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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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Morning chingu!! 

I saw videos in IG uploaded, JG is safety arrived in Haneda. He was so kind and humble.. He is so different comepared with other artist. He recheived Fans gift and saying kamsahamnida with bow also. Wow, it's the first time I see a popular actor doing this. If only the security didn't block him makes him to move, I'm sure he will recheive  all their gift. I feel so touched.. I'm so proud become one of ur angels oppa! And I also Stargazers! :heart::thumbsup:

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"In fact a mature person does not fall in love, he rises in love. The word ’fall’ is not right. Only immature people fall; they stumble and fall down in love. Somehow they were managing and standing. They cannot manage and they cannot stand – they find a woman and they are gone, they find a man and they are gone. They were always ready to fall on the ground and to creep. They don’t have the backbone, the spine; they don’t have that integrity to stand alone.
A mature person has the integrity to be alone. And when a mature person gives love, he gives without any strings attached to it: he simply gives. And when a mature person gives love, he feels grateful that you have accepted his love, not vice versa. He does not expect you to be thankful for it – no, not at all, he does not even need your thanks. He thanks you for accepting his love. And when two mature persons are in love, one of the greatest paradoxes of life happens, one of the most beautiful phenomena: they are together and yet tremendously alone; they are together so much so that they are almost one. But their oneness does not destroy their individuality, in fact, it enhances it: they become more individual.

Two mature persons in love help each other to become more free. There is no politics involved, no diplomacy, no effort to dominate. How can you dominate the person you love? Just think over it. Domination is a sort of hatred, anger, enmity. How can you think of dominating a person you love? You would love to see the person totally free, independent; you will give him more individuality. That’s why I call it the greatest paradox: they are together so much so that they are almost one, but still in that oneness they are individuals. Their individualities are not effaced – they have become more enhanced. The other has enriched them as far as their freedom is concerned.

Immature people falling in love destroy each other’s freedom, create a bondage, make a prison. Mature persons in love help each other to be free; they help each other to destroy all sorts of bondages. And when love flows with freedom there is beauty. When love flows with dependence there is ugliness.
— Osho (http://neurolove.me/post/97279066803/in-fact-a-mature-person-does-not-fall-in-love-he)

sosoo / JoonU couple image.gif

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2 hours ago, gendhisputih said:

Morning chingu!! 

I saw videos in IG uploaded, JG is safety arrived in Haneda. He was so kind and humble.. He is so different comepared with other artist. He recheived Fans gift and saying kamsahamnida with bow also. Wow, it's the first time I see a popular actor doing this. If only the security didn't block him makes him to move, I'm sure he will recheive  all their gift. I feel so touched.. I'm so proud become one of ur angels oppa! And I also Stargazers! :heart::thumbsup:


Eventhough i'm one of JG's fans...i have to admit that he is not the only popular actor who being nice to the fans...you probably havent seen how Park Hae Jin treated his fans at the airport...both JG and PHJ so humble and treated their fans nicely in person....that makes me love both actors...you should see how PHJ already went into the his van at the airport and he suddenly open the door and came out from he van and chit chat with his fans...he even recognize his regular fans who gave him a gift (a pin) and asked her arent she giving any pin to him again? He even forbidden his fans giving him an expensive gifts..aigooo...how can i not love him too?? i love both..PHJ & LJG...:wub:

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22 minutes ago, fidda868 said:

Eventhough i'm one of JG's fans...i have to admit that he is not the only popular actor who being nice to the fans...you probably havent seen how Park Hae Jin treated his fans at the airport...both JG and PHJ so humble and treated their fans nicely in person....that makes me love both actors...you should see how PHJ already went into the his van at the airport and he suddenly open the door and came out from he van and chit chat with his fans...he even recognize his regular fans who gave him a gift (a pin) and asked her arent she giving any pin to him again? He even forbidden his fans giving him an expensive gifts..aigooo...how can i not love him too?? i love both..PHJ & LJG...:wub:

I'm looking forward to seeing Joongi and PHJ in the upcoming First Kiss for the Sixth Time. Wonder if Joongi will have to dress in sweater vests and pleated pants since his church deacon character seems to be the dork of the bunch. 

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7 hours ago, Siracusa said:

Off topic. Playing with the LV website is super addictive. My would-be passport holder design looks like something Hello Kitty would use (I also share her initials). Also, the personalized LV passport holder can be part of the Stargazer uniform :heart:

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OMG...I also feel like getting one of the passport holder due to JoonU..alright..guess it is shopping time =x


6 hours ago, whyo said:

thank you @riuenu :D 


Found this, need to share here :wub::wub:

JG when he can't control his reaction be like: 

JG when he can't help but looking at her be like: 


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JG when he fight himself to not look at her but he can't be like: 

JG when he is trying so hard not to smile widely be like: 

gif from: http://lfms.info/ 


Those Gif just make my Friday brighter...tho the sky seem gloomy now

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Morning chinguu yaa..

