saranghaeyo hae soo aka jieun (i love u in modern term korean - not on saeguk/goryeo korean) and he said the kiss was his bday present - added present that only he like it..hehe..and continued with all of topics that we discuss in this thread.. Please,love them both and dont take a side no matter what.. Love u all stargazers

Have a nice day!


I love all ur words...me thinking the same too..we connecting all facts n our delulu minds..again pray 4 BBJX curse, come true soon..dun forget vote 4 them..

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4 hours ago, Erin45 said:

Anyways..I have created an SBS account to vote for our OTP but how come I still haven't received the verification code??  Can someone enlighten me. @Joseph Lim chingu..maybe you can also help me and create accounts for me so that I can help our OTP win while in a holiday..haha.

@Erin45 Created SBS account for you. Check your msg.

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5 hours ago, qwenli said:

@Thirzazha94 am thery, I don't see the no.7 in both jg n Je ig post that you indicated. Jg's caption was emoticons n je's caption was korean alphabets. 

Hehe no no dear I mean if we calculate it their caption has 7 different character and 5 different character.. Not number sorry dear my english was bad.. 

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2 hours ago, Thirzazha94 said:

Me too i want too, chingu tou should tell the main thread too..

Your account is created. Check your msg^_^
I am not going to the main thread cause there may be many other ships there. Don't want them to vote for other ship with the accounts I created:dizzy:. I am only offering my service to JoonU shippers only.

If you really want, you can quote and repost my post from page 358.



On 12/12/2016 at 0:22 PM, Joseph Lim said:

Hi All,

I will apologise in advance if this post offend anyone. However this is not my intention. I just want to share the reality of the situation we are currently in and hope to motivate us to do better in voting for our ship.

Current reality of our ship. Take a look at current voting from other sites. This will give you a sense of how far behind our ship are.

If we are going to continue as we are now, I doubt our OTP can win. This plus SBS prejudice against Moon Lovers for some reason will make it very hard for our OTP. You can bet that other shippers will also create multiple accounts to vote for their ship. 

It all come down to which ship have more shippers and how many accounts each shippers create to vote for their ship. For us who are the under dog, we need to work extra hard and chant our daily curse louder for our ship to win. We know this award could be the last time for us to see them together in public for a long time. Next year IU will be working hard for her new comeback album so she will not be involve in any major drama until the following year should fate bring them back together again.

Now imagine that our OTP win. JG and JE are both on stage and re enact the scene from the the drama like what JG did at the end of his FM. JE start to cry and JG offer his handkerchief. Than they hug each other. Happy ending:w00t:.

For the limited time while the eclipse is still on, we the shipper can be the bridge to bring these two star cross lover together again by do our part. We know this is possible as our captain have shown before with the fan project.

I will offer my service to any who have issue creating SBS account. If you want more accounts just let me know. I can create up to 10 account per request. Just do the daily chant together with the request so I know you are our shipper. I do not want to create accounts for other shipper larking in our forum.

There is a way to create many SBS accounts without a need to sign up for new email accounts. For those who have no issue creating SBS account and want to create more accounts but do not want to sign up for new email accounts, let me know below too. I will msg you on how you can achieve it. Sorry I do not wish to post it here as other shipper may be larking here. Just post the daily chant together with the request so I know you are our shipper.

With each day pass, the number of chances we can vote decrease. The holiday is coming and many will be busy during this period and not be able to vote as offend as we would like. So take what ever chances we have now that the eclipse is still on. Let is be the bridge to bring our OTP together and show SBS that it is a mistake to leave out our OTP. Don't let other shipper rob our OTP of their happy ending like what SBS did. Wang So have already suffer enough. Don't let him suffer another sad ending when it is within our control now.


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OMG! So many posts that I want to reply!!

14 hours ago, Thirzazha94 said:

@innrukia i know chingu until now its still became my big question why did she chose paper boat background when she sing "meaning of you" and "summer love" the lyrics it self so meaningfull, and JG sing "for you" make it worse my delulu, maybe there's something hidden message through that..


Did 57 is curse, i can't see 57 the same way because JoonU, try look at their post here


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The date he was posting was 15 and the caption has 7 character 


The day she was post was 17 and her caption has 5 character not forget the time in those cut it has 5 and 7 number..




