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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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9 hours ago, riuenu said:

Alright...I am backreading and laughing out loud from page 160

Apparently my boss @chi13lou been trying to engage stalking service, but stalker Riuenu is only free till now...Sorry boss..if you still need my service I will be still here for you <3

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Hey, thanks for digging around...I love these information!!! Hey...voldemort...the more you saying u all doing good, the more fishy it is...and by visiting the set in June, cant you see Jieun and Joongi chemistry interaction flew to outerspace and stay there...cause it cannot be found on Earth =x

Yes, this I totally agree...most of the time...viewing the drama as a 3rd party will give more feel...and it bring back memories..the feeling back then might be unsure..but seeing it on screen...seeing those BTS and PD note..looking how dazed, how clumsy and how nervous he was back then will just double confirm his feeling towards Jieun..




Got a good one for you that we should note...because the tone has changed in the story. As I mentioned before, some of us long-time IU fans believe their status has indeed changed, but that they're waiting for a more appropriate to share an update.


Jang Ki Ha Bombarded With Questions About IU On “My Little Television”

Jang Ki Ha appeared on the July 9 broadcast of MBC’s “My Little Television,” and, as expected, was bombarded with questions about IU, his girlfriend.

Questions about his relationship with IU took up 80 percent of the chat volume, so Jang Ki Ha said, “There’s so much talk about dating right from the start. I’ll give everyone some time now, so please ask all your questions about dating now, and refrain from asking later.”

When netizens asked how IU is doing, Jang Ki Ha said she is doing well, and when asked to talk to her on the phone, he politely declined.

After just two questions about IU, he said, “I think it’s out of your system now. I won’t be talking about dating any more.”


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4 hours ago, Erin45 said:

lso, she is not known to promote stuff she doesn't have passion in on social media.  That is why she is quiet for the last 2 months when SHR is being aired and suddenly, we saw her many post in IG   and afterwards, she cut her hair - due to being colored and that picture of them. Maybe she is really happy with the SHR cast as she gained a lot of friends so she need to post her happiness. For cutting hair, maybe it was really damaged but I don't think so since her hair before it was cut looks good on her, she looks good in CF filming on that hair and it does not look damaged to me..if I compared it during 2013 when she had cut it. Now, the picture, she did not post it on her IG when almost everyone has post it even LJK. Why? She is cautious and IU as cautious is fishy as she is not cautious for the last 2 weeks so why now when SHR is almost ended. She can now post anything she wants but she did not and post her women friends and child instead but never the one with LJK.  For me, her agency could have reprimanded her for her previous post 2 weeks ago when she can't contain her happiness and she was being lectured on her previous scandal, which she also posted because of her emotions. That is why everyone here asking her to post on IG for any pictures of the OTP, be happy that she is not posting anything because it means what you think is true. I don't know about LJK because I am not his fan. To be honest, I like him as an actor before but I don't like effeminate men so there is that doubt in my mind if he is really straight. That is why it is silly that I am shipping him with IU because when I see them, he become a man to me.


Hi Hi thank you for your post. Your lines in bold were the ones which jumped out at me. 

With regards to not posting the group pix, I rarely see group pix on her IG anyway, so maybe she dont like rowdy pix, or REALLY like what you say, posting that will be really too much because it really show her closeness with LJG.

And about LJG as effeminate, its just a facade and his outward behaviour. Like IU who seems demure, gentle but really have much spunk and liveliness in her, LJG is a Man's man.

Just check out his horse riding and sword wielding skills. :D During his military service, he got himself promoted to the highest ranking possible (for an active soldier) before discharging the army, and came in top among his battalion of 900 people. He won a sharp shooter prize when he fired on target 19 out of 20 shots. When military staff were asked about him, they said he has the "bones of a soldier", a korean saying of a person who in their core is a soldier. So there you have it an Alpha Male and a Man's Man :)

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On 11/2/2016 at 1:53 PM, liplockvomit said:


HAHAHA YES!! I feel like they purposely made his teeth such disgusting variations of yellow + stuck vegetables + plague to show us a slice of reality and comfort our dear hearts that we wouldn't want this for ourselves. Who knows, all the princes might have had bad teeth too xD

And his teeth kept changing style! Someone should do a side-by-side photo comparison of his transforming teeth hahahhaa.  

I think in terms of toilet it should be alright, they probably use a vase-like-potty and a servant will clear it daily. I'm quite glad that in this drama the characters took frequent baths as well. I know I know, this is redundant but still! It makes me happy to imagine them living with good hygiene.

Sweets consumption and meal frequency are much more important for dental health than brushing though. I'm not sure what they drank during this time, if it's unsweetened tea I think their teeth would've been stained from tea but fairly healthy. They probably used some chewing sticks as well (like in China).

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I keep thinking, out of all scene why would iu choose pegasus photo to share in her instagram. Only this morning i think i have the answer. The answer is, it was iu & jg moment. Not ws/hs. I can clearly see it was iu rather than hs and jg seems shy & not even look at her eyes.... 

and for jg, i think we surely confirmed he loves all romantic scene with hs especially the one he shared in his instagram.

am i being delulu after the ending? Hahaa i dont know

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Seems like I am the only one spazzing in Asia morning. haha, its ok.

