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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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I have to admit, my heart contracted a little painfully when I saw Joon Gi following PMY. But then again, I've actually been checking for about a week now to see if he'd follow her, because I was really expecting him to. He follows his co-workers, co-agency artists, and some singers that he likes. 

I remembered, on February 6, Joon Gi and PMY actually attended one event. It was the movie premier of Ji Chang Wook's newest action film. Just one month ago, they came to a similar place and yet there were no recorded interactions from them. If anything else, that was more of a PMY x JCW crumb. 

So don't worry, guys. :) Keep flourishing and be happy! 

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45 minutes ago, krysyuy said:

JG following PMY on Instagram is nothing to worry over or freak out about. Like @chi13lou already mentioned, it's inevitable that both JG and JE will work with and become friends with other people. And JG is such a friendly person, I honestly would've been more surprised if he didn't end up following PMY, lol. He probably only held back this whole time so as not to give away that she was his "candy" on the show, though most of us following his activities had already guessed it from when PMY was spotted in Italy too, lol.

For JG in particular, this is also a case of reconnecting with a former co-worker. From the show, it seems like they haven't had any real meaningful contact since their modeling gig ten years ago. Then PMY mentioned they came across each other again briefly around two years ago (the 2014 KBS drama awards), but that's it. lol They obviously haven't kept in touch, so I could see why he'd only just follow her now.

In any case, I'm still heartened by the fact that JG and JE are obviously not over Moon Lovers. I was already just happy with JE posting her Moon Lovers fanmail two weeks ago (bonus w/ JG liking that IG post!). Then the hairpin in her MV happened, lol.

Concerning the hairpin discussion, even if the director didn't know and it was just a ~coincidence~, then it seems like fate. haha I'm honestly a little bit suspicious of the director anyway because the hairpin is situated in such a way that it's right next to the stamp JE picks up. It's one thing for the art director to pick out a hairpin, it's an entirely other thing when said hairpin is also in focus in the shot - I mean, it wasn't placed in the background with the other trinkets that ended up out of focus, nor was it placed in a spot where JE's hand would cover it when she picked up the stamp. Though maybe he truly didn't know - in any case, as many of you already pointed out, JE obviously would've recognized it regardless. :heart:

P.S. Long time no see, for anyone who remembers me LOL. Life happened so I haven't had time to check out the forum for a while, but recently, I have been able to lurk here and there. JoonU still totally has my heart, so I'm happy to see there are still shippers posting here - my only JoonU safe haven lol. :D 

Thats why i think ...he likes to follow hes  colleagues like his  co star in scarlet and two weeks ,and  you are right chingu we will be more suprised if he didint follow pmy, 

so lets focus on our ship im still not get over about the mv of JE its all about moonlovers still she cant get over with this drama

hope that JG will notice that this song is for him hahahahah hoping ❤️❤️❤️

Still fighting my Joonu couple fightiing❤️❤️❤️

Edited by joongijieun16178293
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Aigoo... the reactions... some have even taken it too far by writing the comments on JG's IG lol I hope it's none of of us here. so now oppa cannot have a female colleague/ friend? lol... that's just unfair, isn't it? He has this 'habit' of following the ones in the same in project, with PMY it's already the 2nd time they are in the same project, so it's kinda expected and predictable. Just be a bit 'worried' later if she follows him back because at the moment she's following none *oops*.

In case anyone forgets, we started off with Ji Eun being still in a relationship, moreover, with the one she fell in love at the 1st sight with. Yet we've come a long way together with the faith in BBJX Miracle for JoonU's happiness since then! are we really trying to make this ship forever a one-sided responsibility (i.e. JG's side) only? If the feelings are mutual, I'm very much sure that JoonU will be real somehow, sooner or later, and both will work on it. This doesn't mean that they both have to go into a quarantine room by not seeing or interacting with colleagues of the opposite sex, for certain.

Anyway, let's keep calm and love JoonU without creating another 'drama'- we have had enough with Ji Eun's fans and the MV brouhaha lol...:wub:




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Same here, I think there would be more issues if JG didn't actually follow PMY on IG...it may appear as though he wasn't sincere or genuine with his interactions with her and netizens may have more mean things to say if that happens. For PMY it looks like she doesn't follow anyone on IG so it would appear more "normal" on her end if she didn't follow JG back. 


In any case there are many things to look forward to in the next few days and weeks with plenty of activities lined up for JoonU. Let's get our crumbs and hopes up from there. :)  And also just to share, MLSHR will premiere on national TV in our country tonight! More people will discover how great the drama and actors are and hopefully chant with us for the BBJX miracle to come true lol :D

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Thank you chingus, you have represented my thoughts about Joon Gi recently following pmy. It's so hard to write down with good words as you all have written :wub:  keep believe and chant BBJX miracles please come true!! 

Also i want to remind please keep vote Joon Gi and Ji Eun for Drama Fever Awards. 