Seriously this 5 and 7 thing is scary,, 57 was no joke anymore..


Before, I discussed with @MrKobegiant about that exactly two IG posts of them!! LOL! So it wasn't just me who think about that two posts of them as the most crucial posts of their relationship journey!! Here, I quote some of my opinion about that two posts:


For me, his second chromatic eyes post in his IG CLOSED THE DEAL (a.k.a dead end) that he is truly fall for her. I mean, what for? Why he must post that chromatic eyes 2 TIMES?! And with that OBVIOUS caption? "L.O.V.E *fall in love emoji* *lips emoji* *eyes emoji*" And you know, I think he is indeed read all of fans comments and DM in his IG. I remember when he posted his first chromatic eyes post with caption "GM" (That time, I dunno about that chromatic eyes themes of JE's Chat Shire album), there was someone who commented and pointed out that his eyes were like JE's album concept. Then there were a buzz on the comment about that for a while. But after that, that comment being covered by another of his fans comments that not related to that topic. Then like he wanted to showed it again, several days later, he posted the second chromatic eyes with that obvious caption! I mean, if he wanted to promote drama, he didn't need to go as far as duplicate his co-star personal job concept right?? I know that someone mentioned that it was fans-edited, ok I'll accept that. But to post it in his personal IG? For what?? To help her promote her album? I don't think so, it has already done for a long time. To promote MLSHR? It didn't related at all!!! That chromatic eyes is JE's (Real Life)-related not HS's (fictional), heeeyyyy wake up JG!! (Except, he assume HS & JE has the same meaning for him in real life).To fans-service? WTH??!! You could kill all your female fans if they knew the facts behind that eyes!! And like he wanted to explained it clearly, that caption of L.O.V.E emoticon of fall in love, EYES, and LIPS?? What is it?? Ok for eyes emoticon, he wanted to point out his chromatic eyes concept. And lips emoticon? What? You want to show your lips or what? But IMO yg there wasn't anything at all on his lips in that picture. So could I assume you remember your kiss with that chromatic eyes concept owner or what?

After JE posted his WS-HS smile together, he was going ALL OUT!! And that picture also make me think JE has the same attraction toward him. So, maybe that's why JG go all out to reach her. Despite, like what you said she has the qualities of JG's ideal type of woman. So must I say that JG's ALL OUT behavior to approach JE because she already gave him a GREEN LIGHT? You know what, I think what our chingu in shipper thread about JG's weird behavior in Poster & Cosmopolitan shoot was correct. I think there's something between them, so that he distanced himself from JE. Maybe JG was in his DENIAL mode of his feeling? That he must be a professional? And then JE want to grab his attention with pull his hair??

And added by your analysis of 7 & 5 thingy related to these posts, give me a real goosebumps!! OMG!! What the hell, JG ssi? JE ssi???


13 hours ago, eunki said:

@kilovekyo that IG capture says: June is gone too. Strength! Strength!

maybe it's related to filming? Because somebody mentioned everybody was tired towards the end. But why candle? ^_^

Hmm and the song - by the 19 75

@Lampel you want cookie, and I want a cake! :D JG, please PM me and update, or include me in your Kakao group! I promise to keep secret ㅋㅋㅋ

Now, I really curious... If I'm not mistaken, @Thirzazha94 found Voldy posts quoted "Autumn long gone?" or something like that? That had a picture of a maple leaf that has a meaning of break-up? Hmm, anyone in this thread know, when is Autumn season in Korea? Is it possible that in June they had autumn season? If it really true that June is Autumn in SK, it would be really DAEBAAKKK!!!! LOL!!


13 hours ago, Lampel said:

BBJX Magic please happen SOON!

Found this quote on Pinterest....

"It's so amazing when someone comes to your life and you expect nothing out of it but suddenly there in front of you is everything you need"

credit to owner

OMG! I LOVE THAT QUOTE ON PINTEREST!!! BLESS YOU WHOEVER THAT COME WITH IT!!! It really suit to illustrate their destinies & fates!! We could see that "nothing expected" atmosphere from the very beginning they first met. Then it gradually change into "everything i need is in front of my eyes" atmosphere till now!! LOL!! Destinies & fates really played with them!!

