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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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Tqvm to @soereey , @marimari00 and @jenny kim for great insight which somehow will apease some of our raging hearts. It is no doubt stir some feelings in our heart after watching the bts. It will be ugly if we immediately react upon it. As some of shippers did. But after thinking and rational comes in, you will see that it is part of the job.

I agree with the idea for promotional purposes. His been doing that since the beginning. As you can see in the rating of kdrama talk of the week ,LL does not really be on top for content much less the actors and actresses. Out of 6 weeks aired only JG managed to be on the list about 3 weeks. For last week he is no 8 and SYJ no 9 and the drama with only 7+point talk on. A vast different from WWWSecretary Kim with 20+point and it just on its 2nd week airing. Eventhough the rating is great but it needs to be the talk of the town to decide its quality. MLSHR may suffer the rating (due to a lot of outside issues) but it was being talked all over the world until now. 

I'm a stubborn shipper will be here until the end. Sink or swim doesn't matter. I love both of them. More for JE as through her I met JG. Wishing them all the best in whatever they are doing together or individually.

Can we have chi for our daily chant. 



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Thank you to everyone who has put in their thoughts here. Just want to add a little bit in the spoiler. 


 <<.....apparently it was an apology for kicking him.>>


Called me old fashioned but this was the part that hurt me the most. Kicking JG. I know some would say it is just being playful and yes in due time i can accept it. After watching other bts seeing how playful she can be, yes, i can accept it. But one should also be in a serious mode knowing that jujitsu, a martial art, as any other martial arts, promotes other positive life values too. I almost had tears in my eyes when remembering a MLSHR’s bts. JG said to JE, No i can’t do that to a woman. The scene where JG was supposed to hit JE’s head. I am not sure if that hitting part was in the actual drama scene. 

From all these, i made myself to understand why JG uploaded that bts. The kicking, the apologizing. Promoting LL. He too needs to have the actual bts vid lest fans will mash up vids, cut here and there etc. 

Just my thoughts....:)


Wishing everyone happiness. 

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1 hour ago, paulina79 said:

 MLSHR may suffer the rating (due to a lot of outside issues) but it was being talked all over the world until now. 


Yes chingu, Sometimes i am amazed at MLSHR. One can still find fans (and new ones too) who are still promoting this drama in IG. Though local ratings do not help much but it proved to be one of JG’s best loved drama worldwide. 

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I am not a hajunse or uaena. I am simply a JoonU shipper and I say what my stance is. To me, JE is JG's only queen. 


Whatever I post on my IG about JoonU is meant to be my own feelings about JoonU, since I do not put any other stars down, I will continue to post about JoonU.


Chingus, please continue to have faith in JoonU and do not give up on this ship. 

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 thanks chingus for the opinion of each one, sorry really was a silly and childish jealousy. In the background, I wish the best for JG and Jieun. I wish everyone would continue to support each other when a chingu is drowning (as it happened now). We will not stop posting at least when the time comes, post something for our ship to continue sailing to its destination. I've heard some comment that JG sometimes reads soompi, if he really reads what we posted, right? Thanks again everyone. I will be firm and I will continue to send my only couple.

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Hello, I have always read this thread and I never dared to write before because I am not good at english but after reading that some of you guys also share some of my feelings I decided to do it, I am sad and not only for the videos of oppa with her co-star but for everything he said in KaKao Chat Live, the fact that he said he sends heart emoticons for text messages to SYJ and the excessive number of times he praises the beauty of that actress hurt me but above all what I felt like a dagger in my heart was when he said that "There's no actress who looks good with bobbed-hair like her" ... And what about the queen? or he does not consider her an actress? I am sorry if I bother you guys with what I am saying but it's that I needed to vent.

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3 hours ago, kathyrw said:

everything he said in KaKao Chat Live, the fact that he said he sends heart emoticons for text messages to SYJ and the excessive number of times he praises the beauty of that actress hurt me but above all what I felt like a dagger in my heart was when he said that "There's no actress who looks good with bobbed-hair like her" ... And what about the queen? or he does not consider her an actress? I am sorry if I bother you guys with what I am saying but it's that I needed to vent.