Just want to share here a Q & A I have with Ruizaio on the main thread, not exactly related to our ship but its about the drama


Ruizaio was ranting about the ending of the drama, so I replied to her as follows:


And then she replied



Also I suggest if anyone is keen, to read Lyrayoo's post about filming industry in general on page 1882 of the main thread. Its her personal experience.

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45 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:

These look like real smiles between Jieun and Joongi. I'm not being delulu. :expressionless:



yaaasss chingu. their smile feel genuine.  i used this pic as my wallpaper on pc, chat.  

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IF that LJG "soon" post is about SBS releasing the deleted ending where SoSoo meet in the future, there'd better be a kissing scene that puts the forced kiss to shame. Or we riot :angry:

Edit: sorry I just read from the main forum that they'll be showing an "encore" of the last two episodes???? Whatever the heck that means :huh: 

The "soon" post may not be related to SBS at all then..??

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18 minutes ago, eunki said:

@meahri_1 interesting article! thank you)

But you better not to post photo- I feel sorry looking at his face :D wish he never come to our thread hehe


:D I want to say same thing about that, in my mind oh gosh...voldemort pic came to this thread... But @meahri_1 thank you for the article, it make me ease when i read this part \^0^/

When netizens asked how IU is doing, JKH said she is doing well, and when asked to talk to her on the phone, he politely declined.

After just two questions about IU, he said, “I think it’s out of your system now. I won’t be talking about dating any more.”

Why you stop to answer?! Because he didn't know the answer, look at his face... :phew:


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Throwback to this ADORABLE bts. I just noticed that during the Hello joke, when LJG finally said Hello as LJE requested, he giggled right after she laughed as if he can't believe he did what she said and suddenly got shy about it :wub:




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3 hours ago, kilovekyo said:


:D I want to say same thing about that, in my mind oh gosh...voldemort pic came to this thread... But @meahri_1 thank you for the article, it make me ease when i read this part \^0^/

When netizens asked how IU is doing, JKH said she is doing well, and when asked to talk to her on the phone, he politely declined.

After just two questions about IU, he said, “I think it’s out of your system now. I won’t be talking about dating any more.”

Why you stop to answer?! Because he didn't know the answer, look at his face... :phew:


@kilovekyo LOL. That's why I shared it Chingu. I thought it would give you all some hope and confidence that the affection we're seeing between our OTP is real and tangible. No offense whatsoever to JKH. Sometimes our destined soulmate isn't the first one we meet and fall in love with. Often times, our real life OTP (one true partner) arrives when we least expect it.


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8 hours ago, chi13lou said:

Similarities between Nicky Wu and Lee Joongi

1.       Nicky is older than Cecilia by 13 years while Joongi is older than Jieun by 11 years.

@chi13lou Thank you for compiling the similarities between the BBJX couple and JoonU! Very compelling read indeed, and I hope to see more similarities between the two couples going forward... particularly in terms of happy announcements :) 

Can I just correct one thing from your list:

Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi has close to a 17 year gap, not 13, with Nicky born on 31 Oct 1970, and Shi Shi on 10 Mar 1987. Their considerable age gap was one of the various gripes their respective fandoms had against them when their relationship was first announced. Shi Shi's fandom thought Nicky was too old and "used goods" because he had been divorced before (*roll eyes*), while Nicky's fans were worried that Shi Shi was too young, and would be too flighty and immature to meet Nicky's needs for a partner after being so badly burnt by his first wife. As it turns out, they have proven all the naysayers wrong, and are happily married 2.5 years after they announced their relationship.

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thanks for the essay and a very detail explanation about the ending chingu... :)

i just want to add a little bit more about So character now that i already seen ep 20 almost 5 times and i cry every single time.....

1. So is much more extreme in term of loving Su then 4th way of loving RX.. So is broken and alone more than 4th character in the drama.. in my opinion the writer scratch 4th and make a new character.. so when So loves Su there is no going back and there is no room for other people also Su hold his heart from the beginning.. this love story is much more deep from BBJX cause they been through a lot together compared to RX and 4th who separately suffer...

i actually just realize that So will do anything that Su want since the beginning and even after he became a king...



1.when he said that he will get Su consent to be a king.. without her consent he will never want to sit on throne..

2.when Su want to keep CR even he know CR is a traitor but because she want that he allowed it even he know it will be a trouble later on.,

3. Su allowing Jung to see queen Yoo.. the king decree is anyone allowing Jung to enter palace the punishment will be death and even YH can't do anything but Su get a free pass cause i think her status is above king.. So will never harm Su no matter what she do anyway..

4. Su don't allowed him to take WW life so he came with another punishment BUT So did follow what Su want..

5. Su leaving palace.. at first i don't get why So said Su abandon him but after thinking i think i get that now.. if Su want she totally can make So forgive her and be like before cause the one that have power on So is her.. but she choose to leave rather stay..