13 hours ago, violet90 said:

okay with all the thing that being said on this shipper thread i just going to offer my thought about JG and Jieun respectively on their POV based on my opinion only..


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i pretty sure all of people in here knew about how much pain and suffering Jieun have to faced since the beginning and the scandal on 2012 really shut her down and as a fan i noticed that she built a wall inside her life and its totally rare for a fan to know what going on with her life.. just look at her confession that 2014 is the year that she have a severe depression and if you look at 2014 she on camera is smiling and happy.. that's how scary Jieun is she can show off a perfect illusion but suffer inside..

since she built that wall we can see how little she show her fan about her life and people around her.. just look at her ig how many pic about her friend?? she minimize the SNS and just use it to promote thing or people.. this is one of a few reason why people always assume that she is cold and hard to approach BUT all people that work with her and now her always said great thing about her.. she someone that so loyal and sincere in ent biz that's why no matter how hard the scandal hit her she never get ban from show and people always welcome her with so much love.. Jieun learn by hard way that theonly way to protect people that she love is not showing who she love.. 

just look at Voldy.. since the announcement about they dating Jieun never once talk about him or post thing about him on SNS.. she the type that don't show anything outside but she always go to his concert and support him behind the scene.. 

so my conclusion is we can't depend on Jieun on JoonU crumb cause that girl is really careful and hard to tell cause she just like that.. you can't expect anything from her at all cause even as a fan she is the most random person i ever meet..




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as a new fan ( i totally watch his drama but never followed him) i notice that many of you saying that he show a lot and i totally agree he did show a lot of JoonU proof and crumbs.. as my understanding (correct me if i'm wrong) that this is the first time that he became like this toward his co star...

JG for me is someone that negative in general but project the positive feeling toward people to make himself comfortable.. so he's smiling a lot and laughing to cover his lonely life.. and he always a professional person and hardworking.. i just can see from the way he work and he wiling to drop his weight just because the director want more sharp image of him in this drama.. he totally the one that i respect in actor league also i watch king and the clown his performance blow me away!! such a great actor...

but trust me someone like JG if he fall in love he will fall deep in love and wiling to stand and defense the person who he love.. that's why we can see he giving us hint and crumb when he in love cause to be honest i think he so happy about it... this one i read and study about his personality trait so its all make sense if you look at how he treat Jieun and defense her about her acting and lastly we can all see that he totally into Jieun even if you are just a casual fan the way JG treat Jieun is not a co star or friend or even brotherly relationship.. he treat her as a woman and sometime even work can't be classified as work for both of them..

so in a way i think JG really attracted toward Jieun and by what i see he totally aware about it.. this is why you can see him giving crumbs cause he can't help it at all.. 


JG & Jieun

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as a fan or not you can't denied that both of them totally attracted to each other by how they are around each other.. and JG can totally break the wall that Jieun built around her cause i can see that she more confidence and actually a lot happier when she working with JG.. its just so rare that she show that much affection toward guys and she actually post the intimate time as in character in her ig (the pegasus scene).. i mean you can said its for the promotion but she choose that one from many scene in that ep.. in a way i think Jieun just so carefree and happy that she choose the one that she love the most.. and to think that she captured that scene before hand and save it on her phone just make thing more obvious.. she love the romance part as much as JG did..

even if Jieun does't show as much as JG but as a fan i can tell you that JG really influence Jieun a lot and he did a lot of effort of making her enjoying the acting part by making her laugh and support her.. i think JG really drawn toward Jieun in his process of opening her up.. they both really help each other a lot in term of working together and its a lie if they did't connect together by all the time that they both together.. also not helping that mostly their scene is involving a skinship and emotion.. they are bound to the confusion between the reel and real things including feeling..

whether you said i'm delulu or not but what i can see that both of them really happy together.. you can see that Jieun always be playful around JG and actually love the attention that JG give to her .. JG??? he just can't help but showing how much he love being with Jieun including admitting how much he love all the scene with Jieun.. they clearly attracted to each other and whether they act on it or not we can't never know but one thing i know that its not just an attraction as man and women but a respect and care for each other that make me still on this ship.. whatever happen i just want they both be happy but its just make sense that they should be happy together cause we been chanting so much.. kekeke