Dear @kathyrw this is the life of shippers. Welcome on board. We are sailing in an unchatered territory. We don't know what kind of relationship they have because none of them make any confirmation. In thruth both of them are single. They interact with one another but how close their relationship is only they know.

On kakao chat live what ever was said it was in line of promoting the drama. He was answering questions posed by his fans. They asked about SYJ, about her new hair , how close they are as costars etc. He had to answer as what he thought they wanted to hear. He could not bring JE's name. Some of his fans hated JE. Of all the answers he gave some were just pure lip service. Remember during MLSHR presscon. He praised JE "beautiful flower" that is pure lip service. But when he described her talent and her work ethic during MLSHR that was really a praise. 

When I read your post most of JG'd praise were on her beauty. Less on her talent as an actress. If it were me I'd be dissapointed. Beauty is only skin deep but talent is what actors strive on. He describe JE of her acting ability  which could outshine some known actresses. He describe in detail of her prowes and you can feel in his voice the pride and the admiration (awe) for her. He knew that his fans were against her but that did not stop him to get close to her. 

We choose to be in this ship knowing that the chances of sinking is greater than sailing. But we keep on because we believe in fate and the power of love.


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@kathyrw I know you feel must feel sad, but we need to understand JG was definitely in heavy promo mode during Kakao chat.



Complimenting his costars is nothing new under the sun. He compliments men at times too. He treats people equally, man and woman, cast and crew. If he admires something in someone, he will say it. From what I gathered in several interviews, I get the impression SYJ makes JG feel short at times. He has somewhat of a complex about his height. He really admires anyone, man or woman, who are tall like models LOL.


It’s only JG’s opinion that SYJ looks far better with short hair than in long hair. It doesn’t mean he likes her more than JE. Men usually have a solid preference when it comes to hair on women. In general, not all... men typically like longer hair on the women they love but they let them do whatever they want with their hair anyway. They only find a few who they think look better with short hair.

People don’t always like the cloths or hairstyles their significant other have, but it doesn’t make them love them any less. Btw I’m not saying JG dislikes JE’s short hair in any way ^^.


He uses heart emojis a lot on his IG, to fans and some friends at times too. Heart emojis aren’t always used towards lovers. It can be used for platonic love, liking someone’s accomplishments, pictures and talents... just to name a few.


Look at Milla. He calls her beautiful, gorgeous, the best and among other compliments on his IG with some sweet emojis; she does the same thing with him and we all know she’s a married woman. They are expressing their admiration and friendship for each other in their own way. SYJ kind of reminds me of Milla somewhat; she’s very playful and bubbly.


Both JG and SYJ are almost like a couple of mischievous kids on set at times and that is the main difference between SYJ and JG’s other costars. The others were mostly reserved, JE included. Very understandable on her part. JE was in a public relationship and she is constantly targeted by antis. She had to be cautious.But it seemed JG slowly helped her break out of her shell.


Even if JG compliments or looks comfortable with other costars, there is something different about JE. Their is genuine affection in his eyes when it comes to her, a tenderness I haven’t seen with anyone else. Whether it’s love, friendship, admiration or something else... I truly believe she holds a special place in his heart.


As a word of advice, if you really can’t help but find yourself easily upset or jealous, it’s best you stay away from BTS and drama promotions in the future. You will feel much better this way ^^.



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If oppa and JE are now together and that is why in these last 2 months they have shown their mutual affection I think that after the drama ends they will announce their love relationship but if they do not do it then I think they are just friends and with a lot of sadness I will have to accept it.

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Friends or lover it doesn't matter for me (and i believe most of us). 

But we will be happier if they have that relationship

Just enjoy the ride and feel the up and down of the delulus

This ship created by assumption,  but based on evidence. Maybe yes,  maybe not. Just enjoy it as a part of our daily life. 