6. Su wish to let their daughter grow up outside palace... its hurt like hell for So to just walk away without looking back to his daughter but its what Su want so he respect that..

7. Su thinking that everybody is equal.. he release the slave on what Su thinking.. even after she long gone he still do what she want.. he still thinking about what she want him to do..



if Su is a bad person like YH she can easily control the throne but what she do is all behalf of person that she love and care.. So know this and that why he love her because to her power is meaningless...

2. So effort to find her even in another world..  somebody point out that why else the painting inside KG exhibition is full of Su picture rather than him? because he wish that Su will see her life in Goryeo even in another world that is 1000 years later... most of the painting involving Su and not KG because that is the memory that So wanted to pass on... the memory of the woman that he loves even after he dies.. no picture of his queen or children at all because to So the only thing that he want to remain to let the world see is the woman that he ever and always love.. 

3. So is much worse than 4th in a way coping with their love one death.. notice that So face is have no feeling at all even with JM or BA after Su death and these two is really close and BA even his person too but he have none.. not even an ounce of feel when he talk about his child or anything else.. for me seeing how he will live for 26 years like that is really tragic life to live.. i think the only one that can give So a little happiness is his daughter with Su.. but nobody can replace Su....

i really want to ask your opinion about one thing... So extreme love and possessive toward Su is really obvious and imagine if he know that Su is pregnant but if she continue on she will die... do you think So will allowed her to give birth knowing she will die? because the more i watch this drama the more i think he can sacrifice a whole lot of people to keep her safe and alive...


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4 minutes ago, liddi said:

@chi13lou Thank you for compiling the similarities between the BBJX couple and JoonU! Very compelling read indeed, and I hope to see more similarities between the two couples going forward... particularly in terms of happy announcements :) 

Can I just correct one thing from your list:

Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi has close to a 17 year gap, not 13, with Nicky born on 31 Oct 1970, while Shi Shi 10 Mar 1987. Their considerable age gap was one of the various gripes their respective fandoms had against them when their relationship was first announced. Shi Shi's fandom thought Nicky was too old and "used goods" because he had been divorced before (*roll eyes*), while Nicky's fans were worried that Shi Shi was too young, and would be too flighty and immature to meet Nicky's needs for a partner after being so badly burnt by his first wife. As it turns out, they have proven all the naysayers wrong, and are happily married 2.5 years after they announced their relationship.

Thanks for the correction and the additional information. I am sure that if the BBJX curse does happen, the second part of your post will also happen. But if it does, keeping my fingers and toes crossed that love will prevail!

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31 minutes ago, liddi said:

Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi has close to a 17 year gap, not 13, with Nicky born on 31 Oct 1970, while Shi Shi 10 Mar 1987. Their considerable age gap was one of the various gripes their respective fandoms had against them when their relationship was first announced. Shi Shi's fandom thought Nicky was too old and "used goods" because he had been divorced before (*roll eyes*), while Nicky's fans were worried that Shi Shi was too young, and would be too flighty and immature to meet Nicky's needs for a partner after being so badly burnt by his first wife. As it turns out, they have proven all the naysayers wrong, and are happily married 2.5 years after they announced their relationship.

Yes, I can attest to Nicky's vintage since he was part of the first wave of Taiwanese idols back in the late 80's and 90's that I was in love with. He was one of the Little Four Heavenly Kings, the other three being Alec Su, Takeshi Kaneshiro, and my personal favourite, Jimmy Lin. (Side note: they were the "Little" heavenly kings because Hong Kong had the original Heavenly Kings: Aaron Kwok, Leon Lai, Andy Lau, and Jacky Cheung) I used to ship Nicky and Charlie Yeung together because of their movie The Lovers. That movie was my Dirty Dancing, my Pretty in Pink, my Sixteen Candles, my Breakfast Club, my everything.

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2 hours ago, qwenli said:

Oh yes I so love the pegasus scene too. Her caption was So and Soo *smile*, I think that was when ep 17 was derailed by baseball, maybe she posted it to cheer fans up, but she could really have justed posted her own Hae Soo pix. But hmm, a happy couple pix....hmmm. :D:D:D

After reading Meahri's article, my suspicion is that LJE and Voldemort could have drifted apart. Certainly they really didnt meet up that much during her half a year filming. She just dont have the time.... Also he could have just answered, we are doing great, we are fine but he didnt want to talk about it.....hmmm:D


I was looking at LJG pix on IG then something hit me, erm, its not earth shattering but I realised, not only were LJG and LJE both wearing black (actually her stockings were blue and she was wearing a skirt), they had matching shoes....like kindof.... his was black with red, hers was black with pink heels. They are so in sync with each other, or maybe their stylist were in sync....hmm but it looks like their own casual clothes because they were going for a gathering.  But looking at their clothes, I am like wow, do they like the same things or have telepathy or what :D, even the white t-shirt as a base. I dont usually ship couple clothings, but if you coincidentally wear similar things to the same event, I think it says alot.





ok got to go back to my real life stuff. thats all for me now. :)

Either their stylists are JoonU shippers and coordinate what they will let their talents wear or they know something that we don't know yet!LOL


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