I MOSTLY AGREE ABOUT YOUR OPINION!! Especially the one that I highlighted:


About JE, I feel that somehow, JE & HS have a similar strong & independent personality. You know, when HS forced to marry King Taejo, she didn't rely or clingy to other princes or anyone else. Added the fact that she didn't give up easily, she valued herself PRINCIPLES. She could just received the wedding and broke her principles (about marry someone that she didn't love or live to be ruled by other persons), but she choose to value her principle & faced the difficulty alone although it means she must put her life on the line. I see that similarity in JE.

She could broke her principles (and easily become "fake" celebrity like others) if she didn't want to get a lot of troubles. But she didn't choose to be like that. She just wanna be herself and didn't wanna someone to ruled her life. Because of that, of course, there's a lot of difficulty that she faced (like some celebrities tell she is a cold person and didn't have respect toward senior-celebrities in her younger time) or a lot of haters, etc. But we could see, she is indeed a strong and independent person. She proved that her haters are wrong and they couldn't drag down nor ruled her life. She is strong. And we could see that even in her depression, she is an independent person, she rarely to rely on others (In her careers too, from what I see, she rarely asked another famous musicians to have a collaboration with her to increase her popularity. It was in reverse, other musicians or newbie that asked her to do a colloboration with them), she didn't ask her "celebrities" friends of her to help her, like to tell the public that she is a good person, etc when she was facing a scandals. (Somehow, I read about a comment from her haters, that JE is a cold person because she didn't show her support when her bestie, Jin Young, faced a difficulty of scandals. But I think a support doesn't always mean to be show off in front of public, right? The form of support could be very wide that don't need other people to know!!).

And yes, maybe she feels traumatic with social media that she stop to frequently post something. And from what I remember, from Astrology or Numerology articles that our chingu post in this thread, that JE's astrology/numerology is rather secretive that Voldy's astrology/numerology often feel she is cold because he's a sentimental melancholy person. And maybe (just maybe) he really felt that JE is cold because he followed her IG, but not in reverse. And to be added a salt, she posted her moment with her co-star but none about them. I think it could be really a problem if he isn't a "saint" enough. LOL.


About JG, I agree about this is the first time he looked like that with his co-star. It's really different of him! And I do hope that he really has that similarity personality with WS. That once he fall in love with someone, no matter what he would be a loyal & protect her. He would just focus on her (Because JE is a jealous woman & want her man to be only hers. LOL. But of course, work-matters is different) and pursue her. And I found that he likes that personality of WS, that he only love one woman. So I think, he really like that too, if he pointed out that WS characteristic in specifically!!


About both, I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOUR OPINION. They both could excel so much in many aspects (like spiritual, personalities, careers, skills, emotional, etc aspects. They both completed each other!) if they are together. Like their numerology (7&5) said that their pairing would give a MASTERPIECE for each of them!! (I forget what it said specifically, but something like that! LOL!)


9 hours ago, Erin45 said:

Hello chingus..been missing in action for awhile and when I came back..so many posts to backread.  So LJG is in Japan??? Bummer, I will be in Tokyo in the 15th and 16th but I guess he will be back in SK by then.  And our Jieun is in HK in the 16th while I will be in Seoul in the 17th.  Why do it seems the universe is conspiring on me??? Maybe next time..I will stalk their schedules before I book my ticket.  Anyways..I have created an SBS account to vote for our OTP but how come I still haven't received the verification code??  Can someone enlighten me. @Joseph Lim chingu..maybe you can also help me and create accounts for me so that I can help our OTP win while in a holiday..haha.

By the way, just saw something in instagram and my delulu mind had blazed.