My last ship was sink

At first i was upset,  but hey!!  Who am i? They are human and they have their right to choose what good for them. We only know what we see,  we hear and we feel. We don't know exactly their real life. 

So,  don't be burdened by shippering.... Just enjoy it

Sorry if my words are unacceptable


We have been experiencing april storm,  piracy,  and being hate by some antis. 

Just eat the biscuit and lick your ice cream. 

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@summer2017 I am sorry if my last post offends you in any ways. I sincerely mean no harm to anyone onboard this ship. It's just that I am always on the more "safety-first" side in this matter. I respect your stance and I never asked you and everyone else to stop posting JoonU related stuffs on IG for indefinite time. I merely ask you to refrain doing so until LL finishes it's run. However, I appreciate that you never tag #lawlesslawyer in any of your JoonU posts. I hope everyone else do the same, let's keep LL & JoonU as separate issues.
I want add another point to @jenny kim's post, regarding JG's praising SYJ's look with her new hairstyle. Apparently, this is the first time SYJ cut her very long hair short in more than 15years (correct me if I am wrong). She might be image conscious and feels nervous of viewers' reaction to her new image, while she has to portray a strong-willed confident woman in the drama. Being a good co-star that he always is, what he said during the Kakao chat is very understandable.
@kathyrw it is not that simple for South Korean celebrities to announce their relationship. I know how ridiculous it sounds that celebs being caught dating is considered as a scandal (that might also be a career threatening one), yet that is the sad reality in South Korea. And things are more complicated in the case of JG & JE.

I hate to mention this, but JG's previous dating scandal from it's revelation leading to breaking up was very nasty. The crazy fans war on social medias was really embarrassing. And somehow towards the end of their supposed relationship, the official ex gf tried to drag JE's name into that mess (some Uaenas got really angry that JE was even mentioned in this mess), perhaps she considered it as a parting gift to JG. So, if somewhere down the road JG and JE decide to date and eventually make it public, the ex can always put herself as the victim of this love debacle.


In addition to that will be the fans. As @paulina79 has mentioned, some of JG fans don't like JE, likewise some of JE's fans don't like JG. You all can see the lukewarm reaction from both sides when JG & JE sent each other foodtrucks. Happiest spectators are of course the shippers. Neutral fans kept their reaction at minimum. The better anti-shippers reacted like the foodtrucks never happened, the worse ones sent hurtful comments that one was trying to ride on the other's popularity. Sad, isn't it?
So, let's not put extra pressure on them. Let them take all the time they need if they really want to bring their relationship to the next level. Let's learn to be content with whatever crumbs they're willing to share with us. If they're meant to be, they are meant to be.
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@soereey it's ok I can understand how you feel. It's just that for us shippers posting on IG is the only way to show our support silently, because the shippers I know are very rational shippers. We just go about posting JoonU stuffs but never in our posts bash his Co Stars. Those shippers that are extreme are... Well not really shippers and we have in a way spoken nicely to them. But we can't control them too. But I want to reassure u that most shippers are very peace loving and they truly care and like both jg and je. 


I know the trucks thing was kinda lukewarm response but oh well as long as both of them are happy I think that's more important. 


I have 2 ships, I don't deny but JoonU ship will always hold a special place in my heart. 

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On 6/21/2018 at 6:28 AM, paulina79 said:

I think Steven Adam's first word to describe JE is she's hot...:D . Hard to believe that he is the same age as JE.  


I agree, I think after the praises of Steven Adams praising JE, today JG posts thanking international fans (thus: I am still here I am the king, do not touch my queen, international fans defend me) hahahaha my delulu

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5 hours ago, e1b2j3 said:

I agree, I think after the praises of Steven Adams praising JE, today JG posts thanking international fans (thus: I am still here I am the king, do not touch my queen, international fans defend me) hahahaha my delulu

Is he thanking Steven for being an international fan? My delulu too.

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