I just look at IG about IU in airport talking with her fans but what more suprising was she has the same fur fur jacket like JG..  seriously at first I thought it was JG turn out to be JE.. if anyone can post it here I will be very gratefull... it was at @starcandy_uaena our chingu

OMGwhatisthis coupleLV and now couple jacket are they trying to kill my heart with this so much coincidence???? Destiny oh destiny..

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6 hours ago, whyo said:

The moment when you can't hide your feeling and don't want to act anymore :wub:  JiEun's blink effect: So instantly changes to JG

gif from: http://lfms.info/ 


@whyo Chingu, until you pointed it out, I didn't realize he blinked like that in response to her doing it first. LOL. I love these two. :P

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18 minutes ago, Thirza Zhavira said:

Morning chinguu yaa..

I just look at IG about IU in airport talking with her fans but what more suprising was she has the same fur fur jacket like JG..  seriously at first I thought it was JG turn out to be JE.. if anyone can post it here I will be very gratefull... it was at @starcandy_uaena our chingu

OMGwhatisthis coupleLV and now couple jacket are they trying to kill my heart with this so much coincidence???? Destiny oh destiny..

OMFG. Matching jackets!

Heh. We're not the only ones that notice the matching jacket.qZ22lIT.png

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Yeeeaaay !! Im proud to be STARGAZERS.. u guys are so creative with all ur post ang gif.. while im still wondering what to post.. :sweatingbullets: 

I saw this FMV on YT and remember LJE once sang the song on her drama The Producer, it was really beautiful.. the original singer was Younha but LJE nailed it.. the FMV has the laundry scene which was LJG fave scene right ? I Instantly love the FMV coz it has all the SoSoo beautiful moment.. Hope LGJ and LJE can see the FMV and realize how great they look together and just date each other IRL.. :wub:

FMV credit to  하이내린 cho


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1 hour ago, fidda868 said:


Eventhough i'm one of JG's fans...i have to admit that he is not the only popular actor who being nice to the fans...you probably havent seen how Park Hae Jin treated his fans at the airport...both JG and PHJ so humble and treated their fans nicely in person....that makes me love both actors...you should see how PHJ already went into the his van at the airport and he suddenly open the door and came out from he van and chit chat with his fans...he even recognize his regular fans who gave him a gift (a pin) and asked her arent she giving any pin to him again? He even forbidden his fans giving him an expensive gifts..aigooo...how can i not love him too?? i love both..PHJ & LJG...:wub:


Hello dear..

Yes, I haven't see PHJ interaction with his fans, but I heard that he set up a fan meeting with his own budget for his birthday party (if I'm not mistaken), usually it's the fans club support this event, but PHJ set up this event himself. I love him too.. He is a good man, have a good manner, then I also heard he writes about his past lover in twitter. He such a gentlemen.. I'm looking forward for LJG and PHJ collaboration. :wub:


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27 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:


@whyo Chingu, until you pointed it out, I didn't realize he blinked like that in response to her doing it first. LOL. I love these two. :P

Let me repost this GIF again....


SAME!!! I DIDNT REALISE after Jieun blink, then he shake his head and immediately smile and turn into Joongi..

Tho I already see this GIF so many times already!!!!!

*EDIT* I think he did shake his head to calm himself as well, I think in this mind, he must be say, why is she so cute, or can I kiss her?

Thanks for posting and pointing that out

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6 minutes ago, akinahana89 said:

Attention Stargazers:

I have some important news! As some of you may be aware, a fan reached out to me following the success of our Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Was Here fan project asking me to use the connections and "power" I had to take fan projects to a whole new level. Rather than focusing on just showing support to Lee Joon Gi and Lee Ji Eun, we can show support to them through other means, such as contributing to charity or volunteering in their name.

At first, I wasn't sure why that fan reached out to me when there were already so many other established fan groups, both for Lee Joon Gi and for Lee Ji Eun, that also organizes these types of monetary displays of support. I also wasn't sure I wanted to take on such a long term, dedicated responsibility or that I would be able to do a good job at it.

But then, I began thinking. The more I thought, the more I fleshed out the details in my mind and the more I wanted it. It became a thought that consumed me, much like the way the SHR Was Here project had consumed me. It became something I almost feel like I have to do or something that I was meant to do.

I've always been a person who gave and wants to give as much as possible to charity, so I began thinking about how much we could potentially fund raise in JoonU's name and how much that could mean to someone or a group of someones and how much positive change we can bring to the world. I began thinking about helping various organizations like St. Jude's Children's hospital, of which I've been a five year+ supporter, or food banks or Children's Miracle Network. I began thinking about Make-a-Wish Foundation or child sponsoring or UNICEF or Red Cross. I began thinking about how many barriers we can cross together by using JoonU's names for the sake of JoonU, because, the way I see it, it will only add to Joon Gi and IU's good reputation.

Also, this will be the first ever, at least to my knowledge, joint fan support group and it all originated with Stargazers, so I'd like your input on an official name. I've made a poll that I hope you'll take here.