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Credits to addi_jewelry_

Chingus..I have saw the above instagram post and it seems that Jieun and Yoo inna went on a date and they have left their signatures in that jewelry shop.  Isn't it is fishy why Jieun will shop on jewelry with Inna out of a sudden and what is more..noticed what jewelry did she left her signature..it is a cross jewelry.   It did remind me of the below:

 haha..it seems our Jieun had learned from oppa JG how to leave JoonU crumbs in a subtle way.  Also, another puzzling to me is that why Jieun out of a sudden would like a cross jewelry..maybe it's beautiful..who knows...but my delulu mind is saying that it is so unlike her as what I knew of her, she is not someone who loves jewelry as she seldom used one.  Maybe she is buying for someone and she just like the cross one.  But noticed the difference between what she did choose as compared to Inna.  Inna had liked the dangling earrings which kind of classy and I can picture her on it.  But the cross jewelry on Jieun???

Also, another chingu here posted an instagram by Jieun on which she posted the 'If I believe you' - by the 1975.  I really love that song.  

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Actually, the song can be interpreted in a lot of ways but what I knew about the song is that one of the band member Matty is an atheist.  He does not believe in God yet he has this desire to believe in God because he feels hopeless and hurt.  It spokes volume with Jieun because she said before in 2014 when she won the 'Artist of the Year' that she does not have a religion but wondering perhaps there some kind of God out there.  I think she is now in the position of 'believing' if she love this song and if she love that cross jewelry.  And who could be the person who could influence her..who is the firm believer of this faith.  Isn't LJG a catholic and based on his interviews is one of those celebrities that is passionate about his faith.  BBJX curse come true and let LJG and Jieun won the SBS couple award.



Somehow, I found JE wore a cross necklace from her audition in JYP (Maybe because she is a Christian):


Even in this audition, her voice were already AMAZING!!!

But like you said, recently she rarely wear an accessories, especially the cross one. And we know someone that ADDICTED, especially to a cross accessories for a long time!! LOL!! I could find easily his pictures with a CROSS sign. THERE'S A TON!! He really affected her and called her past soul to love cross accessories again!!


Hasil gambar untuk lee joon gi my girl

Hasil gambar untuk lee joon gi my girl

Hasil gambar untuk lee joon gi my girl

Hasil gambar untuk lee joon gi my girl

Hasil gambar untuk lee joon gi my girl




8 hours ago, qwenli said:

Now u pique my interest...hahaha

When I read about the jewellery store visit, my pov was:

1.wow yoo inna has a off day, while filming goblin?

2. Only when jg is out of the country, Je has time to come out shopping with her bff? Hahaha

3.hmmm jewellery store, who is the one who is obsess with little rings like chrome heart? Jg! Do Je got influenced? Haha

Now u talk about buying Xmas gifts...hahaha it make perfect sense to me now.

As for signing on the pictures, it could be a ready stock photo that the shop has, not necessarily what they bought.

Yeah, there's a possibility that they got the items pre-ordered!! LOL!! A Christmas gift for someone special!!


7 hours ago, mooncookies24 said:

Morning Stargazer! Just want to share this post coz strongly remind me to our OTP..Jieun act like posting other else - promoting male musician resemble of this female wolf habits. Fyi, actually i dong want to take a side or defense bc i love them both. That why i love this thread coz it's JoonU thread not Joongi or Jieun thread separately..I dont want the main thread (MLSHR Thread) dark aura in here..blame hae soo..blame wang so..defense for them..some act have some reason. A relationship is responsible for both..cant blame just one side..I really hope that dark aura wouldn't be here..

And I Agree with someone before said even we talk about our delulu mind l, we must still see fact. I believe we all see fact too beside deluluing..hehe..honestly,this ia my first time shipping otp so badly bc their eyes when met,their attitude,their praising each other...my shipping was start with the force kiss bts..when he said saranghaeyo hae soo aka jieun (i love u in modern term korean - not on saeguk/goryeo korean) and he said the kiss was his bday present - added present that only he like it..hehe..and continued with all of topics that we discuss in this thread.. Please,love them both and dont take a side no matter what.. Love u all stargazers

Have a nice day!


Yes, it's so sad if WS/HS bashing happened again in our main thread. And please, not with Joon/IU bashing TOO in our shipper thread!! :bawling:

4 hours ago, Joseph Lim said:

It is created. Check your msg.^_^

Now, i'm interested to have multiple accounts too, other than my two SBS accounts. Please kindly create it for me too, chingu!

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