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hey, oppa has many friends. thats good!

mmm...he only can do 1 thing at a time right?  *mostly man are like that ok ok arasso

but oppa-ya, u can rehearse, shooting film and flirting at the same time pftttttt! *i mean in his last drama 

errrr...why PMY crying? :huh: 

i cant brain...TT

ops mian. top of the page again.


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8 minutes ago, nurlayla said:

why PMY crying?

@nurlayla I think she got a bit touched by their interaction. If you're following their earlier episodes, PMY rarely joins a variety show just like Joon Gi and she also admits that people often think of her as arrogant and such. During their phone calls, they shared such worries and experiences while cheering each other up. I know that most will think of MEC as a 'lovey dovey' matchmaking kinda variety show- well, one of the main ideas is actually to 'present' the personal sides of the participants (in Season 2 both the participating stars and their Candies) through their conversations with strangers to the public/ audience. Some stars like Jang Keun Suk in Season 1 has suffered from public shaming and public labeling, that's why he joined MEC in order to show his other sides that the public might have not known while hoping that people would understand him better afterwards. I think this time it goes the same to Joon Gi (and also PMY) because in the 1st episode of JG, he mentioned about people's misconception about his image as well.

I put a link to an English subbed preview clip for next episode so you'll get a better impression under the spoiler below:




Anyway... as a Joon Gi fan, why do I favour Ji Eun much more than his other co-stars? In addition to their overflowing chemistry and personal compatibility, I really like it when she could confidently talk about him, like that one time during the SAF red carpet interview when she was asked whether she was surprised to be 'dragged around' by JG to greet the fans and she firmly answered 'no. i'm used to it already', then during the Taiwan FM when she mentioned about how touched she was by his words and encouragement in front of JG's fans without hesitation. Also when she said things like: oppa always says like this. oppa always smiles like this. That's good enough for me to keep my faith that one day- if not already- the mutual feelings will just come naturally and if fate is on their side, they will be an item for real without having to be forced.

May our BBJX miracle come true (soon enough at its right time)!



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Don't worry about LJG follow PMY, I still believe JG love JE/IU because I confused about LJG talk about this to fans JE/IU at 4:41:

"In future, everyone will still love IU right?" after fans said "Yes!" he said "Thank you.", why he ask that? It looks like JE/IU will be JG's mine:delulu mode on:

And why I feel JE/IU will come to JG fansmeeting encore Korea because this video at 13:39:

JG said "JE/IU sing A Good Day have to be for next time." and JE/IU said "I will sing it next time."

And look at this moment they both looks sparks together:


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thanks NoonaE :)

i did think she got a bit touched too.

but for me...*maybe doesnt apply to others

im not going to cry after talking over the phone with not-really-stranger for just a few times :tongue: *uh steel heart

but yeah...they are celebrity. they have a lot of concerns. 

i watched their Candy slot but a bit here and there. uh i need to concentrate TT


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Aaaah, the shipper life is indeed very hard. It's a roller coaster ride of many emotions - one day were on top of the world with overflowing crumbs we don't know what to do with, at the next turn were in chaos from whatever flip, curve, dive it decides to throw at us. Ill be cruising along on my floatie for smooth sailing. Gonna do my part and do some chanting for now:

BBJX wish come true! BBJX wish come true! BBJX wish come true! JoonJi is love love love.

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I just want to add my fellow shipper .. Remember what JG said in the past episode of MEC ... He did mentioned that someone makes his heart flutter recently two mos and until today , so on my analysis if MEC was shoot in February well thats make sense it happened around November , .... Im just calculating and i think that someone he is reffering to is someone that we know ❤️❤️❤️So im gonna stick to this 

i know heaven is on our side fate and destiny will conquer our JoonU ❤️❤️❤️


P.s and remember all the coincidences that  happened in italy  the place italy where JE shoot her mv the bunny ,and jG guessing his candy is an idol why? Maybe on his mind he was thinking his candy is an idol which describe JE .... Hehehhehe so imaybe its just coincidence after all ,

but im gonna stick again that he cannot denied he said that someone makes his heart flutter ...❤️❤️❤️

Edited by joongijieun16178293
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5 minutes ago, joongijieun16178293 said:

I just want to add my fellow shipper .. Remember what JG said in the past episode of MEC ... He did mentioned that someone makes his heart flutter recently two mos and maybe until today , so on my analysis if MEC was shoot in February well thats make sense it happened around November , .... Im just calculating and i think that someone he is reffering to is someone that we know ❤️❤️❤️So im gonna stick to this 

i know heaven is on our side fate and destiny will conquer our JoonU ❤️❤️❤️


For the part that I highlighted above, please CMIIW. Did he actually mention that or was he asking the candy if there was someone that made her heart fluttered in the past 2 months? Based on the translation, he didnt refer to himself.

Meanwhile, BBJX blessings / miracles please do come true \^o^/

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