To explain a bit about the thought process into the names I've selected, "LJ" is pretty self-explanatory. LJ for Lee Joon (Gi) and Lee Ji (Eun). The "Hana" part was chosen for several reasons. Hana means "grace" in Hebrew, "hope" in Kurdish, "flower" in Persian and Japanese, "happiness" in Arabic, "one" in Korean, "moon" in Albanian, "craft" or "work" in Hawaiian, and "to shine, to glow, to radiate" in Maori. Pause for a moment to think about that and tell me it does not suit JoonU perfectly. In a selfish way, it also represents me because it's half of my name, akinahana.

If there are any other suggestions, I am certainly open to it as well, but I hope to keep "Hana" as part of the official name.

With all the terror and negativity within the last two days in light of the US presidential election, it also makes me want to bring good to the world even more. It makes me want to offer a little bit of sunshine to a darkened world. I can't do it alone though, so I wanted to ask... when I start this, are Stargazers going to stand with me?

You don't have to donate or contribute. I understand financial difficulties or a simple unwillingness to part with hard-earned money in this screwed up world. I won't judge, but you can help in various other ways, such as spreading the word, advocating for the fan support group, contributing different ideas, and so forth. Of course, there is and never will be any pressure or hard feelings. Everything is purely voluntary.

So, Stargazers, tell me: in or out?

COUNT ME IN! But...can I highlight something...is...good...just that, in my country...LJ did mean something else...as a short form...which is not that nice at all

But only in my country to be exact so ya....haha

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16 minutes ago, riuenu said:

COUNT ME IN! But...can I highlight something...is...good...just that, in my country...LJ did mean something else...as a short form...which is not that nice at all

But only in my country to be exact so ya....haha

LOL. Does it really? I didn't know that. Awkward... :phew:


6 minutes ago, Thirza Zhavira said:


I'm in captain.. 

Uhm captain instead of hana how about we use our squad name "LJ STARGAZERS"

Well whenever I hear hana I aways remember miswrongtiming name...

I'm sorry captain forgive me...


Haha. I actually didn't think about that either. Kind of seems like she's interfering again, doesn't it? I'll put LJ Stargazers down as an alternate option and re-poll at the end of the trial period for a final name. ^^

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28 minutes ago, akinahana89 said:

Attention Stargazers:

I have some important news! As some of you may be aware, a fan reached out to me following the success of our Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Was Here fan project asking me to use the connections and "power" I had to take fan projects to a whole new level. Rather than focusing on just showing support to Lee Joon Gi and Lee Ji Eun, we can show support to them through other means, such as contributing to charity or volunteering in their name.

At first, I wasn't sure why that fan reached out to me when there were already so many other established fan groups, both for Lee Joon Gi and for Lee Ji Eun, that also organizes these types of monetary displays of support. I also wasn't sure I wanted to take on such a long term, dedicated responsibility or that I would be able to do a good job at it.

But then, I began thinking. The more I thought, the more I fleshed out the details in my mind and the more I wanted it. It became a thought that consumed me, much like the way the SHR Was Here project had consumed me. It became something I almost feel like I have to do or something that I was meant to do.

I've always been a person who gave and wants to give as much as possible to charity, so I began thinking about how much we could potentially fund raise in JoonU's name and how much that could mean to someone or a group of someones and how much positive change we can bring to the world. I began thinking about helping various organizations like St. Jude's Children's hospital, of which I've been a five year+ supporter, or food banks or Children's Miracle Network. I began thinking about Make-a-Wish Foundation or child sponsoring or UNICEF or Red Cross. I began thinking about how many barriers we can cross together by using JoonU's names for the sake of JoonU, because, the way I see it, it will only add to Joon Gi and IU's good reputation.

Also, this will be the first ever, at least to my knowledge, joint fan support group and it all originated with Stargazers, so I'd like your input on an official name. I've made a poll that I hope you'll take here.

To explain a bit about the thought process into the names I've selected, "LJ" is pretty self-explanatory. LJ for Lee Joon (Gi) and Lee Ji (Eun). The "Hana" part was chosen for several reasons. Hana means "grace" in Hebrew, "hope" in Kurdish, "flower" in Persian and Japanese, "happiness" in Arabic, "one" in Korean, "moon" in Albanian, "craft" or "work" in Hawaiian, and "to shine, to glow, to radiate" in Maori. Pause for a moment to think about that and tell me it does not suit JoonU perfectly. In a selfish way, it also represents me because it's half of my name, akinahana.

If there are any other suggestions, I am certainly open to it as well, but I hope to keep "Hana" as part of the official name.

With all the terror and negativity within the last two days in light of the US presidential election, it also makes me want to bring good to the world even more. It makes me want to offer a little bit of sunshine to a darkened world. I can't do it alone though, so I wanted to ask... when I start this, are Stargazers going to stand with me?

You don't have to donate or contribute. I understand financial difficulties or a simple unwillingness to part with hard-earned money in this screwed up world. I won't judge, but you can help in various other ways, such as spreading the word, advocating for the fan support group, contributing different ideas, and so forth. Of course, there is and never will be any pressure or hard feelings. Everything is purely voluntary.

So, Stargazers, tell me: in or out?


Count Me In too.. But I agree with @Thirza Zhavira

If can, dont use 'hana' bc remind me to someone that i dont want her like in the middle of their relationship hahaha

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